I've been diagnosed with testicular cancer

[quote name='Tybee']Don't feel too bad for me. It could definitely be a lot worse. I've got great insurance, a great wife and family to help me through this, and was lucky enough to find it early.

Honestly, I'm counting my blessings at this point.

And yeah, we've got a plan for the testosterone. If I'm able to keep the right one, there's a good chance it will step up and produce enough testosterone all on its own. If not, there are a lot of testosterone replacement options.

I want to get some that light up when I squeeze them.

E.T. - The Electric Testicle


You jest, but we plan to do exactly that ... actually, on my left leg with an arrow pointing.[/quote]You do that and it's gonna make the surgeon laugh, he'll end up slipping or some shit and you'll lose a lot more than one testicle.:lol:
I remember in eighth grade we had to watch a video concerning testicular cancer, and it was the hokiest thing ever. Showed this kid in the shower from the chest up. He reaches his arms down and starts...well I don't really know what he does, but he gets a big smile on his face, which gradually changes to one of pure confusion, and finally with a slight frown.

The next scene is him walking through his living room, with his dad sitting in a recliner reading the paper. I can't say for certain that the dad was smoking a pipe and had thick-rimmed glasses on, but let's just assume he did since everyone was dressed like something out of the fifties anyway.

Quite non-chalantly he asks his son how he is. How did the sock hop go? Was it swell? Was the coach sore at you at basketball practice today? Old Man Mermin has a new flavor of ice cream down at the soda shoppe, maybe you and Josephine could go and have a nice malted.

The son - still wearing a look of perplexion - replies that things are ok, in a slightly nervous twitter. His dad says that's great. The son takes one step away, stops, and then turns back. "Dad," he says. "I found a lump."

Where, my boy?

"You know....on my nut."

We all burst out laughing, because could you really not expect eighth grade boys to laugh at that?

The dad pulled his boy close and said some encouraging words at this point. IMMEDIATELY, in an extremely quick cut, the next shot is a close-up of someone's balls, fingers rubbing them furiously as if they were trying to get ants off them.

A fairly horrifying experience.

At any rate, Tybee, I'll be cheering you on. I mean, you're essentially Hank Lance Hill Armstrong at this point, so I expect you to bike up mountains and talk about propane in every post you ever make from now on. I also fully expect you to take pictures of the excised testicle, which I imagine to be grapefruit sized.

A guy from my high school in my class died from cancer...roughly a year ago. It was an extremely depressing experience for me, primarily because I couldn't quite integrate it fully into my mind. He wasn't exactly a friend. I mean I knew who he was and he knew who I was and we even hung out once or twice, but he ran with a different group of people and such. I had kept a few tabs on him throughout the years and knew that he had been diagnosed sometime after high school.

I specifically remember him reading a story he had written for English class toward the end of senior year, which was basically a letter retelling his exploits at a track meet that he was a part of a few weeks before. I couldn't tell you why I remember this exact moment - high school is full of useless moments I'm trying to forget - but I completely and vividly have this one ingrained in my head.

I guess it's because...that's how I want to remember the guy. The story he told was kind of funny, had some great emotional sentimentality to it, but overall was about the cheerfulness and joy of life. After high school, I'd run into him occasionally since he hung out with my little sister's then-boyfriend.

Her bf used to make movies with his little camcorder of he and his friends. The guy with cancer was in them. The videos were like something you'd see off youtube - a big montage of all the moments between friends, overlayed with music. It was always so incredibly inspirational, as if it were convincing you that life was indeed worth living. Inspirational. That sort of thing.

It's probably why I felt so sad when the guy passed. He went to the then-bf's wedding, which was the last time I saw him. He was frail, bald, sickly looking. Left a huge impression on me for reasons I still can't quite explain.

The point to all of this is that it is a scary thing. Really scary. But there are things and moments and situations and chaoses and events and everything in between, interspersed with emotional pits and mountains. Be happy, my friend. We're here to help you through this and will send our own individual measures of strength to aid and help you.

Good luck.
Truly sorry to hear about this. It's great to see that are keeping a postitve attitude and are getting great care. I'm positive that, in the end, you'll be fine, but I'd still like to wish you and yours the best of luck.
Wishing you well man.

Nice story, Strell. The only friend I've lost to death had cancer. Wish I'd spent more time with him.
Sorry to hear about this and am glad you caught it early. I lost my step-father (my only real dad) 3 years ago to cancer. He put up a good fight, but in the end it made it's way to his brain. I wish you the best of luck with treatment. Also I know this may not be terminal, but keep a positive attitude, especially around your loved ones. My step-father showed physical signs of the cancer, but he was always upbeat and positive when family was around.
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Good luck man. I'm sure that all will turn out just fine as medical science has come so far.

