Limited Run Games Thread - Nothing is Limited, We Make Everything Now!


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Props to Cheapy for keeping the OP updated. :3
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Well, luckily, most of LRG have smaller file sizes, so maybe the "Nintendo tax" won't be a factor with LRG releases not needing larger cards.

Im kind of disappointed this is even the announced title. I thought the plan for Switch was higher profile releases at a reduced rate.
I was a big supporter of these guys at the start but have completely cooled to them. If they start releasing anything of quality I'll consider a purchase down the road but all I see is garbage for a while now.

I was a big supporter of these guys at the start but have completely cooled to them. If they start releasing anything of quality I'll consider a purchase down the road but all I see is garbage for a while now.
We get it. You've literally posted the same thing repeatedly. Why would anyone who doesn't like a product or company keep posting in the thread dedicated to that product and company over and over again? Nobody cares.

Im kind of disappointed this is even the announced title. I thought the plan for Switch was higher profile releases at a reduced rate.
This isn't the main title they have been promoting, that will happen once they reach their social media numbers, whatever the hell that was. But as stated above, why bother to come here when all games are trash and not worth your time?

Saturday Morning RPG is a game by LRG development side(Mighty Rabbit), and was a pretty well received title for what it was. And for whatever qty's they offer, it's all extra cash for them. I would probably port B&C as well, and make some extra dollars with that.

We get it. You've literally posted the same thing repeatedly. Why would anyone who doesn't like a product or company keep posting in the thread dedicated to that product and company over and over again? Nobody cares.
Why do you constantly pick fights with anyone who posts in this thread? Same rationale, you have turned into the thread police in here and it's hilarious.

I think it's alright to be a bit critical of releases. I mentioned Croixleur Sigma being extremely short and not super hard even on higher difficulties. Not everyone just collects everything to have a complete physical PS4/Vita/Whatever the heck library.

I think it's alright to be a bit critical of releases. I mentioned Croixleur Sigma being extremely short and not super hard even on higher difficulties. Not everyone just collects everything to have a complete physical PS4/Vita/Whatever the heck library.
I fully agree, but there is a difference between being critical and just coming into a thread for something you know you dislike to repeatedly post about how bad it is.

I'm guessing it'll have a $10 Nintendo tax for the physical, cause those damn carts are expensive.
Well, on the one hand, the Vita carts aren't exactly cheap to produce either. And yet those titles frequently come in at the same price as the cheaper PS4 copies.

But yes, the Switch titles that come out of LRG will most likely have some manner of "Nintendo tax" appended to them. Not only is it a physical medium, but Nintendo is much less aggressive when it comes to sales of their digital games. So the digital baseline for a lot of these titles on the eShop is going to be higher than what you would typically see on PSN. And while the Switch is doing decently, it doesn't have the same kind of install base as the PS4. So Nintendo isn't producing Switch carts with the kind of capacity that Sony is cranking out PS4 games. That's going to translate into a higher per-unit production cost.

I expect the Switch releases to come in somewhere in the $30 - $40 range, tack another $5 - $10 on for a decent manual. The "collectors" editions with extras will likely be around the same price as current collector's editions. The extras produced for those usually have much better markups than the games themselves.

I got my River City Ransom and Double Dragon order in yesterday. Now I actually need to try playing the games.

Got my copies of River City Melee in today and thankfully I ordered 2 because that Battle Royal SP cover is an abomination! The back cover on DDIV being all orange is a bit rough too lol.

I buy a ton of games from LRG. I'll be as critical of them as I feel like. They haven't been doing a very good job with the games they've chosen to release lately. Double Dragon 4 and River City Melee were cool ideas. But there there hasn't been as much value as I'd like to see with most releases. Scrolling shooters and RPGs are good ideas for the types of games that people like to collect. Like Dariusburst. Nex Machina was an ideal type of game to publish. Dear Esther and other arthouse indies are ideal choices as well. I hope to see some more games like those in the future. Presently, LRG is running off fumes from their previous good releases. I'm glad to hear they've cancelled some of the upcoming shovelware.

Why do you constantly pick fights with anyone who posts in this thread? Same rationale, you have turned into the thread police in here and it's hilarious.
poor shitpost1997 :argue:

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On a side note, do other people feel like 2017 just happened to be a slow year for indie game releases? 

Maybe I spent too much time on the NFL and fantasy football this year, that I'm out of the loop.  But I've checked out several goty and best games from '17 lists and there just wasn't a whole lot of good Indie action.   Seems like it was a down year.  It's probably hard to find good stuff to publish, let alone get a deal done.

The biggest things I heard of were games like Thimbleweed Park, Night in the Woods, and What Remains of Edith Finch.  I hope LRG can get some of those games. 

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Well, it's important to remember that LRG aren't solely responsible for what they put out. LRG is a very small-scale physical publisher, and they are dependent on the developers they work with for all of their releases, and frequently for the actual nature of the content they put out. The cover art for their releases, for instance, is usually provided by the developers. I believe that LRG occasionally produces the cover art themselves, but this is the exception, and not the rule. And even in those situations they are still dependent on the developer for source artwork and final approval. So they don't exactly have a free hand in such decisions.

