Limited Run Games Thread - Nothing is Limited, We Make Everything Now!


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Props to Cheapy for keeping the OP updated. :3
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I would've thought the Bit.Trip soundtracks might have at least been enticing.  I know the Wii version came with a CD, but it was just a sampler.   It does look like the soundtracks will sell out (even though the 60 copies of the Runner 2 soundtrack they threw up still haven't sold out).   

The Wii complete version did sound like the way to go, but I read that the games are 4x3.  I don't know - last night I completely talked myself out of getting anything today and would just get the Wii version at some point, then 10am hit and I ordered Bit.Trip and 4 soundtracks.

I honestly bought the Bit Trip collection during a PSN sale, and I remember liking Runner a decent bit before (it was the only one I played before). It was OK...not amazing but OK. It does feel pretty dated honestly is all.

Anyone know what’s coming up after sky force and croixleur? I saw SMRPG is coming for Switch but no date was posted. I really wish someone would do a physical release of Thimbleweed Park. I loved the old Lucasarts adventure games..
Gone by Monday or Tuesday. The usual
I know a dude from the other side of the state here that used to buy an extra 30 of whichever games got the limit removed. He "knew" they would be worth something. Needless to say he doesn't do that anymore. Who do you think does now?
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I know a dude from the other side of the state here that used to buy an extra 30 of whichever games got the limit removed. He "knew" they would be worth something. Needless to say he doesn't do that anymore. Who do you think does now?
Honestly, most LRG items have reached the proper numbers, so they aren't gonna be worth much on the secondary market. A game like Mecho Tales while terrible has low qty's, so a title like that might go up over time. The same thing could happen if Arcade Distillery actually starts making good games, then their back catalog may get hot. Even CE that got slammed in the last 6 months like Night Trap & Wonder Boy are going for barely over retail now.

So many of these flippers are looking for great paydays, and it's just not there. As long as those who miss out on certain games, just calm down and wait. Ebay prices almost always level off and begin to decrease. LRG is now about perfect, as the games last a few days, and even ones that go fast aren't worth much more on Ebay. After a year or two of fine tuning and tweaking, the games are going to the proper fans of these titles. The flipper crowd while still around is very small, and really no longer a factor.

LRG burned out their own market, because they got greedy, it's obvious at this point.

Also, not releasing Ghost Blade HD was a dick move. Some people didn't buy the (better) Play-Asia release due to LRG losing control of their ego and saying they were going to match the quality and price, in November, and then they never put it out. Now, the people who waited didn't have shit until PA announced a rerelease of just the game.
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LRG burned out their own market, because they got greedy, it's obvious at this point.

Also, not releasing Ghost Blade HD was a dick move. Some people didn't buy the (better) Play-Asia release due to LRG losing control of their ego and saying they were going to match the quality and price, in November, and then they never put it out. Now, the people who waited didn't have shit until PA announced a rerelease of just the game.
I somewhat agree on the Ghost Blade HD point. I think it could've been communicated better and I wish they still did the release, but I think considering the developer signed two releases when there was (presumably) an exclusivity agreement is where the main fault is on that one.

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I somewhat agree on the Ghost Blade HD point. I think it could've been communicated better and I wish they still did the release, but I think considering the publisher signed two releases when there was (presumably) an exclusivity agreement is where the main fault is on that one.
Agreed, but they should've just dropped it at that point. Posting here and saying it's still coming out and will be even better swayed people away from buying the PA version. Even if PA and LRG released the same game, I'd buy the PA version, without question.

A bird in the hand is worth 2 in the bush on Ghost Blade HD.
Agreed, but they should've just dropped it at that point. Posting here and saying it's still coming out and will be even better swayed people away from buying the PA version. Even if PA and LRG released the same game, I'd buy the PA version, without question.

A bird in the hand is worth 2 in the bush on Ghost Blade HD.
Wasn't Ghost Blade well before the recent ESRB extortion scheme? Maybe LRG fully intended on doing that plan at the time, but the lowered quantity target combined with the increased ESRB fees resulted in a deal that was no longer tenable (especially with the standard edition rerelease coming soon from Playasia cannibalizing demand, again not information known at that time).

