Japanese Niche Games Deals Thread: Atlus, NISA, Aksys, XSeed and More!

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The following thread are for niche-based Japanese video games by smaller companies such as Atlus, NIS America, AKSYS, XSEED, D3 Publisher, KOEI/TECMO, SNK Playmore, Ignition, Natsume or any sweet deals for those who are passionate and hardcore about Japanese video games even from the bigger companies like SquareEnix, Sega, Bandai Namco, etc.

But to avoid any messiness of links everywhere, we'll focus on games within the last 2-3 years as opposed to the last five-ten. [although, if you do see older titles on sale, please post them regardless].

The theme of these deals are Japanese video games distributed in the US by the smaller niche companies. The thread is literally for those who love Japanese games.
There will be a few Korean games that you may see on this list, such as the "DJ Max" games.

If you see a deal, please post!

NOTE: Please check the most recent page for the latest deals.

And I want to thank many of you in advance who submit their deals and their support!!!
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[quote name='DarkSageRK']You're seriously arguing that killing people in games is "entertainment" whereas rubbing bubbles away from chibi-themed girls (without any nudity) is "pedophilia". Wow.

If you think this game would make you a pedophile, then there are more issues here than your prudish desire to force censorship on things you dislike. Don't like it? Fine. But don't assume that others have the same problems with games that you do.[/QUOTE]

I'm just going to go the "you're an idiot" route on this one.

"Chibi-themed", really? Is that what we're using to try to justify oversexualizing young toddlers?

But seriously, you're an idiot. Like, really, a fuckin' dipshit. Sorry to be explicit, but I'm just being real. Look how defensive you're being over something as stupid as this game "mechanic". First off, my "prudish desire" isn't to "force" anything. It's simply a preference not to have to molest 6 year-olds in my strategy games. Also, I never assumed anything. I know there's idiots out there (you're living proof) that will defend anything Japan ejaculates onto the figurative face of America, regardless of how ridiculous it is.

And before you go crying about how I shouldn't be in this thread and if I don't like Japanese games, not to play them. I own nearly all of NISA's console based RPGs, including their collector's editions. I play them because I enjoy a good story and strategy. Hell, I even love nice set of tits to ogle while I'm playing, but those set of tits need to be ripened, and not have an entire game mechanic based on them.

So yes, fuck you and your creepy and overly-defensive desire to justify this shit stain of a mini-game.

[quote name='elessar123']1000 times this.

Something like showing the raping of an adult is perfectly ok in our society, but suggestive drawings are not. WTF?[/QUOTE]

Also, either dumb as shit or scared to actually address the real issue. Suggestive drawings are fine, just not of little girls. This isn't a matter of sex versus violence in video games, it's just a matter of disgusting, pedophilic content. I actually believe you're aware of this and are just trying to avoid it so you don't have to admit how much of a creeper it makes you to actually support this.
I see what you're saying, Kenshin, but I can't help but feel it's different. A KKK member can point to hip hop culture or some other retarded example and say "This is why I feel this way". Is there any justification in the world for any of those bath scenes apart from "Little girls are hot"?

It really is quite an ironic statement that I've made, but I think that is telling of the topic. I am very against censorship, and I fully agree with your statement about free speech. I also think this is un-equivocally messed up. I seem to be presenting a bit of a double standard here. I guess I'm trying to say that some situations call for one. I would even be more nonchalant about the whole situation if it had to do with dialog or story. This is just a messed up little mini game. The overall game will be exactly the same without it. No story changes, and no reshaping of characters. (This is an assumption. I guess it is possible that these are integral to the plot :3 lol)

Also, elessar, it's suggestive images of what looks to be a 5 year old child. That type of thing is about as taboo as it can possibly be. It is, indeed, FAR more so than an adult rape scene.

As far as me being against something I don't like... does someone like this then? Is this a thing that people are into? I certainly hope not. When it comes to kiddy porn (or right on the damn verge of it) NO ONE should be into it, and it shouldn't even be a question. When it's in regards to this subject matter, is being against it 'biased' or is it just the sane thing to do?
I'm not defending this game. Heck, I still think Neptunia mk2 went in the wrong direction as far as story and characters are concerned. It's all about the censorship. If it was okay for Japanese PS3s, why the heck I get the gimped version.

