Jimmy Snuka's wrestling topic

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[quote name='mykevermin']What was the ending to that match? I wasn't watching.[/QUOTE]

Double Count out after RVD hit Lashley with a clothesline off the top of the apron (Lashley was on the announce table). They both laid in anguish until the bell rung.
Man, I just realized the cut the question part of the conference, all they asked were 8 year olds who responded with almost the same question, "Cena's gonna beat Umaga, what do you think!"

Ugh, right in the middle of a kids speech about how great Hardy is, we started the TNA chant, and got told that TNA isnt a real company by Coach
I think the title match ended in a no contest, as the referee never counted, but it's ECW, so it could be either a double DQ or no contest, and in either case, it really doesn't matter, because the ECW title means less than nothing at this point.
[quote name='JaytheGamefan']I think the title match ended in a no contest, as the referee never counted, but it's ECW, so it could be either a double DQ or no contest, and in either case, it really doesn't matter, because the ECW title means less than nothing at this point.[/QUOTE]

Gotcha. Thanks to you and Casey; I just wasn't watching it, and I suddenly look up and see them both laid out with the ref doing the "thanks to Kevin Nash, if we make an "X" with our hands the fans feel it is real" gesture.

That match finish would work if they didn't do the exact same fucking thing between Sabu and Rey Mysterio at ONS 2006. Sure, it was six months ago...but imagine seeing the "Dusty finish" that many times in a year (Jeff Jarrett's title reign was a failure because of it).
I hated this more than the Rey-Sabu thing because at least a DDT through a table to the floor where both guys land on their head is a believable end to a match - a clothesline from 10 feet away that barely connects and results in two guys sort of slipping off a table isn't.
Hit my music...

Don't really have much of a return promo, but rather an interesting observation about the things some people say when you're not there to read/respond to them:

[quote name='"Brak"'] Why'd ZL only get a temporary ban? That kid is annoying.[/quote]

:nottalking: Care to add to that, Brak? I really like your use of "kid" that shows maturity, I'll put you at 22 tops.
[quote name='Zenithian Legend']Hit my music...

Don't really have much of a return promo, but rather an interesting observation about the things some people say when you're not there to read/respond to them:

:nottalking: Care to add to that, Brak? I really like your use of "kid" that shows maturity, I'll put you at 22 tops.[/QUOTE]
Maturity? He's not the one who got banned, horsey...


Welcome back.
[quote name='WhipSmartBanky']Maturity? He's not the one who got banned, horsey...


Welcome back.[/quote]

:bomb: ... er... Maybe I did go off the deep end just a little bit, some people out Christmas shopping that day & the next got it a lot worse though. I maintain I was a victim of circumstance however, but Shrike (in following David Stern's example) proved it is not the one who throws the first punch, but the one who throws the last punch that gets the suspension, I'm pretty sure Shrike has it out for me. Possibly senility setting in.
Here's a list of the titles TNA will be releasing so far in 2007 on DVD:

TNA Bound For Glory 2006
The Best Of AJ Styles, Volume 2
Best Of The Tag Teams
TNA: The Early Years

I will be ESPECIALLY buying the Early Years DVD. Hope they do that one right.
[quote name='Zenithian Legend']I maintain I was a victim of circumstance however, but Shrike (in following David Stern's example) proved it is not the one who throws the first punch, but the one who throws the last punch that gets the suspension, I'm pretty sure Shrike has it out for me.[/QUOTE]
First punch? You mean this?
[quote name='Roufuss']You've seriously got some kind of jealousy and anger issues you need to work through.[/quote]
Or this?
[quote name='Zenithian Legend']And you've got some loser, emo douchebag kid issues to work through.

I'm guessing you've never had a girlfriend, much less a semi-attractive one, or perhaps you date guys (nothing wrong if you do), I don't know what the emo kids are into these days.

