Japanese Niche Games Deals Thread: Atlus, NISA, Aksys, XSeed and More!

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2 (100%)
The following thread are for niche-based Japanese video games by smaller companies such as Atlus, NIS America, AKSYS, XSEED, D3 Publisher, KOEI/TECMO, SNK Playmore, Ignition, Natsume or any sweet deals for those who are passionate and hardcore about Japanese video games even from the bigger companies like SquareEnix, Sega, Bandai Namco, etc.

But to avoid any messiness of links everywhere, we'll focus on games within the last 2-3 years as opposed to the last five-ten. [although, if you do see older titles on sale, please post them regardless].

The theme of these deals are Japanese video games distributed in the US by the smaller niche companies. The thread is literally for those who love Japanese games.
There will be a few Korean games that you may see on this list, such as the "DJ Max" games.

If you see a deal, please post!

NOTE: Please check the most recent page for the latest deals.

And I want to thank many of you in advance who submit their deals and their support!!!
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Only one Re;Birth 1 and 2 LE for me as well.

Although Recettear is teaching me that I should buy things from shops and resell them for 30% more though.

Capitalism, Ho!

Aside from the story I agree with the others about the battle system being pretty decent. It definitely wasn't the worst Tales game out there to me and had it's strong points in some areas.

Plus the fact that it was shorter than other Tales games helped as well as if it ended up being 60 hours many people might not be able to finish it with that kind of story >.<

Did you find this to be the worst Tales game made then? If not, I'm interested in hearing what gets even lower than 4/10 for the Tales games? (I read this again and it sounds rude, but its not meant to be >.< I am honestly curious lolol!)
I wouldn't say it was shorte at sixty hours. 40-60 is average for them ps2 gen on outside abyss. Which despite how dragged to hell the 3rd act is the game clocked 40 hours. ps1 gen they were 20-40. arguably the shortest of the recent titles would be the xillias. I would imagine cutscene skip, carry over options and sanctuary bottles help alot. I'm sure if the game had more party members early plus narikiri dolls a second run would be a hell of alot more interesting. But yeah outside symphonia I generally don't replay tales games because they don't have much to experience on a second run.

I wouldn't say it was shorte at sixty hours. 40-60 is average for them ps2 gen on outside abyss. Which despite how dragged to hell the 3rd act is the game clocked 40 hours. ps1 gen they were 20-40. arguably the shortest of the recent titles would be the xillias. I would imagine cutscene skip, carry over options and sanctuary bottles help alot. I'm sure if the game had more party members early plus narikiri dolls a second run would be a hell of alot more interesting. But yeah outside symphonia I generally don't replay tales games because they don't have much to experience on a second run.
Well for me I beat it on the first run in under 40 hours, I think closer to 30 which is why I called it pretty short I guess. I agree though, it really doesn't have much replay value. I played Xillia twice but then again it was because of the Jude and Milla story thing so I don't know if that counts.... The only Tales game I actually replayed again was Vesperia

I'm about 5 hours into ToHR and I'm enjoying it. 

Looking forward to getting to Toukiden! I still have Soul Sacrifice Delta and Freedom Wars in my backlog though...

not sure if it was mentioned, but I saw FFX|X-2 for $17.99 ($14.39 with gcu) at Best Buy.  still can't believe a ps4 port was announced... so soon.  just hope there isn't a CE for that...


apparently it's actually $13.99 at Best Buy. the $17.99 tag (mentioning $2 off as well) might have been old.

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Toukiden Kimwami is being physically released here, right? I'm not really seeing pre-orders up for it anywhere.
It's currently listed on both Amazon and Gamestop, though Amazon doesn't have images for it yet. It's currently set as $59.99 for PS4 version and $39.99 for Vita version. Best Buy doesn't know about if they'll carry it themselves yet.

Weird...my payment got denied. They are sending me a paypal invoice so I can update my info. Not sure why but now I'm slightly scared since I used the same info at Best Buy for my Metaknight Amiibo...

