Limited Run Games Thread - Nothing is Limited, We Make Everything Now!


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Props to Cheapy for keeping the OP updated. :3
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Well those comments are great in regards to the Wii U, and not shocking considering it's state, but what about the 3DS? No mention of that, so maybe something is being worked on? Who knows?
From that same Limited Run quote I posted earlier:

Minimum order quantities are actually not an issue with Nintendo. At the moment, they aren't approving new Wii U retail publishers (and I don't expect that to change) - for 3DS, it's a matter of that platform being beyond our scope of knowledge. What I love about us is that we're not just a publisher, we're a developer too - we understand how to actually code and put together a physical release from start to finish. We don't have any of the necessary tools for 3DS development and honestly, there are a lot and I don't really know what they all do. It would take us too long to spin into 3DS publishing with a confident understanding of the platform - by the time we do, Switch would be on the market and we might as well have just focused our efforts there. For the record, we plan to try our best to be able to support the Switch. I wouldn't count on 3DS or Wii U unless they're game we're just acting as a distributor on.
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It might be a mistake to start publishing Nintendo and Xbox games.  I hope LRG isn't thinking about going that direction. 

Honestly I get worried when I start thinking (and hearing) about this kind of stuff.  I hope they believe their business structure is based on repeat customers, loyalists, most of whom aren't looking to collect titles on additional platforms.  A good amount of people have invested in the "complete collection".  I hope both fans and LRG can appreciate that.  It is already hard enough to keep up with LRG releases.  Going new directions like the PC special editions, timed editions like Skullgirls, and exploring releases on additional platforms has me concerned for the future.  There's no need to reinvent the wheel. 

I don't speak for everyone;  I can only speak for myself.  But I also know there are lots of other people that are just waiting to be given a reason to have a straw break the camel's back.  It's a slippery slope.  Maintaining this collection can be overwhelming.  Things have been so close perfect in 2016 that it could only go downhill from here.  So here's to a year of things NOT CHANGING in 2017 lol  :beer:

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Well those comments are great in regards to the Wii U, and not shocking considering it's state, but what about the 3DS? No mention of that, so maybe something is being worked on? Who knows?
I wonder, beyond Nintendo being inept and behind the times, if piracy plays a factor into it on the 3DS? They are probably super careful about who can publish their games.

The GBA/DS were rampant with fakes (still are, I feel like there are more counterfeit Pokemon games on eBay than real ones) and I think Nintendo is being very cautious about things now. I can't blame them on their stance with piracy, they probably lose more money than anyone to counterfeits, and the portable sales have been their bread and butter for decades now.

I love this other bit from that same post...

Soldner-X 2: It's not selling out because there just wasn't that much additional demand for it and a lot of the people who want it still want our release specifically (even though this one seems to be rarer by 200 copies). I imagine it has sold well enough to justify itself but I wonder if Play-Asia will bother to dabble in more low-key exclusives.
Great way to say, "yeah, it's because we knew what we are doing." :lol:

For the 3DS, NOE released English physical copies of Picross 3D Round 2 and Rhythm Paradise Megamix, which are eShop only in NA.  Have both of them on the way.  

I know LRG is busy with PS4/Vita, but I hope they expand to Nintendo platforms someday (and I'm still holding out for Ace Attorney 5-6 - fuck ing Capcom)   Really hope the rumors are true and the Switch is Region-Free so importing will be much easier.

I hope LRG doesn't expand to other platforms in 2017 because they aren't ready. Once they can get their business running like a well oiled machine and things are fully hashed out, sure  it's worth a try. I do think it brings massive risk at alienating the hardcore group that buys everything they put out but it's also probably inevitable.

It would be a mistake to start publishing Nintendo and Xbox games. I hope LRG isn't thinking about going that direction.