Anyway, I'm not cool with some random guy moving into my girl's apartment. I've had too many friends that have been raped or sexually assaulted in some manner to let someone we don't even know move in there. But go on thinking whatever you want of me, I couldn't care less what some emo twat thinks.[/quote]
I think Shrike simply has it out for delusional crybabies with rage issues.

"Kid" is a state of mind, and I'm mature enough to not take out my insecurities and jealousies out on others -- let alone people on a digital forum.

It is what it is, though. You can flame me for pointing out the truth, like you did to Roufuss. I won't mind.
[quote name='Demolition Man']Can you folks please either drop this or take it to your PM boxes please?[/QUOTE]
It is what it is.

Now, let's get back to how much RAW sucked.
[quote name='Brak']Now, let's get back to how much RAW sucked.[/QUOTE]

I knew all along that Cena vs Federline was going to suck. That's like expecting the sun to rise in the morning and set at night.
[quote name='Demolition Man']I knew all along that Cena vs Federline was going to suck. That's like expecting the sun to rise in the morning and set at night.[/QUOTE]
At least it wasn't as bad as David Arquette. Bad, nonetheless.
[quote name='Brak']
I think Shrike simply has it out for delusional crybabies with rage issues.

"Kid" is a state of mind, and I'm mature enough to not take out my insecurities and jealousies out on others -- let alone people on a digital forum.

It is what it is, though. You can flame me for pointing out the truth, like you did to Roufuss. I won't mind.[/quote]

It's kind of like he's Jimmiemac's more annoying, more pessimistic, less educated, and even less comical, younger brother.

You see the truth of the matter is you're another troll on these boards. I don't know if you've always been that way as I generally don't read your posts because they have little substance.

Usually all you post in these topics is:

Raw sucks

[quote name='Brak']Wow. RAW was fucking terrible.[/quote]

HHH sucks

[quote name='Brak']Smackdown! was pretty good, but the main event was semi-weak, as Undertaker is to Smackdown! as HHH is to RAW.

I dream of the day when those two, and a few others, are douched from the world of professional wrestling. Then again, it may be too late to push "young" stars by that time...[/quote]

Everything sucks

[quote name='Brak']Seriously, that game sucked massive amounts of cock.[/quote]

At least half your posts in the wrestling topics are like that. No reason, just "this sucks", "that sucks" and I've seen the same trend in other topics too. Who's the one with the real issues? I blow up on an internet message board and at a few people out in public, but I get over it, I don't let my "issues" fester inside me until they transform me into a constantly negative person that seems to hold a grudge against the world.

And you want to talk about maturity, real mature flaming me while I'm temp banned, instead of bringing those issues you have with me up to my face when I can respond. Were you hoping I wouldn't read them? And what's with all the obscenities? Do we have to swear to show we're a big boy and we mean business?

I'm not the first to point it out, you are a troll, and that's fine, however you want to get your kicks I guess, even if it mostly consists of pointing out how much things "suck" on an internet message board. I can go on ignoring the majority of your posts, that is until you start calling me out in them. I don't know your motives, I've got a few educated guesses, but I don't know you dude, and quite frankly I don't want to. So maybe it's time you just left well-enough alone and we both just agreed to hate each other.
[quote name='Zenithian Legend']It's kind of like he's Jimmiemac's more annoying, more pessimistic, less educated, and even less comical, younger brother.

You see the truth of the matter is you're another troll on these boards. I don't know if you've always been that way as I generally don't read your posts because they have little substance.

Usually all you post in these topics is:

Raw sucks

HHH sucks

Everything sucks

At least half your posts in the wrestling topics are like that. No reason, just "this sucks", "that sucks" and I've seen the same trend in other topics too. Who's the one with the real issues? I blow up on an internet message board and at a few people out in public, but I get over it, I don't let my "issues" fester inside me until they transform me into a constantly negative person that seems to hold a grudge against the world.

