Limited Run Games Thread - Nothing is Limited, We Make Everything Now!


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Props to Cheapy for keeping the OP updated. :3
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I think a lot of people are missing a huge dynamic here... Games like Octodad which are still selling on ebay for about the LRG cost after shipping may not be worth anything RIGHT NOW but that won't be true in the future.  Inevitably more collectors will spawn (literally) as time goes on.  When there are 5,000 copies of a title produced, 10yrs from now there will still only be that many copies (less due to house fires, parents throwing kids shit away as they go to college etc).  The prices on all of it will go up OVER TIME, so if you buy multiple copies and want a complete collection of LRG releases, I don't think you will have any problem trading your doubles for one you did not acquire. 

Side Note:
As a retro collector and as someone who does repairs for a local game shop I can tell you that $70-$120 is kind of the sweet spot on collectible games.  If a game value is over $100 you are pandering to a much smaller demographic of collectors as the majority doesn't have that kind of disposable income to just drop on something that's going to sit on a shelf. Also, while the value of said game may continue to go up it will also fluctuate drastically (see Earthbound).

Got my Vita blind boxes and i got Xeodrifter and Volume. Happy about Xeo, but volume i already have coming in with skull girls. Guess ill have to see if anyone wants it in the trade section.

Got my Vita blind boxes and i got Xeodrifter and Volume. Happy about Xeo, but volume i already have coming in with skull girls. Guess ill have to see if anyone wants it in the trade section.
Still waiting on my PS4 blind, since it's taking this long I'm hoping it's an earlier release...

For those upset about the print run keep in mind that the first Odd World they offered was 2,500 copies.  Doomstink said they wanted to do more and fought just to get up to 2,500.  This run was 4,500 regular and 1,000 PAX copies.  This is over double what the last one was so I think they probably did as much as they could to get to that size run.  Remember the print run is as much about the publisher's wishes as it is about Limited Run's.

I wish I had of bought more than one copy of Breach and Clear too, but you know what it was readily available for $40-50 on eBay for months after it was released.  Any of you could have been picking them off of eBay and reselling them now.  You can't blame the guy for speculating.  It is a free market stop complaining; it is like bitching about the price of stocks on the stock market.  I would have liked to have bought Google at its IPO too.

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They underestimated demand again. :p
Like I've said, selling out fast, is better than them having inventory for an extended period.

"N" underestimates demand annually(and often through out the year), and they are in business to have inventory on shelves, so if a company of their size misses the mark constantly, I can't get to upset with LRG, as they are running a business based on things being "limited", that's why they sale out, and can move on to the next game.

It's not perfect, but they are doing pretty well, and getting better games each month. I'm sure over the next 6-12 months LRG will increase qty's of more of the popular titles, but some of the qty's aren't defined by them, so unless they give the details of each release, we are all left to guess the who, what and where of each release.

I got my blind boxes just before I left-- mailman came early and even bought the one that's been sitting as "label printed" for 4 days, picked up yesterday and got here!! I opened one, it was the Vita and I got... Octodad. I now have 3 copies Octodad on Vita (bought one at launch, got now in a blind box and also ordered the Vita tie bundle by mistake when I wanted the PS4 copy). Oh well.:whistle2:/ Maybe my PS4 ones will be better, won't know until I open them tomorrow.

I'm not a huge Lego follower or anything but I never understood why they don't reissue their sets. I can understand some sets (like the one you have linked there) are probably due to licensing issues) but some of the other basic sets they could reissue. I used to have the F1 set as a kid and loved it... Nowhere near the same level as Legos but Transformers used to go for quite a bit but Hasbro reissued the hell out of that series.

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I'm not a huge Lego follower or anything but I never understood why they don't reissue their sets. I can understand some sets (like the one you have linked there) are probably due to licensing issues) but some of the other basic sets they could reissue. I used to have the F1 set as a kid and loved it... Nowhere near the same level as Legos but Transformers used to go for quite a bit but Hasbro reissued the hell out of that series.
They've actually started to reissue sets, or at least slightly revised versions. I know the Death Star was re-released a couple of months ago at $100 above the previous MSRP and with a few new pieces.

I read this thread and I have to wonder...who else just buys the games they want to play and prefers physical copies to digital? I've bought eight LRG games, but they were all games I wanted to play, and have since opened and played them!

Are people really just buying these to sit on a shelf?

I read this thread and I have to wonder...who else just buys the games they want to play and prefers physical copies to digital? I've bought eight LRG games, but they were all games I wanted to play, and have since opened and played them!

Are people really just buying these to sit on a shelf?

I read this thread and I have to wonder...who else just buys the games they want to play and prefers physical copies to digital? I've bought eight LRG games, but they were all games I wanted to play, and have since opened and played them!

Are people really just buying these to sit on a shelf?
No. I buy them to look at it on my shelf

yea majority of the ppl buy these to keep them sealed. u can get these games cheap digitally.

Like the upcoming Lone Survivor. I got it free during PS Plus. got all the trophies.

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I play mine too. I figure say you are someone who buys every LRG game and once they get to 100 titles, say they average you $30 a piece(including tax and shipping). You'd basically be spending about 3 grand on merchandise you will never open or play. And then basically add to it that if you really want to play the games, you will have purchased most of them digitally, so you have 3 grand worth of games that you've already played just sitting there, and then even more to actually play them.

I know, I know, that's what "collecting" is about for some people, but that's a LOT of games sitting there sealed. If LRG released like one game per year, maybe I'd be down for buying one and keeping it sealed, but at the rate they are churning them out now, that's a lot of money to put out for something you'll never open and then adding more on top of it to get them digitally.

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I have all my LRG games sealed because I figured if I wanted to play one, I'd just get the digital version. The one I did open and play was Breach & Clear (vita) because the digital version has a glitched trophy and I thought maybe the physical one would have fixed it but no, the 500 kill trophy is forever glitched.
I open all mine and only play about half.


Edit: kept breach and clear sealed because I have no interest in playing it, and Thomas was alone because I had it from +.
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I just started the madness so I don't have many at all.

No way I'll get those rare ones I'm afraid unless I can trade a NES Classic for Saturday Morning RPG. ;)

I feel like I'm the only one that doesn't have Breach and Clear :p
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