It seems unreasonable to hold LRG to the original plan for Ghost Blade when the market conditions have so radically soured for such a release from them.

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Hucast, who developed Ghost Blade, has a habit of screwing over publishers and gamers by not being completely honest and sometimes outright lying. The only blame LRG can take is simply not communicating they wouldn't publish a physical copy, otherwise, blame Hucast.

Why does everyone freak out when a release doesn’t sell out in a day. They’ve stated multiple times that they’re good with a release staying in stock a few days.

*now I sit back and wait for zlatour’s response riddled with “lol” and “bf blind box”*
It's going to take nearly as long to sell 7,800 copies of Screencheat and The Bit.TRIP then it did to sell 18,000 copies of Mystery Chronicle: One Way Heroics and Thomas Was Alone in September 2016.

Hopefully Switch releases will generate more interest, though I think it was a mistake to announce Saturday Morning RPG first. Could've made a big splash with Golf Story.

What did they do with Rez that was so bad?
He's being hyperbolic. This messed up the first insert then sent out replacements for free.

On a positive note, I am absolutely pleased with the River City and Double Dragon Classic Editions I just received, and am so looking forward to Croixleur Sigma. When considering the addition of Switch titles along with a more reasonable pacing of higher revered PS4 and Vita games, it is clear they do listen to their consumers and have a plan to get back to sustainable growth. For how critical I oft present myself, I am pretty stoked about the future of LRG!

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On a positive note, I am absolutely pleased with the River City and Double Dragon Classic Editions I just received, and am so looking forward to Croixleur Sigma. When considering the addition of Switch titles along with a more reasonable pacing of higher revered PS4 and Vita games, it is clear they do listen to their consumers and have a plan to get back to sustainable growth. For how critical I oft present myself, I am pretty stoked about the future of LRG!
I just got those two in, as well! They're great! I love how accurately they resemble old, boxed NES games! They even have the hangers on them and old school price tags! Brilliant!

... I don't want to open them now, though. I've never wanted to keep a game sealed before, but there's so much nostalgia in how these are packaged. I'm gonna have to gently cut them open at the top and remove the games. I'll be hanging these boxes on my wall, for sure!

Anyone play Sky Force Anniversary? Does it have unlimited continues? I suck at SHMUP games but I like to play them.
It has a very basic map set up that you progress through. If you lose in a level, you keep all of the stars that you obtained which you can use to permanently power up your ship before attempting the level again. In order to progress, you have to complete level objectives (don't get hit, defeat all enemies, defeat 70% enemies, rescue all prisoners). You can (and are encouraged to) go back to previous levels to earn stars.

It's friendly for a shmup, though the later levels get difficult.

Ended up getting Screencheat because it's aspirational, like buying a lottery ticket.  Much like how deep down you know you'll never actually hit the jackpot but it's fun to fantasize about spending all that money, I get to hold onto the delusion that one day I'll have friends that want to come over and play local multiplayer with me. :beer:

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Ended up getting Screencheat because it's aspirational, like buying a lottery ticket. Much like how deep down you know you'll never actually hit the jackpot but it's fun to fantasize about spending all that money, I get to hold onto the delusion that one day I'll have friends that want to come over and play local multiplayer with me. :beer:
You can play singleplayer with bots as well (a la Goldeneye 64). It's not as fun, but c'est la vie.

It has a very basic map set up that you progress through. If you lose in a level, you keep all of the stars that you obtained which you can use to permanently power up your ship before attempting the level again. In order to progress, you have to complete level objectives (don't get hit, defeat all enemies, defeat 70% enemies, rescue all prisoners). You can (and are encouraged to) go back to previous levels to earn stars.

It's friendly for a shmup, though the later levels get difficult.
Its a mobile port, just pass on it for a real game.

Received Super Gunworld 2 the other day and it came with like 5 trading cards. Is that normal or did someone make a mistake on my order?

