Limited Run Games Thread - Nothing is Limited, We Make Everything Now!


182 (100%)
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Props to Cheapy for keeping the OP updated. :3
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Well havent bought for 2 months but i havent to get something on march 17th and so far runner2 will be mine otherwise what else is going on sale that day?
Nothing is confirmed for that day yet, as these are all just upcoming titles, so we're not even sure exactly when these titles will be coming out.

Whoa, some great announcements! I'm really excited for the japanese games! I've never heard of Pang, but I'd kill for Ys Origin so I'm 100% getting it. 

Also, there's a runner 2 variant exclusive to pax East. 1,000 copies each platform.
I see another double set in the works, damn you LRG. LOL

Runner 2 for PS4/Vita is up first on March 17, 3500 per platform.

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...........I am not looking foward towards the two months of eating nothing but dollar store ramen and toast with peanut butter to afford all theses.  Your killing me Doomstink, slowly but surely, you are killing me. :lol:

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Please tell me there will be a 4x bundle of both Runner 2 covers on both platforms with one cart add and there won't be any other releases to juggle with it...

Oh Pang too.... So hopefully more than 100 copies of Pang to last so I can check out with Runner 2 first...

Man you guys are trying hard to screw over those of us who have been trying so hard to maintain a 100% complete library since PS4 and Vita launched with these low print runs and "exclusive covers" :(

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Astebreed is definitely the one I'm most interested in. Will probably cave and pick up a few of the others as well, but I probably won't touch them for quite a while if ever :p.

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Please tell me there will be a 4x bundle of both Runner 2 covers on both platforms with one cart add and there won't be any other releases to juggle with it...

Oh Pang too.... So hopefully more than 100 copies of Pang to last so I can check out with Runner 2 first...

Man you guys are trying hard to screw over those of us who have been trying so hard to maintain a 100% complete library since PS4 and Vita launched with these low print runs and "exclusive covers" :(
They mentioned the exclusive will be available through rewards tickets in the form of both the game and just the cover. So if you've been maintaining your 100% as you say, then hopefully you'll be able to just get it that way.

Please tell me there will be a 4x bundle of both Runner 2 covers on both platforms with one cart add and there won't be any other releases to juggle with it...

Oh Pang too.... So hopefully more than 100 copies of Pang to last so I can check out with Runner 2 first...

Man you guys are trying hard to screw over those of us who have been trying so hard to maintain a 100% complete library since PS4 and Vita launched with these low print runs and "exclusive covers" :(
Well it is called LIMITED run games and not, games for sale.
I'm glad people are getting games they desperately want... none of these though really hit the mark of games I'm willing to fight the scalpers and collectors to get.

I'm still waiting for Cosmic Star Heroine (I know not any time soon, dev has life issues)... and that remake/update of Dragon Fantasy 1. Till then (or something i actually want pops up), my wallet is safe. Heck I may just go with steam for CSH since I have the devs other games on steam.
I'm screwed. I committed to complete physical library for Vita and PS4 years before LRG was a thing and they keep doing these stupid low runs of official Sony retail releases.  3500, 2800, now 1000? It's becoming less fun and more a thorn in my side.

It's like they are desperately TRYING to screw over completionists and cursing them to 99% complete collections going lower and lower with theses quantities and having too many games available on the same day.  The consequence of course being items in your cart sell out while you add others then the checkout error about the out of stock item delays checkout even more so the next item goes out of stock, etc. 


It's not even quantity of titles or cost I'm concerned with, I don't care about delays and things out of your hands like the Firewatch sealing, like seriously all the dumb stuff people complain about I couldn't care less about.  But the ever increasing and almost inevitable chance now of missing a title has me on edge.

Beyond nerve wracking with 1000 print runs (less actually, what 200 left after PAX?), checkout errors, selling out in fractions of a second, and to make it worse release all the games on the same days both Vita and PS4!  Great idea! And still no implementation of "buy everything one click" for these circumstances.


How much eBay stock does LRG have exactly? As much as Nintendo? Lol

Ordinarily I'd be excited for the games but unfortunately the dread of the constantly shrinking .1 second window for securing each release disproportionately towers over any amount of excitement.

