Michael Jackson Memorial 8/29/58 - 6/25/09

[quote name='HovaEscobar']I would love to have seen a survey conducted yesterday morning asking people their opinion of Michael Jackson, and then I'd like to see that same survey conducted this morning; I'd bet money that the results would be drastically different.

If there's one thing I hate when celebrities die it's that people come out of the woodwork claiming to be the "biggest fans" of the guy. It seems like the hip thing to do today is to tell people you're "listening to Billie Jean in tribute to Michael" or "Remembering all the great Michael Jackson memories". They're making sure they update their Facebook with status messages calling him a legend, or posting one line quips to Twitter that end with "RIP : You Were A Legend".

The people who are saying such things, if asked on Monday if they were big Michael Jackson fans, would probably just shrug their shoulders and say, "Yeah, I like him."; but since the newest meme of the day is pretending you owned every album and went to every concert, they're going to play Thriller on loop.

I enjoyed some of Jackson's music, but I'd never consider myself a big fan, because I'm not a fake person; sadly, I can't say the same thing about a good majority of society.[/QUOTE]
I see where you coming from but sometimes death brings out those feelings. I'm not the biggest Michael Jackson fan but i have to say he did have an impact on my life. He was someone i can remember watching in my childhood and being fastenated with his songs and dance moves. I didn't like him as much but i still carried those memories from childhood. I remember when the Invincible album came out. I was like oh ok im not gonna buy that. I went to the store looked at the display and bought the album without even thinking about it.
[quote name='Rocko']She had them reinstated in 2005.[/QUOTE]

Oh ...didn't hear about that.

[quote name='dpatel']It's really sad to see him go. Like many of you guys, I grew up on his music. It's a shame I wasn't able to catch him in concert at least once. I was too young to go see him during the 80s/early 90s, but I was ready to go to this upcoming tour he was supposed to go on. He contributed so much to everyone with his music, and he will be missed. Rest in Peace, Michael.[/QUOTE]

Yea I never got a chance to see him either. :(

So legally what is going to happen to all his debt now that he is dead? I am sure the court is going to take everything that he had left like NLR and his Beatles collection. It will pay off some of his debt, but not all of it. A lot of people who he owes money two isn't going to let it slide because he died so I expect this to be tied up in court for years. I seriously would not be surprised if nothing is left for his kids.
What would be cool is if Usher, Akon, Kanye West, Fergie, and other celebs who admire Jackson do a tribute concert to him. This could replace the concert which Jackson had planned and perhaps the money raised could go to the Heal the World Foundation or another charity under Michael Jackson's name. Or maybe the money could go to paying off Jackson's debt.
[quote name='ananag112']What would be cool is if Usher, Akon, Kanye West, Fergie, and other celebs who admire Jackson do a tribute concert to him. This could replace the concert which Jackson had planned and perhaps the money raised could go to the Heal the World Foundation or another charity under Michael Jackson's name. Or maybe the money could go to paying off Jackson's debt.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, that is a great idea.

Also, ITDEFX, that is the greatest avatar ever. The Lean was the most incredible move I've ever seen.
[quote name='galvatron2k1']Yeah, that is a great idea.

Also, ITDEFX, that is the greatest avatar ever. The Lean was the most incredible move I've ever seen.[/QUOTE]

Yea good idea..however there will be a lot of people who , despite the love they had for him they might not like the idea that we will be paying off his debt.

His funeral will be heavily televised and internet watched. I am not going to miss that one.

Who currently holds the rights to all his music? Can the record company re-release his music and give a percentage to his memorial?

Thanks for the compliment.
[quote name='HovaEscobar']I would love to have seen a survey...[/QUOTE]

Could have at least used quote marks if you're going to copy+paste my response to your blog.
[quote name='HovaEscobar'] They're making sure they update their Facebook with status messages calling him a legend, or posting one line quips to Twitter that end with "RIP : You Were A Legend".[/QUOTE]

That's really pathetically funny actually. I don't do those pathetically retarded Facebook like crap. (No friends... boo hoo....) but yeah didn't think about that. lool

[quote name='ananag112']What would be cool is if Usher, Akon, Kanye West, Fergie, and other celebs who admire Jackson do a tribute concert to him.[/QUOTE]

