MAG Discussion Thread

[quote name='Frank Deluded']
GGs last night sver cags, great communication.

Yes, great games with you guys. Gotta connect a lot more, been up and down getting online on PSN since Bioshock 2 and Dante's Inferno are taking my time on 360. Any CAGs on MAG and on SVER, feel free to add me and always feel free to send me invites, I usually will answer and join, but invites do help getting me to play more often.
One thing that really grinds my gears is when I get downed and someone instantly revives me, and I get taken down while the guy is still spraying. Typically if I see one guy down and a near full bleed out timer, I take a peak to see what killed him and take em out before I rez. It doesn't always work out, but its better than rezzing someone, having them get blasted, then get whacked myself with my med kit out. Also, I am loving the MP5 with Reflex Scope, Silencer and the stability skill.
[quote name='drbutchevil']One thing that really grinds my gears is when I get downed and someone instantly revives me, and I get taken down while the guy is still spraying. Typically if I see one guy down and a near full bleed out timer, I take a peak to see what killed him and take em out before I rez. It doesn't always work out, but its better than rezzing someone, having them get blasted, then get whacked myself with my med kit out. Also, I am loving the MP5 with Reflex Scope, Silencer and the stability skill.[/QUOTE]

thats "cuz" they were cheap with you and didnt give the full revive. its completely different to revive with 50 health vs 100/120. in the latter, you can stay alive enough to run away. you have a decent chance to live.
[quote name='enufs8d']thats "cuz" they were cheap with you and didnt give the full revive. its completely different to revive with 50 health vs 100/120. in the latter, you can stay alive enough to run away. you have a decent chance to live.[/QUOTE]

Yep. It's crazy getting revived by high level players only to realize they just went with the standard resuscitation.
Screw you guys.....learn to take cover.

I refuse to go with the higher res for any reason, you are lucky you are even getting res in the first place. When you get revived your first action should be to sprint the hell away from where ever you at into cover.

Too many times I res someone to see them go back to what got them killed in the first place...rambo mode.

From all the times I have been res back to 50 I probably instantly died again maybe 5% of the time. And the times I have its very rare that I think to myself that if I had 100 instead of 50 I would have survived. You would still most likely be killed instantly if the guy has any aim.

Pffft.....being a combat medic is such a shit job. Everyone finds a reason to blame you for their deaths.
well my take on the rezs is that:
I. 50 rez "tend" to be xp whores. soodmeg you're probably not an xp whore. but it takes too much time and positioning to make sure they get a 50 rez and live through it. then like you said, you need to hope theyre not idiots about it either. ive been in too many domination narrow hallways that i die, rez, die, rez within seconds. i dont even have a chance to move because theres so much chaos and they were cheap with the drugs. heck, my 120 health will survive many things.

II. full rez truly help the team. the full rez doesnt give you more xp. but it gives your teammates a fighting chance.

soodmeg - if people are pissed at you, then i wouldnt rez them. you might be doing this already - it helps to have communication, eg: i cant make it, bleed out. Or another alternative is to have not have the medic/field support symbol by your name and pack a med kit. you'll deliver the surprise rez.
[quote name='Soodmeg']Screw you guys.....learn to take cover.

I refuse to go with the higher res for any reason, you are lucky you are even getting res in the first place. When you get revived your first action should be to sprint the hell away from where ever you at into cover.

Too many times I res someone to see them go back to what got them killed in the first place...rambo mode.

From all the times I have been res back to 50 I probably instantly died again maybe 5% of the time. And the times I have its very rare that I think to myself that if I had 100 instead of 50 I would have survived. You would still most likely be killed instantly if the guy has any aim.

Pffft.....being a combat medic is such a shit job. Everyone finds a reason to blame you for their deaths.[/QUOTE]

Co-sign. If I get rez'd to 50, I'm grateful. I rarely ever just get mowed down again.

I got full rez because a ton of people just started bringing that up to me. But now that I have enough points I already have everything I want so, it doesn't really matter.

Btw, apologies if I send out too many msg's guys. I just want to get everyone on the same page and sometimes some people don't respond.

