Katamari Damacy... am i the only one??

[quote name='JSweeney']
Yep, and the braindead mowing over of braindead line after line of grunts, minions and other such cannon fodder in the first person perspective or the next iteration of the yearly sports game franchise it just inspired game making right?

How exactly is the FPS/ sport game genre braindead?

They aren't. If you read what I wrote it says "the braindead mowing over of braindead line after line of grunts, minions and other such cannon fodder in the first person perspective"

That's more of a sanction of the rather lax AI that most games employ ...throw more things at you to make it difficult rather than make the individual agents more intelligent".

You speak of how the OP isn't familiar with the early PS1 days to make such a foolish comment yet then you follow up with your own close-minded and judgmental comment.

I think you're arguing from a mistaken premise.
Yes, my tone was harsher than it should have been, and I should probably at least appoligize to the OP for that.
Jsweeny, all i said was that the game didn't interest me and i wanted to know what all the hype was about. you didn't need to be so abusive in getting your point across.

You're absolutely right. It was the comments of the "third men in" that led to what I said, and for the brunt of that to be pointed at you was unfair.
I'm sorry for that. I should have done a better job seperating who said what, and not lumping a sanction mean for an entire class ( a mindset, actually) onto one person.
If I hurt your feelings, I am very, very sorry.

Guilewasnk, thanks to you and the others who were able to give a mature perspective.

That's a rather unfair implication you just made there. You can't have it both ways.. and that last little implication to twist the knife comes off as rather hypocritical.
i think i can understand now what the appeal of the game is. i know there are games out there that people play just because they are different. i just can't remember a quirky game like this being talked about so much on the net.

Incredible Crisis got just about the same word of mouth when it came out.
Ikaruga got TONS more word of mouth and was treated almost as the second coming.
This isn't really a new thing.. this happens with lots of niche titles.

just to clarify, i'm not judging the game at all.

That may be, but that's not the read that your original posts gives.
Calling the premise stupid in the first few sentences sets up a rather judgemental tone right off the bat.
Ill call it sleeper hit of the year..

And if some of you didnt notice..graphics were like that for a reason. It was a stylized game. And also, take note that there must be several thousand objects to pick up..Another reason for the stylization

Calculate that. Which game has hundreds to thousands of different objects which you can observe or pickup in a single level?

errr....Yeah..DOesnt exist.

So..3d modelled objects in the thousands, textures, physics ebgines, music, bonuses.. Must take quite a bit of compression to get that sucker on a disk, right?

Also..the game costs twenty bucks.

Keep that in mind.

Hope that helps.
That's a rather unfair implication you just made there. You can't have it both ways.. and that last little implication to twist the knife comes off as rather hypocritical.

thanks for the apology. i'm not sure if you meant it but you didn't have to. it is a free internet after all and i wasn't hurt or anything :) . as for the above comment, i'm sorry if that is how my sentence read. i just wanted to point out that guilewasnk's comment is more along the lines of what i wanted from this thread which was an answer to my question, not an attack of what i said. i should have worded it differently. took out the 'maturity' part, etc... i was just reeling from your post still.

Incredible Crisis got just about the same word of mouth when it came out.
Ikaruga got TONS more word of mouth and was treated almost as the second coming.
This isn't really a new thing.. this happens with lots of niche titles.

i was thinking of games like mister mosquito. i wouldn't say ikaruga is a niche title. top down shooters are/were common. and i don't really know anything about incredible crisis.

That may be, but that's not the read that your original posts gives.
Calling the premise stupid in the first few sentences sets up a rather judgemental tone right off the bat.

i said the premise is stupid, not the game. it's like if i said the premise of shooting people in the first person was stupid. i'm not singling out any game, just the premise. i'm not sure if that makes sense?
and you gotta admit, the premise is pretty stupid. but in a good way? :p
bread's done