iPhone, iPad & iOS Discussion -- White iPhone on Sale 4/28

Dont know if its still free or not, but yesterday there was a game called Beyond Ynth up for free. I just got around to playing it today and its actually a ton of fun. Its kind of like a Puzzle/Platform cross. You play a little big who you want to get from the start to the end of the stage. To get from one side to the other you must do a mix of platforming and figuring out how to move various boxes the bug is in to line them up with other boxes that way you can scurry inside and use them too. As time goes on the game adds challenges like lava pits you need to avoid or dessert light that will kill you if your in it for more then a second or two which make the boxes all the more important.

Another game I came across for free yesterday(again not sure if its still free or not)was Sylish Dash. Its basically yet another Canabalt/Robot Unicorn style game but still one of the better in this genre iv played. It adds some nice features like power ups and the ability to temporarily fly that keep it interesting.
I'm definitely for such forums on CAG and posted my support.

We went on a day trip to NYC yesterday and I finally stopped into the "cube" Apple Store while we were there. I love the glass elevator and the cube entrance. Very cool. Also the store itself, while essentially the same as any other, is pretty massive. Way bigger then the local ones. Man was that crowd humungous. It was hard to move, even. I picked up a smart cover for my Mom, and the HDMI adapter for myself while there. I was going to get them locally (where tax would be lower), but figured not making another trip was effectively a cost savings. I'm glad you can pay one of the workers (with credit card) to checkout, as opposed to waiting in line.
aaaaaand iphone 5 rumors hit en masse.

Apple's next-generation iPhone will have a faster processor and will begin shipping in September, three people with direct knowledge of the company's supply chain said.

The production of the new iPhone will start in July/August and the smartphone will look largely similar to the iPhone 4, one of the people said on Wednesday.

The iPhone -- introduced in 2007 with the touchscreen, on-demand application template now adopted by its rivals -- remains the gold standard in the booming smartphone market.

Reports on the timeline of the new iPhone launch vary, though it is largely expected that Apple will likely refresh its iPhone 4 later this year.

The sources declined to be identified because the plans for the new iPhone were not yet public. An Apple spokeswoman in Hong Kong was not available for comment.

The iPhone is one of Apple's most successful products, with more than 16 million sold in the last quarter of 2010 and the product accounted for more than a third of the company's sales in the quarter.

The current iPhone 4 was launched by Apple Chief Executive Steve Jobs in June last year and began shipping the same month in 2010.

Apple sources many of its components from Taiwan-based suppliers, many of whom are expected to benefit from an uptick in sales as some of them rely on the U.S. company for about 20-40 percent of their business, said Vincent Chen, an analyst at Yuanta Securities.

"For some suppliers, Apple is their cash cow, or their bread and butter," Chen said.

"With all these versions being launched so frequently, it will be the so-called low-margin suppliers, such as those that assemble the phones, who will benefit the most."

Suppliers to the new iPhone include camera module maker Largan Precision Co Ltd, touchscreen panel maker Wintek Corp and case maker Foxconn Technology Co Ltd, two of the people said.

The companies would begin production either in July or August before shipping components to Hon Hai Precision Industry Co Ltd, flagship of Foxconn Technology Group, for assembly, they said.

Officials at Largan, Wintek and Foxconn declined to comment.

On Wednesday, Largan's Taipei-listed shares ended up 3.7 percent, Hon Hai rose 4.3 percent and Foxconn rose 6.6 percent, outpacing the benchmark TAIEX share index's 2 percent advance.

Apple, a big purchaser of touchscreen displays and flash memory, is also dependent on Japan for some of its key components, sparking concern that the disruption due to the crisis there may hurt its gross margins.

Apple is expected to report another spectacular quarter on Wednesday, tempered by growing caution over how supply constraints will squeeze margins and restrain iPhone and iPad sales.

Anyone having iPad app store issues currently?

I tried to download a couple free apps. Hitting install didn't bring up the password thing immediately. It show the app as "waiting" on the desktop and eventually the password box comes up, but it still just stays on "waiting."