The same goes for me from what NeoNightmare says, if you guys want to play send me a msg, even if I'm playing something else. I'll respond.
I have full rez, because the 2 points from normal rez are better spent in improved healing. However, that wasn't the point I was making, it was moreso people who just sit and XP whore by rezzing, without actually shooting at the threats. Make sure the area is clear before getting people back up, otherwise everyone is just going back down again anyway.
50% rez are all I give, and all I will give. I wouldn't call it an XP whore, as my KD is 2.0 now. If i get rezzed to 50%, Ill pull out my heal kit, spend the 3 seconds to go back to full health, and then start fraggin once again.

There are a few who wont even bother to pull a gun out and only want to heal people, but I don't see a problem with that. Generally, these guys suck and can't shoot worth a lick. If they ever want a chance to rank up, rezzing is really their best solution to the problem.

I didnt even start rezzing till about level 12. After doing so, I'll always bring it for the boost. It's nice to have a group of 6 take on 4 guys, taking out the group, realizing they capped two of your mates, and popping them back up. Normally, these leads to 1 or 2 guys trickling in and having zero chance against the group. You don't have to wait for people to respawn and help your numbers and your squad stays intact

if you have a problem with people rezzing you, bleedout. If you still get rezzed, bleed out faster.
I am a killer and a medic. I am pretty good at killing people, but you just dont get enough points for it, thats why I carry the medkit.

You know whats really sad, called all my local best buys, they threw most of the codes away for Valor.
Wait, you can choose to not do a full res or is that just from not upgrading to the full res?

The only time I get pissed at a res is when it's in the heat of battle so I die a second later because I have no chance to get to safety. Is there a better way to gauge which direction you'll be looking at when being res'd or is it random each time?
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']Wait, you can choose to not do a full res or is that just from not upgrading to the full res?

The only time I get pissed at a res is when it's in the heat of battle so I die a second later because I have no chance to get to safety. Is there a better way to gauge which direction you'll be looking at when being res'd or is it random each time?[/QUOTE]

You'll get resurrected on the exact same position. including facing (and handling the same weapon/gear) as you were when you died. So if you were prone, you'll rez prone.

On the discussion at hand: I have the 50% rez, and I've been thinking on getting the 100% (to better help the team) however I'm having a hard time justifying the 5 points for it (there're a lot of skills that 5 points can buy. Maybe when I respec I'll go Improved healing - Improved Rez as someone suggested, that would make more sense
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[quote name='kurrptsenate']
if you have a problem with people rezzing you, bleedout. If you still get rezzed, bleed out faster.[/QUOTE]

Quoted for the mother fucking truth! :lol:
i try to carry a medi kit on all my loadouts, its very useful IMO
most of the time ur gonna have to heal after a battle
healin/res'in teammates is always good
[quote name='erequena']You'll get resurrected on the exact same position. including facing (and handling the same weapon/gear) as you were when you died. So if you were prone, you'll rez prone.

On the discussion at hand: I have the 50% rez, and I've been thinking on getting the 100% (to better help the team) however I'm having a hard time justifying the 5 points for it (there're a lot of skills that 5 points can buy. Maybe when I respec I'll go Improved healing - Improved Rez as someone suggested, that would make more sense[/QUOTE]

well, if you think about it, you spent 2 points to rez someone. If you wanted the 5 point improved rez, respec, dont buy the 2 point rez and instead buy the 5 point rez. It's like it cost 3 points instead of 5, the difference between the points you've already spent
[quote name='kurrptsenate']well, if you think about it, you spent 2 points to rez someone. If you wanted the 5 point improved rez, respec, dont buy the 2 point rez and instead buy the 5 point rez. It's like it cost 3 points instead of 5, the difference between the points you've already spent[/QUOTE]

Precisely what I'm thinking! Instead of 7 point 100% res I can get 5 point 100% res + improved healing
It is a good idea especially when your just starting out to pack a med kit and not rely on medics, especially if your trying to keep yourself alive. The initial med kit they give will give you a boost, and allow you to take cover and revive yourself. It comes in handy when your behind enemy lines, sniping or just with a team that's chaotic.
I've seem to notice there is very little difference between the guns, for the most part. The snipers seem to be night and day on the other hand.

The 3rd AR is a waste of friggin 5 points. Absolutely retarded. I'm also not a fan of the 4X scope on any gun... at all. I suppose its good for long ranging, but I dont have a problem doing that with the reflex sight. With the 4X scope, it makes shooting mid to close range terrible as you cannot turn while being aimed in.

