Microsoft 2010 E3 - Worst Ever!!!

I guess what made it so bad was Microsoft saying it was the biggest and best when it was actually the worst. Also, with their great job last year, it had alot to live up to. I would of liked to see more Fable 3 and less kinectimals for w/e.
I thought the show was good. I am excited about all the goodies due later this year. What were all you monday morning quaterbacks wanting to see at the show?
I was very excited to see the new slim 360, though I won't get one until my current 360 breaks down or it gets super cheap or I somehow find myself with more money than common sense.

I also am excited for Kinect, though the only actual game I would want is Dance Central. I'd just like to do Minority Report-style navigation on my 360. However, given that the price wasn't announced, I'm walking away from this conference without a definite yes or no answer on the Kinect for this year.

As for other games, everything I care about I knew of well ahead of time. Gears of War 3 and Halo: Reach will be eventual must buys, but both games just carry the torch of their respective franchises. Given that I haven't beaten Halo: ODST or Gears of War 1 or 2 yet, I won't be buying either of these until they get cheap.

All said and done, kind of disappointing. I thought MS would have more surprises for me. Sony and Nintendo might do better by default if they announce anything that I don't already know about that I have more than a passing interest in.
[quote name='cmb00']I thought the show was good. I am excited about all the goodies due later this year. What were all you monday morning quaterbacks wanting to see at the show?[/QUOTE]

A hell lot of less Kinect stuff, price the damn thing, and games we actually didn't know about.
Just watched it. Basically I'd echo everything that's been written here about Kinect, the lack of price means it's going to be too expensive, the announcements -- we all knew. So no surprises really. I do think the ESPN announcement is major -- some folks don't have access to, and being able to watch live games on your TV via the Xbox is a big deal and something many people will use.

That said there's no way this was "the worst ever." Maybe for MS, but I've seen plenty of worse fails on this stage from Sony and Nintendo (the Vs Pac-man year in particular) that put you to sleep. This wasn't very interesting, no, but it wasn't boring!
[quote name='MSUHitman']A hell lot of less Kinect stuff, price the damn thing, and games we actually didn't know about.[/QUOTE]

I think the lack of announcement for pricing is a confirmation that it's gonna be fucking expensive. They wannt get people hooked in with the "coolness" of it first and then release the price. Problem is, no one's interested in Kinect no matter how cool Microsoft thinks it is. The fucking hardware re-design and price drop are getting MUCH more interest/buzz.

Kinect kind of reminds me of those games you used to see in the arcade that would sense your movement. There was a boxing one and a shooting game where you had to duck behind cover. They were pretty cool until the newness wore off and then you realized all the moving around didn't really immerse you in the game any further, it just wore you the fuck out.

As far as ESPN goes, I would be excited for it but I have a sneaking suspicion the only thing I'd really like to see on it (Monday Night Football and other NFL stuff) will end up being blocked out by the NFL anyway.
As far as ESPN goes, I would be excited for it but I have a sneaking suspicion the only thing I'd really like to see on it (Monday Night Football and other NFL stuff) will end up being blocked out by the NFL anyway.

ESPN doesn't stream NFL content...totally different (and much more expensive) contract there.
[quote name='phantomfriar2002']ESPN doesn't stream NFL content...totally different (and much more expensive) contract there.[/QUOTE]

That's kind of what I figured was that something along those lines was occurring. Fox sports primarily holds MLB... so really, what's the point of this ESPN streaming again?
[quote name='phantomfriar2002']ESPN doesn't stream NFL content...totally different (and much more expensive) contract there.[/QUOTE]

Yeah I'm at a loss with ESPN. Seemed like they were trying to push more college ball. I dont see how its something ESPN could give a fig about..

They carried Monday Night Football for four years now and its been a goldrush for them. Why throw all those ratings away for Microsoft?

About a month ago when the ESPN rumor first started to crack people were talking like an aspect of it was going to be MLG events coverage... But it doesn't look to be on their radar at all.
I just got back from that Natal Experience event.... it was boring and pretty dumb. I was hoping they'd have something as good as Zero Hour when they launched the 360.