And you want to talk about maturity, real mature flaming me while I'm temp banned, instead of bringing those issues you have with me up to my face when I can respond. Were you hoping I wouldn't read them? And what's with all the obscenities? Do we have to swear to show we're a big boy and we mean business?

I'm not the first to point it out, you are a troll, and that's fine, however you want to get your kicks I guess, even if it mostly consists of pointing out how much things "suck" on an internet message board. I can go on ignoring the majority of your posts, that is until you start calling me out in them. I don't know your motives, I've got a few educated guesses, but I don't know you dude, and quite frankly I don't want to. So maybe it's time you just left well-enough alone and we both just agreed to hate each other.[/QUOTE]

Dodging (especially when wrong) = Win?

To be honest, I didn't read all of your charming retort, as from the introduction, I could tell it was absolutely unlinked the discussion at hand -- which is why you're an immature man-boy with rage issues.

Typically, and to further your child-like rage, when you point out a quirk - or, in this case, a mental problem - the person in question erupts. In this case, however, it wasn't as violent as - say - your retaliation to Roufuss' legitimate and very true psychological observation. Rather, it was you placing me in front of your bullets.

Futhermore, if being a troll for saying WCW Mayhem sucked cock, so be it; you're still a manbaby with fits of digital rage.

Remember that "LOOK AT ME" fest you had a year back, or so? Spewing your "LOOK AT ME I'M SI DRUNK~" grammar throughout various threads? I do.

Third times a charm, horsey.

Edit: Ok. I read your reply. Gotta comment on this.

At least half your posts in the wrestling topics are like that. No reason, just "this sucks", "that sucks" and I've seen the same trend in other topics too. Who's the one with the real issues? I blow up on an internet message board and at a few people out in public, but I get over it, I don't let my "issues" fester inside me until they transform me into a constantly negative person that seems to hold a grudge against the world.

Trans-motherfuckin'-gression. You're not over it - whether it be the issue the triggered it (your jealousy / uncontrollable rage), or yourself (your jealousy / uncontrollable rage).

I'm amazed that you're acting outraged, with me pointing this out and all. I mean, isn't this the reaction you wanted..?

You can continue to act like a victim; something easy to pawn off all your short-comings and faults on to, isn't it? I was anticipating a spiel about my character, trying to push me into your negative spotlight.

But, like I said: Continue on.

You are on my ignore list.

And, if you reply to this, it will further display how desperately you're trying to transgress. I won't be able to read it, so it'll - more or less - be a "hay guyz look at him~" kinda deal. You can PM me if you want.
I like how you want to make this so personal. Lacing your post with nothing but insults and more cursing rather than addressing every point I made about how you're pretty much on the same intelligence level as Beavis & Butthead, as your response to everything you don't like is "this sucks" and that's the extent of it.

Starting off by saying you didn't even read my post, then going into how I am "playing a victim" and that I'm "outraged" ... outraged over what? Where are you getting these ideas from?

I read and re-read your post trying to make some sense out of it, but it's just not happening. All I see is a lot of assumptions about someone you don't know, but think you've got figured out from a couple posts online. There's no logical order to any of it. What I'm seeing is repetitious, incomplete thoughts. In the words of Mr. T "Talk sense, so I can talk back fool!"

But you won't because you end your post with a weak attempt to dismiss the whole matter on your own terms, taking the cowards way out and saying you've blocked me. We all know that's not true, because you're a typical internet troll that posts that kind of garbage and then eagerly awaits a response.

