League of Legends anyone?

Tonight, I felt like trying Nasus out again. Haven't touched him in mouths and have a skin I rarely use. When I've played against one, my team panics and worries about his farming.

Played 3 games, 2 we won in 20 min surrenders, the 3rd we won by destroying their nexus. I used to play him more aggressively in the lane by maxing Spirit Fire and Wither over Siphoning Strike (back when it was +2 instead of +3) and did 0/21/9 masteries.

This time I did 0/9/21 masteries with Mana regen seals and maxed Siphoning Strike. Man does it make a huge difference. I rarely used Spirit Fire, too, so my lane was never pushed too much. My Nasus is back!
My Morgana has been TEARING SHIT UP tonight. I won like 4 games with her and a few the other day.

Her buffs helped her so much.

I just farm farm farm, land a hold, wreck some faces and do it all over again.

I played with Icedrake and we were victorious, no problems!

Enemy Jarvin was chasing me from his red all the way back to our base where the rest of his team was waiting. I made it out alive. Wooo.

Black Shield rocks :D
I hate playing this game on the weekends, all the downies come out to play. Gotta love the guy that's 4-12-1 and bitching about me being 1-1-6. "Derp, I got more kills you aint doing shit". Yes, because feeding 12 times is contributing so much to our teams success.
Flippr and I had some crap games. I don't know why but whenever I play Singed, I'm constantly harassed in lane and can never get a Catalyst/Rod of Ages quickly. The other game our team was so dumb. Their Fiddle would stomp us. Our team go into team fights when he wasn't there. So of course we start to fight and CAWCAWCAWCAWCAW....aced. I was Xin who basically dashes into fights and dies these days. And no one but me was constantly buying wards and placing them in spots Fiddle would hide.

I shouldn't complain too much about losing. I've gone like 6-3 this weekend. Hard to believe I'm about 24 games over.

I also bought Lee Sin. It was him or Irelia and I want his original skin if it goes on sale, so I got him in case the sale is this week. He's a lot of fun even though I'm going to be horrible with him.
just played with a fantastic rumble. no not waughoo. this dude was the king of harass, landing all his spears, keeping himself healthy enough but being brave enough to soak up what damage he could. he basically created a free farming opportunity for me as ashe all of early game which got me an infinity edge around the 10 minute mark. then proceeded to stomp everyone's heads in and did not miss a single arrow all game. even finished a guy off as he was running in the fog, which is always satisfying.

i love it when everything goes perfectly in a match.
Just got into this, been searching around trying to figure out what Champion to start with.

Gonna start with Annie, then maybe Ashe. Would like to try out a Tank type, some people recommended Taric. Anyone have any recommendations, or wanna give me some pointers - my summoner name is gunstar808.

Looking forward to digging into this!
Taric is more of a support than a tank. For tanks, you're looking at:


Maokai and Alistar aren't really tanks. Alistar is more of a support and has a steep learning curve. Maokai more a tanky mage.

So that leaves Amumu, Shen, Rammus, Leona and Galio. Of those 4, Amumu is the easiest to learn and the best, IMO. His Q is a skillshot so you have to learn that but it's not too hard. His ult is awesome and it can turn a team fight in your favor.

Galio has a strong ult but it's easily shut down. He has high mana cost, his other abilities aren't that great. He's also 6300 IP.

Shen is probably the 2nd best. I don't like him because he uses energy and only has energy regain from 1 ability (other champs have multiple ways). He also sucks if your team is stupid.

Rammus is a fun champion but he can't lane for shit, has fallen off on jungling since he really needs the blue buff to keep up his mana. He also falls off if he doesn't get ganks.

I just find Leona to be underwhelming but I haven't really played her much. She does cost 6300 IP, too,

So if you want a tank, play Amumu.