So far I haven't missed one but it's getting closer and closer.  At the very least PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE stop with the convention exclusive variants. Giving me a friggin heart attack every Friday here.  This is "Nintendo World Store NY exclusive only" levels of sticking it up your fanbase's ass and breaking it off.

Even the Kickstarter variants are fine because there is ample time and notice to pledge 24-48 hours if you're a variant hunter. These "only 100 made and you had to be at this particular gas station in Guam on mmddyyyy HH:mm:ss" ones are complete crap.  Stahp!

Even if I wanted too, PAX East attendance was sold out long before this announcement. And yes I think I'd rather book a round trip cross country flight than pay $300 to eBay scum on principle, which in this instance overrides my principle of not visiting anti 2A states/cities.

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They mentioned the exclusive will be available through rewards tickets in the form of both the game and just the cover. So if you've been maintaining your 100% as you say, then hopefully you'll be able to just get it that way.
Now I wonder what future extremely low print loyalty reward ticket only release will we be missing out on by spending them on a cover variant... Seems like the kind of thing that someone would pull sadly. We will only be at what 9 tickets by the 17th? I've only got 3 per order ordering max quantities of all games on all platforms since the reward program started and I'm sure that goes for 3000 other people as well.

Love what these guys do but this fear and anxiety of ruining my collections that started years ago with each console launch and have been kept up with for years without a problem, long before LRG even existed, is driving me to madness.

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long post
You are an extreme niche. Pretty much as extreme as it comes. Catering to you would terrible for their business because it would be so restricting. LRG needs something special for their booths at these conventions, and these variant covers are really a reasonable compromise.
By committing to a "full" library for PS4 releases, you're putting yourself in situation in which you are prone to stress. LRG is not the only company to put out cover variants for games. Maybe you should consider compromising your definition of complete or full. Do you really need every cover of a game? If so, I think you'll just need to come to grips with the fact that some are going to be hard to get. Asking them to cater to your very, very small group of collectors is straight up unreasonable.

You are an extreme niche. Pretty much as extreme as it comes. Catering to you would terrible for their business because it would be so restricting. LRG needs something special for their booths at these conventions, and these variant covers are really a reasonable compromise.
By committing to a "full" library for PS4 releases, you're putting yourself in situation in which you are prone to stress. LRG is not the only company to put out cover variants for games. Maybe you should consider compromising your definition of complete or full. Do you really need every cover of a game? If so, I think you'll just need to come to grips with the fact that some are going to be hard to get. Asking them to cater to your very, very small group of collectors is straight up unreasonable.
Their whole motto is by collectors for collectors. They know exactly what they are doing and catering exactly to that market.

And I did compromise on variants...I limit myself to North America official releases and only seek variants of rare or niche games, so double hole there for me with LRG... Don't care about the movie ticket discount cover variant of Assassin's Creed and similar mainstream so called "AAA" gunz and splosions broware.

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Their whole motto is by collectors for collectors.
Collectors come in many shapes and sizes, and as I said, you are on the very extreme side. I'm a collector and I couldn't give less of a shit about their cover variants. Objectively, they are a rational and reasonable compromise when there is something unique needed to offer at their convention booths.

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I tried to play Lone Survivor for the first time and holy crap.. I had to quit after 5 minutes it gave me a freaking migraine.

I don't know if there's anyway to adjust the display on PS4 but it was like playing the game on 500x zoom. The words and everything were HUGE The display for me is just unplayable. Is it supposed to be like that???

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I just burned all my LRG collection. It all started with my copy of Firewatch Y fold. Going to sell the burned games and ashes on eBay.
Wallet is going to be in a whole lot of trouble. The only announced game that I really don't want to try is Tharsis, so I'll be going for almost everything else. I might be able to skip out on Drive Drive Drive, but I'd like to see more about it. 