Honestly I get worried when I start thinking about this kind of stuff. I hope they believe their business structure is based on repeat customers, loyalists, most of whom aren't looking to collect titles on additional platforms. People have invested in the "complete collection". I hope both fans and LRG can appreciate that. It is already hard enough to keep up with LRG releases. Going new directions like the PC special editions, timed editions like Skullgirls, and exploring releases on additional platforms has me concerned for the future. There's no need to reinvent the wheel.

I don't speak for everyone; I can only speak for myself. But I also know there are lots of other people that are just waiting to be given a reason to have a straw break the camel's back. It's a slippery slope. Maintaining this collection can be overwhelming. Things have been so close perfect in 2016 that it could only go downhill from here. So here's to a year of things NOT CHANGING in 2017 lol :beer:
Honestly, from a business perspective, I don't see an issue. Yeah, you might not like it, but they could make way more revenue by offering more games for more systems.

I started out getting every game and music disc LRG was offering, as well as two copies when offered. Once PS4 games started coming more frequent, I stopped getting the PS4 games, and gave up the music as well. Now, I only get Vita games, and that's it and I even stopped getting 2 copies in most cases.

I don't own a ONE or PS4, and I have to draw a line in the sand(or the straw as you put it), and I'm going with Vita only for now. If others have the time, money and resources, I'm sure they would be happy to have more physical options across more systems if they could.

If LRG can go from 2 people to 50 in the next 2-3 years, I wish them well and hope for nothing but success in the long run. Who am I to say stay small to satisfy my own needs or desires? No one is running a business with risk Vs. rewards to go broke, or stay small. It's doing the best you can, and see how far you can go.

If they operated as many around here wanted them to, they would probably already be out of business. So I would take the advice here with a HUGE grain of salt.

I hope LRG doesn't expand to other platforms in 2017 because they aren't ready. Once they can get their business running like a well oiled machine and things are fully hashed out, sure it's worth a try. I do think it brings massive risk at alienating the hardcore group that buys everything they put out but it's also probably inevitable.
Yes this is very true. I wonder if maybe I'm the one who is in the wrong. Perhaps it's time for me to sell my complete collection (-1) and not worry about buying every single release and supporting this company. 2017 will answer that question.

We will see how they value earning new customers versus retaining the hardcore collectors.

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I hope LRG doesn't expand to other platforms in 2017 because they aren't ready. Once they can get their business running like a well oiled machine and things are fully hashed out, sure it's worth a try. I do think it brings massive risk at alienating the hardcore group that buys everything they put out but it's also probably inevitable.
Just based on the information that has been given, even if they did a MS or "N" game, it may be 1-2 for either company, and for sure it would be a 3rd party game.

Just based on this last year how fast they have grown just doing PS4/Vita titles tells me it is highly unlikely they have the time, or the desire to pull teeth and deal with issue from those companies, when they are growing well dealing with Sony ONLY!

So even if you happen to see a game for the other systems this year, it may be just a few, and would probably require more work than would be worth LRG time, so like the preorders, and some of the other unique stuff they have done, I would expect this to be rare if it would happen at all. So I wouldn't be to worried about it either way.

I hope LRG doesn't expand to other platforms in 2017 because they aren't ready. Once they can get their business running like a well oiled machine and things are fully hashed out, sure it's worth a try. I do think it brings massive risk at alienating the hardcore group that buys everything they put out but it's also probably inevitable.
This is absurd. LRG is more competent and able to handle their business than most of the niche publishers out there that have been doing this for far longer. Companies like NIS took many years to get to the place where LRG has already reached in just a year. While the completionist collectors are important, they generally aren't the bulk of their sales based on what they have posted before. Hence, the switch to boxes for PS4 games in hopes of increasing repeat customers.

Honestly, from a business perspective, I don't see an issue. Yeah, you might not like it, but they could make way more revenue by offering more games for more systems.
Yeah sure, go ahead and do it. We've all seen what happens to companies, no, entire industries, that go the route of cannibalizing their own customers.

take the advice here with a HUGE grain of salt.
dumb quote of the day ROFL. :applause:

While a lot of what you say is true in spirit, a company needs to not forget where they came from. They are 'Limited Run Games'. It's still a young company. And their identity right now appears to be very much in flux.