You really want to make things personal, whatever boy, if you really live in Hell, Michigan then you live in my state and you live close by too, I have a car, you really want to settle this why not PM me your address or address to your place of work or some other neutral ground, or hell ask me for one, and we'll see who the "man-boy" really is. In the spirit of the wrestling topic we can have a buried alive match. The offer is on the table, I think we all know where I stand.
[quote name='mykevermin']For fuck's sake...[/quote]

I know, I know... :wall:

I'm just not going to leave attacks on my character unaddressed, no matter how illogical, and pointless it is to respond.
i liked how the promoted the match between rvd and lashley.. the opening promo was nice..

it sucked it ended the way it ended.. i knew it was too soon anyways for lashey to drop.. and atleast rvd didnt have to job.. im sure he will job next time..
[quote name='guyver2077']lol atleast you got a welcome back...[/quote]

True, true, from WSB of all people, in the wrestling thread. I did not think he was a fan. Although he did have a championship belt holding, wrestler avatar many moons ago. Oh and Demoman too.
[quote name='Zenithian Legend']

You really want to make things personal, whatever boy, if you really live in Hell, Michigan then you live in my state and you live close by too, I have a car, you really want to settle this why not PM me your address or address to your place of work or some other neutral ground, or hell ask me for one, and we'll see who the "man-boy" really is. In the spirit of the wrestling topic we can have a buried alive match. The offer is on the table, I think we all know where I stand.[/quote]

It is fucking on! Shit lets put this on the next WWE PPV. It can't be much worse than some of the crap that is out there now. I say we also make it a Lumberjack Match.
[quote name='vrs1650']It is fucking on! Shit lets put this on the next WWE PPV. It can't be much worse than some of the crap that is out there now. I say we also make it a Lumberjack Match.[/quote]

While we're making light of the situation, let's make it a loser leaves town, ego on a poll match too. You'd watch it. Maybe. If it was on Youtube, you'd watch it.
You've taken Biology, right? Well... you're from Michigan, so maybe not. Here, let's do a little dissection, shall we?
[quote name='Zenithian Legend']I like how you want to make this so personal.[/quote]
Let's recap your posts, shall we? Up to and including the lame-ass request of a wrestling match, truly showing how delusional you are by your lame-ass Internet persona.

Again, let's rediscover your dodging. What is this digital altercation over, praytell? Why I think/know you got banned from the forums. The results vary, as I've mentioned before, but the premise is this: You take your emotions out on others who have no representation of manifestation in your sad, meager life... but only to transgress certain feelings towards portion of your psyche?

Don't understand, or are you dodging this? Probably a mix of the two...

Let's break it down real simple: You asked me to explain why I thought you were annoying, and a "kid". My answer lies above. It's wasn't very abrasive, but would be to one who is insecure with their emotions and inner-problems (I.E. you), as you've displayed this two prior times, both in which involved you belligerently calling people names, pointing fingers, etc. -- and we see this here, today.

So, if I forgot to say it: welcome back, old friend.
[quote name='Zenithian Legend']Lacing your post with nothing but insults[/quote]

Not too many insults, there. Well, there are some after you insulted me, my character... which didn't particulaly have anything to do with the argument at hand. You just like to dish out the ol' "NO U~", which, might I add, was the shit back in 2nd grade.

You made it a battle of one's character. And, as a result, a battle of insults. So I don't have to repeat myself numerous times, reread a couple of the paragraphs prior for more reference.

[quote name='Zenithian Legend']and more cursing[/quote]

Oh, yeah. So many curse words up there. And, as we all know, those bastardize intelligence, intent and rationale. Kinda like those posts before you got banned, right?

[quote name='Zenithian Legend']rather than addressing every point I made about how you're pretty much on the same intelligence level as Beavis & Butthead, as your response to everything you don't like is "this sucks" and that's the extent of it.[/quote]

Again, a battle of characters. You asked me to address yours. I did.

What was your retort? "You're a troll and you think everything sucks!"

What would that qualify as, Kettle?

[quote name='Zenithian Legend']Starting off by saying you didn't even read my post, then going into how I am "playing a victim" and that I'm "outraged" ... outraged over what? Where are you getting these ideas from?[/quote]

I didn't, upon initial reply... that I figured it'd be too good to pass up. I was curious as to why I was a troll. (And I guess I'm a troll because I don't like Triple H, I thought this week's RAW sucked and because I think WCW Mayhem was a horrible game.)

