Japanese Niche Games Deals & Discussion Thread 4.0


163 (100%)
Welcome to the Japanese niche games deals and discussion thread!  Feel free to talk about local and import Japanese games here.  Our goal is to maintain a thread dedicated to active deals on niche games including RPGs, Visual Novels (VN), Shoot'em ups (Shmups), Musou, etc.  Also maintained are pre-orders for standard, limited and collector's edition games with key release dates provided.

I've wikified the thread to make it more friendly and open to others that can actively update with important information. You can find the wiki post directly below this one.

NOTE:  Please, leave the censorship discussion away from this thread.  It's common for japanese games to have questionable content outside of the country.  We want to keep discussions to the game itself and not about cultural/societal tolerance.

A message from Thorbahn:

Our CAG Japanese Niche Games Thread also has a community on PS4, where you can interact and game with other members of the thread.

Our moderators are: Draekon, Las_Hole, and Waffleswanton

You can basically friend any of our members, or any moderator, and you will be able to request to join the community under "Communities friends are in" tab, and a mod will approve your request.

You can also leave your PSN ID in the thread, saying you want to join, and we can invite you directly as well.

As always, have fun and enjoy your stay!

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They also have a NGPX sale:

The Prinny Volume 1 collection LE with Phantom Brave / Soul Nomad is $20 off:


Ys VIII PS4 is $29.99, but as mentioned on the thread a PS5 version is coming:


Rest of the sale (I don't see too much that stands out):


IFI will have Dusk Diver 2 (not available to order yet, only to wishlist), but it sounds like apart from the trading card it's just a launch edition that will be available everywhere:


Iffy also announced some Otome stuff with Amensia/Birushana:


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They also have a NGPX sale:

The Prinny Volume 1 collection LE with Phantom Brave / Soul Nomad is $20 off:

Ys VIII PS4 is $29.99, but as mentioned on the thread a PS5 version is coming:

Rest of the sale (I don't see too much that stands out):

IFI will have Dusk Diver 2 (not available to order yet, only to wishlist), but it sounds like apart from the trading card it's just a launch edition that will be available everywhere:

Iffy also announced some Otome stuff with Amensia/Birushana:
I would probably buy the Carcaptor Sakura Blu-Ray set for like $50. $100 is way too much.
OMG La Pucelle, finally! And it's the PSP remake, choice! I've always wanted to play Rhapsody, so that's a great game to pair it with. I haven't picked up volume 2 Prinny Presents, but now I'm wondering if I should just to have all three on the shelf...
My thoughts exactly. I have the first and will probably pick this one up, but while I'm not really interested in the second, I'm not sure I want that gap on my shelf lol

My thoughts exactly. I have the first and will probably pick this one up, but while I'm not really interested in the second, I'm not sure I want that gap on my shelf lol
Hoarder Mode, activate! But seriously, I wouldn't be surprised if these games don't get future prints, so I guess it would be a good idea to pick them up when we have the chance and avoid the regret later. I was always curious about Makai Kingdom anyway and I heard ZHP is great (I actually have it on Vita but never got to it, backlog gets me every time).

They also have a NGPX sale:

The Prinny Volume 1 collection LE with Phantom Brave / Soul Nomad is $20 off:


Ys VIII PS4 is $29.99, but as mentioned on the thread a PS5 version is coming:


Rest of the sale (I don't see too much that stands out):


IFI will have Dusk Diver 2 (not available to order yet, only to wishlist), but it sounds like apart from the trading card it's just a launch edition that will be available everywhere:


Iffy also announced some Otome stuff with Amensia/Birushana:

So Amnesia is the mystery 3rd otome title they hinted at last year. I had been hoping they were bringing over the My Next Life as a Villainess game.

Sony already shut down their PS Mobile service several years ago. Fully shut down, as in I can't even access the games I paid for anymore (Not legally, in any case.)

That last part is debatable. Normally when a store closes you'd expect to still be able to access the games you've already purchased, or possibly make your own backups. In the case I just mentioned, Sony in their infinite wisdom decided that if you ever so much as remove your Vita memory card, you lose your PSM authentication and can't even play your games again until you connect to the network - which no longer exists.
3DS digital games were tied to the console, but Nintendo could still access and transfer that account whenever necessary.
I vaguely remember that. They're just PlayStation mobile games right? Not regular vita games? I think that was a bit different in that those titles were mobile indie titles so the loss of them wasn't huge. It sucks that it happened but it's not really the same as losing access to a normal vita/psp game.

