iPad game sales-see the new iOS combined thread

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[quote name='caltab']soosiz HD is on sale from 4.99 to 2.99, if you dont have the original version and like platformers, this is an absolute must buy.

also, mini touch golf, a universal app, is free atm.[/QUOTE]

Nice, thanks! I've had my eye on Soosiz and read some good impressions of the game. Sounds like a good buy for $3 bucks.
[quote name='Cmosfm']Don't even bother with Mini Touch Golf. It's the equivalent of a bad flash game.[/QUOTE]

That is too funny.
I just came here to post the exact same thing.
I went through the first 3 holes and was shocked how basic it was.
They were charging $5 for this thing?
You took the words from my mouth, a really bad, basic flash game.
You can't even zoom in properly.
I might double-dip on Soosiz for that price. I have it on iPhone and it's a really well-done platformer, very Super Mario Galaxy-esque in its gravity and planet effects.
[quote name='lunker']I might double-dip on Soosiz for that price. I have it on iPhone and it's a really well-done platformer, very Super Mario Galaxy-esque in its gravity and planet effects.[/QUOTE]

just to make it clear, it is the exact same game with no additional content. It does control really well on the ipad though. I have both versions and prefer the ipad one. If you are a fan though, I'd say it is worth .99 more.
whats the general consensus guys, are you enjoying your iPads? My wife ordered me one for my birthday and it is coming next week so I'm still trying to figure out if I want to keep it or not. I have an iPhone and i'm starting to think that since I have an iPhone maybe I wouldn't really appreciate this thing.
iPad is great, basically a big iPod touch, but that is not a bad thing. Streaming video works great. Books and ESP comic books work great. Gaming is pretty good. All in all a really good device.
[quote name='Maynard']whats the general consensus guys, are you enjoying your iPads? My wife ordered me one for my birthday and it is coming next week so I'm still trying to figure out if I want to keep it or not. I have an iPhone and i'm starting to think that since I have an iPhone maybe I wouldn't really appreciate this thing.[/QUOTE]

I have an iPhone and I'm really digging the iPad. Got it as a gift as well, and this has become my coffee-table browsing and gaming device that my wife and I use all of the time. Haven't done too much gaming outside of Words with Friends, which is killer, but as an all-purpose Internet and media box it's really fun.
Thanks for posting this thread, as someone who has the iPhone and am waiting on my iPad to be delivered, I am able to stock up on apps now.

So far its Chain Link HD, Dungeon Hunter HD, Minigore HD, Soosiz HD, and the Toy Story Read-Along.

Being able to keep up on the good titles now while there are sales ongoing is a great boon!
Well I got my 64gb iPad today and I have to say it is phenomenal! Rather than having to lug out the 17in Macbook Pro I can sit on the coach with this thing and browse my sites. Air Video is amazing and can stream your entire computer, Netflix is amazing, ABC app is amazing. Overall I have to say I'm really impressed.

Is there a list of APP's that work with both so I dont end up rebuying some of these app's I've paid for? Also if I download the MGS Touch iPad edition and I bought it a LONG time ago for iPhone I shouldn't be charged correct?

There is a little + by the app if it has been updated for the iPad. You will not be charged again.
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Just posting to say that Space Invaders Infinity Gene looks and plays beautifully on the iPad, and is a fantastic game. There's a free demo version that's well worth trying. With this control scheme, the iPad has the potential to be a SHMUP paradise.
Comic Reader Mobi has been Banned for 1 year!?!?!?! NOOOOOO! I went to buy it today for 9.99

Here is the story from the forums:

Comic Reader Mobi banned for 1 year
What happened:
At the beginning of the year, I was contacted by Apple to remove USB support from my app. Despite my efforts, I was never given any real reason as to why I needed to do this (I was told it was not allowed), nor did they ever offer any good alternatives (just use wifi).
This was a tough decision, because I knew a lot of you simply did not have wireless networks at home. Without USB support, you would be completely unable to use the app anymore once you finished the comics on there. Not to mention there were more than a few who bought the app purely because it had usb support, and to take it away would amount to severely crippling the product.

But there was a silver lining. Apple had just announced the iPad, and with it, they would FINALLY have the ability to transfer files through iTunes. Once that was implemented, there would no longer be any need for ComicSync.

So, I decided to try to stall the USB removal for as long as I could. As a temporary messure, I modified the website so that when Apple visited they got a wifi version of ComicSync instead of the usb version.

I was hoping to make it to the first iPhone release with file sharing. This is why the iPad doesn't support ComicSync at all, and also why people who tried the 4.0 OS noticed that ComicSync didn't function there.

Unfortunetely, I didn't make it, and as you can imagine, Apple was none to pleased about my deception.
My developer's license has been terminated, and it will be at least a year before I can reapply.