Now, to address how you think you're the victim:

Upon your wrestling entrance, you asked the mind-numbingly obvious question , "Why was a banned?" Followed by, "Shrike is out to get me."

That assumption is incorrect, however. You see, you were banned because you were taking your real life problems out on people who were trying to help you -- very triumphantly, and childish. Roufuss, very collectively, said you had some inner problems. What was your retort. (And there shouldn't have been a retort.) "Look at you!"

Thumbs up.

[quote name='Zenithian Legend']I read and re-read your post trying to make some sense out of it, but it's just not happening. All I see is a lot of assumptions about someone you don't know, but think you've got figured out from a couple posts online. There's no logical order to any of it. What I'm seeing is repetitious, incomplete thoughts. In the words of Mr. T "Talk sense, so I can talk back fool!"[/quote]

lol~ good 1

[quote name='Zenithian Legend']But you won't because you end your post with a weak attempt to dismiss the whole matter on your own terms, taking the cowards way out and saying you've blocked me. We all know that's not true, because you're a typical internet troll that posts that kind of garbage and then eagerly awaits a response.[/quote]

Definitely. I did this because I'm a troll. Not to put you in your place, or anything. Blaming your ban, and maybe some of your life problems, on a mysterious X-factor.

I had you blocked... but, like a Christmas presents, I had to open them up early -- I was curious to see if you were going to remain delusional, illogical and belligerent -- Oh, and what a pleasant surprise.

I think you should reassess the mess, find the root of your problems and stop pointing the finger back when people are trying to help you. You know, like Roufuss did?

[quote name='Zenithian Legend']You really want to make things personal, whatever boy, if you really live in Hell, Michigan then you live in my state and you live close by too, I have a car, you really want to settle this why not PM me your address or address to your place of work or some other neutral ground, or hell ask me for one, and we'll see who the "man-boy" really is. In the spirit of the wrestling topic we can have a buried alive match. The offer is on the table, I think we all know where I stand.[/QUOTE]

Let me explain the whole "baby", "acting like a child", "manboy", etc. thing... Again.

It's a state of mind. You were acting like a child, through and through. You ice this cake of solidified fact with how you want to fight me in a wrestling match.

We all have problems. Just don't try to make them other peoples'.
[quote name='Zenithian Legend']While we're making light of the situation, let's make it a loser leaves town, ego on a poll match too. You'd watch it. Maybe. If it was on Youtube, you'd watch it.[/QUOTE]
Again, you show us what this is really all about.

Swallow your fucking pride, and admit you were banned for your actions -- and admit that those actions were wrong.
I forgot to mention this, but for those souls who watched ECW last night: do you get the idea that they're positioning Buzzkill Candyman Brad Armstrong to replace Tazz at the announcer's table?
[quote name='mykevermin']I forgot to mention this, but for those souls who watched ECW last night: do you get the idea that they're positioning Buzzkill Candyman Brad Armstrong to replace Tazz at the announcer's table?[/quote]

All the dirt sheets say that it's a power move by Vince to show Tazz that he's expendable. In all honesty, he is.
Tazz's deal is up and he doesn't want to re-sign without getting a raise, which WWE doesn't want to give him since he's just on ECW, and he won't just go back to SD because JBL is four billion times better than Tazz has ever been on commentary. I'd put Burke on commentary before Armstrong - he was fantastic when he replaced Tazz with no real notice. In other ECW news,
is in the planning stages for 'Mania according to PWInsider. EC-DUB! EC-DUB!
[quote name='JaytheGamefan']JBL is four billion times better than Tazz has ever been on commentary.[/QUOTE]
I gotta disagree with that.

Especially after I heard JBL refer to Jimmy Wang Yang as "yellow" (in response to Cole dubbing him a redneck).

I like JBL as a half-retarded tycoon heel.
[quote name='Brak']I gotta disagree with that.