Also if your 3ds ever breaks or gets stolen itd be a bitch trying to transfer those licenses to a new handheld compared to if the purchases were tied to an account where you can remotely deactivate or activate consoles
!!! Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS5 special edition announced:
Instant buy. I have two ps4 copies currently, one is the first print. I guess I'll look into selling the first print version now. I also bought the $20 pom plush, heh.

Is the ps4 disc going to be a free upgrade on ps5? Maybe it's already the case even - I don't plan on buying a ps5 for another year or two.

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I'm really tempted to get the limited edition of NIS Classics 3, but AFAIK there's been no indication of the language for Rhapsody. I'm hoping it's the English version, or ideally dual audio.
Instant buy. I have two ps4 copies currently, one is the first print. I guess I'll look into selling the first print version now. I also bought the $20 pom plush, heh.

Is the ps4 disc going to be a free upgrade on ps5? Maybe it's already the case even - I don't plan on buying a ps5 for another year or two.
Oh yeah, I already had my order in before posting it on here lol I don't have a PS5 either and am thinking of waiting on a slim model to pick one up. Moreover, I still haven't seen that console-selling game that makes me want a PS5. Final Fantasy XVI will eventually hit PC (and my husband is a PC gamer so that rig will always keep up with the console generations) and lots of recent games have been also releasing on PS4. It's going to take the likes of Persona 6 to make me finally cave and hunt down a PS5, and there's always the chance that will be on PS4, as well, like how 5 was on PS3. I'm not knocking the PS5 by any means, I just don't see much value in it for me right now.

!!! Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS5 special edition announced:


This is a chance to get the special edition for anyone like me who missed it! It appears to include the same contents as the PS4/Vita version, at the same price! I might get this just for those beautiful goodies!
Weird, I had no idea Ys VIII was getting a PS5 version. Not sure what they could add to it. Does the PS4 version run at a constant 60 fps on ps5? I think the main thing that's missing is the extra cosmetics that come with the switch version.. which are the best cosmetics in the game, so hopefully it at least comes with those
Weird, I had no idea Ys VIII was getting a PS5 version. Not sure what they could add to it. Does the PS4 version run at a constant 60 fps on ps5? I think the main thing that's missing is the extra cosmetics that come with the switch version.. which are the best cosmetics in the game, so hopefully it at least comes with those
Gematsu article here states all previously-released cosmetic DLC from the PS4 and Vita versions will be included, no mention of the Switch ones, unfortunately: https://www.gematsu.com/2022/03/ys-viii-lacrimosa-of-dana-coming-to-ps5-this-fall

Sorry for post-spam, but just read E3 2022 has been canceled. Honestly, nothing of value was lost, since it was going to be a digital-only event anyway. All the participating companies can just upload videos of their upcoming games. Still, E3 season used to be such hype. It's feeling more and more like a relic of a bygone era in gaming.

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I don't have any affinity for E3 specifically, but it was nice getting a massive dump of announcements all at once. Now it seems like every other week some company wants your attention for their presentation - Nintendo Direct, State of Play, Xbox Connect, EA Play, New Game Plus Expo, The Game Awards, the list goes on.

As much as I realize the irony of posting this in an online forum, I really don't want to be connected to everything all of the time. Those big events consolidated a lot into a relatively short amount of time, and rarely do these new events feel like they're respecting my time in the same way.

Then again, maybe I'm just looking at it through rose-tinted lenses and maybe I'm just becoming a grumpy old man. Ba humbug, I suppose.

I honestly like the Nintendo Direct/State of Play style. You get some footage, sometimes we get talks with creative teams or something, and it's set for however long they want so you don't see all the live flubs we noticed on the stages. Clean, sometimes exciting, and straight to the point. I'm sure Devolver Digital will do their silly presentation they always do, although I'm not a huge fan, I do love the games they show. E3 feels like more of a relic now, although it still holds some place. Nintendo will likely have a direct around the same E3 time (June), so not much was lost.

I honestly like the Nintendo Direct/State of Play style. You get some footage, sometimes we get talks with creative teams or something, and it's set for however long they want so you don't see all the live flubs we noticed on the stages. Clean, sometimes exciting, and straight to the point. I'm sure Devolver Digital will do their silly presentation they always do, although I'm not a huge fan, I do love the games they show. E3 feels like more of a relic now, although it still holds some place. Nintendo will likely have a direct around the same E3 time (June), so not much was lost.
But without E3 we never would've gotten the masterpiece that is Konami's 2010 presentation:


In seriousness though, it's not so much that I dislike the template of Directs/State of Plays, it's that there are now God-knows-how-many presentations across months announced instead of one big event over an extended weekend. E3 was something I could plan for, but when these micro-events are (usually) announced <1 week in advance odds are low that I'll be able to tune in for most of them due to work. If we knew in advance when these presentations would be and we could group them in a single week/weekend, I'd totally be down for that.