I knew it was going to be boring from the press event reports from the night before but my girlfriend is a major cirque fangirl.... Turned out to be just a bunch of useless natal PR stuff and just cirque people doing non cirque things....
[quote name='RedvsBlue']... so really, what's the point of this ESPN streaming again?[/QUOTE]

Right now you could watch the World Cup. That's actually big. I'm expecting it to be ESPN360 (the streaming site) expanded
I have been reading everyone's comments. I can only come up with the fact that gamers have really become fickle and jaded. I think Microsoft catered to all groups of gamers. In fact, I think Microsoft was smart to do this. You guys need to realize that hardcore gamers can only carry a platform so far, then you have to tap into a new audience to stay relevant and continue the business. These aren't the days when,for example, Apple users felt like a community and rallied behind the product . It is all a business and we are all along for the ride. Quite happy with the announcements, except Kudo sounded too much like a game show host. The reactions, IMO, are a direct reflection of core gamers feeling like they lost a part of what made video games so unique to them, that they got to realize that those days are numbering and over for the most part. Wii proved it for the casual gamer. It is Sony and Microsoft that want to tap into that market.
Yeah, it was pretty bad... I like the new Xbox 360 and I like the ESPN streaming (I don't have cable). I'll eventually pick up Fable 3 and Halo Reach, but probably not on day one. I'll also pick up Call of Duty: Black Ops and Metal Gear Solid Rising eventually, but not on the 360.

The Kinect stuff just really bothered me (creepy purple man and pedo-tiger was mortifying), but I have to admit that I'm somewhat interested to see how Dance Central plays. I love Dance Dance Revolution and this looks like it could be better than that. I just don't want to spend $100-200 for a dance pad...
It's got to be a bad omen that half the people in this thread still don't even know what the freakin' thing is called. Kinect strikes me as something that is cool for a few days until the novelty of virtual menu navigation wears off. I can't lie and say I wasn't impressed by the technology, but...meh. If I cared about motion games I'd still have a Wii.
[quote name='Energy Penguin']i thought the press conference was fine. It wasn't great, but not horrible either. I mean, essentially it's a huge commercial for xbox. That's what all these press conferences are. I like some of the kinetic stuff, mostly menu navigation, but I am worried they didn't announce a price. I fear it is $150 which is twice what i would like to see it at. I read somewhere $399 w/ the new box, which might be ok.[/QUOTE]

$399 with the Elite. $299 with Arcade. So far no Slim60 bundle sited and when Aaron Greenberg was questioned if there is one he dodged the question (this was right after him talking about the 2 bundles with the old consoles). $450 for the Slim60 & Natal is not out of the question. But maybe after this MS will realize they need to lower the price of Kinect.

[quote name='cmb00']I thought the show was good. I am excited about all the goodies due later this year. What were all you monday morning quaterbacks wanting to see at the show?[/QUOTE]

A few unannounced games with significant footage, at least a few Kinect games that were tailored to core gamers, not Wii shovelware as Kinect's best games (the whole launch lineup is that), more Live features. But...
[quote name='Ecofreak']I've been anxious to hear Microsoft's big surprise announcements given their past track record (GTA4, FFXIII, NetFlix, etc), but this year, I've left disappointed.

Given how much money Microsoft spent to buy the Kinect company and subsequent R&D (both internal and external), my confidence that they'll make a good return on investment based on the software shown today is not promising.

given how much money they spent on Kinect, it's no surprise there are not surprise announcements of core games.

[quote name='EdRyder']
They carried Monday Night Football for four years now and its been a goldrush for them. Why throw all those ratings away for Microsoft?

A big check and free advertising?
[quote name='Tengaport']

I was surprised to see Wii Sports coming to the Xbox 360 though.

Despite the lackluster showing, I am still in for one of those new, shiny Xbox 360s.

lol @ the Wii Sports remark. I am in for the new 360, as well.
i think MS Conference was great thanks to one thing - FORZA MOTHER FU*KING MOTORSPORT 4....and also new crytek 360 game.
i wrote in my predictions for pure fun and gigles that Forza 4 is announced and GT5 delayed yet again, but holy f**k it's kinda happening. sadly my Mirror's Edge 2, BG&E2 and I Am Alive predictions failed - screw you, ubisoft!!!!

overall i think it was very good conference. not great, but good.

also just love new 360 look and i might even change mine since i still have old 60gb model.
[quote name='EdRyder']Yeah I'm at a loss with ESPN. Seemed like they were trying to push more college ball. I dont see how its something ESPN could give a fig about..