I'd be pissed, Announcement: Unfortunately, you won't be able to see Micheal Jackson, but you will get a shitty concert filled with shitty artist. Enjoy.
[quote name='dastly75']Could have at least used quote marks if you're going to copy+paste my response to your blog.[/QUOTE]
Yeah, but it would've taken from the effect. No disrespect.
I love the people who pat themselves on the back by talking about the outpouring of people dealing with their personal grief in such a nonchalant "I'm way better than you" sort of way, and how "I can totally tell it's so fake." You don't care so much that you literally walk around loudly proclaiming just how much you don't care.

There's always that group of people who pretend that they are somehow more awesome by pointing out obvious foregone conclusions like "GEE, NOBODY BEFORE HE DIED SAY NUTHIN'." Really. Because someone's death wouldn't alter the mindset of many people? Gosh. I mean I'd sure like to talk about how much more I liked my house before it burned to the ground.

If the sun went out, there'd still be these same people walking around claiming they weren't fans of the sun, it's totally cool it's burnt out, I mean I saw it one day but I didn't think it was a big deal.

If you're that unaffected and don't care, then why are you wasting so much time trying to prove just how unaffected you are? Surprise - other people like the dood and legitimately loved his music. And frankly there's absolutely nothing wrong with what you perceive as faked mourning - it's very real to a lot of people, and your personal objections and opinions just make you look like an ass.
Well said, Strell. A lot of people invited his guy into their home throughout the years via CD and television. Many of us grew up listening to his music. Like one reporter said the other day, Michael Jackson really transcended genre. You could take fans of any genre, mention Michael, and they're like "Oh yeah, he's awesome!". In my lifetime, I've never seen such a variety of fans from every corner of the globe come out to voice their opinion because of a celebrity's death (the only one I could think that would come close is Princess Diana's death). If you check pretty much any of his videos on YouTube, you'll see people saying RIP in many languages. He meant a lot of things to a lot of people.
[quote name='Strell']I love the people who pat themselves on the back by talking about the outpouring of people dealing with their personal grief in such a nonchalant "I'm way better than you" sort of way, and how "I can totally tell it's so fake." You don't care so much that you literally walk around loudly proclaiming just how much you don't care.

There's always that group of people who pretend that they are somehow more awesome by pointing out obvious foregone conclusions like "GEE, NOBODY BEFORE HE DIED SAY NUTHIN'." Really. Because someone's death wouldn't alter the mindset of many people? Gosh. I mean I'd sure like to talk about how much more I liked my house before it burned to the ground.

If the sun went out, there'd still be these same people walking around claiming they weren't fans of the sun, it's totally cool it's burnt out, I mean I saw it one day but I didn't think it was a big deal.

If you're that unaffected and don't care, then why are you wasting so much time trying to prove just how unaffected you are? Surprise - other people like the dood and legitimately loved his music. And frankly there's absolutely nothing wrong with what you perceive as faked mourning - it's very real to a lot of people, and your personal objections and opinions just make you look like an ass.[/QUOTE]

Agreed 100%. Great post, Strell.

I remember that we (that's the indefinite "we") had this exact same discussion when Heath Ledger died. And, no disrespect to Ledger, but Jackson is just in an entirely different league of global popularity from almost any other person in history. I can't believe that someone thinks that it's necessary to bring this wannabe-edgy tripe up, about someone like Michael Jackson.

No, HovaEscobar, you're not any sort of inciteful, or more grounded or realistic. What you're saying gets brought up at every celebrity passing, so it's not exactly original. Stop trying to be so edgy. You look like an ass, and no one wants to hear it.

If we'd had the web and these forums back in August 1977, or December 1980, I have no doubt that you or your ilk would have been there, acting nonchalant and trying to make the same stupid points about Elvis and Lennon's passings, and the world's reactions to them.
Man, it always seemed like his health was failing. Jackson was the reason why I started dancing in the first place, learning entire videos when I was kid.