I love LRG and everything they stand for. They are also just a few steps away from being a company that produces mass amounts of mutliplatform shovelware. The moment these games start to become undesirable is when the house of cards comes crashing down. A bunch of these games LRG has published are on Steam for $1-4 this week. "Don't forget who you are" is very sound advice.

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Yeah sure, go ahead and do it. We've all seen what happens to companies, no, entire industries, that go the route of cannibalizing their own customers.

dumb quote of the day ROFL. :applause:

While a lot of what you say is true in spirit, a company needs to not forget where they came from. They are 'Limited Run Games'. It's still a young company. And their identity right now appears to be very much in flux.

I love LRG and everything they stand for. They are also just a few steps away from being a company that produces mass amounts of mutliplatform shovelware. The moment these games start to become undesirable is when the house of cards comes crashing down. A bunch of these games LRG has published are on Steam for $1-4 this week. "Don't forget who you are" is very sound advice.
I swear most of the guys around here have gone to the Iwata school of business. LOL I never believed he could have ran a lemonade stand, and I think even less of some of the users here and the comments they make.

Who are you to say who are what LRG audience is or isn't? They are still making "Limited" games, so if they release 100 games in a year, and they where all limited to a few thousand copies a piece, how have they wronged anyone?

This is just about some of the dumbest shit I have ever read, and that is saying something.

Their original user base was 1500 people for the first game they released, and maybe less, as 2 copies where offered. So based on your logic, offering 2000, 3000, or even 5000 games is going outside of where they started, so why even offer bigger runs of games?

Are you for real? I can't even take comments like this seriously.

This is absurd. LRG is more competent and able to handle their business than most of the niche publishers out there that have been doing this for far longer. Companies like NIS took many years to get to the place where LRG has already reached in just a year. While the completionist collectors are important, they generally aren't the bulk of their sales based on what they have posted before. Hence, the switch to boxes for PS4 games in hopes of increasing repeat customers.
I'm not going to go full in depth with you on this because it's the internet and I'm not going to change your mind. I will say this...

The first year LRG has shown they can get titles and move product, it was necessary to build capital and they have learned/made assumptions based on the data at hand. Next year is potentially going to be a shake out for them with what sounds like pretty big cost increases in payroll, shipping expense, and just general overhead. I don't know their exact financials but I'd expect they are not massively funded and if they have any major misses it's going to be immediately significant. In any niche business your core customers are the number one group you have to look out for, it's just inevitable, in a business you always want to make more money so you try and bring in other sources of growth. The biggest danger for a successful small business is trying to grow too fast and being overextended. It happens a lot.

I wish them the best but they have a lot of work to do to improve. I hope it goes well and I can keep buying from them for years to come.

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Yeah sure, go ahead and do it. We've all seen what happens to companies, no, entire industries, that go the route of cannibalizing their own customers.
I don't disagree with what you're saying. However, you lost me with this statement. It is extremely vague. Are you talking about CDs and stores like HMV and Virgin Records and the music industry?

I swear most of the guys around here have gone to the Iwata school of business. LOL I never believed he could have ran a lemonade stand, and I think even less of some of the users here and the comments they make.

Who are you to say who are what LRG audience is or isn't? They are still making "Limited" games, so if they release 100 games in a year, and they where all limited to a few thousand copies a piece, how have they wronged anyone?

This is just about some of the dumbest shit I have ever read, and that is saying something.

Their original user base was 1500 people for the first game they released, and maybe less, as 2 copies where offered. So based on your logic, offering 2000, 3000, or even 5000 games is going outside of where they started, so why even offer bigger runs of games?

