League of Legends anyone?

patch day!

Apple Jax got a big buff :D

I dunno how to counter Lux, havnt fought her :)

I wonder how much IP she will be.

If anyone listens to podcasts, check out the MIA podcast :D
[quote name='kilm']Yeah, most newly released champs are going to be OP so people buy them. get nerfed later[/QUOTE]

They definitely seem to err on the side of OP for the new champs. I don't have an issue with it. It makes them more money then they tune them down after they get a couple weeks of playtime.
Have been playing Kyle a lot recently and am enjoying her quite a bit. She hits so hard early game and if used right her ult has changed outcomes of team fights for me. Though it sucks that I use a dps kyle build so am focusing on DPS but have to also pay attention to who is getting targeted start of fight to ult them.

Now lux I just saw her video this morning and my jaw kinda dropped. The op-ness is ridiculous. Cannot wait to pwn some nubs who play as her initially though :) definitely a skill hero to pull of the crowd controls efficiently.
Holy crap, I shouldn't have watched that. During the second half, I didn't understand a single thing that guy was saying. It really makes me want to stick with the super easy champions as I wouldn't have a damn clue what to do with champions like her.
so Edward, what is your LOL name?

Lux is apparently 3150 ip...not bad at all!!! She seems interesting, but I dont know if i need a new caster. Gotta try Galio again with his new mana costs. Early game should be pretty sucky, but then after that Galio should be OK.

Edward, you should pick up the collectors bundle. They sell it in stores for $20 (it is $30 straight from the riot store in-game). Comes with 20 champions, some runes, and $10 in riot points! THEN you can use the $10 riot points and put that towards the other champion bundle and you will only have to spend 15 dollars more for it. So 40 champions for $35 is pretty good!
[quote name='Morphx2']so Edward, what is your LOL name?

Lux is apparently 3150 ip...not bad at all!!! She seems interesting, but I dont know if i need a new caster. Gotta try Galio again with his new mana costs. Early game should be pretty sucky, but then after that Galio should be OK.

Edward, you should pick up the collectors bundle. They sell it in stores for $20 (it is $30 straight from the riot store in-game). Comes with 20 champions, some runes, and $10 in riot points! THEN you can use the $10 riot points and put that towards the other champion bundle and you will only have to spend 15 dollars more for it. So 40 champions for $35 is pretty good![/QUOTE]

I don't think the second champ bundle is 20 different champs though, there is some overlap. I could be wrong though.
[quote name='TLPRIME']I don't think the second champ bundle is 20 different champs though, there is some overlap. I could be wrong though.[/QUOTE]

The two bundles offer 20 different champions each, no overlap

They should add a new bundle for the new champs though, they have so many now
Urgh, came off of using Garen and 3 games, three loses. Last two games the other team had leavers so 4v5 should be a pick up. To much feeding occured, and the last game our Jax was jungling in a 4v5, wouldn't listen to push a lane with 3 on 2 and his build was just horrible. Ninja Tabi, Blasting Ward for AP, and than Atma's Impaler, and of course he kept saying he was level 24 the whole time and acused our mid Morpe for not helping with ganks, when he was off killing Wolf creeps.

So many idiots @_@ and of course, as always, it was a "shit" team. Anyway haven't played against a Lux, but in one of my games she just got destroyed by Teemo.
[quote name='kilm']The two bundles offer 20 different champions each, no overlap

They should add a new bundle for the new champs though, they have so many now[/QUOTE]

Hmm I stand corrected. Was that changed recently? I remember looking at the 2 bundles myself and seeing duplicates.

*edit* ah I see how I got confused. I was comparing a bundle to champs I already had a while ago. /brainfart
[quote name='Morphx2']so Edward, what is your LOL name?

Lux is apparently 3150 ip...not bad at all!!! She seems interesting, but I dont know if i need a new caster. Gotta try Galio again with his new mana costs. Early game should be pretty sucky, but then after that Galio should be OK.

Edward, you should pick up the collectors bundle. They sell it in stores for $20 (it is $30 straight from the riot store in-game). Comes with 20 champions, some runes, and $10 in riot points! THEN you can use the $10 riot points and put that towards the other champion bundle and you will only have to spend 15 dollars more for it. So 40 champions for $35 is pretty good![/QUOTE]

This one?


Kinda tempting to get even though I doubt I'd use even half of them.
[quote name='Morphx2']so Edward, what is your LOL name?

Lux is apparently 3150 ip...not bad at all!!! She seems interesting, but I dont know if i need a new caster. Gotta try Galio again with his new mana costs. Early game should be pretty sucky, but then after that Galio should be OK.

Edward, you should pick up the collectors bundle. They sell it in stores for $20 (it is $30 straight from the riot store in-game). Comes with 20 champions, some runes, and $10 in riot points! THEN you can use the $10 riot points and put that towards the other champion bundle and you will only have to spend 15 dollars more for it. So 40 champions for $35 is pretty good![/QUOTE]

LOL name: DukeEdwardI

Be warned though, you're probably not going to like playing with me. This kind of game for me is lots of fun to play, but I'm kind of a dunce when it comes to strategies&tactics/item builds/etc.