For my iPad customers, I am truly sorry for how this turned out. Since I am no longer allowed to submit updates or support the product, I feel like I've really let you down here Its extremely unfair that you may be stuck with the initial release because of this.

What happens now:
Ok, well the first thing every needs to do is go to their ipa directory and back up the "comics 2.2.1.ipa" file.
On the PC it will be here: My Documents\My Music\iTunes\iTunes Music\Mobile Applications
On the Mac, your iPhone applications are stored in your iTunes folder. There's a subfolder called Mobile Applications, which sits along side the iTunes Music folder, the Album Artwork folder, and so forth.

Copy this file to a safe location. If things don't get resolved with Apple, and you accidentally delete this, it is unlikely you will ever be able to get it back.

I'm still hoping I can get this all resolved with Apple, and I've even talked to the editor at Gizmodo, and he's agreed to help me out with this. Obviously it would be great if I could get reinstated in the store, but if nothing else I would really like to get you guys the latest 2.2.2 update. It fixes almost all of the issues that have been popping up, so it would be really good to leave you with a stable version.

If things don't work out with Apple, I've looked into making a "cracked" copy of 2.2.2 for everyone. The iPad has not yet been jailbroken, but once it is, than I will be sure to get you that update one way or another. Definetely hold onto your ipa files, as they're the only way I'll be able to verify your purchase.

The Future of Comic Reader Mobi:
As for the iphone/iPad... I do not yet know. Certainly if they take me back, than I will immediately get back to working on the networking support, and all the other cool features you guys have requested
If Apple doesn't let me back in, than I will certainly explore other options, but its unlikely much will happen for a little while.

For now, I will focus on the Windows mobile and Blackberry versions. I'd really like to get them in their respective stores.
Once I've established those new revenue streams, one of my dreams has been to modify to my online silverlight demo, so that it can be used on websites. So, if we're lucky, one day instead of reading manga or comics through the crappy HTML interface everyone has now, they'll all use the Comic Reader Mobi plugin, which will allow you to read your comics just as if you were using an offline viewer
[quote name='gkrykewy']Try CloudReaders for comics. It's free and solid.[/QUOTE]

Does CloudReaders support CBR and CBZ files?

EDIT: nevermind... looked it up and see that it does. I'll give it a shot. Hey, it's free!
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Cocoto Kart is not worth the 99 cents, another kart racer with motion controls that simply do not work.

As for Comic Book Reader Mobi, this is Apple horseshit plain and simple and exactly the kind of action that is going to get them in big trouble for anti-trust activity.

I bought ComicBook Reader Mobi for $15 and for them to pull the app, kill any future support and possible cause it so I can't re-download the app, is not a good sign.

Lesson learned don't buy ipad apps. Apple tricked me a little with the ipad, but they truly are a far more evil company than Microsoft would ever dream of being.

I also read the article in the New Yorker about how Apple is working against Amazon and with the publishers to drive ebook prices up from $10 - $15.

Also, Flash support on the web is a big deal and don't let anyone trying to sell you an ipad tell you differently. I went to 10 websites over the weekend and less than half worked the way I wanted them to due to flash support issues.

What happens when Apple kills Air Video when the Hulu app rolls out or if they develop their own app for video sharing and shut everybody else out of that space.

This Mobi thing is a real eye-opener that I do not own any of the apps that I buy on the ipad and the functionality of my ipad may change at anytime.

Maybe I'll return the ipad.
[quote name='prayformojo']Cocoto Kart is not worth the 99 cents, another kart racer with motion controls that simply do not work.


gotta disagree with that, its certainly not spectacular, but the controls work fine for me. I switched them to touch to accelerate. The thing thats most annoying is shake to use power ups. you can also touch the power up, but its really awkward, I wouldnt be surprised if they modify it in an update. Again, I don't think this is a great game, but not bad for .99.
So wish I could browse and purchase iTunes store stuff on the web and not via iTunes. This would help while at work where I cant install iTunes.
Well, I have calmed down since my earlier rant (deals forum is not the place for that) anyway, it does bother me that Apple has total control over the app store, but at least I got Mobi while the getting was good. I'll check out CloudReader as well.

I also need to change the control set up and see if that helps, i do know that the digital pad option did not help.

Soosiz is really good and I recommend that one.