Are you for real? I can't even take comments like this seriously.
Nintendo is the one that has been running a large successful company for 30 years. You're the one farting into the wind with all that "N" nonsense you post on a continual basis.

And yeah, I did actually graduate from a respected business school. You obviously did not.

Also take all that Ebay + reseller bullshit you do and blow it out your ass. You're trash, dude. One would think you'd notice that by now since hardly anyone responds to you and no one likes your posts.

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I don't disagree with what you're saying. However, you lost me with this statement. It is extremely vague. Are you talking about CDs and stores like HMV and Virgin Records and the music industry?
Urban vinyl, art toys, baseball cards, comic books, beenie babies, Skylanders, Magic cards, etc. Lots of collector's item industries completely cannibalized themselves instead of slowly riding the wave of success. (Which in one respect is great, if the owner and CEO was looking to get in and get out by quickly selling their company.)

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Nintendo is the one that has been running a large successful company for 30 years. You're the one farting into the wind with all that "N" nonsense you post on a continual basis.

And yeah, I did actually graduate from a respected business school. You obviously did not.

Also take all that Ebay + reseller bullshit you do and shove it up your ass. You're trash, dude. One would think you'd notice that by now since hardly anyone responds to you and no one likes your posts.
So if you graduated from business school, where is the business you are running, and the annual revenue that qualifies you to tell LRG how they should run their business? And how you know better than them.

Yes, I do sale on Ebay, and I do pretty well at it, and I have never once advertise or offered a listing here in these forums, as it's not the place. I can show where I sale thousands of items a year, so I actually have experience in customer service, shipping, and dollars and cents in general. And that is the only time I mention that here, is in relation to where I have experience.

Yeah, I'm not running a million dollar company, but every big business started off as a small one, and if you can't get something right at the start, I doubt you'll do well in the end. LRG is growing, I think they are doing well, you do not, but the information you are giving is based on your own opinion, and nothing more.

You may have an education from Harvard, but if your flipping burgers at McDonald, how are you qualified to make the statements you do?

It would be a mistake to start publishing Nintendo and Xbox games. I hope LRG isn't thinking about going that direction.
I don't think it'd inherently be a mistake, but I can definitely see the challenges.

I think they'd do well if they released a Nintendo-exclusive or Nintendo-centric game on the Switch, at least once there's enough of an install base there.

If things got to a point where Microsoft was onboard with lower print runs, and they had the Xbox One, PS4, Vita, and Switch all as possibilities for any given game, I can see that getting messy: figuring out the right split between consoles, how that might impact print runs, making sure things from all these different replicators arrive at roughly the same time, etc.

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I'm not going to go full in depth with you on this because it's the internet and I'm not going to change your mind. I will say this...

The first year LRG has shown they can get titles and move product, it was necessary to build capital and they have learned/made assumptions based on the data at hand. Next year is potentially going to be a shake out for them with what sounds like pretty big cost increases in payroll, shipping expense, and just general overhead. I don't know their exact financials but I'd expect they are not massively funded and if they have any major misses it's going to be immediately significant. In any niche business your core customers are the number one group you have to look out for, it's just inevitable, in a business you always want to make more money so you try and bring in other sources of growth. The biggest danger for a successful small business is trying to grow too fast and being overextended. It happens a lot.

I wish them the best but they have a lot of work to do to improve. I hope it goes well and I can keep buying from them for years to come.
Your assumptions are just that, assumptions. I can only go by what they have reported publicly, but as of a few months ago, they had done over $1M in gross sales. They have said that their margins are not huge, but their overhead has also been almost non-existent. Sure, adding two customer service people will increase costs and I suppose the use of boxes for PS4 orders may increase shipping costs, but they seem to have a great handle on their market and customer base and short of going off the rails and going after titles that require a huge up front commitment or actual coding work to release physically, I don't see any danger of them having a major misstep.