They carried Monday Night Football for four years now and its been a goldrush for them. Why throw all those ratings away for Microsoft?

About a month ago when the ESPN rumor first started to crack people were talking like an aspect of it was going to be MLG events coverage... But it doesn't look to be on their radar at all.[/QUOTE]
It's not really ESPN's decision to not show NFL games on (or the 360).
ESPN3 doesn't work with the second largest ISP in the nation, Time Warner Cable, so no ESPN on the 360 for me.

I thought the whole thing was alright, but I have a wife and kids who want a wii so it will be Kinect for us.
[quote name='thekeybladewars']Hardly anyone reveals prices in commercials now-a-days.[/QUOTE]

they do when they know it's a good price-- like with the slim later on in the conference
[quote name='pjb16']You can hate something and still have a favorite part.[/QUOTE] yea sure you can, BUT you're forgetting one thing, they wasn't hating AT ALL just spitting out compliment after compliment. sure they're suppose to support the company that pays them, but don't be a robot sheep.
[quote name='evildeadjedi']Not the worst in history, but it has been the worst MS one yet.[/QUOTE]

Bingo. I guess they were due for a weak one, they've been at least "good" if not very good every year for at least half a decade now.
I surprised more people don't understand the NFL has its own contract for streaming and such. So does every other professional sport. You'll never see ESPN streaming the NFL nor the NBA or MLB. There are separate contracts those leagues have on their own terms. Why anyone expected them to be streaming Monday Night Football is baffling -- ESPN has the TV rights to air the game, never to stream it online. has a load of content and is especially good for college football (they have some exclusive games that only air there) and tennis. I know that may disappoint fans expecting the NFL, but that's a whole different ballgame.
I have not much to say just want to support this thread by saying yeah that conference sucked so awful, nobody is going to buy a camera for an xbox that cost $150.00 that doesn't even look fun. I think the Harmonix dance game was the most interesting, but even that doesn't mean nothing.
The thing that might make Kinect a success, in spite of the price, are the dance and fitness games. Those could well be system sellers. The reason Wii Fit can sell for almost $100 alone is because, looked upon as fitness equipment, that's damn cheap. So for someone looking for a new way to exercise and have fun doing it, and with how Kinect really could be pretty incredible for that (if it works well), the price of Kinect and a game is at least acceptable. I have to say that I'm excited about the dance game possibilities and that will probably sell it to me - I'm a DDR fan. I don't care to drive without a controller, but a dance game that can actually track your entire body? Hell, yes!
The Conference went as expected for me... I am probably going to pick up both the new 360 and kinect but I am probably going to wait a while so that all the red ring like problems get worked out...
Conference as expected for me. I don't quite understand all these whiny negative nancys in this thread. Oh wait....actually I do. If you think the gaming world revolves around hardcore gamers, which apparently most people here do, then I guess Microsofts keynote was the horrifying disappointment they paint.

However, reality is, hardcore gamers are not the center of the gaming universe.
I am looking forward to a total phsyician game. You can use your hands to perform various exams on human models... oh yeah, I can see it now.
What I liked -

CoD: BlackOps - I liked the enviroments and vehicles, about the only thing from it that I really didn't like was the way the weapons looked.

Gears 3 - I'm very biased on this front. I'm a huge Gears fan and honestly was good to see the new game.

Fable III - Again, I love Fable and was glad to see a new installment of it.

That is where it ended for me.

What I didn't like -

Kinect - ...enough has been said about Kinect to the point where I'm not going to rant about it.

MGS Rising - To be honest, just looked like a hack & slash title to me. The CGI trailer was ok, but I wasn't really all that impressed by the gameplay scenes.

Halo Reach - To be honest , I'm mixed on this one. I liked the thought of possible space battles, but in all honesty, the ground fighting didn't look like anything we haven't seen before.

ESPN on XBL - All that content and no NFL? How can you announce something like ESPN on XBL on the brink of the new season and there be NO NFL? It is the new American pasttime.

Things I would have liked to have seen more of -

Dead Space 2 - Very hyped about this game, looked fantastic, just would have liked to have seen more.

Crysis 2 - Looked fantastic, but again, just would have liked to have seen more.

