MGS4 80GB PS3 Bundle (Backward Compatible!) In stock at Amazon - $500 Free Shipping


1 (100%)
[quote name='Wolfpup']Okay, I don't get any of those. "Major jaggies"? I haven't noticed any particular difference in that between the systems. They're both beyond fine IMO. Technically no where near what a PC can do, but IMO once you reach 720p AA is virtually worthless anyway, and hardware that isn't capable of doing AA isn't capable of doing 720p either, so its kind of a moot point. But regardless, the AA both systems do is fine IMO. The Playstation does it in a more normal fashion, the Xbox has more hardwired support for it, but....[/QUOTE]

I should have mentioned I run BOTH via HDMI to a 720P native front projector onto a 100" screen. Believe me at 100" you can SEE jaggies. :) Maybe it's better at 1080P, but I'm not quite there yet budget wise. You shouldn't HAVE to run 1080p to get rid of Jaggies in this day and age IMHO. PC's look better due to the extremely high resolutions, generally smaller screens and most modern video cards now have FSAA and AF for FREE in hardware.

[quote name='Wolfpup']
It's not "freaking huge". It's smaller than the 360 so I don't know how it can be "Freaking huge". The black is boring, but it's fine, and anyway how the thing looks is the least of my concerns. [/QUOTE]

Are we talking about the SAME systems? The PS3 is SMALLER than the 360? Jesus, I must go look at my systems... Nope my PS3 still looks bigger to me.

[quote name='Wolfpup'] And the price isn't much different either. Basically $100 more, but that gets you a quality Blu Ray player too, and at this point most of us don't have many Blu Ray players.[/QUOTE]

Most people have no need for BluRay as they don't have HDTVs yet regardless of what WE might buy as gamers. Most people wouldn't be able to tell the difference between DVD and BluRay, and not at all on a standard resolution TV. That being said, I bought my PS3 only AFTER BluRay won the HD format wars, and then it factored into my purchase only slightly. Strange since I use it primarily as a BluRay player now :) Ordered Netflix to use on my 360 (another pro) and use the mailers to get BluRays for PS3, WIN/WIN.

[quote name='Wolfpup'] If Microsoft hadn't taken steps to make the 360 quieter, this would be easy for me, as the thing sounds like a blender with its optical drive spinning.[/QUOTE]

I didn't even think about the additions/upgrades that each system has implemented in Firmware since launch. I would have to say 360 has by far added more interesting "features" though many may have been due to perceived weaknesses against PS3 (i.e. HDMI/1080p/Xvid/HDD installs). What has Sony added? Hmm HOME? I can't find a use for that. PSN was a good add though, trying to do what MS is doing better. Neither system is very good at streaming media from a PC as a media center though :( That might be something that would make me retire my XBMC...

[quote name='Wolfpup'] Previously I would have said Sony clear cut had the better backwards compatibility, but now that they've dumped it, I sort of think Microsoft's won this. Theirs is decent, and works on ANY 360 you might buy. I wish it was 100%, but there's a lot of strong games in their list. The first Buffy is on there now, so I'm pretty happy :D [/Quote]

Not entirely true. You cannot play BC 360 titles on an ARCADE unit, you have to have a hard drive. And MS is not adding more titles to the roster, which is a shame. They are however still adding them as DLC, at exorbitant prices... I would like to see more X1 games available for download at LOWER prices ($5-$10). My 80GB PS3 does pretty well with PS2 games, so I can't complain. I still have my PS2 and my Xbox1 just in case I feel the need to play something not compatible. My PSP does play all PS1 games near flawlessly, which is really cool.
Enough with the fanboy talk.

Bottom line: be thankful that there is a choice. Choose what you like. There is no need to defend your choice or put down another persons choice. There is no right or wrong answer to which system you choose!

Just think how boring everything would be if we didn't have different choices to suit our different tastes.

Back on topic, it's nice to see some of these BC units back in stock for the people that would like BC in their PS3.
[quote name='no_exit']Enough with the fanboy talk.