I guess my major issue is with your claim that they "have a lot of work to do to improve". I just don't see it. They've had some customer service and shipping glitches, but overall, they are handling things better than many more established collector oriented companies like Mondo or Iam8Bit where release dates are constantly missed and customer service consists of telling people tersely that there are no refunds and damaged items are not their problem. There is always room to get better and I suspect the customer service reps are going to really to improve on response times, but as someone who has been buying from them since the first release, I consider LRG among the best run niche video game companies I have dealt with and I have bought from literally all of them.

Your assumptions are just that, assumptions. I can only go by what they have reported publicly, but as of a few months ago, they had done over $1M in gross sales. They have said that their margins are not huge, but their overhead has also been almost non-existent. Sure, adding two customer service people will increase costs and I suppose the use of boxes for PS4 orders may increase shipping costs, but they seem to have a great handle on their market and customer base and short of going off the rails and going after titles that require a huge up front commitment or actual coding work to release physically, I don't see any danger of them having a major misstep.

I guess my major issue is with your claim that they "have a lot of work to do to improve". I just don't see it. They've had some customer service and shipping glitches, but overall, they are handling things better than many more established collector oriented companies like Mondo or Iam8Bit where release dates are constantly missed and customer service consists of telling people tersely that there are no refunds and damaged items are not their problem. There is always room to get better and I suspect the customer service reps are going to really to improve on response times, but as someone who has been buying from them since the first release, I consider LRG among the best run niche video game companies I have dealt with and I have bought from literally all of them.
Your opinions are valid, you and I just disagree on some fundamental pieces. No worries man, we both clearly want them to succeed and hope they do. Have a happy and safe NYE to you and everybody else in here, time to go grill my rib eye cap.

lol @ "LRG shouldn't publish for other systems because it would make it harder for me to own a complete set."

What a joke. I want more physical games, not less because some dork can't cope with having an "incomplete" set. Collect for the systems you want. Buy the games you want.
lol @ "LRG shouldn't publish for other systems because it would make it harder for me to own a complete set."

What a joke. I want more physical games, not less because some dork can't cope with having an "incomplete" set. Collect for the systems you want. Buy the games you want.

It's Limited Run Games, not Limited Produced Games.

For the 3DS, NOE released English physical copies of Picross 3D Round 2 and Rhythm Paradise Megamix, which are eShop only in NA. Have both of them on the way.

I know LRG is busy with PS4/Vita, but I hope they expand to Nintendo platforms someday (and I'm still holding out for Ace Attorney 5-6 - fuck ing Capcom) Really hope the rumors are true and the Switch is Region-Free so importing will be much easier.
Is Picross region free or do you have a European 3ds?

Trust me when I say any move to new platforms will be done with great care and consideration. We already made the decision to not put PC games in the main Limited Run Collection and we'd likely take the same route with other platforms - potentially even splinter brands.

There are collectors on every platform and they shouldn't be ignored. Truth is, if we don't jump on other platforms someone else will in time. Not spreading our wings gives potential competitors an opportunity to get a leg up.

This is hard to phrase right so forgive me if I mince words. As a hardcore collector myself, I recognize that it won't make a difference who releases the games - I'm going to buy them no matter what. Why should we refrain from doing Switch games when it's inevitable that someone else will? Is there a reason why a limited Switch game from Publisher X would be fine but not from us? We're all delusional if we say we wouldn't still have the compulsion to buy that release. We'll all be stretched either way. It's an unusual argument. I get the sentiment but if the worry is that we shouldn't do it because you'll feel a compulsion to buy the things - you'd still feel that compulsion elsewhere. Us not doing it wouldn't exclude others from doing it. Hope that make sense.