Especially after I heard JBL refer to Jimmy Wang Yang as "yellow" (in response to Cole dubbing him a redneck).

I like JBL as a half-retarded tycoon heel.[/QUOTE]

I disagree because it seems WWE made him tone down all the racial commentary, and I thought JBL was a GREAT color commentator espically when he made comments like that that you wuold never expect to hear.

JBL would make the most boring matches worth watching just because he would rip on everyone wrestling and didn't seem to hold back what he said.

The last time I watched he seemed to have alot more self restraint, and he's not nearly as funny or interesting.
[quote name='Brak']I gotta disagree with that.

Especially after I heard JBL refer to Jimmy Wang Yang as "yellow" (in response to Cole dubbing him a redneck).

I like JBL as a half-retarded tycoon heel.[/QUOTE]

JBL plays stereotypes. Heenan used to do that (esp. with guys like Tito/"Chico" Santana), but we don't live in that Archie Bunker world anymore. Hell, we really didn't when Heenan did it, either.

JBL could be good, but he's offensive to me in a "change the channel" manner, not a "this guy's a prick and I want to see him get his" manner. Remember what he did when in Germany - that's the kind of shit he comes up with on the spur of the moment.

That doesn't mean Tazz isn't a good commentator. He was, years ago when he first started. When he wasn't very comfortable, but he would clearly discuss a wrestling move as an "analyst" - why the crippler crossface hurts you, where it does, and why it is so effective. Now the WWE doesn't even call moves anymore save for finishers - go check out what they said about the RVD/Lashley match from last night ("after an incredible maneuver") to see what I mean. Ever since he gave up being so analytical, and instead just became a prankster, he hasn't been that great.

The ECW vs WWE special showed just what professionals JBL and Tazz are, as they bickered on air for a whole fucking match, ruining the match and making themselves look like children in the process.

All the good announcers are gone, I'm afraid; I think we can safely agree that the worst of the worst is, bar none, Don West.
[quote name='mykevermin']I think we can safely agree that the worst of the worst is, bar none, Don West.[/quote]

WCW's Mark Madden begs to differ. I had to watch WCW on mute after they hired that guy.
[quote name='Zenithian Legend']WCW's Mark Madden begs to differ. I had to watch WCW on mute after they hired that guy.[/QUOTE]

He means of current announcer's.

Personally I don't mind West as much as I do Jerry Lawler (since he stopped being a heel). West at least does a good job of marking out for the product and trying to get over the brand. He may over do it, but his delivery is good for making things seem bigger than they are.
[quote name='mykevermin']All the good announcers are gone, I'm afraid; I think we can safely agree that the worst of the worst is, bar none, Don West.[/QUOTE]

He's nowhere near as bad as some of the commentators I've heard on a few indy shows I've watched. The worst one is the one I saw on the public access station here. This woman made Don West sound great in comparison.

"He smacked him." = The one guy put the other into a sleeper hold.
"Eventually they will punch each other out." = The two in the ring were pushing each other back and forth.

I wish I would of kepted the recording of this show I made. The main event involved (not kidding) some dude dressed up like a ninja in a white suit vs a football player in your typical generic looking redish jersey with some vague sounding NFL name knockoff. :lol:

(All this show needed was a drunken Jake Roberts and whalah... Heroes Of Wrestling on a much smaller budget)
[quote name='CaseyRyback']He means of current announcer's.

Personally I don't mind West as much as I do Jerry Lawler (since he stopped being a heel). West at least does a good job of marking out for the product and trying to get over the brand. He may over do it, but his delivery is good for making things seem bigger than they are.[/QUOTE]
I'm waiting for the sounds of Don West having an aneurysm behind the announce table to be picked up by TNA microphones.

While on the subject of bad commentators, Sean Mooney comes to mind.
Though many will try, I doubt anyone will ever quite reach the same level of enlightenment as the man that goes by the name of Warrior.