EDIT: I actually meant Maokai, not Malphite. Malphite used to be alright but his passive got nerfed. He's had high mana costs so he can't harass much in lane. His ult is awesome though.
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I just started playing a few weeks ago and was getting frustrated with most of the champs I tried. I gave Amumu a shot and feel a lot more comfortable and am actually starting to understand some mechanics and gameplay flow a lot better than I did when I would die as soon as a fight started. I also feel like I'm able to contribute much more to a fight without too high of a personal skill level.

In short, I'd also recommend Amumu.
[quote name='icedrake523']Taric is more of a support than a tank. For tanks, you're looking at:


Thanks for the recommendations. I will check out Amumu soon. But man am I enjoying Annie! Bear-Aoe stun is pretty badass. Wish I could get that Goth skin tho :bomb:

Seems you earn IP pretty easily as well, so I'm assuming its best to buy the champs with those and save the Riot points for guys that have huge IP costs, or for skins etc?

Edit: Oh sweet, just checked and I have Amumu already from the Collector's Pack!
I think you have a higher IP gain during your first 10 levels so you can buy a champion early. After that, it goes down and you earn as little as the rest of us. Some loses I earn less than playing a game against bots.

Save Riot Points for skins and only buy skins when they're on sale unless you REALLY want them. The only skins that don't go on sale are "Legendary" ones which cost 1820 RP. Please don't buy any of them, that's almost $20 for just a skin.

Before you're level 20, spend your IP on champions. After level 20, you'll want to start saving some for runes.

For Amumu, go with this build.

Doran's Shield start. Buy Boots of Speed, then Philosopher's Stone (Faerie Charm first), then Merc Treads. After that, rush Sunfire Cape. That with your W and E is going to help you farm lanes like crazy. I like to get Aegis of the Legion next but you may need Catalyst the Protector (build into Banshee's Veil) since you don't have mana runes.
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Whatever Mr. Cheapo Icedrake. I will enjoy my Gentlemen Cho'Gath every day!

Here are some good war stories from yesterday!!!

Last night I used Trundle 2 times in the jungle and both times my teammates were idiots and just fed the whole time. I even stopped playing after 12 minutes in one of the games. Our mid disconnected 2 times and died 2 times because of it. Our bottom (Ashe and Lux) kept dying to Cho and Kayle around 6-7 times within 10 minutes. And our top was OK (was Galio). So I was just like screw this, im gonna make pasta.

Second time...our bottom lane of Kat and Orianna had no idea how to stop Morde and Ez and they died a bunch and got denied. Honestly, is it THAT hard to focus minions with a BALL and bouncing blades???? COME ON. Our Brand at mid was ok (but squishy as hell!) and our Malphite was holding his own 1v2 up top. But then Kat kept walking into the enemy for no reason when they were clearly visible, and my team kept running away when I would charge in with Trundle. OH, and Malphite missed his ult 3-4 times. Cant carry that sad team.

So then I used Morgana because you know, i wanted to win. Took mid and just dominated all three lanes again with teleports and black shields! Best part of the game: Enemy Akali was talking trash because she was making some kills top lane and making our Tristana run away. So then i basically said "Ok, Akali, you asked for it". Proceeded to get oracles and she melted in every team fight within 5 seconds.
[quote name='icedrake523']I think you have a higher IP gain during your first 10 levels so you can buy a champion early. After that, it goes down and you earn as little as the rest of us. Some loses I earn less than playing a game against bots.

Save Riot Points for skins and only buy skins when they're on sale unless you REALLY want them. The only skins that don't go on sale are "Legendary" ones which cost 1820 RP. Please don't buy any of them, that's almost $20 for just a skin.

Before you're level 20, spend your IP on champions. After level 20, you'll want to start saving some for runes.

For Amumu, go with this build.