I'm screwed. I committed to complete physical library for Vita and PS4 years before LRG was a thing and they keep doing these stupid low runs of official Sony retail releases. 3500, 2800, now 1000? It's becoming less fun and more a thorn in my side.
Yes you are screwed. You bought into the concept of "by collectors for collectors". You probably also bought into other catch phrases like "make America great again". Ultimately those are empty words that sound really great to hear. LRG's business is purely about facilitating quick sales of games. They manage this through only making one run of a game and artificially restricting the production. This brings in the resellers who will gamble their money in the chance of making more by flipping the games to ebay (or amazon). Anything that attracts a massive amount of resellers will artificially push the demand up from regular gamers and collectors as the already super restrictive quantity becomes more restrictive. Then comes that quick flash sale at each launch. By getting the games you get a nice little boost of confidence that you did something good. You achieved something by buying games that others had a hard time getting (or just couldn't get). So that pushes you to keep going. Adding in your own desire to collect all releases and even some variants makes you a completely captured market... and it's driving you a bit bonkers. I think the best thing for you now would be to miss out on a few games. Break the streak and you'll lift the veil of what you've been buying into. This isn't for collectors.. it's all for LRG and the game devs/pubs to get a quick buck. Still it wouldn't hurt you at all to redefine what is region 1. These games are region "All" and do not have an ESRB rating. So they aren't retail ready. Maybe redefinition of what you collect will help drop the anxiety a little. Still, you will eventually break and either have to resort to ebay and a scalper or have to find people to work with to trade in order to stay ahead of the system.

Ultimately though you put the thorn in your own side. I almost did the same thing with Vita games... but a few bad deals including some massive LRG store errors... and it made kicking the idea easier and easier. Now I'm to the point where I only buy the games I think are my kind of fun... and outside of my absolute favorite games of all time, I'm happy to sell off all the other physical games I have that don't cut it.

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Agree with that insight to the fullest- as any rational person who's able to step back and critically evaluate probably would.
Going to PAX East so I'll definitely pick up Runner2. Hopefully the normal cover is at PAX East as well as it looks much cooler (to me anyways) than the PAX East exclusive cover.

Going for a full Vita collection is challenging, but not impossible. The Vita is a limited system, and the flagging popularity has kept the overall number of titles released for it down, and the patient collector has been able to acquire many of its releases at reasonable prices. I don't envy anyone actually attempting to achieve such a goal, but it is feasible.

Going for a full PS4 collection is insane. It is also possible, but it is straight-up insane. That's roughly comparable to attempting to go for a full PS2 collection. The PS4 is the current industry leader, with an impressive install base just three years into its time on the market. It already has a sizable number of game releases, and will have far more before it leaves store shelves. And with the way they've been handling the hardware, it will likely be close to a decade and change on store shelves. They're in a position where they can ride this hardware for a VERY long time. There could easily be thousands of titles for it in the long run.

I'm looking at my personal collection of PS4 titles on the shelf, and its much bigger than either the Wii U titles or XBox One titles. And most of my PS4 games were purchased on the cheap through steep sales and patiently waiting for the games to dip down into the $20 range. Attempting to get a "complete" PS4 collection is just mad. You'll drive yourself crazy with such a goal.

I'm screwed. I committed to complete physical library for Vita and PS4 years before LRG was a thing and they keep doing these stupid low runs of official Sony retail releases. 3500, 2800, now 1000? It's becoming less fun and more a thorn in my side.

It's like they are desperately TRYING to screw over completionists and cursing them to 99% complete collections going lower and lower with theses quantities and having too many games available on the same day. The consequence of course being items in your cart sell out while you add others then the checkout error about the out of stock item delays checkout even more so the next item goes out of stock, etc.


It's not even quantity of titles or cost I'm concerned with, I don't care about delays and things out of your hands like the Firewatch sealing, like seriously all the dumb stuff people complain about I couldn't care less about. But the ever increasing and almost inevitable chance now of missing a title has me on edge.

Beyond nerve wracking with 1000 print runs (less actually, what 200 left after PAX?), checkout errors, selling out in fractions of a second, and to make it worse release all the games on the same days both Vita and PS4! Great idea! And still no implementation of "buy everything one click" for these circumstances.


How much eBay stock does LRG have exactly? As much as Nintendo? Lol

Ordinarily I'd be excited for the games but unfortunately the dread of the constantly shrinking .1 second window for securing each release disproportionately towers over any amount of excitement.