...There is no need to defend your choice or put down another persons choice...[/quote]

Hey, I wasn't the one who came into a deal thread on a PS3 and stated that PS3's library "lacks AAA exclusives". Perhaps I should just ignore the biased trolls but it's a slow workday...
[quote name='raiser']I should have mentioned I run BOTH via HDMI to a 720P native front projector onto a 100" screen. Believe me at 100" you can SEE jaggies. :) Maybe it's better at 1080P, but I'm not quite there yet budget wise. You shouldn't HAVE to run 1080p to get rid of Jaggies in this day and age IMHO. PC's look better due to the extremely high resolutions, generally smaller screens and most modern video cards now have FSAA and AF for FREE in hardware.[/quote]

It's not free on PCs either, there's just way more hardware to throw at it. I don't use it though unless I've turned up every other graphic option, have maxed out my screen's resolution, and am getting 60+ fps. I'm curious to see this again, but I've not seen any serious aliasing problems on either system on either TV. Nor have I seen any particular different between the systems in that regard.

Are we talking about the SAME systems? The PS3 is SMALLER than the 360? Jesus, I must go look at my systems... Nope my PS3 still looks bigger to me.

If you ignore the gigantic power brick, it's virtually the same size. But the power brick is part of the system.

Most people have no need for BluRay as they don't have HDTVs yet regardless of what WE might buy as gamers. Most people wouldn't be able to tell the difference between DVD and BluRay, and not at all on a standard resolution TV.

As I said before, they should't be getting these systems yet until they do (or have a monitor to use). I've never seen any figures on HDTV penetration, or more relevantly, penetration among people who own PS3s/360s. I'd be really surprised if the vast majority of people don't game in HD, but maybe not...

And ANYONE can tell the difference between DVD and Blu Ray. It's massive, unless you're like way too far away from the TV to watch it anyway, or have a horrible TV or something.

I didn't even think about the additions/upgrades that each system has implemented in Firmware since launch. I would have to say 360 has by far added more interesting "features" though many may have been due to perceived weaknesses against PS3 (i.e. HDMI/1080p/Xvid/HDD installs).

Those ARE real weaknesses. And now you're faulting the Sony for already including that stuff (or the issues they're meant to address)?

Not entirely true. You cannot play BC 360 titles on an ARCADE unit, you have to have a hard drive.

Right, but you can buy a hard drive for any of them. And IMO at least or me the hard drive is mandatory. I wouldn't be buying ANY multiplatform games for 360 if you couldn't install to it.

And MS is not adding more titles to the roster, which is a shame. They are however still adding them as DLC, at exorbitant prices...

THey'd better also add any games they put up so you can use the disc version.... I just bought two new Xbox 1 games yesterday actually...

I'm still really mad that Sony ditched backwards compatibility, particularly after making fun of Microsoft for their (previously) poor compatibility. If all PS3s played all PS2/PS1 games, and/or Microsoft hadn't kinda sorta fixed their noise problem, there wouldn't be any thought involved for me...
is there any chance that these are "newer" bundles, or "reprint" bundles, and the PS3's inside don't have the BC?

Also, you need a PS2 memory card for PS2 saves, right?

I thought the same thing at first, but BC is mentioned on the product page. Also, these really aren't available anywhere else, and Amazon is only letting you buy one, citing the "demand" for them.

And you don't need any memory cards. You can create virtual memory cards on the PS3's hard drive.
[quote name='Haggar']is there any chance that these are "newer" bundles, or "reprint" bundles, and the PS3's inside don't have the BC?

Also, you need a PS2 memory card for PS2 saves, right?

Yup on the Mem card PS2, Bundles with MGS are a different color, I believe they are all the same not 100% though.
[quote name='Haggar']Also, you need a PS2 memory card for PS2 saves, right?[/QUOTE] BC PS3s use the hard drive to store PS2 saves. You can buy the PS2 memory card adapter if you want to transfer saves to and from actual PS2 memory cards.
[quote name='Thrinn']BC PS3s use the hard drive to store PS2 saves. You can buy the PS2 memory card adapter if you want to transfer saves to and from actual PS2 memory cards.[/QUOTE]

It's nice. I transferred all my PS2/PS1 saves and picked up where I left off.
Just bought one. I was able to add multiple to my cart, but I'd rather not chance them canceling the whole order.

