Iwata details successor to the DS ("high res" + motion sensor)

Me too, and I thought Twist was the worst too (though still fine, and actually function unlike some of Wii/DS games that rely on movements the technology can't really handle).

I always hate when they act like everyone wants different types of games on a portable or 'big' system. Not the case at all for me. I play 2D stuff on the DS because it's available, not because I for some reason only want to play 2D stuff on a handheld.

It seems like MAYBE 2D's starting to make a slight comeback. There have been two current gen fighters I'm aware of, and last gen you've got Vanillaware doing some really cool stuff, as well as Wario (too hard, but looks good), and A Boy and His Blob. HOPEFULLY that'll start spreading a bit more. Shadow Complex's success probably won't hurt either (even though it's graphics are 3D).

I hope at some point 2D games are very common again across all systems! Heck, if I didn't already own a Wii, I probably would have bought one just for Vanilliaware's latest, New Super Mario Bros., and A Boy and his blob!
[quote name='Wolfpup'] Shadow Complex's success probably won't hurt either (even though it's graphics are 3D).

Agreed. I just played that (still have more to do after beating it) and really enjoyed it and hope it leads to more of these 2D/2.5D games on Xbox live arcade.

The Wii offerings aren't enough to make me even consider picking that console up again as I just don't game enough to justify owning more than one console.

I really wish the DS would get some more good 2D platformers, metroid style games etc. I've barely touched it the past couple of years as there just hasn't been much that's interested me.
Have you played Boing Docamodake? (Possibly misspelled) It's one of the few DS platformers I've liked (the other being New Super Mario Bros.). It uses the touch screen, but is also the only game doing that that I like. It's slow paced enough that it works okay 90% of the time. Sort of a platformer with a lot of puzzle elements (but not obnoxiously difficult like a lot of those are). I picked up a second copy for something like $6 from Gogamer recently.
I haven't even heard of that game before. But I don't tend to dig slower paced, puzzle platformers much. I just like straight up platformers like Mario, Kirby, Sonic etc.
They said it was misinterpreted, but didn't give a corrected interpretation? Hmm. In any case, obviously they must be working on a successor. Why wouldn't they be? The question is how far down the road will it be released. Maybe it's many years off yet.

EDIT: NSMB Wii has been a massive success. The new Megaman game was enough of a success that they're making another. I take it that Shadow Complex has been a success (though, myself, I wasn't thrilled with the demo and so didn't buy it.) Etc. I think we'll be seeing more 2D games, and thank goodness for it. I don't get much fun out of fighting 3D game cameras. Though some are less painful then others, I have yet to come across a 3D platformer that doesn't have camera issues. Yes, SMG is probably the best of the best and one of these days I'm going to get around to playing it (and my kids do love it), but I just can't get excited about those games, not nearly as much as I did for NSMB Wii. I'd also like to see a return of top-down 2D graphics on consoles. For example, GTA Chinatown Wars on the DS. I loved that and would like to see a top-down 2D game on the Wii that has enhanced graphics like they did for NSMB Wii. Heck, they ought to make GTA Chinatown Wars for the Wii with enhanced, but still top-down 2D, graphics. I'd buy that and play it through again.
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That Nvidia design win is one thing that says it could be this year...though also it may just be that Nintendo realizes they need to go out of house, but it's still just a contingency plan (as the GBA and Nitro/DS were).
[quote name='crunchewy'] I take it that Shadow Complex has been a success (though, myself, I wasn't thrilled with the demo and so didn't buy it.).[/QUOTE]

It's great. If you like the Metroid games or the metroid style Castlevania games you should love it as it's exactly that type of game.

Big connected map, with areas you can access until getting items and weapon upgrades, tons of items to find (health, ammo and armor expansions etc.).

The demo didn't represent the full game super well IMO.
[quote name='Strell']I wonder if some people here know they say stupid bullshit on purpose, or if they are really that flaming dumb.[/QUOTE]

A little of both through the magic of insecurity.
It make no sense to talk about a successor unless they got something to show, as that will turn people off getting DSi
Yeah, the rumors probably have some truth, they're just denying them and not talking further as they don't want to stymie sales of the DSi.
I am fine with whatever you throw in the system, but I just hope the devs don't fucking make it like the Wii where there is useless waggle that a button would do the same thing.
I'm ready for some better games that I can possibly enjoy.