I had a scare about this a few weeks ago after getting some pains from my left testicle but all is well here.

As for the marker to make sure that they nab the right nut, that's a great idea since surgeons typically have so much work that they can become confused so just draw the arrow up your leg and put a target on the nut.

I'd say something cheeky here but it's early and I'm not able to think of anything.
My friend just went through this at work. They just removed the mass, and not the testicle,... unless he had some sort of shame in telling us it was. He's doing great, as I'm sure you will. John Kruk, btw, was an amazing Philly :) One of my childhood fav's alongside Samuel and Shmidt.

Keep on trucking!
Best of luck.
[quote name='CheapyD']Best of luck, man. We're sending our best wishes from Japan.[/quote]

Actually, one of the first things my wife said when we found out chemo might be in the offing was "Hey, you'll look just like Cheapy," which was oddly comforting. ;)

[quote name='drone8888']My friend just went through this at work. They just removed the mass, and not the testicle,... unless he had some sort of shame in telling us it was. He's doing great, as I'm sure you will. John Kruk, btw, was an amazing Philly :) One of my childhood fav's alongside Samuel and Shmidt.

Keep on trucking!
Best of luck.[/quote]

It's rare for them to do a partial biopsy (though it sometimes can be done) for TC because operating on the tumor dramatically increases the chance that cancer cells will be released into the body. Also, by the time it's detectable, the tumor generally takes up a significant portion of the testis anyway, so what would be left wouldn't work. 95% of the time, if the mass shows up as solid in the CT scan, they just remove the testicle, because 95% of the time it is cancer.
Welp, good luck, we're all counting on you. Better you than me. Thousand points of light. Bridge to the future. Touchdown for democracy. So on and so forth. God Speed.
[quote name='keithp']One more thing...

Before you go in for surgery make sure you take a big, fat magic marker and write on your left testicle "THIS ONE!"

..you know, just in case you get a surgeon that's dyslexic or something!...[/quote]

BAD IDEA. Because that's completely vague. Does 'THIS ONE' mean the one you cut or the one you keep? If you're gonna cut something that important in your body, I'd make sure to be as clear & specific as possible. I'd put 'CUT THIS TESTICLE' or 'DON'T CUT THIS TESTICLE' and I'd use a permanent marker to make sure it doesn't wash off for a while.:lol:
[quote name='camoor']I never know if Im checking it right - were you checking on it regularly?[/quote]

I know, right? The message to "check your balls" is pretty well conveyed, but the instructions about what you should be looking for (other than "lumps," which is pretty vague) are unclear. A lot of guys don't notice anything until it starts hurting or swelling (but you won't always have that indication).

I was probably not checking myself as regularly as I should. Like I said, the urologist found it, not me. Once he showed me where it was, it was pretty hard to miss -- a bump about the size of a pea protruding from the back of my left nut (after the ultrasounds, it became clear this was just the tip of a nickel- to quarter-sized tumor that spans most of the testicle.

What you're looking for is any change in your testicle(s). Lumps are the most obvious indicator. I've heard of them as small as the tip of a pencil lead, but more often they're going to be pea-sized, I think. Another indicator is a change in the "hardness" of your testes. If they're healthy, they should have a little give, feel slightly spongy (obviously you don't want to squeeze them too hard to verify this ... unless you're into that). If they feel very hard, that can be a sign something is wrong. And if one testicle is a noticeably different size than the other, that can also be an indicator.

Please, please, PLEASE do not be afraid to get checked out by a doctor. And make sure they do a thorough check. I think I was like most guys -- wanting that part of the exam to be over as quickly as possible and thankful when they didn't really do much. It's obviously not pleasant for either party involved. But the doctor is really doing you a disservice if he/she doesn't really work you over down there. Make sure you're not just checked for a hernia, but also for testicular irregularities (there are other disorders, such as Klinefelter's Syndrome, Bell Clapper Syndrome, general testosterone deficiency, and other things that can be diagnosed this way).

Testicular cancer can progress from self-contained to spreading through the lymph nodes, lungs, and beyond in as little as a month, so once something is found, act quickly.
[quote name='Tybee']

Testicular cancer can progress from self-contained to spreading through the lymph nodes, lungs, and beyond in as little as a month, so once something is found, act quickly.[/QUOTE]

Pfft! Then I would be dead even if I called the doctor, urologist never schedules an appointment in under 3 weeks, guess feeling balls takes a lot of time.
[quote name='coolsteel']Pfft! Then I would be dead even if I called the doctor, urologist never schedules an appointment in under 3 weeks, guess feeling balls takes a lot of time.[/quote]

That is a common problem, unfortunately. Don't take no for an answer, and don't be afraid to drop the C-word to get them to take you seriously. If they won't help you, call another doctor.
Whatever you do, don't tell them to "make sure to remove the RIGHT testicle", that may lead to confusion.