NM, I canceled it, they aren't going for as much on ebay these days. Originally you could get $800 for this bundle, but now it's down to about $600, but after fees and headaches, it isn't worth the effort. If anyone has a friend waiting to get a PS3, I'd tell them to jump on this quick.
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I couldn't justify the cost and canceled before it shipped. There are only a handful of games that I want to buy, and blu-ray isn't a must. Even the upsides to the BC unit can be dealt with via add-ons (albeit w/ hassle and clutter) to the stripped down newer ones.

Kinda bummed, but reading about overall PS3 reliability issues, lasers going dead, and bricks from required updates gave me further pause. I don't want to shell out another 150 for a refurb 'repair' just after warranty.
It may not be as widespread, but they exist like a ticking time bomb of randomness. The usual solution by SONY to just send you back someone else's possibly scratched up may/may not still be backwards compatible is more worrisome.

I'll reserve the right to impulse buy on a whim again before stock is out.
Every system has a failure rate. The reality is, the PS3 is fairly reliable, probably the most reliable home console they have released. Anyone who claims otherwise simply isn't being honest. There is no evidence that the PS3 has an unacceptably high failure rate.

And not for nothing, but as far as what companies send you back when you send your console in, that's Microsoft does, too...send you someone else's refurb. I know that's what I got back from MS. Hell, I actually got a system that was months older than mine and had an older, louder disc drive, which is just wonderful.
[quote name='Justin42']I think the PS3 repair numbers are being blown way out of proportion.... it's nowhere even close to as bad as the 360 situation...[/quote]

Yep, I agree and you never know how they were treated. I would buy a used PS3 any day. In fact I would buy used BC over this deal if it was my second or third console.
[quote name='Hibiwa']It may not be as widespread, but they exist like a ticking time bomb of randomness. The usual solution by SONY to just send you back someone else's possibly scratched up may/may not still be backwards compatible is more worrisome.

I'll reserve the right to impulse buy on a whim again before stock is out.[/quote]

in that case why don't we just stop driving in cars and stop flying in planes.. after all they're all just ticking time bomb of randomness...
[quote name='judgedee']in that case why don't we just stop driving in cars and stop flying in planes.. after all they're all just ticking time bomb of randomness...[/quote]

I'm a ticking time bomb of randomness. You guys better stay back!
[quote name='Wolfpup']It's not free on PCs either, there's just way more hardware to throw at it. I don't use it though unless I've turned up every other graphic option, have maxed out my screen's resolution, and am getting 60+ fps. I'm curious to see this again, but I've not seen any serious aliasing problems on either system on either TV. Nor have I seen any particular different between the systems in that regard.[/QUOTE]

Well, Throw in Motorstorm, that one has horrible aliasing. Before you say "1st Gen" try MGS4. I was surprised at how much aliasing it had. I am sure R2 and KZ2 are much better as they are current gen games, but I haven't played them yet.

[quote name='Wolfpup']
If you ignore the gigantic power brick, it's virtually the same size. But the power brick is part of the system.[/QUOTE]

Point Noted, I hadn't thought about that as my power brick is out of sight on the floor behind my "rack." Funny thing, look at a PS2 and a PSTWO (slimline) and where did all the bulk go? mostly to the external Power Supply, though removing the HDD bay didn't hurt. And everyone says "oooohhhh, it's so much smaller!" DOH, it has a BRICK now!

[quote name='Wolfpup']As I said before, they should't be getting these systems yet until they do (or have a monitor to use). I've never seen any figures on HDTV penetration, or more relevantly, penetration among people who own PS3s/360s. I'd be really surprised if the vast majority of people don't game in HD, but maybe not...[/QUOTE]

You might be surprised here. We CAGs are NOT the typical consumer, but I have friends and relatives that started on this gen of systems BEFORE they went HD. Most of them are converted now, but not yet all. But I agree HD is necessity if you want to enjoy what these systems provide (Wii excluded).

[quote name='Wolfpup']And ANYONE can tell the difference between DVD and Blu Ray. It's massive, unless you're like way too far away from the TV to watch it anyway, or have a horrible TV or something.[/QUOTE]

Like I said, the average consumer will not notice much difference, especially if they are running an old NTSC set (480i), but even if they go as high as 42" @ 720P (probably the most common HDTV in homes right now) a good upscaling player (like a PS3) will make a 480P DVD look nearly as good as the BR disc at 720P. Hence my argument that the average consumer will not notice. I do, you do, and most CAGs probably would, certainly everyone on AVSForum will ;) Yes if you put them side by side and start pointing at them it's blatantly obvious, but not as big a jump as VHS to DVD was a decade ago.