!!! Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS5 special edition announced:


This is a chance to get the special edition for anyone like me who missed it! It appears to include the same contents as the PS4/Vita version, at the same price! I might get this just for those beautiful goodies!
wish they would just make a new game. 9 sucked. They need to make the new one with a new engine and revamp the gameplay

wish they would just make a new game. 9 sucked. They need to make the new one with a new engine and revamp the gameplay
IX was a bit disappointing, yeah. The story wasn't nearly as engaging as the one in VIII and really paled in comparison to the stories in most other Ys games. I thought the combat system was pretty fun and was glad the game didn't punish you as hard as the previous party-based games did for hitting an enemy with the weapon type it was resistant to. Like, I get the rock-paper-scissors system, but sometimes I just really want to play as a certain character. Speaking of the characters, they were...fine, I guess. I loved Hawk, he was a shitheel lol I really want Falcom to make a modern Ys game that's Adol-only, so a modern spin on the Napish engine. Or, they could pull an Origin and give us different playable characters, but they each have their own solo campaign (Adol being one of them). I really want a remake of V, but I believe Falcom confirmed recently they're working on X (it will have a new engine, though). I'm still hopeful for the future, because I love this franchise, but the current Seven engine is indeed getting a bit stale so I hope this new engine is a big improvement.

It always bugged me that I had the special edition for the game I thought was just ok (IX) but not the one for the game I thought was a near-masterpiece (VIII). Finally, I can rectify that!

Yeah I got my Rune Factory 4 Archival Edition from them in one of those large bubble mailers completely crushed. Not sure how Xseed store packages their special editions, but I'd probably roll the ball with them instead.
Just got the Earthmate edition today from XSeed. Arrived in a box with air pillows so it wouldn’t move around. Shipping was free and it was fast (ordered Monday and got it Friday). Would order LEs from them again to not play the damage game with Amazon.

Several Atlus/sega 3ds games are back at $7-$10 sale prices that we saw in January.
I bought them all last time, but now I'm considering the dlc for each title. Does anyone have recommendations for against dlc items in these atlus games?

Was specifically looking at the dlc unlock for highlander class in EOU2. Also the item that reduces encouter rate in PQ2 (is this effect available elsewhere from ingame items?)

Several Atlus/sega 3ds games are back at $7-$10 sale prices that we saw in January.


No it didn't. I understand why many people like VIII more than XI, but it sounds like you didn't even play the full game.
You got that from like one sentence? I've beaten every Ys game except 5 because it never got brought over. I've played every thing else, the bump system and beyond. The current gameplay system is tired and boring. There are two reasons why: you don't really need to take advantage of the rock paper, scissors element in most cases. The game doesn't punish you enough for it. Therefore it is pointless. The second reason is that because you do have to switch to other characters, it takes the narrative focus away from Adol and his adventures and puts in on dumb trope anime characters we're likely never see in the series again. Why not just give Adol himself different weapons that do range, heavy and lite attacks? Truth is it would be harder to make a story based game around a silent protag.

Another issue with 9 is the terrible engine. 8 worked with it well since it was originally designed with the vita at first, the devs knew they had to stick to smaller locals and pretty colors for the vita's oled screen. They went the opposite direction with 9. Huge, empty places that makes the game run like crap even on the ps4 pro. Also, because of the subject matter and location, the art and graphics are dull, dreary and ugly. And not in a good way like maybe a resident evil game where the environment scares you. This is just and ugly game.

Speaking of subject matter, the story is bad. I can't get into it without spoiling it but in comparison to 8, it's a massive disappointment. By the end I was ready to be done with the game and never see these characters again.

They need a new engine. A new fighting mechanic. I suggest going a route similar to action games like DMC and ninja gaiden. Make Ys games HARD again. They're just easy anime waifu games now.

Do you still think I haven't played the full game?

Is all of the DLC available in the store to purchase while browsing if it exists? Or some games you have to purchase in-game? I seem the remember the 3DS eShop is kind of a mix of those two, but not sure.

GameStop has Nier Replicant new (PS4) for $19.99:

I price matched it at Best Buy online without any trouble.
Are there any differences between Replicant Remake and the original Nier (Gestalt) other than weird old man Nier and the graphics? I kinda prefer weird old man Nier and don’t super care about the graphics, so I’ll stick to my 360 copy if there’s no other significant changes.
Are there any differences between Replicant Remake and the original Nier (Gestalt) other than weird old man Nier and the graphics? I kinda prefer weird old man Nier and don’t super care about the graphics, so I’ll stick to my 360 copy if there’s no other significant changes.
One other significant thing I've heard of the new release is that the soundtrack was completely redone. Have heard a lot of positive things about those tracks. Personally still waiting on the pc version to drop below 20 (or hit game pass).