Idea Factory International's Facebook page just put up a link for Hyperdevotion Noire's EU version.

The interesting tidbit is that they specifically say that the "standard edition is up" as if to imply a limited edition also exists.

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Idea Factory International's Facebook page just put up a link for Hyperdevotion Noire's EU version.

The interesting tidbit is that they specifically say that the "standard edition is up" as if to imply a limited edition also exists.
If there is a Limited Edition, it's probably just another Calendar.

Ugh, ive been so depress lately, i can't enjoy videogames like i use to everytime i get home from work i try to force myself to play some bravely defaults or freedom wars(because there the ones im currently playing) but i can only get myself to play 30 mins or less... I mean when im not doing anything else, all i think about is buying videogames and preordering limited edition of everything and once i get them obviously they are in my backlog but wow, i don't have any motivation to play videogames anymore... I really dont do anything else besides sleep work and lay down watching tv or on my phone.
Ugh, ive been so depress lately, i can't enjoy videogames like i use to everytime i get home from work i try to force myself to play some bravely defaults or freedom wars(because there the ones im currently playing) but i can only get myself to play 30 mins or less... I mean when im not doing anything else, all i think about is buying videogames and preordering limited edition of everything and once i get them obviously they are in my backlog but wow, i don't have any motivation to play videogames anymore... I really dont do anything else besides sleep work and lay down watching tv or on my phone.
I know what you mean, man. The high comes from buying new stuff and finding rare things. Take a load off and find one or two games you really enjoy and spend your time playing just those games. Try to only buy things you want to play immediately. When you don't feel like an RPG or grinding, just don't do it. There's no quick way to burn through a JRPG backlog. So find and play some instant gratification games you have been wanting to play like a new FPS, GTA5 or Smash Brothers. It's better to spend $60 on a PS4 game like GTA5 that you've been wanting to play instead of loading up on backlog JRPGs that are just going to sit on your shelf. It IS fun playing what is current and playing what people are talking about.

Yeah.. I guess ill try that. But i dont know. I like jrpg they are my favorite genre. Wierdly the only other game i play outside of it is nba 2k14. But its hard for me not to buy every new jrpg especially if its limited edition its like i must have it no matter how shitty the game is i just have to have it. Lol. I also have a gaming computer that can play anything i want.

Really i think im just not playing these game because im waiting to move with my girlfriend which is taking forever. So my living situation /my room / my gaming environment is not good enough for me to have interest i guess just the little things like coming home from work or not having enough time to do this and that. Also my extreme laziness i guess.
I go through phases with my hobbies all the time. Sometimes I'll really be in the mood to watch anime, play a game--even a specific mood for a specific genre--read a book, etc. Just shift over to something else that sounds better at the moment, and come back when you're more in the mood.

Ugh, ive been so depress lately, i can't enjoy videogames like i use to everytime i get home from work i try to force myself to play some bravely defaults or freedom wars(because there the ones im currently playing) but i can only get myself to play 30 mins or less... I mean when im not doing anything else, all i think about is buying videogames and preordering limited edition of everything and once i get them obviously they are in my backlog but wow, i don't have any motivation to play videogames anymore... I really dont do anything else besides sleep work and lay down watching tv or on my phone.
It happens. Try different things and take a break from games and stuff. I went through the same thing with anime and pretty much skipped a season. It felt pretty good and it also helped it was a weak season so only watched like 1 or 2 things from it later. Also I'm also taking a break from just buying LEs and such. I pretty much made a rule. If I wont play it right away when I get it I wont buy it as MSRP. Will save a heck of a lot of money and also space. It's never a bad thing to just check out different things.