It seems Nintendo is 150% serious about the Motion control for games now, so I guess there's no going back. :/ I'll get used to it eventually... just as long as they make better sensor bars that is, lol.
From CVG:
"It's genuinely the best thing I think I've ever worked with," he said. "I can tell you that it's got a 'tilt' function that's not dissimilar to iPhone, but does a lot more. We know that The Pokemon Company are getting special attention with it."
Must be hard wading around the CVG offices, what with all that bullshit and all. Har har har.
[quote name='Vinny']I hope that doesn't mean a DS Go.[/QUOTE]

The article goes on to say that Kindle is always connected to an online network without needing a wireless internet subscription to access it, and that is what Iwata was talking about.
Hmm, really disapointed if the hardware isn't a big step forward. Tegra 2 would have been just that-blowing away the DS, and pushing past the PSP unless it's massively downclocked.

But...now they're acting like that's not it? That's weird. Could even just be another DS with a cell radio in it, from the descriptions.

Nintendo *HAS* to fix their DRM so it's at least as good as Sony and Microsoft's. Their current system SUCKS.

I'd love Tegra 2 based system, but I'd love it to still have TONS of 2D games, and ditch the gimmicky touch screen and tilt sensor for two analog sticks. Cartridge based...might actually work still?
Any of you thought about how new portable might impact pricing of games? Could games be now $40 now instead of $30? Yes there already $40 games from Square-Enix but those could be $50 on next console. Reason of this is that as the portable become more powerful, cost of development will rise.
[quote name='laaj']Any of you thought about how new portable might impact pricing of games? Could games be now $40 now instead of $30? Yes there already $40 games from Square-Enix but those could be $50 on next console. Reason of this is that as the portable become more powerful, cost of development will rise.[/QUOTE]

If the price goes up, I'll just buy less of them or none at all. $30 is my limit for new handheld games unless it is a must buy or something (like pokemon with the pokewalker). $40 being the norm would really suck, though I am not very interested in 3D portable gaming anyway. As long as this thing has BC and some kind of dsiware with a steady supply of 2d games, I'll be fine with it.
The norm now for DS games is already $35 and $40 for PSP games, so I'd imagine it might be $40, though with the option of doing $20 or 30 if the company doesn't think it'll sell.

I've never quite understood why people aren't willing to pay as much for portable games, but I love that they're cheaper none the less :D
[quote name='Wolfpup']The norm now for DS games is already $35 [/QUOTE]

I know you're pretty much anti-DS and pro-PSP, but you're gravely wrong on this point. Some of Nintendo's first party games come in at this, and Square (for god knows what reason) sells their games high, but the average price point is NOT $35.
I think I never really liked the DS was because, I started off with the DS Lite, and 2 of my DS Lites broke.... I'm not really thinking of getting a DSi, since they are 170 dollars, which is... really steep to be honest. But, this news makes me excited to see what Nintendo is going to do now.

They already stepped into new waters, found that they can definitely float in it and now hopefully they will develop off this, to try and make very good games.
I always thought standard pricing for games were stupid. Japanese model got it right. Why is game with high production value being sold at same price as extremely low production value? Variable pricing will even help niche genres survive. Imagine companies making shmups actually making profits because they can price it at $100 instead of $60. Average gamers aren't going to buy shmups at $60 so fuck them. Just target the hardcore of the niche genres.
[quote name='laaj']I always thought standard pricing for games were stupid. Japanese model got it right. Why is game with high production value being sold at same price as extremely low production value? Variable pricing will even help niche genres survive. Imagine companies making shmups actually making profits because they can price it at $100 instead of $60. Average gamers aren't going to buy shmups at $60 so fuck them. Just target the hardcore of the niche genres.[/QUOTE]

There's no way that a niche genre would make any profit selling a $100 game.
Ugh. SHOOTER! It's a SHOOTER! And Side scrollign fighters are side scrolling fighters.

But anyway, I think niche stuff can possible do better cheap too...I mean I'm a lot more inclined to try a game if it's $20 new and has positive buzz and is something I've not played before or the like.