Doran's Shield start. Buy Boots of Speed, then Philosopher's Stone (Faerie Charm first), then Merc Treads. After that, rush Sunfire Cape. That with your W and E is going to help you farm lanes like crazy. I like to get Aegis of the Legion next but you may need Catalyst the Protector (build into Banshee's Veil) since you don't have mana runes.[/QUOTE]

Honestly, I'd say just save your IP until level 20. At that point, buy a champion that you've played during a free week and you feel comfortable with. Then use the rest to purchase runes (please don't buy level one runes, it's a waste).
Surprised not to see Nasus on that list of tanks. In my opinion after the recent buff he is also one of the easier champs to play that has a slow, life steal, and a great Ult for team fights. He is a not a pure tank, but someone with the right items that becomes a really nice tank, similar to Morde but a little more of a tank.

I find this build (for the item purchase order only):


To be the best tank build for Malphite or Nasus, at least it works at lower elo levels. It provides a ton of gold with Nasus too.
Nasus isn't a tank because he doesn't have any way to initiate as all other tanks do. He's better as an off-tank/tanky DPS.

For Nasus, I like going Merc Treads, Sheen, Aegis. Then finish Trinity Force if you're doing well or build more defense if not.
never a fan of starting dorans. they're good items but more of a "i'm getting worked in a lane and need some extra oomph to help me out and i'm not farming well so its all i can get" sort of item set.

boots, mr, armor, regrowth, fairy, or meki + pots/ward i feel are better starting choices. if you can see you're going to get worked in your lane, the dorans stuff is there for a boost to give you an edge.
I go Dorian's if we suspect there will be a lvl 1 fight or if we invade the enemy jungle.

Nothing I love more than grabbing Dorian's Ring and tossing saplings at the enemy Wraiths. I go to my lane late, and yet I get lvl 2 first :D. Otherwise, I enjoy going Boots + Pots start.
Anyone watching the Dota2 stream? So far, the game has lagged out twice, and the English commentators would scream every time there was combat so I had no idea what the fuck was going on. After the second drop, the commentary was gone, so it's been just game sounds for the past 15 minutes.
I started watching it when it first went live. The commentators were horrendous, so I immediately switched to no commentary. At about 40 minutes in the game lagged out so I just stopped watching.
RIP Taric and Nidalee. They'll join the cast of champions you never see in games anymore.

Taric - (The comprehensive Taric changes will be out the following patch)

  • Base attack speed increased to .625 from .613


  • Ability power ratio reduced to 0.6 from 1.1
  • Cooldown increased to 24/23/22/21/20 seconds from 16/15/14/13/12
  • Basic attacks against enemy champions now reduce Imbue’s cooldown by 4 seconds (still 2 seconds against other targets)


Javelin Toss

  • Mana Cost reduced to 50/60/70/80/90 from 60/70/80/90/100
  • Cooldown reduced to 6 from 7


  • May now be affected by cooldown reduction
  • Cooldown increased to 3.5 from 3

Primal Surge

  • Mana cost changed to 60/80/100/120/140
  • Base heal changed to 50/85/120/155/190 from 60/90/120/150/180
  • AP ratio reduced to 0.7 from 1.25
  • Swipe AP ratio increased to 0.4 from 0.2
  • Aspect of the Cougar now grants 10/15/20 Armor and Magic Resist instead of 10% Dodge


  • Cleaned up a lot of Nidalee's tooltips, especially Cougar form
Taric's changes are brutal. They nerfed his base heal a long time ago. Now they're cutting the AP ratio in half. And now they're adding 50% CD on it. The reduced CD for hitting champs is ok, but most Tarics won't go into the middle of a fight and auto attack.

Not to mention his ultimate is pretty shitty and requires him to take Clarity. Though he's supposed to get a new one: http://na.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?p=12999237#post12999237

Nidalee's Javelin Toss is a buff. I think Pounce is more of a buff since 40% CDR gets it down to 2.1 seconds. It's an incredibly annoying skill to fight against on 3 seconds. Not to mention a lot of Nidalee's build Sheen/Lich Bane and Rageblade so they'll have that up even more now.