So far I haven't missed one but it's getting closer and closer. At the very least PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE stop with the convention exclusive variants. Giving me a friggin heart attack every Friday here. This is "Nintendo World Store NY exclusive only" levels of sticking it up your fanbase's ass and breaking it off.

Even the Kickstarter variants are fine because there is ample time and notice to pledge 24-48 hours if you're a variant hunter. These "only 100 made and you had to be at this particular gas station in Guam on mmddyyyy HH:mm:ss" ones are complete crap. Stahp!

Even if I wanted too, PAX East attendance was sold out long before this announcement. And yes I think I'd rather book a round trip cross country flight than pay $300 to eBay scum on principle, which in this instance overrides my principle of not visiting anti 2A states/cities.

I was hoping these new game announcements could get us passed the derp that had been going on for pages prior.

Looks like that's out the window.

Just going to sit back and watch this one.


Yes you are screwed. You bought into the concept of "by collectors for collectors". You probably also bought into other catch phrases like "make America great again". Ultimately those are empty words that sound really great to hear. LRG's business is purely about facilitating quick sales of games. They manage this through only making one run of a game and artificially restricting the production. This brings in the resellers who will gamble their money in the chance of making more by flipping the games to ebay (or amazon). Anything that attracts a massive amount of resellers will artificially push the demand up from regular gamers and collectors as the already super restrictive quantity becomes more restrictive. Then comes that quick flash sale at each launch. By getting the games you get a nice little boost of confidence that you did something good. You achieved something by buying games that others had a hard time getting (or just couldn't get). So that pushes you to keep going. Adding in your own desire to collect all releases and even some variants makes you a completely captured market... and it's driving you a bit bonkers. I think the best thing for you now would be to miss out on a few games. Break the streak and you'll lift the veil of what you've been buying into. This isn't for collectors.. it's all for LRG and the game devs/pubs to get a quick buck. Still it wouldn't hurt you at all to redefine what is region 1. These games are region "All" and do not have an ESRB rating. So they aren't retail ready. Maybe redefinition of what you collect will help drop the anxiety a little. Still, you will eventually break and either have to resort to ebay and a scalper or have to find people to work with to trade in order to stay ahead of the system.

Ultimately though you put the thorn in your own side. I almost did the same thing with Vita games... but a few bad deals including some massive LRG store errors... and it made kicking the idea easier and easier. Now I'm to the point where I only buy the games I think are my kind of fun... and outside of my absolute favorite games of all time, I'm happy to sell off all the other physical games I have that don't cut it.
There is so much wrong with this analysis that I don't even know where to start. Contrary to your world view (and somewhat ironically given that you made critical references to simple but moronic platitudes like "Make America Great Again"), things in the real world are nuanced.

LRG is a business, but they also have a desire to get niche titles that wouldn't get a physical release out to collectors and gamers. Have they had to make choices that don't always favor gamers and collectors in order to achieve financial viability for their business? Of course. Every business has to make certain choices that don't always benefit their customers or they won't remain in business for long. It doesn't change the fact that they are providing something that gamers and collectors have been wanting for a long time and that many other companies have failed to deliver. I mean at this point, LRG has released more physical PS4 and Vita games than almost any other publisher.

Let's be honest here, there's a reason companies like Gaijinworks, Fangamer and iam8Bit have struggled to move product and fulfill preorders. When you take away the pressure for gamers and collectors to buy immediately, you also greatly reduce demand and potentially end up not hitting a quantity that allows for financial viability. That means that companies like Gaijinworks, iam8Bit and others have to focus on other more lucrative lines of business (like vinyl or prints or in the case of Vic, presumably other business ventures) rather than focusing their attention on releasing physical games. LRG has figured out how to make the business model work and rather than constantly criticizing them simply because you never got your way and forced them to do preorders for everything, maybe you should just acknowledge that you don't really care about the product they are selling and simply stop posting here.

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Speaking of rewards, are the rewards tickets 1 per copy of a game or 1 per title? 

I ordered 2x Oxenfee and 1x each of AK and got 3 tickets. I ordered 1x each of C&C and Swapper and got 4 tickets. 