They also don't just get to release games all willy-nilly. They have to sign contracts months in advance of release, and they are bound by their contracts once signed. Breaking of any of those contracts for cancelling a release will likely involve the reimbursement of funds, as well as potentially soured relations with the developer in question. So they can't exactly go around cancelling releases to streamline their release schedule at will either. And on top of all that, the recent ESRB policy change has thrown a wrench into the whole process, which will likely derail or delay several of their existing contracts.

The whole process is not nearly as cut-and-dry as some fans seem to think. I'm always confused when people point to LRG themselves and blame them for elements that they frankly had little or no control over. If you feel a particular game they release isn't good, just don't buy it. Nothing wrong with that. I've done that myself several times. I'm not going to pretend that their catalog is without fault, not all games are gems. But it is also important to differentiate between personal taste and critical appraisal. I'm not a sports game guy. I've just never found sports sims appealing. But if LRG released one that most sports fans agreed was solid, I wouldn't claim that they had dropped the ball just because that particular title wasn't in my wheelhouse. I can acknowledge that a game is technically and creatively worthwhile, even if I personally would never want to play it.

On a side note, do other people feel like 2017 just happened to be a slow year for indie game releases?

Maybe I spent too much time on the NFL and fantasy football this year, that I'm out of the loop. But I've checked out several goty and best games from '17 lists and there just wasn't a whole lot of good Indie action. Seems like it was a down year. It's probably hard to find good stuff to publish, let alone get a deal done.

The biggest things I heard of were games like Thimbleweed Park, Night in the Woods, and What Remains of Edith Finch. I hope LRG can get some of those games.
It comes back to the "what is indie" debate. My brother in law essentially washes everything that doesn't come from an established or "big" publisher as indie. So games like Pyre are just as indie as Undertale.

I bought Thimbleweed on sale in the e-shop and played Edith Finch on release. I avoided Night in the Woods since it came off as hipster simulator but a few youtube videos have me interested in the Switch release.

All three of those are much more marquee IMO than what LRG typically publishes and while I'd love to see them as well I have to imagine established publishers have probably approached them already so the question would be can LRG offer a better deal and actually deliver on it.

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Oh that's right, Pyre! Everything from Supergiant Games would make excellent LRG releases: Bastion, Transistor, and Pyre.

All three of those are much more marquee IMO than what LRG typically publishes and while I'd love to see them as well I have to imagine established publishers have probably approached them already so the question would be can LRG offer a better deal and actually deliver on it.
You're right, it probably won't be easy. But things have fallen off the mark lately and this is where they should be aiming. I think people would happily pay a premium for better games too.

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On a side note, do other people feel like 2017 just happened to be a slow year for indie game releases?

Maybe I spent too much time on the NFL and fantasy football this year, that I'm out of the loop. But I've checked out several goty and best games from '17 lists and there just wasn't a whole lot of good Indie action. Seems like it was a down year. It's probably hard to find good stuff to publish, let alone get a deal done.

The biggest things I heard of were games like Thimbleweed Park, Night in the Woods, and What Remains of Edith Finch. I hope LRG can get some of those games.
iam8bit is doing What Remains of Edith Finch :

On a side note, do other people feel like 2017 just happened to be a slow year for indie game releases?

Maybe I spent too much time on the NFL and fantasy football this year, that I'm out of the loop. But I've checked out several goty and best games from '17 lists and there just wasn't a whole lot of good Indie action. Seems like it was a down year. It's probably hard to find good stuff to publish, let alone get a deal done.

The biggest things I heard of were games like Thimbleweed Park, Night in the Woods, and What Remains of Edith Finch. I hope LRG can get some of those games.
I really enjoyed Sundered, Steamworld Dig 2, and A Hat in Time.

EDIT: Oh and Flinthook was pretty sweet too.

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Im kind of disappointed this is even the announced title. I thought the plan for Switch was higher profile releases at a reduced rate.
It's already been mentioned but Saturday Morning RPG is their own internally developed title so it makes total sense that they would publish a Switch version. If you don't like it you're not forced to buy it. I also expect Breach and Clear to eventually go to Switch as well.

Regarding the "Switch tax" I could have sworn Josh posted on here months ago that they likely wouldn't be charging more for Switch games as the costs were similar to Vita games and they didn't charge a lot more for them. Could be wrong but I seem to remember that.

Regarding the "Switch tax" I could have sworn Josh posted on here months ago that they likely wouldn't be charging more for Switch games as the costs were similar to Vita games and they didn't charge a lot more for them. Could be wrong but I seem to remember that.
I read that at the time as well, but until a game and price is actually given, I'll just expect the worst(especially where "N" is involved). LOL

I really enjoyed Sundered, Steamworld Dig 2, and A Hat in Time.