The heal is a huge nerf, I remember Phreak saying they didn't want to touch the ridiculous AP ratio because her cougar form is underwhelming late.
huh. tarics changes don't look bad at all. yes heal nerf but all heals are getting nerfed. i guess if you play him like a healer it'd suck but honestly who does that.
[quote name='crystalklear64']huh. tarics changes don't look bad at all. yes heal nerf but all heals are getting nerfed. i guess if you play him like a healer it'd suck but honestly who does that.[/QUOTE]
His heal got REALLY nerfed though. AP ratio is cut in half and CD was increased by 50%.

Depends on what his new ultimate is though.
[quote name='icedrake523']His heal got REALLY nerfed though. AP ratio is cut in half and CD was increased by 50%.

Depends on what his new ultimate is though.[/QUOTE]
Well the CD is in line with their goal of having a heal be an ass-saving mechanic instead of a sustain thing. Ratio sucks yes, but again, AP on Taric? Most builds don't even get AP unless its a Kage's Pick, and even then I haven't seen many people do that.

Standard Taric build is something like, boots, gold per 5 shit, aegis, shurelia's, and of course wards, wards, wards, wards, and... wards. Ratio doesn't matter when you don't have the AP to back it and they aren't nerfing the base any more than it already was.

It'll stay in the same place as it is now, one point early game for some ass-saving and ignore it till you have nothing else to level.
[quote name='crystalklear64']Well the CD is in line with their goal of having a heal be an ass-saving mechanic instead of a sustain thing. Ratio sucks yes, but again, AP on Taric? Most builds don't even get AP unless its a Kage's Pick, and even then I haven't seen many people do that.

Standard Taric build is something like, boots, gold per 5 shit, aegis, shurelia's, and of course wards, wards, wards, wards, and... wards. Ratio doesn't matter when you don't have the AP to back it and they aren't nerfing the base any more than it already was.

It'll stay in the same place as it is now, one point early game for some ass-saving and ignore it till you have nothing else to level.[/QUOTE]

I always maxed his heal first. His stun was the 1 point skill most game since it only gained damage which sucked and his Armor aura isn't needed to max first. I'd still get it first now since it has such a massive CD even at max rank.

I also built Rabadon's on him since the AP ratio was good. Now the only thing to build is CDR.

Though the only time I ever played him was when Flippr played Cait since he needs a babysitter otherwise he feeds.
Ya right. I NEVER EVER feed as Cait. People FEED ME!


Oh, here is a funny story.

I duo queued with my level 1 account with one of the new people on here that started playing.

Turned out Cait was free this week.

So I went mid vs Lux. I dodged every single skill shot and ultimate she threw at me. I farmed my ass off. I had like 300+ CS and everyone else had around 60.

I was just 2-3 shotting the whole enemy team of Kog, Yi, Lux, and 2 others. It was pretty hilarious, but i felt bad for the other team.

I had a bloodthirster, infinity edge, 2 phantom dancers, and was working on my 2nd bloodthirster.

I did miss the mana regen runes. I ran out of mana so fast and often. Eventually I had to take blue buff for myself
[quote name='RabbitSuit']:( Wriggle's is getting nerfed thanks to Team SoloMid.

And welcome, IronSerif :D[/QUOTE]

I hope the only nerf it gets is a price increase or increasing the ward cooldown from 3 min to 4 min. That way there's a 1 min downtime between when your ward expires and when you can place another one.
Who was it that wanted Riot Singed? Because I think he's going to be in the LoL store during PAX according to this

You've asked for it, and we're here to deliver. Due to popular demand, Riot Squad Singed will be making one final appearance in the League of Legends Store during PAX Prime in Seattle, Washington this year. This now limited edition skin will be available for purchase for 975RP from the 26th of August through the 28th of August. After this time Riot Squad Singed will be formally retiring and handing over the mantle of League of Legends mascot to our brand new team member, Riot K-9 Nasus.