Not much to say....the world lost one of the best musicians of all time. Yeah he was bat shit insane but people who are not even a 1/4 as popular do almost the same crazy things.
[quote name='Strell']I love the people who pat themselves on the back by talking about the outpouring of people dealing with their personal grief in such a nonchalant "I'm way better than you" sort of way, and how "I can totally tell it's so fake." You don't care so much that you literally walk around loudly proclaiming just how much you don't care.

There's always that group of people who pretend that they are somehow more awesome by pointing out obvious foregone conclusions like "GEE, NOBODY BEFORE HE DIED SAY NUTHIN'." Really. Because someone's death wouldn't alter the mindset of many people? Gosh. I mean I'd sure like to talk about how much more I liked my house before it burned to the ground.

If the sun went out, there'd still be these same people walking around claiming they weren't fans of the sun, it's totally cool it's burnt out, I mean I saw it one day but I didn't think it was a big deal.

If you're that unaffected and don't care, then why are you wasting so much time trying to prove just how unaffected you are? Surprise - other people like the dood and legitimately loved his music. And frankly there's absolutely nothing wrong with what you perceive as faked mourning - it's very real to a lot of people, and your personal objections and opinions just make you look like an ass.[/QUOTE]
Hmm...now the mother is saying that Michael is NOT The father!! :O

Herado is saying that NO judge in CA is going to do a DNA test..... man this is gonna get ugly for the kids.
Well said Strell.

Hova initially deleted the responses of everyone who didn't agree with him on his blog; maybe it'd only be fair to do the reverse here. You may not like MJ, but to say "big deal" about the death of anyone, especially someone millions of people respect, says a lot about your (lack of) character.
That's not a lack of character, that's just character that you don't hold in high regard. I also didn't delete the responses of * everyone * who didn't agree with me.

Also, millions of people die every day, big deal about that. I'll give you that Jackson was a great entertainer and I understand why people give a shit that he died. The initial query of the blog was if anyone else didn't give a shit that he's dead, particularly implying that those who didn't give a shit should post in the blog. . It wasn't "if you disagree with me please comment!"
It's sort of like this: going from your username, how would you like it if Jay-Z or NaS were to suddenly kick the bucket? You'd feel pretty shitty, wouldn't you?

The difference, then, between those two and Michael is that Michael touched more souls for a much longer time than those two combined. Michael was a pioneer and a trailblazer, which is not something you get every day.

So it's more than mourning a dead person, as you put it. It's mourning the death of a cultural icon and a part of what made America so great.

I've been chatting with my friend from Somalia lately, and his generation grew up with Michael Jackson. He told me that EVERYONE loved him in his village. They had no TV, they had no running water, but they had Thriller shirts. He was checking Al Jazeera yesterday online, the mourning travels far and wide. He transcended countries, languages, beliefs and made the world a happier place. As a result, I see no fault in people grieving.
[quote name='c0rnpwn']It's sort of like this: going from your username, how would you like it if Jay-Z or NaS were to suddenly kick the bucket? You'd feel pretty shitty, wouldn't you?

The difference, then, between those two and Michael is that Michael touched more souls for a much longer time than those two combined. Michael was a pioneer and a trailblazer, which is not something you get every day.

So it's more than mourning a dead person, as you put it. It's mourning the death of a cultural icon and a part of what made America so great.

I've been chatting with my friend from Somalia lately, and his generation grew up with Michael Jackson. He told me that EVERYONE loved him in his village. They had no TV, they had no running water, but they had Thriller shirts. He was checking Al Jazeera yesterday online, the mourning travels far and wide. He transcended countries, languages, beliefs and made the world a happier place. As a result, I see no fault in people grieving.[/QUOTE]

I agree...it would seem American Music Icons such as Jackson has a HUGE impact in developing countries.

Man his funeral will be watched/listen to by billions of people around the world.
[quote name='c0rnpwn']

I've been chatting with my friend from Somalia lately, and his generation grew up with Michael Jackson. He told me that EVERYONE loved him in his village. They had no TV, they had no running water, but they had Thriller shirts. He was checking Al Jazeera yesterday online, the mourning travels far and wide. He transcended countries, languages, beliefs and made the world a happier place. As a result, I see no fault in people grieving.[/QUOTE]
That's just sick .
[quote name='HovaEscobar']That's just sick .[/QUOTE]

I mean yeah it's unfortunate, but that's the world for you. Let them have that little something that makes their lives better.
[quote name='ITDEFX']If it's true, then he will BURN IN HELL.