There is so much wrong with this analysis that I don't even know where to start. Contrary to your world view (and somewhat ironically given that you made critical references to simple but moronic platitudes like "Make America Great Again"), things in the real world are nuanced.

LRG is a business, but they also have a desire to get niche titles that wouldn't get a physical release out to collectors and gamers. Have they had to make choices that don't always favor gamers and collectors in order to achieve financial viability for their business? Of course. Every business has to make certain choices that don't always benefit their customers or they won't remain in business for long. It doesn't change the fact that they are providing something that gamers and collectors have been wanting for a long time and that many other companies have failed to deliver. I mean at this point, LRG has released more physical PS4 and Vita games than almost any other publisher.

Let's be honest here, there's a reason companies like Gaijinworks, Fangamer and iam8Bit have struggled to move product and fulfill preorders. When you take away the pressure for gamers and collectors to buy immediately, you also greatly reduce demand and potentially end up not hitting a quantity that allows for financial viability. That means that companies like Gaijinworks, iam8Bit and others have to focus on other more lucrative lines of business (like vinyl or prints or in the case of Vic, presumably other business ventures) rather than focusing their attention on releasing physical games. LRG has figured out how to make the business model work and rather than constantly criticizing them simply because you never got your way and forced them to do preorders for everything, maybe you should just acknowledge that you don't really care about the product they are selling and simply stop posting here.
Let's start with extrapolating on "so much that is wrong with the analysis"- before you segued into the ad hominem. The wording is harsh, but the pshycology of business and compulse seems accurate. From the meat of your post you seem to agree in large part.
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Ugh. Like Richard stated, the "going for a full collection" thing is madness, especially with the PS4, considering it's still in the 1st half of it's life cycle. I'm already up to 75 PS4 games in my personal collection and don't own even a single sports or casual title like the Just Dances, the Rock Bands, and the kiddie games. Do you really want all that stuff taking up space in your house? Do you really want to pay hard earned money for 6 or 7 different versions of Just Dance, so that you can say you have a full collection, and never ever play them? And again, you have no idea how many games total are going to be produced, so your time and financial investment into it is totally unknown. At least with the NES, you have a fixed number to work with and you know what you are looking at in terms of spending based on average values. Still, the complete set mentality is baffling to me, it just seems like a horrible idea.  

My vice / coping mechanism is Miller lite. I certainly see how the collecting bug scratches that itch. We all have our quirks.
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Yeah I've never tried to make a complete collection for any console, so I'm not sure why I continue to care about buying the whole LRG collection. 

Ugh. Like Richard stated, the "going for a full collection" thing is madness, especially with the PS4, considering it's still in the 1st half of it's life cycle. I'm already up to 75 PS4 games in my personal collection and don't own even a single sports or casual title like the Just Dances, the Rock Bands, and the kiddie games. Do you really want all that stuff taking up space in your house? Do you really want to pay hard earned money for 6 or 7 different versions of Just Dance, so that you can say you have a full collection, and never ever play them? And again, you have no idea how many games total are going to be produced, so your time and financial investment into it is totally unknown. At least with the NES, you have a fixed number to work with and you know what you are looking at in terms of spending based on average values. Still, the complete set mentality is baffling to me, it just seems like a horrible idea.
I've been collecting the Vita, as I've gotten some pretty good deals on games over the last few years, due to close outs. I'm still missing a shit ton of games, and I'm really considering stopping very soon, as it's just getting to be to much. I have owned some decent collections over the years, but none complete, as I only ever got games I really liked, or ones that where super cheap, and then, why not?

Plus for the Vita, I was guessing most new games would stop at some point, since Sony threw in the towel so early, but for a "dead" system, these releases just keep coming. I've never seen something so dead, have so much life. LOL When I first heard the "Vita" title announced, it was whatever. I wasn't for it or against, but now seeing how it's been over the years, the Vita=Life is about the most perfect name it could have.

As for console collecting, yeah, that's a loss cause, as that is never ending and then some. I guess a system like the Wii U that didn't do so great might be OK, but the ones that do well, forget about it. LOL

bread's done