Really I have found most iphone games upscale good enough and I always keep my eye on the iphone/ipad sale thread.
[quote name='prayformojo']

Really I have found most iphone games upscale good enough and I always keep my eye on the iphone/ipad sale thread.[/QUOTE]

Some scale up better than others. Usually its the controls that kill an iphone game on the ipad more than the graphics. I find games with finger motions most acceptable and tilt controlled ones the least. For example, Above, bit pilot and Squareball play great on the ipad, while I really am not comfortable with tilt to live. Some don't even work, Transformers G1 just crashes at the start up screen.
I was disappointed to find that the Transformers game crashed. I mostly have stuck to puzzle games like Chromixa, Devil's Invasion, Crosslogic Ultimate and Plants v Zombies. All of these are great up-scaled.
[quote name='prayformojo']Just checked itunes and the Mobi app is back up there for $10[/QUOTE] This is the worst part, it is up, you can't BUY IT THOUGH. "This app is no longer available."
[quote name='caltab']Some scale up better than others. Usually its the controls that kill an iphone game on the ipad more than the graphics. I find games with finger motions most acceptable and tilt controlled ones the least. For example, Above, bit pilot and Squareball play great on the ipad, while I really am not comfortable with tilt to live. Some don't even work, Transformers G1 just crashes at the start up screen.[/QUOTE]

caltab, did you see the mock-up for Apple's inlet style iPad/iPhone/iPod Touch gamepad patent. Thing looks sweet.

It also smacks in the face of what Apple execs had said previously about not needing buttons :lol:

No tactile feel sucks, putting your hand over the screen sucks. I deal with it, but it isn't perfect.
[quote name='paddlefoot']caltab, did you see the mock-up for Apple's inlet style iPad/iPhone/iPod Touch gamepad patent. Thing looks sweet.

It also smacks in the face of what Apple execs had said previously about not needing buttons :lol:

No tactile feel sucks, putting your hand over the screen sucks. I deal with it, but it isn't perfect.[/QUOTE]

It depends on the game. If they try to emulate a full axis controller it doesn't always work. But, soosiz, for example, only uses left and right and it works great. Most my favorite games don't use a virtual pad, like plants vs zombies or any td game or avoidance games like bit pilot and chain link or emulators like touch grind. At first i missed the controller, but there are developers that use the touch screen in a way that is more fun and immersive than a stick.
[quote name='heavy liquid']Does CloudReaders support CBR and CBZ files?

EDIT: nevermind... looked it up and see that it does. I'll give it a shot. Hey, it's free![/QUOTE]

Yes, all formats, and both WiFi and USB transfers (via iTunes, in the latter case). It's great.
[quote name='gkrykewy']Yes, all formats, and both WiFi and USB transfers (via iTunes, in the latter case). It's great.[/QUOTE]

From what I read the USB transfers is what got Comic Reader Mobi in trouble in the first place so CloudReaders may also be going away soon to.
[quote name='prayformojo']USB transfer via itunes in ipad apps is fine, its the ipod touch usb synch that was the issue[/QUOTE]

That is good to know but does seem like a double standard since the iPad 3G version is almost just a giant iPhone.

With CloudReader, can you have you comics organized in different folders for each title like Batman, Spider-Man, etc?
[quote name='Owen']That is good to know but does seem like a double standard since the iPad 3G version is almost just a giant iPhone.

With CloudReader, can you have you comics organized in different folders for each title like Batman, Spider-Man, etc?[/QUOTE]

Questions in this thread: Yes, you can drag and drop via iTunes. No, I don't think you can organize into folders. WiFi works well; there are instructions in the app.

Just try it, people; it's kinda bare bones, but it's free.
N.O.V.A. HD is on sale from 9.99 to 6.99.

Official Sudoku (rating 4.00/5.00) is on sale from 2.99 to free.

Avatar HD came out for 9.99. No Sale.

Ludo Board Game (looks like the board game Sorry) is free.
[quote name='Fire_Thief']Touchgrind HD is simply awesome... The killer app for the iPad.[/QUOTE]

Touchgrind is a very good show off app for what the iPad can do, but it's really hard to learn. It took me forever to get 1.5 million, I don't think I'll ever get the last board.

Also papijump was released for free...its the original doodle jump. I think NOVA at 6.99 might be a permanent drop.
[quote name='gkrykewy']Lies! $0.99.[/QUOTE]
good thing they have the app tracker for my proof.

must have been a one day. sorry.
Getting the $1200 13 inch MacBook Pro. 16Gb iPad.

I get $100 off the Mac with my school discount...

No, get this. I don't have money like THAT but there is this credit card you can sign up for in the Apple store. It gives you 12 months to pay whatever you want off. You pay however much you want per month. It's 0 interest if you do it in that first year! So I did the math. I pay only $150 a month and I can have both of these beasts paid off in exactly a year! This also includes iWork and a case for the iPad! This is just awesome!!! I make a little over $800 a month so 150 is nothing... That and my $30 phone bill are all I will have to pay every month!!! I plan to buy a digital camera next week and then a PS3 in 3 weeks... Then in 5 weeks I will probably be going for this deal!!! Yes!!!
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