Is the GameCube the most kid friendly console?


2 (100%)
I did a bit of research and found this:

Mature games:

PlayStation 2: 131
Xbox: 96
GBA: 7

Teen rated games:

GameCube: 129
PlayStation 2: 352
Xbox: 224
GBA: 54

Everyone rated games:

GameCube: 170
Xbox: 198
PlayStation: 376
GBA: 243

Percentage of M rated games:

GameCube: 8.8%
Xbox: 18.5%
PlayStation: 19.2%

Percentage of E rated games:

GameCube: 51.8%
PlayStation 2: 43.8%
Xbox: 38.2%

According to

The Average Score for all games:

GameCube: 72.9109756%
PS2: 71.0814901%
Xbox: 72.0129344%

Number of Quality games per system (a quality game is a game with 80+rating at

GameCube: 101
PS2: 221
Xbox: 158

Percent of Quality games:

GameCube: 30.6990881
PS2: 25.7275902
Xbox: 30.5019305
[quote name='evilmax17']I was actually pleasently surprised to see that he/she posted percentages. Do you have a % for the teen?[/quote]

He, and just find the remaing percent by adding the E and M percentages and subtract it from 100%
[quote name='msdmoney']Only kiddies make judgements on what console is most kiddie.[/quote]

Yes I know, which is why I didn't make a judgement. I am just posting some information I found.

EDIT: Sorry for the double post
so the PS2 has more than 800 games in the US, not too shabby.

I'm sure well over 1000 in Japan since many of the games don't make it here.
[quote name='scsg75']you must be damned bored to find all those numbers.[/quote]

Actually, it doesn't really matter what the numbers say. Nintendo is preceived by the vast majority of consumers to be the "kiddie" or "family-friendly" console manufacturer, and perception is reality to a lot of folks. If only Nintendo had left the blood and fatalities in their SNES port of the original Mortal Kombat years ago, the story might be somewhat different today.
The kiddies are probably playing all the "M" games anyway...

Interesting numbers, though.

Love my cube. I'm 28.
Since when does M rated games make for good games?

What would you rather play The Guy Game or Zelda.

I could care less about ratings and image. I play what I like.
[quote name='scsg75']I don't know, but you must be damned bored to find all those numbers. Pretty impressive actually.[/quote]

It took me around 10 minutes to find this data (it took that long because I had to tend to my baby (the plastic one).
[quote name='jkam']Since when does M rated games make for good games?

What would you rather play The Guy Game or Zelda.

I could care less about ratings and image. I play what I like.[/quote]

I am the same way which is why the GameCube is my favorite console this generation. I just was wondering if there was any truth to people calling the GameCube kiddy and this is what I found.

EDIT: Again, sorry for the double post.
[quote name='ananag112']I did a bit of research and found this:

Mature games:

PlayStation 2: 131
Xbox: 96

Teen rated games:

GameCube: 129
PlayStation 2: 352
Xbox: 224

Everyone rated games:

GameCube: 170
Xbox: 198
PlayStation: 376

Percentage of M rated games:

GameCube: 8.8%
Xbox: 18.5%
PlayStation: 19.2%

Percentage of E rated games:

GameCube: 51.8%
PlayStation 2: 43.8%
Xbox: 38.2%[/quote]

Nintendo will always remain the most family oriented of all the consoles. The numbers can be misleading. PS2 has many more companies creating content for their console and XBOX is generally aimed at an older crowd.

If you want kiddie titles, go with the Gamecube. If you want a little of everything, PS2. If you want the best, go with the XBOX.
[quote name='diggityjones'][quote name='ananag112']I did a bit of research and found this:

Mature games:

PlayStation 2: 131
Xbox: 96

Teen rated games:

GameCube: 129
PlayStation 2: 352
Xbox: 224

Everyone rated games:

GameCube: 170
Xbox: 198
PlayStation: 376

Percentage of M rated games:

GameCube: 8.8%
Xbox: 18.5%
PlayStation: 19.2%

Percentage of E rated games:

GameCube: 51.8%
PlayStation 2: 43.8%
Xbox: 38.2%[/quote]

Nintendo will always remain the most family oriented of all the consoles. The numbers can be misleading. PS2 has many more companies creating content for their console and XBOX is generally aimed at an older crowd.

If you want kiddie titles, go with the Gamecube. If you want a little of everything, PS2. If you want the best, go with the XBOX.[/quote]

Uh oh the best is XBOX.... according to?

Lets keep it on topic OP throw in GBA SP info if you have it?!?
now all that is left to do is cross index these numbers with actual games sold and chart historically compared to previous nintendo/sony/sega consoles

then, when those numbers are crunched, retroactively apply the esrb label to those games which predate its existence and determine whether the ratings have had any effect on the perception of particular compaines, the industry as a whole and the individual gamer.

! now if I was still in college, my goal would be passing that off as an acceptable thesis project
[quote name='jkam']Since when does M rated games make for good games?

What would you rather play The Guy Game or Zelda.