I want to make a class that is a jack of all trades, but I know from playing countless RPGs, it really means you suck at everything. I'm hoping when I get to 10,000 respec points, I'll be able to have it set it stone before that point. I have no desire to use noob tubes.

Got my KD up to 2.12 and it just keeps climbing. I think the LMGs are the best, but using a silencer on an AR allows you to do things you just can't do without one.
Its just too easy/boring on S.V.E.R. for me. Usually, I have to tell my platoon varying tactics based on the situation at hand, but due to the maps--its snoozeville. The disarming bombs glitch on DOM is just too funny.
You gonna be on any this afternoon/evening Steve? I'm thinking I'll get on and start working on my character some. I just have to finish proofing my exam first.
Probably not this afternoon, but likely this evening. I'll hop on a few matches with you and be your medic while you get used to the maps and controls.
[quote name='Supplice']Its just too easy/boring on S.V.E.R. for me. Usually, I have to tell my platoon varying tactics based on the situation at hand, but due to the maps--its snoozeville. The disarming bombs glitch on DOM is just too funny.[/QUOTE]

Switch to RAVEN, you'll need to take every objectiv on the map by yourself :) so there is your challenge right there
Okay I signed in and started a Valor character. Just trying to figure out what to level up now. I know I want basic medic skills and I think I'm focusing on assault rifles after that.
[quote name='Ultimate Matt X']Okay I signed in and started a Valor character. Just trying to figure out what to level up now. I know I want basic medic skills and I think I'm focusing on assault rifles after that.[/QUOTE]That's pretty much what I did. Got most of the upgrades for the ARs, but stuck with the 2nd unlocked AR since the 3rd is apparently a waste of skill points.
A new patch is coming with the first changes for the more tangible issues with the game:
What’s up guys? Today we have a one-two punch in MAG news as we offer up our latest developer tips along with the specifics of the our next downloadable patch that will hit servers tomorrow, February 17.

First, the patch.

MAG, v1.02 has a consistent theme — Medical Support. After taking your feedback into consideration and playing countless games ourselves, we’ve made a number of Field Support adjustments that should help you steer through the battlefield more effectively. These fixes will also clean things up for players of other classes who don’t have a need to see who is hurt and who isn’t.

To be specific, we’ve eliminated the onscreen medic icon from anyone who has a Medical Kit and have instead changed it so that only those who have the Resuscitation Kit sport the cross. Moreover, we’ve also hidden “incapacitated” icons for downed players from everyone but those who can help them — cleaning up the screen quite considerably — and have added in some distance counters so that you know how far you have to travel before arriving at the injured.

The patch will automatically download on February 17, 2010 at 1am Pacific/ 4am Eastern/ 9am GMT and weigh in at about 40MB for the initial patch installer, with an additional 55MB for the patch itself. For complete patch details that include everything included in the download, be sure visit the official MAG Blog at
The rest of the post about tips on being a Commando.

Also, here's the detailed changes from the MAG blog:
MAG Patch v1.02
Available February 17, 2010 | 40MB (TPPS), 55MB (DLS)

  • Fixed issue where water-submerged players could not be resuscitated.

  • Restricted Medic icon for downed players will only show up to those with the “Resuscitation” Support Skill Equipped.
  • Incapacitated player icons are now hidden from teammates who can’t resuscitate them.
  • Added distance indicator for incapacitated teammates (meters).
  • Added distance display for “Anti-Personnel” and “Anti-Tank” Mines for both teammates and enemies equipped with the “Explosives Detector.”
  • Localization changes for language in the Armory screen.

  • Fixed XP requirements for Level 36 (moved from 23,686 to 21,999) and Level 37 (moved from 23,803 to 23,083).
  • Statistical changes to support eventual integration into website.

  • Improved server performance to reduce instances of lag in population-heavy games.
  • Groups cannot enter match if one of its members is banned from the game.
  • Regional server hosting IDs adjusted in North American locations.
That's sort of funny, they fixed some of the issues we brought up not too long ago.

Nice little fixes.

Btw, my mic broke so I won't be playing MAG til my new one comes in. If anybody cares.
[quote name='erequena']Switch to RAVEN, you'll need to take every objectiv on the map by yourself :) so there is your challenge right there[/QUOTE]
I went veteran from Raven the first time with my clan, had an alliance with several other clans, and steamrolled the other teams on the majority of our games. =P Domination was the only lost cause for Raven back then.
[quote name='Frank Deluded']That's sort of funny, they fixed some of the issues we brought up not too long ago.

