League of Legends anyone?

played a game last night with 4 of my friends, we usually just play for fun and they're not really that mechanically sound, i've watched many games where they're up by 10-12 kills but behind 8k in gold because they're not good at last hitting.

but i was like, hey let's try a new strat.

their team: rengar top, trynd jungle,yi mid, tf/leona bot
our team: me at vayne top, fiddle mid, chogath/darius/malph bot. our strategy was for the trilane to take red at bot and me help fidd get blue.

but it turns out we're not blue team. oh crap.

we get blue but i can't get red, and the game proceeds. my mechanics escape me this game and even though i zone out rengar hard my csing fails me. i get ganked by trynd and i should've gotten a double kill but my mechanics are terrible and i fail to get 3 hits on the same guy because they're running next to each other and i can't click on the right guy.

i get ganked again and i kill trynd but rengar kills me. i switch lanes with darius. darius wrecks top and we take bot tower.
the game is back and forth but i'm playing poorly, getting caught a lot, until one critical moment.

after a really bad engagement they take our mid inhib tower and go for the inhib. malphite ult into fiddle ult, we clean up, take baron, take some towers. we start winning team fights to the tune of 4-3 and 5-4, but we're down on towers. we somehow keep holding off their pushes, we grab another baron but we need to protect our base so we can't rush them down.

we finally end it with the 3rd baron engagement with some good teamfighting. so sweet. it's like a bad plan gone wrong and then a comeback because we buckled down and played smarter.

so i go on lolking and it turns out we beat two gold elo players.
hell yeah.
i remember playing a game with a warwick jungler who didn't take smite

"i can jungle without smite!"

of course you can. you're also slow as hell and we have no dragon/baron control.
but of course this was with me normal queuing with my troll friend and his low normal ELO so i carried the game without really trying anyway
I did get a beta invite for Smite Flip. I did a practice match, it's alright. You should start a thread for it
i shall not

but my last hitting feels much cleaner in LoL now

i made this pretty sick play where i got greedy with vayne and ended up being surrounded so i was pretty much dead, but i was chasing a swain. i'm on blue side coming through purple jungle to mid.

when i turn the corner zomg nautilus is there and is going for the anchor/slow
so i flashed over the anchor and then tumble behind him to pick up the kill on swain.

then i was like yeahhhhh can't wait to see that on replay
then i realized
i forgot to open lolreplay.
Last time I had a mid Eve, one pink ward took her out of the game. Plopped on right in the center of the lane when she didnt have vision of me. She came back and stood nice and still for my combo with Lux. Did that like 3 times before she finally realized "Oh crap! He's got a ward"
[quote name='Morphx2']She has always been AP....nothing new.[/QUOTE]
what's new is that she's good now

supposedly she was good before the buffs but after the remake but everyone would play her as jungle instead of mid

once she gets dfg she goes nuts.

i did feel like she got hardcountered by ap yi because she has no stun to prevent healing
[quote name='kainzero']I thought you retired, good sir[/QUOTE]
From normal games. I play co-op and ARAM from time to time. I have played a few normal games lately to farm IP to afford a rune page.
I tried him in a bot game while he was free. He was kinda meh, but I could see him being good if you put the time into him.
If you like jungling or solo top, play Rengar, he can be a lot of fun. They also just made some QoL changes to him to make his gameplay more smooth.
How do all of you go about playing ranked games? What's the best way to get proficient in learning new roles (ie support/solotop/jungle/etc)?
I've played some ranked games with a few friends, and it was fun not having to hope or dibs a position.

For learning a new position, I've usually opted for a custom bot game to learn the character, their abilities, and the item synergy. But that's not an accurate measure of whether I'm good or not, unfortunately.

Occasionally it's stressful practicing in normal games because of that prepubescent or adolescent stringing cusswords together because 0/1/0 is feeding.

Any advice or tips? Also, I'd be absolutely down to play with any of you. I made my gamertag when I didn't take the game seriously, and I probably will never pay ten bucks just to change it. gamerid: MoistTroll

I'm not a troll, sincerely, but occasionally I do like to see an angry 12yr old and know that I'm responsible for it. For the longest time I thought it was completely normal, but playing with friends taught me otherwise. Guilty pleasure, I guess.
Playing ranked games I just solo queue. Learn to play all the roles if you wanna do well. Yes, we all want to play mid and top but someone's gotta play support and if you can play support well and they can't, you will smash bottom lane.

For learning new roles, it's mostly game experience. In laning phase, bot lane is fairly straightforward, but mid and top are really matchup based... so what you want to do is keep your hero pool small, maybe 1 or 2 only. That way you don't get confused by trying to learn the matchup and the basics at the same time. I usually play normals with friends with this but I guess normals without friends would also work; just remember you're playing to learn, not to win.
Had a shitty game just now. One of those where you're jungling and don't have a chance to pull off a gank but your teammates still expect one every single minute. So we're losing and I killed their Jayce and Lux. Our Kennen raged and said "fuck YOUR MOM SO HARD." I told him QQ more please. He said he was reporting me for "being a troll and sucking"
rengar and kha'zix are such bullshit heroes.

rengar - 7 second stealth for free burst on a carry? can't juke in bushes because he just leaps out anyway?
kha'zix - 1 second stealth leap and then 1 second stealth out to take out carries? PLUS a gap closer that doubles as an escape?

it's like impossible to kill either of them. i had like 4 fights yesterday where i bursted them down to 95% because we caught them in a bush and yet they both got away easily.
Until they release a champ with something that either:
Functions like Accursed's Ult (all damage you take for a set amount of time heals you instead)
Reflects a spell back at the user.

It just doesn't matter to me and because LoL will never have something that interesting/good/whatever, I will never care.
[quote name='Luxuria']The playoffs have been pretty good so far.[/QUOTE]
only game i liked was IG vs AF. and the ending to CLG prime vs SK. oh man. the biggest derp i ever saw.
wow, TPA vs NS is very good.

i saw the second M5 vs IG game and that was also fun to watch.

today is way better than yesterday.
bread's done