Can we stop comparing video games to real life yet? Whether your a pedo or a serial killer, you're still going to get punished by the law if caught. One advantage of killing in a game, it's not illegal to own this kind of media.

Again, I'm not for this game, I just don't want censorship.

How about an option to play the game with all of this kind of content removed. That would be a reasonable compromise. The creepers can have their content and I can play my game.

Regardless, if I hear one more complaint about serialization being wrong and violence being acceptable as a double-standard I'm gonna have an aneurism. I'll say it one last time. There are tons of M rated games with nudity and sexuality in them. This isn't about sexuality. It's about oversexualizing TODDLERS.

Going into "ignore-ignorant-posts" mode now.
This reminds me Modern Warfare 3's "No Russian" mission. I figured the same you can choose to participate in the mission just like in this Mugen Souls mini game.

I too find it quite strange how the worst/gratuitous forms of violence is more acceptable than a perverted sex scene. Give the game an "M" for mature rating and move along.

I don't support the "lolicon" lifestyle, but find it just as disturbing as a violent scene.

Edit: Seriously though, if you all have that much of a problem with the game, don't buy it! Show game developers/designers what you want in your games.
It's pervert scenes with what appear to be 5 year old children. Why are people not fully grasping the weight of that distinction? This is not a violence vs. sex debate. It really isn't. If this discussion was happening in regards to DoA: Extreme Beach Volleyball, for example, then all those points become extremely valid. It isn't, though!
[quote name='Zaku77']It's pervert scenes with what appear to be 5 year old children. Why are people not fully grasping the weight of that distinction? This is not a violence vs. sex debate. It really isn't. If this discussion was happening in regards to DoA: Extreme Beach Volleyball, then all those points become extremely valid. It isn't, though![/QUOTE]

Why? The point is, they're both fake.

What I just really really really don't get is why some of you defend things offensive to others, and bash what you so find offensive yourselves.
No, dear God, no. That is not the point at all. We are discussing the right to free speech and obvious immorality of pseudo loli-hentai. There is absolutely no space in that argument for "it's fake". That goes without saying, and doesn't matter!
[quote name='Zaku77']It's pervert scenes with what appear to be 5 year old children. Why are people not fully grasping the weight of that distinction? This is not a violence vs. sex debate. It really isn't. If this discussion was happening in regards to DoA: Extreme Beach Volleyball, for example, then all those points become extremely valid. It isn't, though![/QUOTE]

They have realized it. They're simply repressing it so they don't have to face the fact that they're creepers.
I won't go as far as say anyone in here is a creeper. As soon as name calling starts all 'attempts' at logical discussion usually stop. I will say, however, that the banner of free speech is fairly convenient for these types of things. Isn't that what keeps the NAMBLA website open? Take that as you will...
[quote name='elessar123']Why? The point is, they're both fake.

What I just really really really don't get is why some of you defend things offensive to others, and bash what you so find offensive yourselves.[/QUOTE]

Because there is a certain agreement that we have as a society about what is morally appropriate and everyone agrees that sexualizing children is not appropriate. Violence is admittedly offensive to some people, but as a society we don't have that same agreement that it's morally wrong.
We're already past logic. No matter how many times you bring up the "pedophilia" argument, it's ignored and avoided.

Anyway, I speak very sarcastically. My language and "name calling" is just my manner of speaking, I suppose. Just being honest. I calls it as I sees it. My friends call me a furry because I liked putting cat/bunny ears and tails on my girlfriends. Shit, I call myself a furry. I don't dig beastiality, but I do find Makoto Nanaya from BlazBlue hot. I call my friend who calls himself a "lolicon" a creeper, because he is a creeper. He likes all the little girls in video games.
Haha, that's alright. It takes all types. (even pedos based on some of the comments vehemently defending this. ;3) Bojay put it very adequately. I find it silly that anyone would even consider this topic debate fodder. Who dives into a debate that is blatantly one sided, and leaves you looking like a socially/morally ignorant pedophile? lol
I totally hate censorship too. But there's just some things that don't belong in video games.