Kinect - Would have liked to have seen how this is going to be applied to the "traditional" gamer and not so much the casual.

I know this doesn't sum up the whole conference, just things that stuck out in my mind.
[quote name='pigeon12']I am looking forward to a total phsyician game. You can use your hands to perform various exams on human models... oh yeah, I can see it now.[/QUOTE]
The video conferencing could alone lead to some "misguided" encounters. :lol:
[quote name='M1C13']ESPN3 doesn't work with the second largest ISP in the nation, Time Warner Cable, so no ESPN on the 360 for me.

I thought the whole thing was alright, but I have a wife and kids who want a wii so it will be Kinect for us.[/QUOTE]
so why dont you just buy a wii. i bet ms wont even support kinetic after it fails in a year.
[quote name='Superfluential']What I liked -

CoD: BlackOps - I liked the enviroments and vehicles, about the only thing from it that I really didn't like was the way the weapons looked.

Gears 3 - I'm very biased on this front. I'm a huge Gears fan and honestly was good to see the new game.

Fable III - Again, I love Fable and was glad to see a new installment of it.

That is where it ended for me.

What I didn't like -

Kinect - ...enough has been said about Kinect to the point where I'm not going to rant about it.

MGS Rising - To be honest, just looked like a hack & slash title to me. The CGI trailer was ok, but I wasn't really all that impressed by the gameplay scenes.

Halo Reach - To be honest , I'm mixed on this one. I liked the thought of possible space battles, but in all honesty, the ground fighting didn't look like anything we haven't seen before.

ESPN on XBL - All that content and no NFL? How can you announce something like ESPN on XBL on the brink of the new season and there be NO NFL? It is the new American pasttime.

Things I would have liked to have seen more of -

Dead Space 2 - Very hyped about this game, looked fantastic, just would have liked to have seen more.

Crysis 2 - Looked fantastic, but again, just would have liked to have seen more.

Kinect - Would have liked to have seen how this is going to be applied to the "traditional" gamer and not so much the casual.

I know this doesn't sum up the whole conference, just things that stuck out in my mind.[/QUOTE]
Phantomfriar summed it up well a few posts above yours. I mean are people really this naive about the pro sports having their own distribution rights and contracts?

It's one reason being available on PS3 (to subscribers) is a big thing for many.
I was pissed off about Joy Ride, I was waiting for that for a year and then they smeared Wii all over it :(

I hate to say it but Crytek's "Spartacus: Blood And Sand: The Game" trailer didn't excite me

They botched the announcement the Reach has FLYING SEGMENTS. Actually all the playthrough bits were fun but it pains me that some devs can't play their own game...

I will say the Slim was a good reveal, especially when Pachter did a speech about it being impossible to announce Slim before the price of Kinect
How can you announce something like ESPN on XBL on the brink of the new season and there be NO NFL?

Again, ESPN has literally nothing to do with streaming NFL content. If you want the NFL, that's a whole separate partnership/contractual animal. Same would go for MLB, NBA, NHL, etc. Every pro sports league has its own streaming deal, ESPN doesn't carry any of them AFAIK.
[quote name='phantomfriar2002']Again, ESPN has literally nothing to do with streaming NFL content. If you want the NFL, that's a whole separate partnership/contractual animal. Same would go for MLB, NBA, NHL, etc. Every pro sports league has its own streaming deal, ESPN doesn't carry any of them AFAIK.[/QUOTE]

Case in point: that app on PS3
EDIT: Whoops sorry pjb
Am I the only one who thought MGS: Rising looks really cool? It's obviously not an espionage title and will have nothing to do with Snake. I'm actually more excited about the game now after having seen the new trailer.

Microsoft's overall showing this year, while not the worst show they have had at E3 was just pretty meh all around. No big surprises really since we've all known about a new design for the 360 for months now and the few little surprises we did get just didn't do a lot for me.
[quote name='shosh']so why dont you just buy a wii. i bet ms wont even support kinetic after it fails in a year.[/QUOTE]

Man, I love the internet :headache:
Dance Central looked amazing and with Harmonix doing that you know it will be quality.
If I had a 5 year old Kinectamals would be amazing. Glad they ditched the creepy Milo thing.

I don't know what's up with all the whiners. It's not like there were no hardcore games there.
bread's done