I think I'm going to hold off on buying for now as I need to start saving cash for Christmas/birthday gifts/Sister's wedding. I figure I'll just unlock a champion every now and then and if I'm still playing down the line, then pick up the collector's bundle.
You can build the recommended items but you'll want to check a guide for builds. For strategies, just stay near your teammates, help them when you can, and don't chase.
What a crazy game we just had. We lost...but was another galio asswhooping. We would of won if blackino didn't mess up his champ pick I think. We did great at the end.
Our Amumu was dumb going with a support build.

BTW, there are some limited edition Halloween runes. The only ones I see are Tier 2 Quintessences. I bought the +30 health one for 995. Good value since the Tier 3 one which adds 32.4 health is 2050! So if you have a lot of IP to spare, pick some up. I believe all of them are Tier 2.
Suffered nothing but defeats tonight. But that's alright, that's how we learn.

Tried out Soraka and Heimerdinger. A little bit weaker than I'm used to playing, but once I got used to Soraka I managed to keep my teammates healed and in battle. Went 1/3/16.

Heimerdinger was great fun. He's not much of a hero killer, but he can farm the shit out of a lane and do some pretty good defending early on. Place some turrets next to a tower and you're good to go for a couple of levels. Definitely bought a lot of increased power ability items to make those turrets better. Unfortunately, my team wasn't doing so hot, so he was kind of useless.
OMG, our Amumu was SO STUPID. I forgot about him

at the START OF THE GAME, we said "yeah, a tank!!"

Then 25 min in when I saw he was dying in like 3 hits i said what are you doing?? He said "Oh, i didnt know I should have been tank, I went support"

AND all of his items were pure CRAP.

If it wasnt for me, Garen, and Xin, we would of lost a lot earlier. We did real good :D

The other team had squishy Teemo, Ryze, Warwick, and a tankie Garen and I forget their other guy. I was giving a 2-3 shot whooping to Teemo and Ryze and made them poop their pants every team fight. Warwick went down easy too.

Was a fun game of back and forth though!

[quote name='icedrake523']Our Amumu was dumb going with a support build.

BTW, there are some limited edition Halloween runes. The only ones I see are Tier 2 Quintessences. I bought the +30 health one for 995. Good value since the Tier 3 one which adds 32.4 health is 2050! So if you have a lot of IP to spare, pick some up. I believe all of them are Tier 2.[/QUOTE]
Yup, thats why I bought a deathfire grasp. Besides the ability cooldown, it takes off 30% of their current health + 3.5% every 100 AP. I had around 800 AP, so thats a big chunk of his health off. I think the cooldown for deathfire is like 2 minutes though.

Gosh, worst Amumu EVER. I have never ever seen an Amumu go support either. It is so weird
Happens all the time. People build tanks as carries and non-tanks, support as carries, carries with terrible builds... never stops
Yeah, I'm guilty of that. I was playing as Garen last night and was just buying the recommend items and also being super careful. I hate dying so I tried to stay alive by running away at the very first sign of trouble. Apparently I was playing Garen all wrong and the opposing team were making fun of me and calling me terrible.

So I guess every champion has only ONE item build you can go with and anything different than that is terrible? Is this more true than false? Because that's kind of lame.
It depends on the champion in my experience. Some have a few viable builds, but some are pretty cookie cutter. I'd put Garen in the cookie cutter catagory, he pretty much dominates built as a tank and is pretty hard to kill cause of it.
[quote name='TLPRIME']It depends on the champion in my experience. Some have a few viable builds, but some are pretty cookie cutter. I'd put Garen in the cookie cutter catagory, he pretty much dominates built as a tank and is pretty hard to kill cause of it.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, depends on the champ. Stacking sunfires on Garen will make him wreck face but something like an IE or Ghostblade will be ok but won't really be that great on him.

I think IE and Ghostblade are both recommended, IMO not terrible, but there are just better builds to use, so it does kinda out you as a newb lol
[quote name='kilm']Yeah, depends on the champ. Stacking sunfires on Garen will make him wreck face but something like an IE or Ghostblade will be ok but won't really be that great on him.

I think IE and Ghostblade are both recommended, IMO not terrible, but there are just better builds to use, so it does kinda out you as a newb lol[/QUOTE]

Ha, yeah I'm pretty sure that's what I had. So for future reference: Garen = Sunfire(s). Got it.
I hate playing against Garen :p

Ashe is usually an easy champ to play too.

I like the champs that are hard to use, makes me feel good when i do good with them :)

Galio is such a crazy dude with AP because his E (his wind spell) goes through everyone, so it can hit a line of people.

I LOVE when I am low on hp and they chase me and I throw my E at them while running and they die. hehehe.