Don't bow out or stop collecting based on speculation, though. We don't know if we'll ever actually be able to expand to other platforms. If that happens, wait and see how we handle it before getting upset. I realize our core is PlayStation fans so I wouldn't want to alienate that core and would do what I can to prevent that.
Don't bow out or stop collecting based on speculation, though. We don't know if we'll ever actually be able to expand to other platforms. If that happens, wait and see how we handle it before getting upset. I realize our core is PlayStation fans so I wouldn't want to alienate that core and would do what I can to prevent that.
You guys just happen to have released mostly Playstation titles, but it's not like LRG was promoted as Playstation only, that just happened to be where the games you guys created where at, and the company there was a relationship with.

So after you have explained how well they worked to help make these games happen, I always thought that was great, but I never once thought it was an exclusive deal, and if the projects ever came to be where you guys could work with MS or "N", I never personally saw that as an issue for anyone, but I guess I was wrong.

I'm happy to just get physical over digital, so if that's 10 games a year, or 100, I'll get the games I want, and pass on the ones I don't. As you so well put it, If I'm not buying from LRG, I'll be spending the same money some place else, so why not expand if you can. I hope you guys do as much as you can, as well as you can.

For every person bitching and moaning about who knows what, there will be 3-5 to take their place if they happen to leave. What you guys are offering is very unique, and I'm sure more will enter this arena in time, so if you guys don't offer games that consumers want, someone else will, so that makes perfect sense to me and always will.

Good Luck & Happy New Year in 2017, and I'm looking forward to many more great games from LRG.

lol @ "LRG shouldn't publish for other systems because it would make it harder for me to own a complete set."

What a joke. I want more physical games, not less because some dork can't cope with having an "incomplete" set. Collect for the systems you want. Buy the games you want.
I would say being distraught over not having a complete set as "first world problems" but I don't even think it qualifies for that. It's more like fantasy world problems.

More is always better. It helps people who have different systems and circumstances more means to get their hands on copies. If collecting a complete set bothers someone that much, you have two options:

1. Get a better job to afford shelling out more money.

2. Get your collecting OCD under control and deal with not having every game they've ever made.

Otherwise, stop the madness. I've said many times before any extreme in life is bad, and this is when collecting crosses into that extreme category.

Trust me when I say any move to new platforms will be done with great care and consideration. We already made the decision to not put PC games in the main Limited Run Collection and we'd likely take the same route with other platforms - potentially even splinter brands.

There are collectors on every platform and they shouldn't be ignored. Truth is, if we don't jump on other platforms someone else will in time. Not spreading our wings gives potential competitors an opportunity to get a leg up.

This is hard to phrase right so forgive me if I mince words. As a hardcore collector myself, I recognize that it won't make a difference who releases the games - I'm going to buy them no matter what. Why should we refrain from doing Switch games when it's inevitable that someone else will? Is there a reason why a limited Switch game from Publisher X would be fine but not from us? We're all delusional if we say we wouldn't still have the compulsion to buy that release. We'll all be stretched either way. It's an unusual argument. I get the sentiment but if the worry is that we shouldn't do it because you'll feel a compulsion to buy the things - you'd still feel that compulsion elsewhere. Us not doing it wouldn't exclude others from doing it. Hope that make sense.

Don't bow out or stop collecting based on speculation, though. We don't know if we'll ever actually be able to expand to other platforms. If that happens, wait and see how we handle it before getting upset. I realize our core is PlayStation fans so I wouldn't want to alienate that core and would do what I can to prevent that.
Perhaps, if Nintendo development and publishing does start, a "Nintendo line" should be created for Switch/3DS titles, with their own numerical order. This can compliment the current "Sony line." I for one don't really care if Nintendo/Microsoft releases get numbered in the main line but at least this will appease the Sony fans that may get worked up over it. I would just love to see Nintendo publishing start up as they tend to be my favorite systems over the years.

Look at the OP. Are people really this lazy/dumb?
He may be asking about the games that are due to be announced soon, and not the ones already in the OP. Josh does frequent here, so he may have been asking that question directly to him in regards to games not yet mentioned or officially announced.