[quote name='Wolfpup']Those ARE real weaknesses. And now you're faulting the Sony for already including that stuff (or the issues they're meant to address)?[/QUOTE]

NO, not at all faulting either. BOTH companies are trying to 1UP the other by adding the features that the other has. It's stupid really as all the while they forgot about Nintendo which had the ACE in motion control and marketing to non-gamers. The nice thing is that BOTH MS and SONY CAN update the systems, in previous generations that was next to impossible (32X anyone?). The only Hardware MS added was the oversight on HDMI, that was a big mistake, and why they never included WiFi is a mystery, as is the $100 802.11B USB adapter, WTF?

[quote name='Wolfpup'] Right, but you can buy a hard drive for any of them. And IMO at least or me the hard drive is mandatory. I wouldn't be buying ANY multiplatform games for 360 if you couldn't install to it.[/QUOTE]

It is mandatory, my point was merely was that not EVERY system ships with one, as it should. And with the way they've been pushing DLC, 20GB is no longer sufficient. Another oversight that was recently rectified by putting 60GB in the base unit, even still Sony only offered 40/60/80 as far as I know, but being able to install your own 3rd party drive is a welcome feature.

[quote name='Wolfpup']THey'd better also add any games they put up so you can use the disc version.... I just bought two new Xbox 1 games yesterday actually...[/QUOTE]

As far as I know all the DLC X1 games are already on the BC list :( So I doubt we'll see anything new there either, and I also only buy them on disc as they are cheaper and more permanent (barring natural disaster).

[quote name='Wolfpup']I'm still really mad that Sony ditched backwards compatibility, particularly after making fun of Microsoft for their (previously) poor compatibility. If all PS3s played all PS2/PS1 games, and/or Microsoft hadn't kinda sorta fixed their noise problem, there wouldn't be any thought involved for me...[/QUOTE]

I agree here, keeping BC only makes sense when you have a library of as extensive as the Sony PS1/PS2 catalog. Perhaps they can work out complete Software emulation at some point in the future, but I wouldn't hold my breath, which again is why I bought the MGS4 bundle last year as I heard it would be the last BC unit they made :(
Whenever I see arguments about DVD vs. Blu-ray, I always see people claim that the average consumer won't notice the difference. Has anyone actually done a study on this? I'd be curious. But I see a lot of claims, but no evidence to back it up. All I know is that my family and my fiancee can all notice how crisp a quality transfer looks on Blu-ray, and they wouldn't know tech if it bit them in the ass.
[quote name='Haggar']is there any chance that these are "newer" bundles, or "reprint" bundles, and the PS3's inside don't have the BC?

Also, you need a PS2 memory card for PS2 saves, right?

I think there new, and yes you need a memory card to save your ps2 games.
[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']Whenever I see arguments about DVD vs. Blu-ray, I always see people claim that the average consumer won't notice the difference. Has anyone actually done a study on this? I'd be curious. But I see a lot of claims, but no evidence to back it up. All I know is that my family and my fiancee can all notice how crisp a quality transfer looks on Blu-ray, and they wouldn't know tech if it bit them in the ass.[/QUOTE]

People always assume that "Joe six-pack" keeps up on the latest technology. While this study concluded a year ago (immediately following HD-DVD demise) the numbers don't lie. Even this article says HDTV has "some work to do."

Fact is, consumers are CHEAP ASS BASTARDS! HD, Blu Ray and PS3 are not yet in the realm of "cheap." Though admittedly technology prices are still rapidly falling.
there totally is one of these MGS ps3 @ my local kmart and its been there for a while, i wonder if they'd drop the price b/c the workers are stupid
[quote name='raiser']

People always assume that "Joe six-pack" keeps up on the latest technology. While this study concluded a year ago (immediately following HD-DVD demise) the numbers don't lie. Even this article says HDTV has "some work to do."