When games have killing, they usually don't involve innocent people. Regardless, the killing usually directly ties into the fabric of the video game. It's strategy. In Gears of War, I'm not killing people for the sake of killing people. I'm killing people to win the game. Even if I go on a destruction rampage in GTA:IV, where I end up slaughtering random people. It's usually just to see how much damage and unrealistic, hilarious carnage that I can cause within the limits of the game.

Fondling little girls... I mean... it just seems there's only one endgame. I seriously doubt you're trying to act like a mother bathing her child when you're doing it.
[quote name='bojay1997']Because there is a certain agreement that we have as a society about what is morally appropriate and everyone agrees that sexualizing children is not appropriate. Violence is admittedly offensive to some people, but as a society we don't have that same agreement that it's morally wrong.[/QUOTE]

I disagree because things like "Toddlers and Tiaras" exists on basic cable, now that's offensive.
[quote name='Kazaganthi']I disagree because things like "Toddlers and Tiaras" exists on basic cable, now that's offensive.[/QUOTE]

Is that that show where mothers dress-up their daughters in gobs of makeup and diva clothing and have them parade around to fulfill their own desires?

I find that offensive too. I think I saw my aunt watching it once.
I find naked babies on TV in bad taste, and kid pageant shows. I don't find obviously fake drawings offensive, because I can tell the difference.

Which is why I wonder why you people get so riled up about it. I find rape in movies disturbing, yet it's ok. I find it weird that underage girls can pose nude, as long as it's on the silver screen.

Guess what, people are offended by different things.
Do Japanese people not have the same sensitivity about this issue? Virtually all Americans/Europeans feel this issue is badbadbad.
Neither of the things you listed are considered across the board as 100% unacceptable. In fact, naked baby butts are usually just considered cute. You are also still grinding the ax of "it's fake". It is impossible to debate with a person when they blatantly ignore all points that are being made! Stop wub wubbing, and start reading!
Personally I do think these scenes are a bit much, but the fact that they're being censored is far more offensive to me than the actual content

this this this!!!!!!! while that video did look like child porn really. the fact is it is fake and no actual children were fondled during the making of that scene as far as i know(if some were then yes this scene needs to be removed but the news of it and therefore the scene should be fully avaiable as the news needs to tell the whole ugly truth). censorship is a far greater offense than whatever is being censored in every single case. as much as i hate how rule 34 has ruined my life and God knows it has the fact is censoring rule 34 is far more offensive than anything rule 34 has ever conceived.

1000 times this.

Something like showing the raping of an adult is perfectly ok in our society, but suggestive drawings are not. WTF?

also this. society is hypocritical about what is offensive what is not. skyrim we cant have the kids killable but we can kill everyone else! we cant sell AO rated games in stores but google + porn + fetish is far ore offensive than any AO game could ever hope to be and nobody calls the porn out on it. or porn is ok but prositution is not. GTA is acceptable but that hot coffee scene in san andreas is not. its like in one instance boobies are ok and in the next it is not. dont get me wrong im not saying all of this is good i just find it maddening that that scene is offensive yet killing the endless hordes of people in GTA is not or better yet replace them with aliens like halo and then nobody bats an eye.
The devil is in the details, good sir. When you choose to gloss over them the world becomes a grey, confusing mess of misplaced morals and confused sensitivity. Try re-reading many of the fine points made in the past couple of pages, and really pay attention to the details. It clears up what you're confused about, and will help put things in a better perspective.
In my opinion this isn't really a censorship issue in the sense that I think of it. This isn't like the government telling them they can't bring it over and it has to be changed, it is a business decision. Sony and Microsoft don't want AO games and I imagine that would especially include adult situations with extremely young children.