And dang, I was ripped off by PSP Metal Slug Anthology! $8 and it only includes 6 games! ;)
[quote name='doodofdoods']There's no way that a niche genre would make any profit selling a $100 game.[/QUOTE]

Sure they can long as development budget is tigthly controlled. It doesn't matter how cheap the game is, average gamers will not buy niche genre games. So what you have is the hardcore of those genres to sell to. Personally I'll pay $100 for numbered Dragon Quest games and shmups. Is lot like how Jazz/Blues and Classical music market operates. They can sell less than 100,000 copies and still make a profit.
[quote name='laaj']Sure they can long as development budget is tigthly controlled. It doesn't matter how cheap the game is, average gamers will not buy niche genre games. So what you have is the hardcore of those genres to sell to. Personally I'll pay $100 for numbered Dragon Quest games and shmups. Is lot like how Jazz/Blues and Classical music market operates. They can sell less than 100,000 copies and still make a profit.[/QUOTE]

An interesting concept.
[quote name='laaj']Sure they can long as development budget is tigthly controlled. It doesn't matter how cheap the game is, average gamers will not buy niche genre games. So what you have is the hardcore of those genres to sell to. Personally I'll pay $100 for numbered Dragon Quest games and shmups. Is lot like how Jazz/Blues and Classical music market operates. They can sell less than 100,000 copies and still make a profit.[/QUOTE]

I buy those niche games and there's no way I'd pay $100 for any of them. There are too many options out there for them to expect to sell their games for $100 and succeed.
[quote name='laaj']Sure they can long as development budget is tigthly controlled. It doesn't matter how cheap the game is, average gamers will not buy niche genre games. So what you have is the hardcore of those genres to sell to. Personally I'll pay $100 for numbered Dragon Quest games and shmups. Is lot like how Jazz/Blues and Classical music market operates. They can sell less than 100,000 copies and still make a profit.[/QUOTE]

I enjoy niche games, but there is no way in hell I am paying $100 for something that would normally cost $30 or $50-60 depending on handheld/console. Niche games are already money makers at their current prices, just look at Atlus.
All I know is that this rumor / announcement pretty much killed my plans to buy a DSI XL. I was going to get one in the hopes that the larger screen would clear up a lot of my issues with stylus games: namely, I have big hands covered with calluses.

I think I hold onto my DS Lite and wait for the SECOND revision of the DS2. (C'mon, we all know there will be a DS2 Lite eventually.) Hopefully Nintendo will make a large version of that as well.
Yeah, or maybe it'll start with 4" screens :) I LOVE big screens, though it seems half of everyone else wants things tiny, and thinks the DS/PSP are "huge" or whatever :whistle2:/
[quote name='Wolfpup']Yeah, or maybe it'll start with 4" screens :) I LOVE big screens, though it seems half of everyone else wants things tiny, and thinks the DS/PSP are "huge" or whatever :whistle2:/[/QUOTE]

That's the modern world for you. My friends complain that my VW GTI is 'too small,' and my PSP is 'too big.'

Honestly, I carry my DS and my PSP inside a business bag along with a netbook, so the size isn't an issue for me. They just both seem a little small in my hands. I'm really /really/ considering that DSI XL.
Yeah, I mean I can easily carry around my laptop, cell phone, Kindle, PSP, DS, and iPod...and sometimes do :whistle2:D

My DS screen, while way bigger than on the older Nintendo portables, is looking really small after my PSP, and the existance of the DS XL :whistle2:D

I'm not sure I'm getting an XL though, as I already have spare parts for the DS Lite, plus Gameboy Advance compatibility is super important to me, so probably I'll pick up some spare DS Lites at some point instead :whistle2:/
[quote name='Wolfpup']Yeah, I mean I can easily carry around my laptop, cell phone, Kindle, PSP, DS, and iPod...and sometimes do :whistle2:D

Yeah, it's not much of an issue if you always take a backpack/brief case with you.

Personally, it's mostly moot for me since I spend most of my time at home or at the office, and don't need music, internet, games etc. when I'm out on the town, running errands etc. so it's mostly moot for me.

When traveling, no big deal to have a laptop and a couple small gadgets. Though I do have some interest in a tablet device (like the iPad, though I don't plan on buying one as it lacks some features I'd want) for shorter trips where I'm packing light and could just use it for web browsing, e-mail, video, reading etc.
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