I know what you mean, man. The high comes from buying new stuff and finding rare things. Take a load off and find one or two games you really enjoy and spend your time playing just those games. Try to only buy things you want to play immediately. When you don't feel like an RPG or grinding, just don't do it. There's no quick way to burn through a JRPG backlog. So find and play some instant gratification games you have been wanting to play like a new FPS, GTA5 or Smash Brothers. It's better to spend $60 on a PS4 game like GTA5 that you've been wanting to play instead of loading up on backlog JRPGs that are just going to sit on your shelf. It IS fun playing what is current and playing what people are talking about.
I ended up having to do that whenever the Sly Cooper 1-3 games went on sale for $3. I spent time platinuming the first one for quick trophies and a change of pace. I think sometimes we also look at our backlog and it creates a sort of subconscious stress that we might never get through them. So instead of playing through and enjoying them. We tend to stress a little. And well, sometimes you just get burned out and need a break from games altogether. Find some books to read.

For those looking for a cheap 3DS game that is new, Fatal Frame for the 3DS (known as Spirit Camera: The Cursed Memoir) is $4.97 at Gamestop new (in store YMMV).  Probably would have sole 5x more if they would have called it Fatal Frame.

For those looking for a cheap 3DS game that is new, Fatal Frame for the 3DS (known as Spirit Camera: The Cursed Memoir) is $4.97 at Gamestop new (in store YMMV). Probably would have sole 5x more if they would have called it Fatal Frame.
Such a weird game.

It's a horror game you have to play in a brightly lit area.

Ugh, ive been so depress lately, i can't enjoy videogames like i use to everytime i get home from work i try to force myself to play some bravely defaults or freedom wars(because there the ones im currently playing) but i can only get myself to play 30 mins or less... I mean when im not doing anything else, all i think about is buying videogames and preordering limited edition of everything and once i get them obviously they are in my backlog but wow, i don't have any motivation to play videogames anymore... I really dont do anything else besides sleep work and lay down watching tv or on my phone.
Try not to buy so many, If youre collecting for yourself, focus on your favorites and play when you want. In real life, Some times you just take some gametime off. I do it all the time.
The biggest thing is you gotta get over having to have every single LE that drops.  When it comes to collecting anything, It's impossible to have it all.  That type of mentality only leads to feelings of inadequacy and remorse.  Most of us here joke about being OCD on a minor level and the best thing you can do is try to combat it.   Try to sell off some things you don't care about.  It will lower your stress level and you'll have funds for new toys and games.  It's actually a very rewarding feeling when you downsize and streamline your collection.  You're just in a rut from buying all these things you don't really care about, out of habit.  Time to break the habit and spend more time doing things you enjoy. 

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I have a few LEs I'm waiting on and then I'm taking a hiatus away from purchasing any. Most of the ones I've bought in the last year or so haven't been worth the extra $15-30 it takes for the soundtrack or calendar. I think I'll have to stick to a sound set of items required for me to pull the trigger on a purchase. Like it must include an artbook, soundtrack, and something else. Perhaps a poster, keychain, figurine, pre-order DLC.

I just realized the other day I had more LEs that I haven't even touched than games I've played and beaten in the last few years. So after the Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth 2 LE, and Atelier Shallie LE coming out, I'm done until at least the end of summer unless something is just too good to pass up. I'll wait for a sale or use my Gamer's Club membership.

Yeah, definitely rough to go for all CEs. Back when I was still doing CEs/steelbooks, I only ever bought them for games that I wanted to get. And since I only buy games I'm interested in or I think I'll like, that already limited it quite a bit. After all, why by a game--let alone a CE for a game--that you don't actually think looks good or interesting?

Ugh, ive been so depress lately, i can't enjoy videogames like i use to everytime i get home from work i try to force myself to play some bravely defaults or freedom wars(because there the ones im currently playing) but i can only get myself to play 30 mins or less... I mean when im not doing anything else, all i think about is buying videogames and preordering limited edition of everything and once i get them obviously they are in my backlog but wow, i don't have any motivation to play videogames anymore... I really dont do anything else besides sleep work and lay down watching tv or on my phone.
Seriously, lots of great responses in this thread. I just want to add that videogames are to enjoy, not really something to obsess over, just play the games you like, not the ones that you want to like. These niche games are mostly mediocre often, I really recommend playing a new more fun game like GTA V or Saints Row just to free your mind a little. Playing an old classic that you really enjoyed like Vice City or God of War can really help too.