I rebooted and that makes it go away (comes up with an "unable to purchase" box. Tried again and same thing happened so I just rebooted and will try again in a few hours I guess.
One thing I've noticed on my iPad 2, and which I like a lot but now wonder why they haven't brought it over to the iPhone yet - it shows apps you've purchased elsewhere and that can then be installed for free, by labeling the price button "Install". As opposed to having to check to see if you can post a review in order to figure out if you've already bought something. Also you don't get interrupted with a "You already purchased this" dialog, as that's not necessary. What's taking Apple so long to bring this simple feature over to the iPhone/iPod touch app store?
The only thing that will make me jump to an iPhone 5 after my current contract is up is if they make a 64GB version so I can get more tunes on the thing.
That's perhaps likely, but they're also looking to have a cloud music capability soonish, so maybe that will fit the bill? You could keep newer additions on the phone via smart playlist, or whatever, and everything else on the cloud. But, yeah, I wish I had a 64 GB iPhone. Most of my 32 GB is filled with apps!
I've come to realize that the "lines" that the smart cover leaves on the iPad are in fact not something that the smart cover is putting there, but rather something that the smart cover is *not removing*. As you use the iPad the display gets smudgy and, much to my surprise, the smart cover actually does automagically clean the screen... but not where the folds are in the smart cover because those don't touch the screen.
Yep, it does seem to keep it relatively clean, other than where the folds are. I have a small microfiber cloth I keep in the neoprene netbook sleeve (it has a pocket on the front) I use in conjunction with the smartcover so I can wipe the screen down a couple times a day.
[quote name='RAMSTORIA']looks like the white iphone is coming out tomorrow. im wondering if it will have any antennae issues.[/QUOTE]
Other than the color, are they changing the physical design of the device any?
[quote name='h3llbring3r']Other than the color, are they changing the physical design of the device any?[/QUOTE]

I don't think so. I think they just finally figured out how to manufacturer the thing. Of course there could be under-the-hood changes that have gone unmentioned. I'm sure iFixIt will let us know soon enough. :)
[quote name='crunchewy']I don't think so. I think they just finally figured out how to manufacturer the thing. Of course there could be under-the-hood changes that have gone unmentioned. I'm sure iFixIt will let us know soon enough. :)[/QUOTE]

Cult of Mac says no improvement, I've read another site that claim a very slight improvement- I'm going to pass and wait for the 5th gen. I think, unless Verizon gets a better android phone between now and then.


Thanks to whomever originally posted the iPad Dead Space $.99 deal, I finally got a around to playing it and it is solid, retaining much of the atmosphere I love from the original version.
[quote name='h3llbring3r']Other than the color, are they changing the physical design of the device any?[/QUOTE]

Rumor is it is .2 mm thicker. I picked one up for my wife this weekend....I was at 30 days exactly with my return policy at Best Buy
I didn't think these worth their own threads, but I still want to mention them somewhere, so here it is.

Coin Drop! has really grown on me, but I think that's largely due to playing it on my iPad 2. On the iPhone I didn't really enjoy it because shaking the phone is too disorienting with regard to seeing what's going on. That's not an issue on the iPad. Also the game looks great on the iPad and it's definitely an addicting little game. My one big complaint, and it's a common one with iOS games, is that there's no support for multiple profiles/saves.

I suppose this is really an issue with Game Center, though. GC should support multiple profiles, make it easy to switch between them, and have saves in games associated with profiles. Anyway, that's getting off topic. I definitely recommend Coin Drop! for play on the iPad. I'm a little more iffy about recommending it for the iPhone/iPod touch.


I'm also really enjoying Gears. That game is really fantastic on the iPad 2. Looks really stunning and plays great. It also looks great on the iPhone 4 and plays well there too, but it's even better on the iPad. The game gets pretty nerve-wracking due to the timer, but in a good way. Still, if you don't like the timer you can disable it by switching to Easy mode, which isn't any easier except for the lack of a timer. Alas, this game doesn't support multiple profiles/saves either.


Both of these games are universal.
Alright, I don't know how to ask this, but...

How do you all keep your fingers from... sticking to the screen? Are there tricks?

I like clean hands, so I wash my hands pretty often, but that always results in my fingers not sliding smoothly over the screen in my iPad. As a result, I have a hell of a time playing games like Dead Space and Galaxy on Fire 2.

From what I've gathered, the longer I go without washing my hands, the smoother my fingers glide across the screen. Which means I'm handling my iPad with less than clean hands, and that's just a no-no for me.

Any insight on this? I hope you all understand what I'm getting at here. It seems kind of silly, now that I'm typing it out, but.. I thought I'd try and ask, at least. =P
Apparently Consumer Reports is saying they measured the white iPhone and it is exactly the same size as the black iPhone, which makes you wonder - how does this kind of misinformation happen (I mean, the now apparently bogus, but widespread news that the white iPhone was thicker)? Did somebody do it as a joke and then the blogs went wild with it? I don't know, but more proof that you can't trust what you read on the web or, really, even anywhere since they're all trying to compete with the immediacy of the web. Public Radio's "Marketplace" also reported that it was thicker, presuming it to be fact. They had a retraction yesterday, noting the Consumer Reports report on it. CR got out a ruler and measured it. Same size.
[quote name='crunchewy']Apparently Consumer Reports is saying they measured the white iPhone and it is exactly the same size as the black iPhone, which makes you wonder - how does this kind of misinformation happen (I mean, the now apparently bogus, but widespread news that the white iPhone was thicker)? Did somebody do it as a joke and then the blogs went wild with it? I don't know, but more proof that you can't trust what you read on the web or, really, even anywhere since they're all trying to compete with the immediacy of the web. Public Radio's "Marketplace" also reported that it was thicker, presuming it to be fact. They had a retraction yesterday, noting the Consumer Reports report on it. CR got out a ruler and measured it. Same size.[/QUOTE]

People want to believe that apple has improved the design flaws in the 4th Gen with the white release, you can't blame them for wanting it fixed.