The Auction:

The Comment:
Warrior, You sir are HILARIOUS!! You are my hero. If I ever become famous I wanna go off my rocker just like you. Dave

The Response:
What you mean is that you know will never become famous, but in your dreams when you fantasize that you might one day, you would want to have the confidence and belief in the staying power and value of your product like I do MINE. The difference between the truth you are ashamed to tell and the ridicule you find humor and comfort in, can be analogized like this: You run a pawn shop and I sell valuable collectibles. You have to sell 15-16 figures to make just at $300. I have to sell one. Our ads cost about the same, around $3-5. On top of that, your 15 figures, even given away for free, can never match the value of buying the SET for $300 from me with COA's and autographed 8x10's. If you think so, then you win the prize for hilarity, not I. Who's off their rocker? And who's the hypocrite? You bash me for capitalizing off the value I worked hard and sacrificed to build, and yet, you run out and buy my Intellectual Property, which I own the legal right to license, and, then, you turn around and resale it for a profit, yourself! For you, and others like you, I consider my highly-valued auctions charitable contributions to the study and practice of psychology. All you begrudging flops get to write and belittle my auctions and, therefore, have your self-esteems fed vilely the same. It makes you all feel bigger and more socially-conscious about yourselves: Is he nuts? $300 for action figures! Why, I wouldn't pay... Excuse me, Davey Boy, yes you would. That is, if you had it, you would. You want these figures, Davey Boy, but you can't afford the $300. You’re welcome for, both, the business lesson and my charity. And I must, in return, thank you for the laughs and the fun break of two minutes I spent scrawling this out for further public amusement. Have a great non-motivational, indebted life. W

Sure you're not off your rocker Mr. Hellwig, er... Warrior, that's right you legally had your name changed to Warrior Warrior.

I see no reason why every one of you with an ebay account shouldn't send him a comment or a question about his auctions. Who knows you might get a personalized response from the man himself.
I'm a fan of the fact that he feels the need to reinforce the brevity with which he typed that response. While I have no doubt his mind works like that (that he thinks in such difficult and abstract run-on sentences), making such a claim ("oh, ha! this only took me a minute to type because I'm so smart") is the intellectual's version of saying "I don't look fat in this, do I?"

That took me fifteen seconds to type, BTW. ;)


As for Don West being the worst announcer, I mean of the current crop of nationwide TV wrestling announcers. I have no doubt that your local independent wrestling groups have far worse announcers. I think Dean Hill on OVW is pretty solid, but he's (1) old, so OVW is the highest he'll ever get, and (2) he has a handlebar moustache (fine by my standards, of course, but not many others).

I always thought Tony Schiavone was unnecessarily panned. He wasn't great, but he was consistent. The one thing about him that I didn't like was that he would constantly declare each and every episode of Nitro "The biggest night ever in professional wrestling." You can't abuse superlatives like that; the masses will revolt. When calling a move in a match, he was okay, I suppose. I don't mind that he's no longer announcing wrestling, however.

I really like Mike Tenay. He's a classy guy who (1) talks about the match, (2) calls the fucking moves by their name, (3) is more than happy to not insult you as a fan, and talks about wrestlers' individual legacies and backgrounds, and (4) doesn't try to get himself over (see: Lawler, Tazz, JBL).

I'm really convinced that the WWE has a policy where play-by-play guys don't get to call wrestling moves anymore, except for finishers. I like being told what a move is, just like in other sports, where announcers talk about different styles (e.g., batter stances, swings, strategies). It helps me differentiate people and performance.
I really liked the commentating crew of Nitro's golden days: Schiavone, Tenay and Zbyszko for the first hour; Bobby the Brain for the second hour, as Zbyszko left to "play golf".

The chemistry of the second hour was very well done. Schiavone was the face commentator to Brain's color commentary, and Tenay was a wrestling fact geyser. (His commentary during Lucha Libre matches come to mind.)