EDIT: Oh and Flinthook was pretty sweet too.
I beat Steamworld 2 on Switch before I beat anything else including Zelda and I bought Switch at launch. Some of it was timing and convenience of getting into a metroidvania game over some huge open world game but Switch is now my defacto system for smaller games. I just hope A Hat in Time and bunch of these other great smaller games get ported instead of some of the junk currently getting put on there.

I love these limited release of games, but the resellers really screw over fans.....

looks like chrisz300zx is one of the worst offenders, Limited Run Games doesn't see to care or want to protect their fans.....

but he's screwing people and abusing PLAY ASIA policy with bleed.

he's reselling FIVE copies !

I reported him to PLAY ASIA, I'd suggest you help as well.... let's keep the games to the fans, and

not the resellers who try to screw us over !

Bleed is still in stock at PA. If people are stupid enough to pay him almost double for one, then that's on them and him. Hell, I just sold a Cursed Castilla Vita copy for $55 when PA still has it in stock. I don't even remotely understand how someone can't google something to find it at retail for MSRP. But that seems to be the reality of it, and that's purely on them. 

I know the main part of the conversation is for things that are actually sold out, but it's never going to stop. And it's not always purely heinous. I've sold a ton of LRG and PA items. I typically buy two to have a better chance of getting a mint one out of it, and I can sell the spare to off set the cost of my one by a little bit. 

TL;DR: Drop the witch hunts ffs.

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Limited Run Games doesn't see to care or want to protect their fans.....
You do know they looked in to this guy many times in the past, and even bought from him in the hopes of getting to the bottom of this right? It has also never been proven this guy has done anything wrong. Just because he has multiple copies of something, doesn't mean he bought them all himself, or broke any rules to get them.

LRG stopped looking for him, as it was a waste of time, efforts, and funds. I would suggest you do the same, but if your really in to it, you could probably hire a PI and I'm sure he could discover who this is. But then what? What would that information get you?

This has to be the first time games went up for sale and zero people posted to this thread about it... well, until I just did an hour after they went up.  

I may have to buy Croixleur just for the cards. I really like that cover art.

Unless someone here who plans to get the game wants to sell me their cards super cheap.
Completely agree with Brandon. No love for the bit trip here sickens me to the core..
It has nothing to do with the quality of the games, I think people just have the games already. Relatively speaking the original Bit Trip games are pretty old. There's a physical collection for Wii and 3DS (I have the 3DS version digitally), and most who have these already probably have them on PC. I know I got a couple of these redeemed for free on Steam years ago.

It has nothing to do with the quality of the games, I think people just have the games already. Relatively speaking the original Bit Trip games are pretty old. There's a physical collection for Wii and 3DS (I have the 3DS version digitally), and most who have these already probably have them on PC. I know I got a couple of these redeemed for free on Steam years ago.
Yeah, I agree, this is a rather old collection, which most already owning it. But it was also easy to get, so there really just wan't much need to carry on a conversation about it this morning. I grabbed mine at 7, and went back to work. We've had a few other titles in the past with low Friday morning chat, as some games just don't require a lot of talk.

I just don't feel as much of a need to post about something that has almost become routine. I did actually put in an order for Bit.Trip for the PS4 this morning, as well as a copy of Screencheat. Both seem to be solid titles. I didn't see anything to indicate that the Vita version of Bit.Trip runs on the PSTV, so I opted for the PS4 version instead. This has been going on long enough that a bit of the excitement has worn off. Nothing wrong with that, it happens to everything that endures.

I do already have the Wii version of the Bit.Trip collection. But I don't mind getting it again on the PS4, especially at these prices.

Yeah, these releases were far from exciting, no controversies about pricing, CEs, etc, and they sold as slow as molasses. I guess there was just not much to discuss.

Yeah, these releases were far from exciting, no controversies about pricing, CEs, etc, and they sold as slow as molasses. I guess there was just not much to discuss.
When has that stopped anyone before? Obviously it did, but it's just weird. No "got mine, that was easy." No "this is the end of LRG because these aren't selling out." No whining about Chris having these up for sale on Ebay already for double the price. Nobody even bothered to play the greatest hits.

I'm not saying there was anything to discuss - I'm not sure there usually is. It's just the first time I think it's gone completely silent during the 10AM launch before.

When has that stopped anyone before? Obviously it did, but it's just weird. No "got mine, that was easy." No "this is the end of LRG because these aren't selling out." No whining about Chris having these up for sale on Ebay already for double the price. Nobody even bothered to play the greatest hits.

I'm not saying there was anything to discuss - I'm not sure there usually is. It's just the first time I think it's gone completely silent during the 10AM launch before.
Agreed. I also thought it was weird. There have been unexciting Fridays that get maybe a comment or two, but I'm not sure if I can remember it ever being completely silent either.

I think next week will see a lot more activity.  Bit Trip already had an arguably better physical release on Wii and Screencheat seems very niche and possibly something that can get old fast.  I ordered copies of each though to keep my LRG collection going.

bread's done