As imminent as the 5th Gen's release is rumored to be IDKY anyone would buy one at this point.

[quote name='Maklershed']My iPad has become a $500 Words with Friends machine.[/QUOTE]

I'm right there with you, my wife has at least 5 games going constantly. That and her obsession with perfecting each level on all the Angry Birds expansions keep it out of my hands most days.

Also, don't download the Smurf "-ville" game. Just don't.
[quote name='Rouzhokuu']Alright, I don't know how to ask this, but...

How do you all keep your fingers from... sticking to the screen? Are there tricks?

I like clean hands, so I wash my hands pretty often, but that always results in my fingers not sliding smoothly over the screen in my iPad. As a result, I have a hell of a time playing games like Dead Space and Galaxy on Fire 2.

From what I've gathered, the longer I go without washing my hands, the smoother my fingers glide across the screen. Which means I'm handling my iPad with less than clean hands, and that's just a no-no for me.

Any insight on this? I hope you all understand what I'm getting at here. It seems kind of silly, now that I'm typing it out, but.. I thought I'd try and ask, at least. =P[/QUOTE]

I guess I know what you mean, but I don't have that problem. Have you tried wiping your screen down?
If anyone is looking for a good code editor (as well as for HTML and such), textastic has exceeded my expectations. No, blown them away! It's astoundingly good. Syntax highlighting for pretty much every language. Code editing-related keys. FTP, SFTP, WebDAV and Dropbox. Offline editing with links maintained to the online files for uploading (and reloading). Preview for HTML and such. And more. It's really pretty incredible. I want even more though. I hope the dev will add differencing files and merging, grep search and replace (it has search and replace, just not grep). Wow is it good, though. $10 well spent.

FYI, Goodreader disappoints when it comes to viewing text files, in a big way, which is what sent me looking for a good text viewer. I wasn't expecting to find a great code editor!

Edit: and the search is good, showing every occurrence in the file and a scrollable list to jump to a particular one. I wish it showed the line number in that results list, though. It also highlights every occurrence in the file until you clear the search. The editor itself shows line numbers and also shows what line and column the cursor is at. There's also line, character and word counts. This app does not disappoint.
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[quote name='n4styn4t3']Just got an iPad 2. Any must have apps/games?[/QUOTE]

Coin Drop! If you liked Peggle you will love Coin Drop! and it's different from Peggle, not a clone. Gears is also a pretty awesome game on the iPad 2. The list could get quite long.
Curiously enough, Goodreader just got an update and it fixed the problem I had with text files (though the changes make no mention of it). Basically it was messing up indentations. Still glad it was messed up so I could find textastic.

Is that what you bought Maklershed, or was it the games I mentioned? Can't go wrong with any of them!
Well I broke down and bought a screen protector. Target had the Zagg original iPad full body protector on clearance for $10, down from $40, so I figured I'd give it a shot.

The front protector fits pretty well and no modifications needed to be made. The back though is completely different so ended up cutting each side until it fit the center portion of the back of the iPad 2.

The application was pretty simple and I only ended up with two tiny air bubbles on the outside black part of the front. I was disappointed at first because it looked like it hadn't adhered too well and there were air pockets everywhere. After leaving it overnight though, all the spots disappeared and it looked great.

The screen protector has a rubbery feel to it and it is definitely not as smooth as just running your finger on the naked glass. On the bright side, it doesn’t get smudged as easily as when I didn’t have it on.

I did manage to get two long scratches on the screen protector while using the included fabric wipe, so whoever says Zagg is scratch proof is lying. It’s not very noticeable when the screen is on though, so I’m not going to worry about it.

Overall, I’m happy with the purchase, but I definitely wouldn’t spend more than $10 for it.
[quote name='crunchewy']Curiously enough, Goodreader just got an update and it fixed the problem I had with text files (though the changes make no mention of it). Basically it was messing up indentations. Still glad it was messed up so I could find textastic.

Is that what you bought Maklershed, or was it the games I mentioned? Can't go wrong with any of them![/QUOTE]

I bought Coin Drop
Just won an iPad2 at a work convention last week. It came with one of those magnetic protector things, but I think I want something a little more serious. Any suggestions?

Also, I'm sure we can't talk about homebrew and jailbreaking here, but any websites that have a lot of info and resources?
[quote name='Mr Unoriginal']Just won an iPad2 at a work convention last week. It came with one of those magnetic protector things, but I think I want something a little more serious. Any suggestions?