Now that's out of the way, I wish you the best of luck.

Also, since it seems you're looking forward to having children, a cousin of mine wound up having his frozen before doctors went to work on his (they told him they weren't sure if he'd be able to have any afterward). They just had their first kid about 8 months ago. If that anecdote helps any.
In little league there was this kid who was pitching one day when a line drive came right back at him and hit him in square in the cup. He just fell over KO'd. This has nothing to do with cancer. Sounds like you're in good hands regardless.
I've been trying to think of somethign witty, but I think you would fare better if I just wished you the best. Good luck and make sur eyou hit the sack early the night before, might help with the recovery...sorry couldnt resist. Honestly, best wishes and I love the attitude that you seem to have. I give you credit for being so upbeat, i dont know if I would be that strong.
I would right KEEPER on the good nut, and CANCER on the bad one. It reminds me of the Married with Children episode where Al went in to surgery and the surgeon misread the hand writting for a circular incision.
What better way to keep up your spirits that with a CAG thread devoted to testicle jokes? Seriously, it's a blessing you found it when you did and that you have a beautiful wife by your side (but she was a blessing before all this, right? ;)). Anyway, I have no crude testicle joke, but here's what we use at work: http://www.neuticles.com/

That should make you laugh.
I don't mean for this to sound weird, but what is exactly is the tumor like? Is it hard? Is it very noticeable (big)? I ask because my friend says he has a hard lump on his right testicle, and we tried to make him go to the doctor, but he won't do it. I'm afraid it might be cancer, and I'd like for him to get it checked out before it gets any worse, but he says it'll just go away. (Which I don't believe, it's been there for a year.)
You should check it for him, Access. He just wants a second opinion.

And so much more.

In honor of Tybee, we should all go out and buy an anatomically correct doll, cut off its left testicle, and mail it to him.
[quote name='Strell']You should check it for him, Access. He just wants a second opinion.

And so much more.

In honor of Tybee, we should all go out and buy an anatomically correct doll, cut off its left testicle, and mail it to him.[/quote]

Done. What's his address?
[quote name='mrs. shipwreck']http://www.neuticles.com/

That should make you laugh.[/quote]


[quote name='Access_Denied']I don't mean for this to sound weird, but what is exactly is the tumor like? Is it hard? Is it very noticeable (big)? I ask because my friend says he has a hard lump on his right testicle, and we tried to make him go to the doctor, but he won't do it. I'm afraid it might be cancer, and I'd like for him to get it checked out before it gets any worse, but he says it'll just go away. (Which I don't believe, it's been there for a year.)[/quote]

It's pretty hard, yeah. I mean, you wouldn't notice it if you saw me walking down the street, but you can certainly feel it.

Your friend should get to a doctor asap, if only for peace of mind. Tell him it's better to be embarrassed than dead. Actually, I'm pretty much desensitized to the whole examination process at this point. More people have seen and/or handled my junk in the past month than have shaken my hand. I've been conditioned to drop my pants for anyone who asks.

[quote name='Strell']In honor of Tybee, we should all go out and buy an anatomically correct doll, cut off its left testicle, and mail it to him.[/quote]

Are you guys trying to get me on the neighborhood sex offender list?
I just read this, wow. Our prayers are with you and your wife. So after tratment does the doctor say that "the balls in your court now?" And your not crazy, you are only "half nuts".
[quote name='mrs. shipwreck']http://www.neuticles.com/

That should make you laugh.[/quote]

:rofl: It's time to start a CAG fund for Tybee's neuticles. I'm in for $5.

[quote name='Tybee']More people have seen and/or handled my junk in the past month than have shaken my hand. I've been conditioned to drop my pants for anyone who asks.[/quote]

PM sent.
good luck with that Tybee, you're right though, of all the cancer's you could get, this is the best one :p

i'm sure you'll be fine, that's a good doc to catch it like that, i've known a few guys who've gone through similar circumstances and they're still alive and well, playin golf, leaning a little to the left :lol:
Joshythegreat18 has the right idea, with the right mental state, everything you have to go through will get a whole lot easier

[quote name='Temporaryscars']Wow, so it was just random.

Well, it's lucky that you found it when you did.[/quote]

In a lot of ways, yeah, it was. So I do feel lucky. I'll feel luckier when I actually have the thing out, however.

And thanks again to everyone for your continued well wishes, support, and good humor. I may be putting up a good front, but you guys are making me feel so much better about all of this.
love your approach. jokes help ease the emotional stress and somewhat helps you detach your mind from the main source of issue.

hope everything goes well with ya. rock on!
bread's done