Snot nose little punk needs a beat down.[/QUOTE]
... he was a kid.
Yeah sad, but he was a kid at the time and I'm sure he was coerced by a father with $$$ in his eyes. At least he's doing the right thing now that he's old enough to make his own decisions (if it's legit.)
I wonder how big the conspiracy against Michael Jackson was. Was it just this boy's father and La Toya's husband? Was the media following an agenda or were they just being the opportunistic vultures that they are?

I'd like to see some better sources for this statement from Jordan Chandler. If anyone was going to tell the truth in this situation I'd suspect it would be him, but even still telling the truth at this stage is just opening him up for a whole lot of hatred.
It would be nice if the Jackson family were somehow able to counter-sue. I mean, the child molestations were pretty much the biggest attack against Michael's character outside of his thirst for bleach and dangling his children over the edge.
i asked an anti-mj ("glad he's gone" type) friend of mine hypothetically "if the boy came out now and said he had lied, would it change your opinion of mj?", his response was "no, whether or not he did sexual stuff with children he's a sick fuck who slept in the same bed with other people's kids"

...these people don't care what the facts are, they've already made up their mind and they're hating just for hate's sake, strell's right, they'd talk shit about the sun if it disappeared tomorrow.
[quote name='Strell']
If the sun went out, there'd still be these same people walking around claiming they weren't fans of the sun, it's totally cool it's burnt out, I mean I saw it one day but I didn't think it was a big deal.

Michael Jackson was the sun.
[quote name='Koggit']i asked an anti-mj ("glad he's gone" type) friend of mine hypothetically "if the boy came out now and said he had lied, would it change your opinion of mj?", his response was "no, whether or not he did sexual stuff with children he's a sick fuck who slept in the same bed with other people's kids"

...these people don't care what the facts are, they've already made up their mind and they're hating just for hate's sake, strell's right, they'd talk shit about the sun if it disappeared tomorrow.[/QUOTE]


bm rip
[quote name='Koggit']i asked an anti-mj ("glad he's gone" type) friend of mine hypothetically "if the boy came out now and said he had lied, would it change your opinion of mj?", his response was "no, whether or not he did sexual stuff with children he's a sick fuck who slept in the same bed with other people's kids"

...these people don't care what the facts are, they've already made up their mind and they're hating just for hate's sake, strell's right, they'd talk shit about the sun if it disappeared tomorrow.[/QUOTE]

If it was michelle jackson that was sharing her bed with children instead of michael jackson she would be known as a loving, motherly figure. Society's funny that way.
Do you guys think we will be seeing a Michael Jackson themed video game to cash in on his death? I think a Michael Jackson featured SingStar is likely.
I still can't get over this. Watched videos all day, listen to his shit all day on Sirius....it's just.. ugh. I mean it's a shame that he just got soo weird/creepy (looking)..but, wow. He was terrific. I still try and do the lean everytime I watch Smooth Criminal..

Oh, that "You Are Not Alone" still gives me the creeps. Him like.. sorta naked/sexual with Lisa Marie is SO gross.

[quote name='ITDEFX']i've been listening to nothing but MJ music this past weekend... Smooth Criminal is one of his best works.[/QUOTE]

Not to mention one of the best music videos of all time. I've watched that video about a dozen times since Thursday.

Also, I taught my 3-year-old daughter to moonwalk today.
[quote name='thelonepig']Not to mention one of the best music videos of all time. I've watched that video about a dozen times since Thursday.

Also, I taught my 3-year-old daughter to moonwalk today.[/QUOTE]

I think MJ spirit himself gave a piece of his talent to your daughter as the moonwalk is not easy to perform by young children.
[quote name='ITDEFX']I think MJ spirit himself gave a piece of his talent to your daughter as the moonwalk is not easy to perform by young children.[/QUOTE]

She's kinda getting the hang of it. Basically she just slides her feet backwards and hasn't quite gotten the "one-heal-up" bit.

As for the video, I had to watch MadTV's "Action Jackson" spoof again on Youtube. Brilliant and hilarious.
bread's done