Glad that Salt and Sanctuary has apparently been confirmed (going off of OP). Also glad that 2300 copies of Firewatch are going live on the developer's site on the people expect that will sell out within minutes, or should it still be up and available through at least afternoon that day? I live less than two hours away from the developer...would like to support them by purchasing a copy...
Glad that Salt and Sanctuary has apparently been confirmed (going off of OP). Also glad that 2300 copies of Firewatch are going live on the developer's site on the people expect that will sell out within minutes, or should it still be up and available through at least afternoon that day? I live less than two hours away from the developer...would like to support them by purchasing a copy...
I'd strongly recommend signing up for their newsletter as newsletter subscribers get first crack at buying a copy. With how quickly they sold out from us, demand is probably very, very, inflated right now. I expect that the 2,500 they have won't last very long.
I know I'm a little late here but I'd love to see other platforms. I just buy 1 copy of each (don't double up on systems) so I don't have a complete numbered set anyway (although I do have all the games so far).

Xbone has a shit load of indie games just begging for it. Such a shame it won't work out. I haven't turned on my Xbox in months and I'll probably only use it for rare replay and recore lol. But if someone started dropping indies affordably I'd be all over it. I didn't realize how many good exclusives they had because they keep em all digital.
Look at the OP. Are people really this lazy/dumb?
The op only lists confirmed games and no release dates... also some games get announced shotly before release (two aeeks in a few cases)... i would like to know whats coming in the next moth at least... they ned to improve on this part more than others... it maybe due to the publisher but they should bring that up when negotiating for the game in the first place
I'd strongly recommend signing up for their newsletter as newsletter subscribers get first crack at buying a copy. With how quickly they sold out from us, demand is probably very, very, inflated right now. I expect that the 2,500 they have won't last very long.
Thanks! I also just realized it wasn't the developer I live near, it's you, LRG...I'm in Wilmington.
Yeah a new separate Nintendo line would be cool.  Keeping the high quality of titles chosen to be released (on all platforms) is important too. 

Has everybody received their copies of Firewatch?

Still waiting on mine. I'll give it though next week before starting to get worried. 

Has everybody received their copies of Firewatch?

Still waiting on mine. I'll give it though next week before starting to get worried.
Everything is packed and labeled but quite a bit of that happened on Friday after our mail pickup occurred. With tomorrow being a federal holiday, you likely won't see any updates on tracking until mid or late Tuesday.
Yeah a new separate Nintendo line would be cool. Keeping the high quality of titles chosen to be released (on all platforms) is important too.
That's certainly the intent. No idea what kind of Switch titles will eventually surface but we don't ever intend to put out shovelware.

I just have to say the amount of customer service you do here on these forums is amazing, even when it's the same question asked again and again. A big part of the reason I keep buying all your releases is because of the way you guys handle yourselves (especially on holiday weekends!). Thanks for everything.

Happy New Year.

LRG has confirmed first release of the year is a PS4 game, with Vita games coming after.

Hopefully full details soon.

Also, hello from Osaka everybody! :D

I just have to say the amount of customer service you do here on these forums is amazing, even when it's the same question asked again and again. A big part of the reason I keep buying all your releases is because of the way you guys handle yourselves (especially on holiday weekends!). Thanks for everything.

Happy New Year.
I'm surprised he still stops by still, given how often people seem to blame LRG for this and that...

LRG has confirmed first release of the year is a PS4 game, with Vita games coming after.

Hopefully full details soon.

Also, hello from Osaka everybody! :D
Be honest, how much anime have your purchased thus far?

I've been posting on CAG since 2007 so it's no big deal to try and be active here! I appreciate constructive criticism and I'm getting better at trying not to feel down about any of the flat-out negative criticism I see. We wouldn't be able to grow and improve without that criticism. I do tend to need to step back any time the overall discourse shifts entirely negative but I'll always resurface when things calm down. Even then, your complaints during those times likely won't fall on deaf ears.
bread's done