And for the preordering LEs, just remember that while they look nice, and are very rare, if you look outside of the niche community, most people wont give two dumps about these so called "Collectors Editions." I really really really recommend opening the LEs and actually using some of things inside the boxes. Read through an artbook, listen to the soundtracks, use the cloth to clean ur glasses or hang one of the posters up. I guarantee you that you will appreciate the LEs a lot more, I feel really happy everytime I flip through the Neptunia Artbooks or listen to the CDs (which have decent music BTW.) Again, don't stress it out, health is more important that any video game in the world.

Interesting. I'm waiting on a few and then planning to cut back as well. Operation Abyss will be the first NISA one I pass up in a while.

I'm drawn to fanservice-y games, and sometimes I just buy a game because there is a character that looks appealing. Like the redhead chick on the LE for Awakened Fate Ultimatum. It isn't my kind of game, but I seem to want it because she's on the box in that lacy lingerie or w/e T.F. she's wearing. It doesn't make sense (at least not unless fanservice were a central part of Awakened Fate Ultimatum), and that's why I'm going to try to change it.

Calculating how many hours it would take to clear my backlog, and then translating that into days by using a practical (or even aggressive) estimate for how much time I could play put things into perspective. If I played ~38 a week (Basically a work week [aggressive]) it would take an even 6 years. And that's only using games for which data on HowLongToBeat.com is available.

I got sick of being stressed out by my backlog. I made it my mission to just sample every game I own instead, which I completely recommend if your backlog is overshadowing you and you still want to use games to unwind (otherwise taking a break is probably the better option).

It's reminding me how I really feel about my games instead of what I like to buy. I'm making a shortlist of the ones I REALLY want to play as I go along, but even if I don't finish those I'll drop them as soon as it starts to feel like a chore.

Sticking to my core interests. Some (but many less) JRPG's (Persona is the big one, no doubt), fanservicey games (Senran Kagura, Neptunia), Occasional racing game (Dirt), rhythm games (DJMAX, et al.), and the rare Visual Novel.

Of course, I decided to cut back right after I got a GCU membership. Dems da breaks.

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Did I mention I finally got my hands on .hack g.u. part 2?  Now I just need a cheap ps2 to play it on since my disc spinny thing only works when something heavy is sitting on it.

30$ very good condition though it looks like new considering how stiff the case and manual are and the disc was spotless.  I've been wanting to get the last 2 for years.  I was waiting on a price drop when they first released as I got the original quad for less than 10$ back during ebays prime.  But they had a low print I guess and never dropped in price until they disappeared from the brick and mortar market.  Not like that matters as only a walmart a couple towns over even had the first 2 and never even carried the 3rd.

I have an old save file with max level and a crap load of items and equips from part 1 waiting for me when I get to part 2. So much fun to be had. Especially since 2 lets you use commands for your party members I believe which 1 lacked annoyingly.  

I'm so not looking forward to buying part 3 at 75$ or more :/

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[...] i can't enjoy videogames like i use to [...]
Man I been there, with more than just videogames. I think it's just a part of my personality that I have to accept--if I am interested in something, I will whore it out to the fullest and run it into the ground until just the mere mention of said woe will likely send me onto a soapbox for a 20+ minute verbal rage-out.

Some things, like Magic: the Gathering, are just so amazing until I spend way too much money. Same goes with games, I think. It's the feeling that you are buying more time to play or impress someone or yourself, and then find that really the only thing that really mattered was the substance of gameplay, not the complete product line.

Do yourself some favors and mix things up, repetitious habit can be terribly boring. If your brain is crying out for some sort of change, you would do best to listen. Asking for other people's opinions isn't necessarily a bad thing, though I am sure you will find those that disagree with "asking the Internet," but sometimes it is nice to also get the opinions of what we assume to be like-minded peers.