I could care less about ratings and image. I play what I like.[/quote]

the problem is that the US market in particular would have plenty of semi casual games who would simply refuse to even give nintendo games or games on nintendo consoles a chance if they don't see a mature rating or there is nothing eye catching right away. It does not matter how good the games are if they were never tried out. It will be harder and harder for nintendo to shrug off the image as time goes by.
Nintendo aims for an "all ages" market as often as it can because someone has to be the gateway for new gamers to get into the hobby. Otherwise gaming dies once we all get to retirment age.

It's been discussed be fore and using words like "kiddy" in thread titles is just going to turn it into a flame war in a couple of pages.
[quote name='maxflight'][quote name='mtxbass1']Didn't we just have this discussion....last week? Oh yeah, we did...and many weeks before that.

Too bad you spent all this time researching these numbers, and creating this new topic, when you could have just used the search function and added to the 30 that already exist.[/quote]

no researched data there :)[/quote]

He makes a good point no need to start a new one.
Stupid, Stupid. :roll:

Can't we stop with this nonsense already.

All game consoles are equal. Every console has games that rock and games that don't. Let's just keep it like this, plain and simple.

Thank you have a nice day :D
For all of you gamers out there, how many of you are playing Nintendo games because you've always played them.

I like many of you played the original NES when it first came out.

I've been playing games for years now and when the Playstation came out, I switched over and left the Nintendo 64 behind.

Nintendo has the image of being for kids because for the longest time they wouldn't release mature titles. That was the company policy.

In addition, Nintendo has recycled the same characters since I was a kid. Metroid, Zelda, Mario, and the list goes on. Its the core of their franchise. What are the titles that are the most anticipated? Metroid, Zelda, Mario, etc. If these titles never appealed to you, then Nintendo isn't for you.

Some of us don't like our games to be cute. I loved GI Joe as a kid but that doesn't mean I want to play GI Joe titles for the next 20 years. Think about it.

I'm not hating on Nintendo. Its just people have to recognize that it is intended to appeal to kids. Some adults like kid stuff. Simple story lines, cutsey graphics, cartoonish characters, and the like. Yes, there is defintely some game innovation.

But here is a question for all you hard core Nintendo buffs out there. What innovations have come about by Nintendo Game Cube titles?

You can't go online, there is no hard drive. They were the last to let go of stupid carts instead of disks (which was much more expensive by the way).

I mean, GTA brought a new gaming style, so did many other PS2 titles. XBOX has ushered in the new multi-player online console games. What has Gamecube done for us lately?
[quote name='diggityjones']For all of you gamers out there, how many of you are playing Nintendo games because you've always played them.

I like many of you played the original NES when it first came out.

I've been playing games for years now and when the Playstation came out, I switched over and left the Nintendo 64 behind.

Nintendo has the image of being for kids because for the longest time they wouldn't release mature titles. That was the company policy.

In addition, Nintendo has recycled the same characters since I was a kid. Metroid, Zelda, Mario, and the list goes on. Its the core of their franchise. What are the titles that are the most anticipated? Metroid, Zelda, Mario, etc. If these titles never appealed to you, then Nintendo isn't for you.

Some of us don't like our games to be cute. I loved GI Joe as a kid but that doesn't mean I want to play GI Joe titles for the next 20 years. Think about it.

I'm not hating on Nintendo. Its just people have to recognize that it is intended to appeal to kids. Some adults like kids[/quote]

Your doing it half right.

Come back in 20 years and tell me you havent seen more Jaks, Slys, Ratchets etc. Or Halos, Blinx whatever. Nintendo has been around the longest period.

Secondly playing is a kids thing or a hobby. Its done in leisurely time (unless its job related) and I would be there are plenty of moms and dads that have fun playing GI Joe with their kids.

The world has become obsessed with whats cool and whats not cool.
I'm 27. To me, the quality of the game is less important than the rating.

The big problem is that a lot of people assume E-rated games are necessarily lousy or no fun for adults. Yeah, the Cube has a lot of E rated games. And, yeah, some of them are lousy, too. Others, like Paper Mario: TTYD, flat out rock. Heck, even Animal Crossing is pretty cool, and I was pretty skeptical about it before I tried it. I'll take AC or TTYD over a mediocre M-rated title like BloodRayne or True Crime: Streets of LA pretty much any day.

And the Cube does have a couple of pretty sweet M-rated games, the recent Resident Evil 4 being a notable example. Ditto for Metal Gear Solid: TTS.
This whole argument about nintendo being kiddy is just plain stupid.

All they have to do is write a check & buy a company that makes mature games. Kinda like how they bought(time exclusive) the Resident Evil games from Capcom.