If you've already acquired Riot Singed, or you're simply more of a dog person, you can also to pick up Riot K-9 Nasus during this time by either visiting the official Riot Games booth on the show floor or visiting the League of Legends Store where he will also be available for 975 RP.

Visit the Store during PAX Prime to get your hands on these epic Riot Squad skins, and for your final chance to bid farewell to Riot Singed before he retires!
Also, Warwick, Jax, and Teemo are now 1350 IP and they have 2 new limited edition champ bundles, a variety pack (MF, Sona, Brand, Maokai, Jarvan) and Melee DPS (Xin, Nocturne, Akali, Pantheon, and Olaf) for 2600 RP each. The prices suck but at least they're trying.
I agreed with it only cause I was sleepy. Had I been more awake I'd say we should have continued.
But I like how the other team was talking trash about our Poppy, who I admit wasnt that good, but they're TF was like 2/12 or something.
[quote name='Waughoo']I agreed with it only cause I was sleepy. Had I been more awake I'd say we should have continued.
But I like how the other team was talking trash about our Poppy, who I admit wasnt that good, but they're TF was like 2/12 or something.[/QUOTE]

Quitter :whistle2:(

Just had a shit game. My 2nd as Lee Sin and I went 2/8/5. First, the Renekton I laned with took EVERY last hit. Any time there was a minion low that I was going to kill, he used his Q. After awhile, he recalled then went bot. I was laning against Kennen who had farmed more and had more levels on me, killed me twice. Meanwhile their WW fed off our Blitz who bragged that his first Blitz came he went 8/2 so he was ok. When I called him out on it later, him and our Ez gave me shit. Our Ez kept bitching to keep Warwick off him and got pissed when I said to get Banshee's (I need to do more damage, not live)

They had an annoying AP Yi that just Alpha Strike'd the whole game. Overall, crap game. Could have done better if our team wasn't horrible in team fights.

Also, Wriggle's isn't getting nerfed next patch (probably later) but Jax is going to be nerfed because people were too good with him at Gamescom. The only reason he started to be played was he was a counter to the Tanky DPS top.
[quote name='crystalklear64']quicksilver sash vs suppression always.[/QUOTE]

"I need to do more damage, not live" :roll:

That's why I hate playing carries. I value survivability more than damage.
Anyone else having fun trolling games?

My team was all squishy, then i was like WHO DO I PICK??? They all said tank.

So i picked zilean, then i got crap about it. then the other team was all strong and we couldnt hurt them, then it was 4v5 because one of us left. And the enemy veigar was like "i have 1k AP, ahaaha" We are like who cares. It was Zilean, Morgana, Pantheon, Cass (and a Yi who left at 20 min in), VS Alistar, Morde, Veigar, Soraka, and Cait

Then afterwards in post-game chat I guess he is in some clan called "ROC" because he had that in his title with his duo queue partner, who also had ROC. So my whole team were like OMG, LET US JOIN ROC. Made him mad and he left. Stupid people trash talking in a 4v5.
My last Lee Sin game sucked. I laned top with Morgana against Gragas and she was bitching that I didn't harass him. When I finally started to, she left so I just farmed top. Early game sucked. Our Nocturne came to gank top and ended up getting a triple kill since he got me, Morgana, and Twitch.

Mid game we started to come back, I'd save my kick for when Nocturne ulted to someone. After that we sucked. Morgana was at blue when 3 of us killed Pantheon. 3 of them showed up so we started to go back. Then Morgana flashed and ulted into them, we had no choice but to try to help. Then Nocturne ulted in and we were aced. Then our Morgana was yelling at us.

Just tried Cait in a custom game. She has to be the easiest champion to last hit with.
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you should play her a few more times.

She is really fun. Just dont Q in fights, autoattacks are usually stronger/better.

Go for doran/serk/blood thister/phantom dancer/IE or last whisper.

Thats what i do at least.

Good farming you can a few minions low, then Q and get all of em at once

Bind your E to smart-cast. Lets you net a LOT easier/faster to escape and jump over things
bread's done