Personally, my two-pronged attack is variance (playing both casually under one profile, or playing on another profile to try to amass that feeling of getting platinum trophy; additionally going out and trying to maintain friendships with people you have been acquainted with in the past as well as family) and acceptance (knowing that lows come and will pass when you least expect them, bridging ways back into highs).

Still, though, despite my bleak personal self-diagnosis, I do always find that video games are that one major constant in my life that, despite a constantly changing game library, I always come back to and am still surprised when I actually am allowed to play something that is without doubt a great game (yeah I am playing Dark Souls II right now). Hope you are able to rekindle your joy or if not, at least find some other value in life to give it a deeper and more rewarding meaning.

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I bought Conception 2 Children of the Stars for 3ds on whim.

Was going to buy for $25,but saw a like new on amazon for $16.xx.

Anyone have an opinion on the game?

Awesome replies on this page fellas, I might look to do the same, sell some of my LEs, and old RPGs I'll never play, and just focus on some upcoming stuff I really want. Good to see like minds in here :D

Oh, and Tailred
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I bought Conception 2 Children of the Stars for 3ds on whim.

Was going to buy for $25,but saw a like new on amazon for $16.xx.

Anyone have an opinion on the game?
I played it on Vita. It's a mediocre dungeon crawler. Not bad, but there's better out there.

Awesome replies on this page fellas, I might look to do the same, sell some of my LEs, and old RPGs I'll never play, and just focus on some upcoming stuff I really want. Good to see like minds in here :D

Oh, and Tailred <3

*cue "She sounds hideous!"*

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I bought Conception 2 Children of the Stars for 3ds on whim.

Was going to buy for $25,but saw a like new on amazon for $16.xx.

Anyone have an opinion on the game?
It's not Persona, but a dating sim with a mediocre RPG dungeon attached.

My advise:

Download the demo to get some bonus items when starting the game.

Date all the girls at once. There is no penalty for doing that. The three heart icons are reset when going to your dorm room and resting or entering/exiting dungeons. If a girl's story progression stops, do a classmating ritual to move on to the next part. At some point you do have to go into the dungeon to unlock the next chapter, but there's plenty of content in between. The only diverging paths for the girls is for the ending (with a save point just before you pick a girl,) a Christmas Starmas date, and school festival date. There are "friendship" versions of the events and a NG+ harem ending, but just YouTube those.

Torri (Monokuma girl) and Serina(light blue haired girl) both get an attack that attacks all enemies at once. As soon as you unlock one of them, pick your favorite and ignore the other girls. The DLC weapons are good, especially the Deciple Weapon pack early on ($2 i think) and the ones obtained from the Monokuma DLC(free, but later in the game.) Other DLC just unlocks missions that drop rare items or spawn high exp monsters.

It's not Persona, but a dating sim with a mediocre RPG dungeon attached.

My advise:

Download the demo to get some bonus items when starting the game.

Date all the girls at once. There is no penalty for doing that. The three heart icons are reset when going to your dorm room and resting or entering/exiting dungeons. If a girl's story progression stops, do a classmating ritual to move on to the next part. At some point you do have to go into the dungeon to unlock the next chapter, but there's plenty of content in between. The only diverging paths for the girls is for the ending (with a save point just before you pick a girl,) a Christmas Starmas date, and school festival date. There are "friendship" versions of the events and a NG+ harem ending, but just YouTube those.

Torri (Monokuma girl) and Serina(light blue haired girl) both get an attack that attacks all enemies at once. As soon as you unlock one of them, pick your favorite and ignore the other girls. The DLC weapons are good, especially the Deciple Weapon pack early on ($2 i think) and the ones obtained from the Monokuma DLC(free, but later in the game.) Other DLC just unlocks missions that drop rare items or spawn high exp monsters.
Played the demo and saved. Heard you get some items at the start.

How is the item buying done? Eshop or Atlus shop/in-game.

Thanks for the advice. :D

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