Received Super Gunworld 2 the other day and it came with like 5 trading cards. Is that normal or did someone make a mistake on my order?
You see, we ordered it so long ago that we forgot the description actually said it included 5 cards as an incentive to buy it at $29.99. You're not the first person that asked about it and when I received it I had to think back as well. Some of those extra cards are pretty neat though.

You see, we ordered it so long ago that we forgot the description actually said it included 5 cards as an incentive to buy it at $29.99. You're not the first person that asked about it and when I received it I had to think back as well. Some of those extra cards are pretty neat though.
I bet 95% of the people didn't read the description.

I received my copy of Rock Boshers DX over the weekend. I ordered a copy of Bit.Trip for Vita and I also received my shipping notification for Claire and Windjammers on Vita.

I will most likely be skipping next week as I already have Sky Force Anniversary digital, it a good game but I don't need a physical version and Croixleur Sigma just looks like it is not for me. I'm going to do some more research on it before I make a final decision.

I swore off LRG after the debacle that was Night Trap, but now I see they're making Sega CD/Saturn/PS1 cases. When do those go on sale?

Debacle was more demand than stock? I ended up with 2 copies, and a CE from LRG; and I got 2 more from a B&M store. It wasn't that hard...

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Can't wait until Friday.


Debacle was more demand that stock? I ended up with 2 copies, and a CE from LRG; and I got 2 more from a B&M store. It wasn't that hard...
What B&M sells LRG games? Demand was so great that's why there are over 100 copies for sale on ebay right now.

did you miss every time they were in stock?
No. I wanted a PC and a PS4 copy. First I tried the morning batch. PS4 sold out before I could add both to cart in the first minute so I settled with PC only. I tried again in the evening round. Got a PS4 copy. I contacted them to combine shipping per their directions. After people posted here about receiving NT, I contacted support for my status update. My request to combine shipping must have blown their minds. After six back and forth emails of 'it'll ship out next week/next day/soon', they admitted that my two orders were lost in the manifest because I asked to combine them.

Even though I eventually got my items, selling out in roughly a minute, having to contact support numerous times, and orders getting lost on their end equals debacle.

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Pink Gorilla

Not sure who else
Game Realms in Burbank California sells LRG products. They have a deal in place. I've also purchased multiple titles from them that I missed.

Check their Twitter account. They had a booth over the weekend at a retro show selling their older LRG stock.

They also carried Night Trap in both regular and CE format. I had a CE on hold but one of the newer employees sold it before I could get to the store to grab it. Still got a regular copy though so I was happy.

The cool thing is they limit LRG to one sku per person and log it in a book. I guess some dipshit back in the day kept buying Saturday Morning RPG to flip, so they put in place the limit to avoid people getting screwed.

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What B&M sells LRG games? Demand was so great that's why there are over 100 copies for sale on ebay right now.

No. I wanted a PC and a PS4 copy. First I tried the morning batch. PS4 sold out before I could add both to cart in the first minute so I settled with PC only. I tried again in the evening round. Got a PS4 copy. I contacted them to combine shipping per their directions. After people posted here about receiving NT, I contacted support for my status update. My request to combine shipping must have blown their minds. After six back and forth emails of 'it'll ship out next week/next day/soon', they admitted that my two orders were lost in the manifest because I asked to combine them.

Even though I eventually got my items, selling out in roughly a minute, having to contact support numerous times, and orders getting lost on their end equals debacle.
should've been more specific. It was a debacle for your order. I thought you were talking about the overall release of Night Trap.

That is a very small percentage compared to the overall size of the print run.

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My remaining PS4 LRG games are on ebay ending in less than 24 hours. Most are still less than $10, maybe you can get something you missed at a steal. I'm selling them to buy games for my :switch:

Mutant Mudds:

Plague Road:

2064 (Blue):

The Bunker:

Drive!Drive!Drive! :


Risk of Rain:


LaMulana CE:

Chariot (2nd copy):

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bread's done