If NIS thinks it would be worthwhile to them ($) to bring over even in a censored form then they will do it. Now onto the whole real vs. fake, etc. (not particularly this game, but people who are very "into" Lolicons and sexually charged drawings and stories of prepubescent children)

Since it is a drawing, and nobody is being exploited and abused then it shouldn't be illegal, but in my opinion you are still a very "odd" individual. I still will never forget the ALotD on SA from around 10 years ago where a bunch of people who loved children would write about their fantasies, show drawings, etc. You are free to enjoy such "artwork", but I wouldn't want you hanging around my kids (if I had them), much in the same way I wouldn't want you hanging around them (my nonexistent kids) if you got your jollies playing some of those PC rape-sims.
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[quote name='Dokstarr']In my opinion this isn't really a censorship issue in tSince it is a drawing, and nobody is being exploited and abused then it shouldn't be illegal, but in my opinion you are still a very "odd" individual. I still will never forget the ALotD on SA from around 10 years ago where a bunch of people who loved children would write about their fantasies, show drawings, etc. You are free to enjoy such "artwork", but I wouldn't want you hanging around my kids (if I had them), much in the same way I wouldn't want you hanging around them (my nonexistent kids) if you got your jollies playing some of those PC rape-sims.[/QUOTE]

An argument I can get behind. I think people who like gratuitous violence are weird too. I'm not saying to outlaw it; I'm just saying (for the third time), people are offended by different things.

Because it's fake, it doesn't bother me much. When it's real, it disturbs me. If you can't understand that, fine. But saying something something is fake isn't a valid argument is quite stupid, imo.

I have more of a problem with intoxicated manslaughter, but I bet they'd get off easier than people with "lolicon", and most people in this thread probably think the same way. That's what western society says. But sorry, but that doesn't make ANY sense to me.
I don't get how this is even an argument. Pornagraphy of any kind featuring those under the age of 18 is illegal in the United States. How is it surpising that NISA decided to remove borderline illegal content from one of its games? From a purely business stand point it makes sense, because if someone at FOX News ever saw something like this, NISA would have a P.R. Night mare on their hands.
Got my copies of meruru today... perfect condition, wrapped nicely in bubble wrap. w00t!! Ok, who's got a rorona soundtrack for me now?? =)
[quote name='Pets0undz']Do Japanese people not have the same sensitivity about this issue? Virtually all Americans/Europeans feel this issue is badbadbad.[/QUOTE]

Actually, the majority of Japan does feel this way. People don't openly admit to liking this kind of content in public. It's why you see the fandom online only. If they were to admit it openly in public, they would be ridiculed by their peers. I think the main thing that's being lost here is that this type of content is part of a niche culture that Japanese anime/video game makers are able to exploit. That's why it seems to be considered ok to foreigners. It's a business that is culturally accepted there.

The words culturally and business are what is important. In terms of the West, neither of those fly with either of those aspects. Not to mention the more stringent laws on depicting children in sexual acts even if they are not real. NISA is proactively making a decision that will ensure they can actually release this game here without having to lose money by editing its content down the road. This isn't the first time this has happened and won't be the last simply because of cultural and business differences. You might not like it, but that's the way it works.

[quote name='BlindJoker']This. Anyone that missed out but still would like a copy should email CS about getting on a waiting list. If it operates like in the past, they'll release what are most likely the "reserve for exchanges" copies to those people.

Though I'm surprised this one sold out so quickly considering how long Totori sat in their store. I actually think that the LE poster that came with that set just went out of stock this month. So they must be shrinking their runs with each game they're releasing.[/QUOTE]

I've tried getting in touch with them, but they haven't replied to my inquiry.
[quote name='shivan128']Got my copies of meruru today... perfect condition, wrapped nicely in bubble wrap. w00t!! Ok, who's got a rorona soundtrack for me now?? =)[/QUOTE]

Wow, I haven't gotten mine yet, and I got the confirmation well before you lol

Good luck on that Rorona ost though...
[quote name='iPhone']Actually, the majority of Japan does feel this way. People don't openly admit to liking this kind of content in public. It's why you see the fandom online only. If they were to admit it openly in public, they would be ridiculed by their peers. I think the main thing that's being lost here is that this type of content is part of a niche culture that Japanese anime/video game makers are able to exploit. That's why it seems to be considered ok to foreigners. It's a business that is culturally accepted there.

The words culturally and business are what is important. In terms of the West, neither of those fly with either of those aspects. Not to mention the more stringent laws on depicting children in sexual acts even if they are not real. NISA is proactively making a decision that will ensure they can actually release this game here without having to lose money by editing its content down the road. This isn't the first time this has happened and won't be the last simply because of cultural and business differences. You might not like it, but that's the way it works.