This reminds of Disney's Miramax studio, which releases "R" rated(pulp fiction, etc..) & disney still only releases g-pg13 films.
Part of the reason I like the GameCube is that it has "kiddie" games. I want a console that I can play games on with my daughter. What kid-friendly exclusives does the Xbox have, Sneakers? I'll take Animal Crossing. I have and love playing my PS2 and Xbox, but disliking a console because it appeals to every age bracket is immature.
[quote name='sblymnlcrymnl']How about you do something different and find the quality ratio instead.[/quote]

Ok, I will. How should I go about finding that stats for this though? Should it be the number of 80% or higher (accoridng to games out of the total number of games for that system?
I have to agree with a lot of what is said here. First, the Gamecube is clearly the most kid-friendly. What really blows my mind is when I see a mom at Gamestop during Christmas saying "I want a console that is good for my young children", and then the dumb kid at the counter sells her an XBox (Presumably because he's a fanboy). I always tell those parents they want a 'Cube but they tend to go with the "expert" anyway...

As for the "Quality", that's really what bothers me about the generation that followed mine in gaming (I am also 27). Why do people even ask the question as to which is the most "kiddie"? What does that have to do with whether the game or system is fun or not?

In my opinino, a fanboy or a video game conspiracy theorist would have a fair argument to fear that the perception of being "Cool" is driving all of the innovation and fun out of the marketplace and pulling the rest of us into a world of games that are all trying too hard for attention through violence, sex, and pure shock value. I have always played games because they are fun - not because of their rating or whether or not younger kids would like them.
[quote name='diggityjones']You can't go online,...[/quote]
Phantasy Star?
[quote name='Alpha2']Nintendo aims for an "all ages" market as often as it can because someone has to be the gateway for new gamers to get into the hobby.[/quote]
I dont think the word kiddie is the right term to use. Percentage doesnt mean jack if you look at the numbers. PS2 has twice the amount of E rated games a Cube does so wouldnt it make sense if the kiddies played on PS2?

The simple answer is no. Reason being half of those games are complete crap that wouldnt appeal to anyone over the age of like 5 and in that case its only because parents bought the game as a present. As for nintendo, you have many High Quality games that are good for Everyone. How many grown adults do you know own a cube with the so called "kiddie games" for cube? How many do you know would go out and buy it the "kiddie games" on xbox or ps2? I personally know none because the quality of the games tend to be really bad.

So if you people think a grown adult would buy a kiddie game for themselves thats just dumb. Kiddie games involve slim to no thinking and arent fun just playing through it. Zelda, Mario etc games have good gameplay and no one would buy Wind Waker for 50 bucks if it was as easy as a jig saw puzzle from McDonalds or something.

Paper Mario is rated E but i want to see one of the nay sayers go through the game in like 5 hours not dying once yada yada yada.
Last time I checked E means EVERYONE not just Kids. I love it how people skew the ESRB rating to Label system to there favor or Dislike. Not to mention that the lack of 3rd party support also adds to the fact of not having many Mature rated games; since it's relative to the systems library (PS2 has tons of mature rate games, why? Because there library of games is huge). Nintendo's always been leaning towards the Everyone demographic, they want a console the whole family can play but they also know that they have to please not just the whole family but the tastes of each individual, thus the M and T rated games. The rating that would make a game towards kids would be games rated by the ESRB to be EC (Early Childhood). So no, I don't think the Game Cube is aimed at children, from those numbers to me it looks like there aiming at the EVERYONE. I swear one fanboy labels a system "kiddie" now the internet community thinks the system is kiddie, sheep..
[quote name='ananag112'][quote name='RaekwonThaChef']oh dear....[/quote]

Please don't flame me, I am just reporting what I found.[/quote]

According to what you have found, GBA is the most kid friendly.
[quote name='scsg75']I don't know, but you must be damned bored to find all those numbers. Pretty impressive actually.[/quote]

yeah pretty impressive, but why do people care? fun games are fun games.
According to

The Average Score for all games:

GameCube: 72.9109756%
PS2: 71.0814901%
Xbox: 72.0129344%

Number of Quality games per system (a quality game is a game with 80+rating at

GameCube: 101
PS2: 221
Xbox: 158

Percent of Quality games:

GameCube: 30.6990881
PS2: 25.7275902
Xbox: 30.5019305
That's good to note that the bell curve is alive and well amongst each system. Each console's average right at about a "C" rating!

Looks like the 'cube and the xbox are the best percentage-wise, but we all know the PS2 has more games. If you were a clueless person who bought games by just grabbing a random one on the shelf, you'd be better off with a gamecube or xbox, but that probably only applies to grandmas buying gifts.

What were the totals for the number of games each system had. I can see that the 'cube is last by a lot, but I thought the xbox was close.
[quote name='The-Bavis']That's good to note that the bell curve is alive and well amongst each system. Each console's average right at about a "C" rating!

Looks like the 'cube and the xbox are the best percentage-wise, but we all know the PS2 has more games. If you were a clueless person who bought games by just grabbing a random one on the shelf, you'd be better off with a gamecube or xbox, but that probably only applies to grandmas buying gifts.

What were the totals for the number of games each system had. I can see that the 'cube is last by a lot, but I thought the xbox was close.[/quote]

GameCube has 328 games in total
Xbox has 518
PS2 has 859
bread's done