OtterBox's defender for iPad 2 is still in the works. The first one (check the amazon reviews) was a tank, the second one should be as well- but I would still wait for the reviews.

Ours has been tumbled, dropped, stepped on, and sat upon thanks to our 5 year old and it's still pristine. The included protective screen film is average at best, but everything else is very impressive.
[quote name='crunchewy']And? And? Are you shaking your fist still or are you trying to hug me??? :)[/QUOTE]

Honestly I haven't had time to mess around with it yet. I'll keep you posted though.

[quote name='Mr Unoriginal']Just won an iPad2 at a work convention last week. It came with one of those magnetic protector things, but I think I want something a little more serious. Any suggestions?[/QUOTE]

Wow you won it? That's huge. Congratulations. And to answer your question, I use the Kensington K62911US ($7.21 on Amazon right now). Its tight at first but it loosens up and protects quite nicely. It's not gonna save your ipad from a fall but keeps it from being scratched up and gives it a bit of a buffer.
I really like the 'Symmetric" nylon sleeve I got from casecrown.com. It fits nicely (not too snug, not too loose), it has extra padding but is still thin and light, it has a zippered pocket for camera connectors, cleaning cloth or whatever, it's sized to fit the iPad 2 with it's cover, and it's pretty cheap:


Be sure to check retailmenot.com for coupons. Over mothers day weekend they had a 20% off coupon. I got 15% off a short while back.
I'm using a 10.2" Netbook sleeve made by Tuari I got at Target for $12.99.

It easily holds the iPad with Smartcover on with some room to spare and has a zippered pocket on the front with plenty of room for a cleaning rag and other small things like cables etc.
If anyone is looking for a good app for posting photos to Facebook, I think I can recommend the (not free) app Photo Loader HD for Facebook. There's also an iPhone version, but I don't have that. There's a lite version to try that puts it's own caption in.

The best thing about this app is that you can create an album for Facebook offline, arranging the photos and setting captions and the album title and description, and then upload it all at once. Unfortunately it's not possible to edit an existing album on Facebook, although you can upload the photos to an existing album. You can also view your existing albums, although it always shows the pictures smaller then the iPad screen and you have to pinch to zoom to see them full screen. So it kind of stinks as a Facebook album viewer right now, but it's not a deal killer. Hopefully they improve that in an update, though. Also it's photos only - you can't upload videos - but the dev says they will be adding support for uploading videos.

If you want your photos to upload in the highest quality, be sure to turn off resizing of photos in the settings. The app is a little confusingly laid out. In order to see that settings menu icon, you need to tap the Upload Photos thing in the upper left. Then the menus appear at the top right, including the settings menu.

I wish there were an official Facebook app for the iPad, but this works well. Actually, I wish Safari allowed uploading of photos to websites like Facebook. Seems like they could do that while maintaining security. Perhaps in iOS 5?
Photo to PDF has gone free for 24 hours. I post this here because it lets me do something I wanted to be able to do - take screenshots on my iPad or iPhone and annotate them in Goodreader. You can't do that with a photo, only a PDF, so Photo to PDF does the job of converting a screenshot, or a set of screenshots, into a PDF, which can then be annotated in Goodreader. I want this so I can send tips and such to my Mom. :) I tried it out and it works. It's a bit klunky - the only way to get photos into it is via copy and paste (or using the camera to take a picture - you can't select from your albums), but it does the job and you can't beat free.

Hope this is the right thread. I'm thinking of getting an iPad 2. I'd love to have an iPad and be able to update it without being tied to a computer. Also an ability to back it up to an external hard drive? I don't know why it has to be tied to a computer (iTunes)for backing up files and updating the os. Does anyone know if these features are coming? Thanks.
Those features are never coming, lol

You might be better off getting a Droid OS tablet. Jailbreaking an iPad will prob allow you to do some of the things you are interested in though I am pretty sure updating still requires a computer
I do think the iPad will eventually not need to be tethered to a computer. But who knows which generation will add that. But it has to happen if they're going to keep calling it a "post-pc device" without looking like imbeciles since it currently requires a PC to set up and update etc.

Microsoft is supposedly working on their own Tablet OS slated to come out late 2012. Hopefully they come out with something that's a tad closer to a Tablet PC (but not just windows 7 shoehorned onto a tablet) and doesn't need a computer to update etc.
Currently updating requires a computer and currently you can only backup with a computer. Who knows what the future will bring? I think it's pretty silly to say that that will never change. I wouldn't bank on it changing any time soon, but who knows? On the other hand, unless you don't currently have a computer to plug it into, I'm not sure it should be a big deal (maybe its a bigger deal for Windows users - I don't know). I don't plug mine into the computer much in any case. Mostly I just use it, and mostly install apps directly on it, and occasionally plug it in to backup or for the (not very frequent) updates.
bread's done