I've tried getting in touch with them, but they haven't replied to my inquiry.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, that's not the case. If you have lived in Japan, and I have, you could not possibly claim this is some sort of hidden dark underground niche because it's not. Most people probably don't understand that it was censorship that caused this unusual. to the rest of the world, art style to take root in the first place either, because that would actually require doing some research on the matter.

I also think people need to research the terms being thrown around on here because drawings don't typically fit most of them.

On Topic

Anyway, Xenoblades and Last Story, I know the second isn't out yet but are there any comparisons about these two. I am likely to buy one in a couple of months, just not sure which.
[quote name='dubleo']Did anyone's Atelier Meruru LE get lost in the mail?[/QUOTE]

Mine did as well and I emailed NIS about it but yet to hear from them, mine says it was delivered on 5/29 but i never recieved it! Iam very bummed.
[quote name='storino03']Meruru, like HD Neptunia MK2 is 2x to 2.5x the price of the original release on ebay. Potential gains there.[/QUOTE]

Anyone want to sell one for cost?

[quote name='Nesrie']Anyway, Xenoblades and Last Story, I know the second isn't out yet but are there any comparisons about these two. I am likely to buy one in a couple of months, just not sure which.[/QUOTE]
I'm in a PAL region so both games are released here. I haven't had time to play them yet (exams/study etc) but a lot of my friends have and they say that Xenoblade is by far the better of the two; apparently TLS is good but gets boring.
[quote name='Jedi_Amara']I'm in a PAL region so both games are released here. I haven't had time to play them yet (exams/study etc) but a lot of my friends have and they say that Xenoblade is by far the better of the two; apparently TLS is good but gets boring.[/QUOTE]

I imported the PAL Last Story and Xenoblade and I will second this. If you can get both I would say do so, but if it's a choice between the two then there's no question in my mind that Xenoblade is the superior game experience (even if Last Story is visually superior).

On a completely unrelated note, Ys Origin was release for the PC on Steam yesterday.

Got mine yesterday. I know it was talked about before all the pedobear stuff but there is a reason Rorona is a small child.

All I need to do now is eat a lot of cookies and cake so that the shirt will fit me.
[quote name='storino03']Meruru, like HD Neptunia MK2 is 2x to 2.5x the price of the original release on ebay. Potential gains there.[/QUOTE]

Where are you looking? I'm seeing a lot of listing on ebay, but auctions are ending in the $100 - $120 range. After fees and shipping that's only a gain of around $20.
Just received my meruru today with the boxed jammed in my mailbox. Had a plastic bag around it at least due to the 70% chance of rain we are having. Seems like the mailmen are way way way too lazy to take a minute out of their time to just set it at my front door step. Luckily the contents inside were not damaged.
Last Story U.S. LE is very... underwhelming. But what else is new? I would've bought it without any bonuses so its better than nothing.

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[quote name='KtMack23']Pandora's Tower U.S. LE is very... underwhelming. But what else is new? I would've bought it without any bonuses so its better than nothing.


Did you mean The Last Story?
[quote name='KtMack23']Pandora's Tower U.S. LE is very... underwhelming. But what else is new? I would've bought it without any bonuses so its better than nothing.


Um, I'm confused. The way the website is putting it, it sounds like that's the first run edition of the game and not a LE.
[quote name='RabbitSuit']Um, I'm confused. The way the website is putting it, it sounds like that's the first run edition of the game and not a LE.[/QUOTE]

Yes. Every other region gets a full fledged limited edition and we get a flimsy art book.
[quote name='SGH360']any good deals for a person who wants to start JRPG games for the 360 or PS3?[/QUOTE]

Either Final Fantasy XIII or Tales of Vesperia if you like anime style for first timer.
Grab Tales Of Vesperia and Lost Odyssey. You'll have the two best JRPGs on the 360, and they are quite different, so you'll have two, awesome, unique experiences!
[quote name='zaku77']grab tales of vesperia and lost odyssey. You'll have the two best jrpgs on the 360, and they are quite different, so you'll have two, awesome, unique experiences![/quote]

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