Nice little fixes.

Btw, my mic broke so I won't be playing MAG til my new one comes in. If anybody cares.[/QUOTE]

NOOOOO!!! That why I have a back up Bluetooth ($20 lightning deal on Amazon).

Nice patch details, and yes, I will still be a full time medic (always carrying the Resusitation skill and 100% health benefits) so I will get to try this out most of all. Love the distance timer on your incap teammates, would help a lot.
I'll jump off and on this evening Matt. I've still got a cough going though, so I'm gonna stay off my mic, but if I get in the same game as you, I'll try to shadow you.
[quote name='nightmare452']NOOOOO!!! That why I have a back up Bluetooth ($20 lightning deal on Amazon).

Nice patch details, and yes, I will still be a full time medic (always carrying the Resusitation skill and 100% health benefits) so I will get to try this out most of all. Love the distance timer on your incap teammates, would help a lot.[/QUOTE]

I should have mentioned that I already ordered a bluetooth piece off Amazon yesterday. It should be here soon.

Just a reminder to the people in SVER CAG clan. If you want some games with a squad that works well together, just go to community tab then R1 to select the clan tag and see who's online and simply highlight and select them to be able to send msg's and friend requests. Dun't b teh shy.
I wish someone on valor would work together. Half the time I think my bluetooth piece must be broken as the people all just run off and do their own thing. The few times I have gotten in with teamwork coordinated players things have really become awesome.
[quote name='Snake2715']I wish someone on valor would work together. Half the time I think my bluetooth piece must be broken as the people all just run off and do their own thing. The few times I have gotten in with teamwork coordinated players things have really become awesome.[/QUOTE]

Join up with us we use our mics
[quote name='Ultimate Matt X']If any other Valor players want to add me I'm TheUMX on PSN. I should be around the PS3 most of the night.[/QUOTE]

I'll add you when I get home

Any Valor players that haven't please add me! Especially if you generally play late at night
Steve, not sure if I'll be back on tonight, but I should be on tomorrow evening too. So there is a Valor clan right? If so maybe we can all try to get together soon and play.
[quote name='Ultimate Matt X']Steve, not sure if I'll be back on tonight, but I should be on tomorrow evening too. So there is a Valor clan right? If so maybe we can all try to get together soon and play.[/QUOTE]Sorry man...kept missing you, but I forgot it was Lost night, so I wasn't on for a while. What game modes are you playing now? Here's the post with the other Valor players. Just scroll down a bit. Not sure if it's up to date, but it should have most of us on there.
Valor is really killing my love for the game. I hated it as soon as I switched, and I still hate it. Things were so much better with SVER. I'm honestly on a 9 in a row losing streak.... its just horribly frustrating. Before I left sver, my win to loss ration was at least 5 to 1, if not even higher... now its almost down to 1 to 1... thats horrible man...

im also really pissed off because now because there are more players, I'm never squad leader as they don't give any senority to veteran players. So there will be level 15s as squad leader with 10 hours in instead of me at level 34, 50 hours and veteran status.... its lame. the squad leaders on valor are really bad so far. With Sver, i had a leadership position every round from 15 up to 60
[quote name='the_grimace']Valor is really killing my love for the game. I hated it as soon as I switched, and I still hate it. Things were so much better with SVER. I'm honestly on a 9 in a row losing streak.... its just horribly frustrating. Before I left sver, my win to loss ration was at least 5 to 1, if not even higher... now its almost down to 1 to 1... thats horrible man...

im also really pissed off because now because there are more players, I'm never squad leader as they don't give any senority to veteran players. So there will be level 15s as squad leader with 10 hours in instead of me at level 34, 50 hours and veteran status.... its lame. the squad leaders on valor are really bad so far. With Sver, i had a leadership position every round from 15 up to 60[/QUOTE]

You should play some sabotage games, Valor generally does pretty well there.

Acq and Domination are a lot tougher unless you really try to rally your squad together though. You don't have to be squad leader to take control of the mic :p
I would go sabo man. I know you like domination, but I took a break from dom because it was not worth it to play a 30 min match when I can get more exp with 3 matches in sabo, most of the time. I do agree with you on ther vet thing, I have been trying to be squad leader for a long time on my 2nd run through with valor and i dont get it as much as i did the first time through.
bread's done