Another part that makes Galio tough, but fun, is that he is all skill shots. His E and Q are both skill shots (as in cant target a person, you target the ground).
[quote name='DukeEdwardI']Ha, yeah I'm pretty sure that's what I had. So for future reference: Garen = Sunfire(s). Got it.[/QUOTE]

I go for (not in order) Sunfire Cape, Randuin's Omen, Boots of Swiftness, and (if I have the money) Guardian Angel. Buy their components as soon as you can so you at least have something.

You can start with Doran's Shield but sell it once you can buy Warden's Armor since it gives better Health regen.
I had a couple good games last night. One bad lose, but ya cant win them all.

Heres a tip: If you just aced the other team, or 4 of them are dead PUSH A LANE! Don't go grab golem buff, don't go farm minions, and PLEASE dont port back to town cause you're at like 60% health. Push the tower THEN do those things.
[quote name='Waughoo']Heres a tip: If you just aced the other team, or 4 of them are dead PUSH A LANE! Don't go grab golem buff, don't go farm minions, and PLEASE dont port back to town cause you're at like 60% health. Push the tower THEN do those things.[/QUOTE]

That's like LoL/DotA/HoN 101. Even I know that and I'm terrible.
[quote name='DukeEdwardI']That's like LoL/DotA/HoN 101. Even I know that and I'm terrible.[/QUOTE]
Its one of those things EVERYONE should know, but noone ever follows. I had a game last night where my team (all lvl 30s mind you) would kill 4 people and then chase the last one instead of pushing. I'd be fine if ONE of us chased for the kill, but 4 is not needed when we could be pushing. At least I was able to take a tower out myself here and there.

[quote name='Morphx2']U guys down for Saturday night fest? I'm good starting 6pm mountain time[/QUOTE]

Thats like 8 here, so I should be down. I usually dont work past 7, but you never know with my job. I suggest we get on vent for all the fun :)
[quote name='Waughoo']I had a couple good games last night. One bad lose, but ya cant win them all.

Heres a tip: If you just aced the other team, or 4 of them are dead PUSH A LANE! Don't go grab golem buff, don't go farm minions, and PLEASE dont port back to town cause you're at like 60% health. Push the tower THEN do those things.[/QUOTE]

For the most part, I'll agree. Sometimes you will want to take Baron (and then buy) and then push lanes
I used to play Jax a lot way back when, then he got nerfed and seemed real weak. Tried him for a game tonight after his recent buffs and daaaaaamn. 13-4-7.

Jax is back. Just aim for the squishies. Jaxie want smush smush!
I think I'm going to buy Mordekaiser next. Garen is good and I haven't mastered him but I feel like moving on to a champ that isn't as noob friendly. I'm sticking with a tank since I'm still learning and they give you the most room for error.
[quote name='icedrake523']I think I'm going to buy Mordekaiser next. Garen is good and I haven't mastered him but I feel like moving on to a champ that isn't as noob friendly. I'm sticking with a tank since I'm still learning and they give you the most room for error.[/QUOTE]

I think tanks need to be really clutch with positioning and timing to be able to distract enemy carries and protect your own. A player who plays tank well in the game is hard to find since everyone tries to play carry (and usually fails hard at it) =/
Update is finally here.

Ashe, Cho'Gath, Janna, Taric, Twisted Fate, Veigar, Warwick, Zilean, Udyr, and Galio.

I played Cho last time he was free. I can be better with him now. I'd like to try Warwick, TF, and Galio.
[quote name='icedrake523']I think I'm going to buy Mordekaiser next. Garen is good and I haven't mastered him but I feel like moving on to a champ that isn't as noob friendly. I'm sticking with a tank since I'm still learning and they give you the most room for error.[/QUOTE]

I think with normal games, you are generally better off with a tank like Morde, Cho gath, or Mundo.

With Rammus and Amumu (possiblly Nunu also) you are very team dependent. They make a good team even better. So you just waste the other team and they will surrender at 25 minutes, assuming you have a good team. If you have a crappy team you are pretty much worthless and probably will be blamed for the loss. It even mentions "team dependence" in the hint screen for Amumu. I like Rammus because of those 1/3 games where your team is good, but then 2/3 of games you can't really do anything to effect the game outcome.

I've recently played a few games where Amumu or Nunu will jungle. Wow that is hard to beat if they have someone who can solo top or bottom.

I've been against Galio in a lane as a mage before and wow.... he is great at shutting down mages. I didn't even realize he was a tank before that game lol. I originally was very confused at why he had a taunt ultimate.
[quote name='Morphx2']I always solo lane with galio and never lost the battle. Even 1v2 is ok. AP galio all the way![/QUOTE]

normal low elo solo :roll:
I was ROLLING with Poppy last night. I think she is one of the better champs in the game once she gets going. She is a fun little character and hits like a TRUCK and hard to kill!!!

This amumu was killing me and I was trying to run and had a little bit of health left. I said screw it and turned around and whooped his butt. was GREAT

Kodos and I did some whooping last night too, was fantastic!

Too bad Lollypoppy is so expensive :(

Early game once she gets Sheen, she is a POWERHOUSE!
bread's done