Last You Game You Bought @ Full MSRP

Halo 3 was the last game I paid full MSRP for. I'm pretty sure I've gotten everything else I've bought since then for at least $10 less on eBay unless you want to count buying Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga at $20 a week or so ago.
I've tried not to buy first day releases for awhile unless it's something I'm psyched about. The last game I bought full price was GTAIV on 360. Bought it so the g/f and I could play. But then we ended up doing more couple going out type stuff and played games separately. Then we broke up and it's still sitting sealed.

What a shitty story huh?
NCAA Football 09. Every year I buy this game on its release day (and in 04 I got it a week early). I love college football and I love playing Dynasty Mode.
[quote name='GoAztecs']NCAA Football 09. Every year I buy this game on its release day (and in 04 I got it a week early). I love college football and I love playing Dynasty Mode.[/QUOTE]

yeah! 6 points, but I feel you GoAztecs, except it's not ncaa for me, it's NHL (either game for the most part).

Last games I bought at full price? The World belongs to you, final fantasy crystal chronicals and dragon quest IV at the buy 2 get 1 tru sale. Wii fit, Metal Gear Solid 4 CE, Soul Calibur 4 CE, NHL 09, and Grand Theft Auto IV come to mind, but I have lost it, so who knows if that is right, right?
Saints Row 2, but I used GS credit so that doesn't REALLY count. That last game I bought at full MSRB with cash was WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2008, and the next one will be S vs R 2009.
[quote name='docvinh']Halo 3. Probably should have waited for CAll of Duty 4:D[/quote]

Last game I bough MSRP was GTA IV because the hype got to me and I had to be part of it.
I think the last game I bought at MSRP was Major League Baseball 2k5 with an MSRP of $19.99. Why? Because the MSRP was $19.99 and the 2k5 series is awesome.

Before that it was Soul Calibur 2 for my xbox with an MSRP of $49.99, mainly because I had a disposable income at the time and I was caught up with release week hype (I've since learned the errors of my ways a long time ago). Before that, KOTOR 1 for my Xbox, because I again got caught up in release week hype.

I've had my 360 for a year (it's still out on repair) and the most expensive game I've bought has been GTA4 for $29.50 used at Gamestop after 25% coupon and Edge Card 10% off. Then it's Halo 3 for $25 used (with flipping some stuff), Dead Rising for $22 (with flipping) and Mass Effect for $20 off of Gamefly. ALL my other 360 games (I think I'm up to 35+ games) have been through trading or clearance sales for $18 or less (I did get COD4 with some flipping and a GS Giftcard and only paid $7 out of pocket).

I refuse to buy ANY game for full MSRP anymore, so I tend to wait 6-12 months after a release so I can get a game at a used price I feel comfortable with.
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Soul bubbles

but then I got Kirby free in TRU 2+1 deal... so technically I had to pay msrp to get one free, but overall it's still cheaper than that.

I don't think I remember...

oh wait...

I know I paid ... no.. that was amazon knocking off a few bucks....

Episode 1-3 for Sam and Max about 3 months ago??? ... that's about that I can remember.

otherwise it's always an offer to get it cheaper or I wait till it's used... or ebay deals.
[quote name='rexflexall']Call of Duty 4 for Xbox 360
Because I got Call of Duty 3 Gold Edition for free :D Then I proceeded to use it for target practice with my sniper riffle.[/quote]

Metal Gear Solid 4 CE - Because I had to hear Snake yell "Liquid!" and "Metal Gear?" once more! I was sold on the 'stache from day one.
Last game bought with cash at full MSRP was Disgaea: Hour of Darkness :ps2: on release day. I couldn't wait to play the game and Fry's didn't have it in stock yet (on sale for $5 cheaper). I ended up buying a gutted copy at GS. :oops:

This was way before I found out about CAG. I actually never used to shop at GS before CAG. This was when Fry's actually had decent deals on new release games and when I used to pay cash for games. :lol:
Complete list of games I have bought on release day
NES-none....parents = main source of income then
SNES- none.....see NES
N64- Superman 64.....yeah I am not joking here.....I dont remember it all that well since I did not play it much
PS- Gauntlet legends, FFIX
PS2- GTA3, State of Emergency......suckered
GCN- none......did get RE4 in the same week though
360(which I got rid of since it was a POS)- The Orange Box(the reason I bought the system) GTA IV......I work across the street from walmart and work nights so I picked it up since I was over there to get lunch anyway......Madden 09 CE.....same as GTA IV
[quote name='detectiveconan16']Now that I think about I HAVEN'T paid MSRP for anything in a LONG time, except for hookers and blow.[/quote]

I just bought LBP for full price because its a game my wife is actually wanting to play.
I haven't paid full price out of pocket for a game since WWF Warzone for N64. Everything, I have bought since then I either got on sale/waited til the price dropped or used store credit to buy it.

Though I'm leaning toward getting SOCOM: Confrontation soon, primarily for the headset...

...And I'm having a hard time resisting LBP...
Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 FES, since I read a review and it sounded fantastic. I have yet to open it.

I do plan to preorder Persona 4 and I'll be paying full MSRP for it, as well. I can't think of anything else I've paid full MSRP for since Final Fantasy X, unless you count the $20 MSRP for Greatest Hits games or the $30 I paid for the Devil May Cry set.
The last game I bought full MSRP could be one of two things:

If you count fully paid preorders, then Resistance 2 CE I paid the full 80 for, mainly because I am unsure how hard it will be to find these and I've wanted this game since January or so, and we all know that if you want a game enough, you will be more willing to shell an extra 20 on the CE.

If you don't count preorders, then the game would be SOCOM: Confrontation, mainly since I was paying 50 for the kickass headset and 10 for the mediocre 40 dollar game.
Mass Effect

It was the night of the last day to turn in UC applications, and after furiously working on those damn essays, I just had to buy a game to celebrate.
Last week
Fable 2

2 weeks ago
Saints Row 2 (for the $10 GC at CC) and SOCOM bundle

3 weeks ago

This week
Fallout 3

Next week
Gears 2

Two weeks
CoD 5

After that, none until Christmas, if I have giftcards.

Recent used purchases: Too Human, NHL 09, Mercenaries 2, Infinite Undiscovery, Ninja Gaiden 2, and Lego Star Wars TCS (all but Lego SW were with Gamestop coupons, Lego SW only because the price dropped to under $20 and my Gamestop had a near-mint copy.)
Wait I just remembered - it was Zelda: Windwaker for gamecube. I bought it to get the great bonus disk.

the last one before that was Mega Man Legends 2 for playstation 1 >>

I may have bought a few ps1 greatest hits at the full $20.00 price at some point also, if that counts.
[quote name='guyinga']Littlest Pet Shop: Winter[/QUOTE]
NO WAI U 2? OMG!!!!

Anyways the last game that I payed full price for was ......


I did this because I wanted Gamestop's preorder bonus of the extra costumes, level pack, and in game stickers. From what I played last night I'm not regretting my purchase in the least.
Guitar Hero: World Tour (Full Band Kit)
I had a feeling this would be tough to find once the holidays rolled around, and trading for these huge band kits is risky.

Technically, I purchased it for $30 over the MSRP from RedOctane's eBay store, but after Microsoft Cashback, I saved about $45.
Madden 2009 because I am not patient and could not wait 10 days for it to go on sale or wind up used at gamestop
Kirby Super Star Ultra because I love Kirby to pieces.

And before that, Mario Kart Wii because it's a bitch to find and I found the demo actually enjoyable despite my not bing a fan of racing games.
Halo 3 for me (would have been MGS4, but I don't have a PS3). Before that was Pokemon Diamond, before that was Kingdom Hearts 2. I usually stay about 8 months behind the release schedule, I played Assassin's Creed last summer for instance. Fallout 3 might break me, though.
Kirby Superstar Ultra for the DS.
I don't know if these count since I bought them during the B2G1 free from TRU:
Clubhouse Games
Space Invaders Extreme
I think the last one I bought at full MSRP was Jam Sessions.
And no, I don't have an excuse for that. That "game" is boring as hell.
bread's done