Looking for Ace Combat 6 Deals


2 (100%)
The lowest prices I found for a new copy is $27.99 with free shipping at Amazon and Newegg. If anyone knows of a better deal please let me know. I checked Half.com as well as eBay and the game was going for around $22 plus shipping and it was used.
I got a copy for around 5 bucks at GameCrazy, they had it for $9.99 b1G!ut got a B1G1 promo running and got me Blue Dragon as well
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What's worse - 1 post in the wrong place, or 10 posts telling him he's in the wrong place?
Not exactly a deal, but most best buys still have the $100 bundle with the flightstick. The flightstick should also work with the upcoming HAWX game.
I'm all for bending the rules where it makes sense (like recent threads warning us about certain things...or obviously posting free stuff that for some reason some mods don't like...like 1¢ okay, free bad?) but anyway, this of course belongs to the category of....

In for three! Hee hee, sorry.
Thread moved to the appropriate forum.

To everyone who posted crap that I had to edit or delete:
Stop being a back seat moderator; report the problem threads/posts and move along.

[quote name='R2D2']What's worse - 1 post in the wrong place, or 10 posts telling him he's in the wrong place?[/quote]EVERY STINKING ONE of you wasted my time. There was ONE report on this thread, and he behaved himself by not posting in here a useless "WRONG FORUM" post.
Frustraaaaaaaation at the same freaking people always having to post completely meaningless posts, instead of helping out.

It isn't funny, it isn't a benefit to CAG, it's a waste of time and resources.
[quote name='guinaevere']
EVERY STINKING ONE of you wasted my time. There was ONE report on this thread, and he behaved himself by not posting in here a useless "WRONG FORUM" post.[/QUOTE]

With all due respect, if moderating is that difficult for you, maybe you shouldn't be doing it.

No one asked you to "waste your time" correcting people that were correcting the OP. If people CAN'T READ THE SIMPLE FORUM POSTING RULES then they deserve the heckling.

OP is NOT new. He has been here for over 2 years.
[quote name='Will']I didnt know posting a link to the proper area wasnt considered helping.....[/quote]It isn't because the OP cannot move his post to the correct forum. When a post is reported for being in the wrong place (or in this case, I ran across it myself), a mod moves it and notifies the OP of why it was moved.

[quote name='Haggar']With all due respect, if moderating is that difficult for you, maybe you shouldn't be doing it.[/quote]
With all due respect, if reporting a post (the proper response to a post/thread in the wrong area) is that difficult for you, perhaps you shouldnt be posting at all.

No one asked you to "waste your time" correcting people that were correcting the OP.
I was asked to moderate, that's what I am doing.

If people CAN'T READ THE SIMPLE FORUM POSTING RULES then they deserve the heckling.
It's trolling. I dont want to see you do this again.
No but pointing out where it belongs, in what I thought was in a proper manner vs straight flaming which I normally might do, especially since theyve been here long enough to know better, is different.
When I click on the report post button this is the message I see:

Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising messages, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts.

Therefore, I am under the impression that we should not be using this button for the sole reason of reporting a post in the wrong forum (hence the capitalized ONLY). Please advise if this note is wrong, or if I am misinterpreting it. Thanks.

Edit: My apologies to the OP for derailing this thread even further from the Ace Combat 6 deals :)
[quote name='Will']No but pointing out where it belongs, in what I thought was in a proper manner vs straight flaming which I normally might do, especially since theyve been here long enough to know better, is different.[/quote]I understand, but as I said above the most expeditious and productive way to help is to just report the thing.

[quote name='Josef']When I click on the report post button this is the message I see:

Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising messages, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts.

Therefore, I am under the impression that we should not be using this button for the sole reason of reporting a post in the wrong forum (hence the capitalized ONLY). Please advise if this note is wrong, or if I am misinterpreting it. Thanks.[/quote]Ugh, is that still writen like that? I have to ask Cheapy about changing that stupid thing. At first, I used to PM any Mod who was online when I saw a problem, because that notation made me feel like I shouldn't report anything that didn't actually draw blood.

Josef and everyone else, report problems as you come across 'em despite that disclaimer. I think it was probably intended to deter people from reporting people they didn't like or silly trivial issues.
So to get back on subject, Target just lowered it down to 14. I'd go for the buy 2 get one but this is still pretty good if you want new. Good luck, and sorry your thread turned into a big argument. :p
bread's done