Fact is, consumers are CHEAP ASS BASTARDS! HD, Blu Ray and PS3 are not yet in the realm of "cheap." Though admittedly technology prices are still rapidly falling.[/quote]

That's not what I asked about, though. I asked if the average consumer could notice the difference between an upscaled DVD and a Blu-ray. I think it's pretty well established that high-def hasn't completely penetrated the market.
[quote name='s2k']And to think i paid 599.99 for my 60gb at launch:bomb:

Some guy was trying to sell this to me for 350 at a flea market. Maybe i should have jumped on it.[/quote]

60 gig and 20 gig units are going to hold value for years and years to come.
[quote name='strayfoxx']Anyone know if there is any recourse to redownload my Virtual Console titles on my Wii for free? Maybe send Nintendo a letter asking for pity?[/quote]

That's honestly your best bet, but make sure it's a well done letter. I dare say typing it and maybe having a copy of the police report sent along with it to show your legit would work.
[quote name='BladeZ']Just bought one. I was able to add multiple to my cart, but I'd rather not chance them canceling the whole order.

NM, I canceled it, they aren't going for as much on ebay these days. Originally you could get $800 for this bundle, but now it's down to about $600, but after fees and headaches, it isn't worth the effort. If anyone has a friend waiting to get a PS3, I'd tell them to jump on this quick.[/QUOTE]

Yay. Another fucking hoarder. Be gone, fool!
[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']That's not what I asked about, though. I asked if the average consumer could notice the difference between an upscaled DVD and a Blu-ray. I think it's pretty well established that high-def hasn't completely penetrated the market.[/QUOTE]

What I'd like to see are statistics of
1) How many HDTVs have been sold
2) % that are 720p and =42" (Videophiles state that 1080p has little benefit on smaller sets)

5) % households with 1 or more 360 (I have 2)
6) % of households with 1 or more PS3 (I have 1)

And finally
7) % of households that have either a 360 or a PS3 hooked up to what particular size/resolution HDTV.

I really don't think the mass gaming populace is getting the maximum video out of their gaming systems, but I would love to be proven wrong. Part of this belief stems from the fact that the 3 top selling game systems are usually, Wiii, DS, and PS2, none of which support HD... It's quite possible that 360 and PS3 are losing sales because consumers BELIEVE they need HDTV to use it, so they "settle" on a Wii vs. buying a new TV.
[quote name='raiser']
I really don't think the mass gaming populace is getting the maximum video out of their gaming systems, but I would love to be proven wrong. Part of this belief stems from the fact that the 3 top selling game systems are usually, Wiii, DS, and PS2, none of which support HD... It's quite possible that 360 and PS3 are losing sales because consumers BELIEVE they need HDTV to use it, so they "settle" on a Wii vs. buying a new TV.[/quote]

That is an interesting view; though I think marketing has more to do why the wii/ds sells so well (for the ps2 - the price point/price of games [especially older ones] may explain why it sells so well). I would like to believe your argument makes perfect sense, but I do not believe the average consumer puts much "thought" into frivolous purchases such as consoles/games.

This is fueled by the average conversation I hear in gamestop/walmart/target/sears/etc when jane soccer-mom comes up asking the most basic questions of consoles/games to a sales clerk and generally making purchases based on their recommendations. This makes me sad, as I wish people would attempt to research/understand what they are consindering/about to buy and stop following "the crowd" - we were given a brain for a reason - use it people (e.g. soccer moms)!
[quote name='autche']That is an interesting view; though I think marketing has more to do why the wii/ds sells so well (for the ps2 - the price point/price of games [especially older ones] may explain why it sells so well). I would like to believe your argument makes perfect sense, but I do not believe the average consumer puts much "thought" into frivolous purchases such as consoles/games.

AMEN. This fully explains not only Walmart, but on the video game side THQ, Acclaim, and to some extent Midway. It amazes me that THQ has been successful all these years without, as far as I can tell, EVER having released a AAA title. All, wrestling, movie, and kiddie licensed titles, mostly shovelware.

If you build it, they will come.
At this point it sadly doesn't seem like it. I guess it's good the discussion keeps it bumped so anyone who may want one can see it and grab it while they're still there...
If only they would make it $450 or less. $480 gets you 160 GB and Uncharted... and $500 gets you "only" 80 GB and MGS. (Yes, BC aside.)
wish I would've gotten my 360 first then my PS3 so I could've gotten one of these back when they came out. Would've loved to clear the space my PS2 is taking up and go wireless.
bread's done