Pretty sure the biggest change is the fighting system from somewhat meh in the original to decent in the remake. There is some added story as well.

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Are there any differences between Replicant Remake and the original Nier (Gestalt) other than weird old man Nier and the graphics? I kinda prefer weird old man Nier and don’t super care about the graphics, so I’ll stick to my 360 copy if there’s no other significant changes.
I love old man NieR, but honestly after playing this version I don't think I could ever go back. The movement and combat is so much more fluid, the framerate way better, and even the materials grinding was less painful. There's an extra ending (which is great), and young NieR is so much better than I thought he was going to be.

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Posted in Target thread. Also sharing here

Games that I got after a few cancellations From Target B2G1

Elden Ring - PS4

Atelier Sophie 2 - PS4

Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town- PS4

Doom Slayers Collection - Switch

Death Gambit - Switch

Total was about $137 & Tax. Had bought Elden Ring for full price earlier & will be returning it

Are there any differences between Replicant Remake and the original Nier (Gestalt) other than weird old man Nier and the graphics? I kinda prefer weird old man Nier and don’t super care about the graphics, so I’ll stick to my 360 copy if there’s no other significant changes.
Ending E is only in Replicant. It is the true ending but requires a lot of work to get to it.

The Cruel King and the Great Hero Storybook edition is also eligible for the Target B2G1, but only the PS4 version is in stock.

So this Target B2G1 cancel two thing... is it normal that it shows that it’s charging me tax for all three items even after canceling two? I ordered three $59.99 items, canceled two, and it’s showing my order as $47 (which is $40 even plus local sales tax of 6% on $120). Is it actually going to charge me the full tax amount, or is that something that’ll get changed automatically when the payment is actually processed?
So this Target B2G1 cancel two thing... is it normal that it shows that it’s charging me tax for all three items even after canceling two? I ordered three $59.99 items, canceled two, and it’s showing my order as $47 (which is $40 even plus local sales tax of 6% on $120). Is it actually going to charge me the full tax amount, or is that something that’ll get changed automatically when the payment is actually processed?
The tax amount will change once fully processed
Following up on the eStarland topic, I ordered a bunch of things from them recently after we talked about them.

Most of it was fine, great even. However, I did have a few issues. A Gameboy Advance cartridge I ordered had a pretty mean crack in the back plastic. It's possible this happened during shipping.

I ordered BlazBlue Continuum Shift Extend, but was sent Continuum Shift.

A 360 game I ordered complete did come with the manual and instructions, but in a cheap black plastic replacement case. It had a few cracks in the case, a few pieces of loose plastic inside, and the disc has one noticeable scratch.

I've been ordering from them for years (with some large gaps inbetween) and this is the first time I need to return something, so it's possible the quality has slipped a bit. Everything else ordered was great, so as long as the return is painless I'm still mostly happy.

Seven Pirates H launches in the west on Nintendo Switch May 12th:


Play-Asia is saying they'll ship the standard edition by that date, while the limited edition doesn't have a ship date, but I assume that's because it's sold out so hopefully it'll ship at the same time. Much excitement.
Thanks, I didn't know PA would ship physical out earlier.

Makes sense LE version may be later. Guessing those goodies may take longer to get done with supply chain issues still ongoing.
GameStop is doing a B2G1 now. There are some okay prices combined with it.

Here's the sale:


Here's some stuff I saw eligible for the B2G1 for inspiration

Monster Crown (Switch) $20.61:


Sakuna (Switch) $19.99:


Zengeon (Switch) $29.99:


Cris Tales (PS5) $27.89, Switch $26.99, PS4 $19.99


Skullgirls 2nd Encore (Switch - GS Exclusive on Switch) $29.99


Edge of Eternity (PS5 - GS Exclusive on PS5) $29.99


Zoids Wild Blast Unleashed: $19.99


Danganronpa Decadence - full price, but part of the sale - $59.99


The Cruel King and the Great Hero Storybook Edition (Switch/PS4 - Target has this too, but the Switch version has been staying OOS) $59.99:


Void Terrarium ++ Deluxe Edition (PS5) $19.99


KOF XV Xbox/PS5 similar but slightly different prices ~$55:


Death end re;Quest 2 (Switch) $49.99


Gal Gun Double Peace (Switch) $39.99


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Some other recently discussed deals are part of the b2g1 as well.  Nier replicant and Akiba's Strip 10th Aniv each at $20 still, or ~$13 in a b2g1 set.  

Edit: Great Ace Attorney Chronicles is a great game around $20 after promo.

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bread's done