I don't know if I hate Don West or not... but I think introducing a third announcer - a "color commentator" - would do the announce team, and the presentation, a little good.
[quote name='Brak']I don't know if I hate Don West or not... but I think introducing a third announcer - a "color commentator" - would do the announce team, and the presentation, a little good.[/QUOTE]

He has great enthusiasm, but his announcing during the buildup to the Eric Young/Traci Brooks bikini contest (*ugh*) really soured me on him. He came across as a fifty-year-old man who had never touched a breast before in his life, and his dialogue was really awkward (don't recall the exact phrases).

It reminds me of when Joey Styles calls Kevin Thorne and Ariel "practitioners/followers of vampirism."

For fuck's sake, call them goths (or my preferred vernacular, "fruitbat"). We're not stupid (though since they feel compelled to define straight edge for us each and every time Punk is referenced, they sure seem to think so), and "followers of vampirism" comes across as the kind of phrase awkwardly written by a poor political speechwriter.
[quote name='Zenithian Legend']Though many will try, I doubt anyone will ever quite reach the same level of enlightenment as the man that goes by the name of Warrior.

The Auction:

Sure you're not off your rocker Mr. Hellwig, er... Warrior, that's right you legally had your name changed to Warrior Warrior.

I see no reason why every one of you with an ebay account shouldn't send him a comment or a question about his auctions. Who knows you might get a personalized response from the man himself.[/quote]

The best part about all of that, the item location is in Santa Fe, NM. That is like an hour from me. This weekend I am going to drive up and see if I can hang out with the Warrior. I am sure he doesn't mind people coming over.
[quote name='vrs1650']The best part about all of that, the item location is in Santa Fe, NM. That is like an hour from me. This weekend I am going to drive up and see if I can hang out with the Warrior. I am sure he doesn't mind people coming over.[/QUOTE]

Bring a gun and a copy of the "Turner Diaries" and he'll give you a hummer.
[quote name='mykevermin']Bring a gun and a copy of the "Turner Diaries" and he'll give you a hummer.[/QUOTE]

Alternatively you could tell him you just got back from Iraq and killed a bunch of muslims and you would get the same response.

edit: changed it to muslims since I felt bad and didn't want to offend anyone. If you saw the prior word I was only using it because if you met Warrior it would probably be preferable to use that (for proof of his hatred just go look and see what he says about his T-shirts).
[quote name='CaseyRyback']http://www.wwe.com/inside/news/jblglobalwarm

People from the WWE keep suprising me. First the McMahons give money to Lieberman and then JBL says he believes in global warming and wants help influence America to change its enviromental policies.[/QUOTE]

VERY impressive. He is actually very good friends with Al Franken (both are big USO tour supporters), so I guess this isn't that big of a surprise.

But I'd be lying, of course. Classy move on JBL's part.
[quote name='CaseyRyback']Something along the lines of if it gets ruined killing muslims then he will replace it with two shirts (check under the FAQ).


*** Although Team Warrior America is a peacekeeping organization to inspire courageous and prejudiced, yet polite, defense of American Patriotism, all shirts bloodied due to ‘refreshing the tree of liberty’ are replaced free of charge. Two shirt replacement if Islamofascist blood. Place shirt in Ziploc bag and send to “Team Warrior America Tree of Liberty Blood Donor.” Include story of battle fought, Warrior Patriot’s name and address. New shirt to 'refresh' ships out immediately.

Oh, my. I wonder if Warrior knows that he, in the above paragraph, advocates for "prejudiced...defense." Sounds like a conservative to me (sorry for the dig, I'll keep it in the vs forum). Truth be told, he'll probably claim to be using the dictionary definition rather than the more common usage - but, of course, dictionary perfect English doesn't keep up with the times, so it's not the best way to go about describing things.

Now seeing this following caveat come out of the warrior's typed hand is too ironic to ignore. From the paragraph preceding the quoted one above:

Let me be unimaginably clear about this.
:rofl: Unimaginable indeed!
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