Minor Clan Match rules for everyone


12 (100%)
So after conferring with the other staff, we've decided to make minor clan matches open to many more people in the clan, provided you abide by the following rules:

1) Everyone participating has at least 'Member' status. No 'Peons'.

2) Everyone participating has a mic, as usual.

3) Everyone participating plays at least one team skirmish or team slayer match together before starting minor clan matches.

4) If you lose three games in a row, you go back to non-clan games for the rest of the night.

5) There are at least 4 people in the party; NEVER DO A MATCH WITH LESS THAN 4 PEOPLE PLAYING.

We can see the results of every game, so don't try to get around these. Sorry to have such strict rules, but it's for the good of the clan and it's record. This way, everyone can contribute (well, the people who deserve to be), and we can have an even deeper elite team down the line.

Just remember, the level of competition is much higher in clan games, even at the lower rankings. Communication is a MUST, as is planning and staying together. I know I don't want to see our relatively decent record go to hell, and I'm sure no one else wants to either. If you're not completely comfortable playing with everyone else if the room, don't start a clan match. And if not everyone is communicating, stop playing clan matches. I expect everyone eligible to do this anyways, I'm just driving the point home. Now, do us proud :D

Also, for those of you who are currently "Peons" wishing to up your ranks and participate in clan games: There's no set guideline for moving from Peon to Member. Just show up to practice and give us a reason to promote you. If you deserve to be, we'll notice and it won't be long before you're promoted. - Ledhed
[quote name='Girion47']Thank you for being looser with the rules Rock. now if I could only get off Peon status[/quote]

who says you're a peon? :wink:
How in the hell did I miss this topic in the past hour?

I hope you all have fun, and don't be afraid to message Staff or "elites" to play in the Minor games as well. I like playing smaller games anyways.
what is the difference between a major/minor clan match other than i can play in one and not the other?

number of players?
[quote name='gaelan']what is the difference between a major/minor clan match other than i can play in one and not the other?

number of players?[/quote]

That's the only difference I know of. Another thing, though I hope this would be obvious: even though you can enter a Minor clan match with less than 4 people, DON'T. It's not worth the risk. 9/10 you're going to be facing 4-player teams; don't do something stupid like losing while being a player short of full potential.
[quote name='darkJester']What's the requirement for moving beyond "Peon" status (for those of us who are confirmed n00b Peons :)) ?[/quote]

There's no set guideline for moving from Peon to Member. Just show up to practice and give us a reason to promote you. If you deserve to be, we'll notice and it won't be long before you're promoted.
[quote name='Ledhed'][quote name='darkJester']What's the requirement for moving beyond "Peon" status (for those of us who are confirmed n00b Peons :)) ?[/quote]

There's no set guideline for moving from Peon to Member. Just show up to practice and give us a reason to promote you. If you deserve to be, we'll notice and it won't be long before you're promoted.[/quote]

the first of many such posts? probably should post this in the "minor clan match rules" for clarification to those seeking it.
[quote name='gaelan']probably should post this in the "minor clan match rules" for clarification to those seeking it.[/quote]

Done and done.
One thing I've learned in trying to play with everyone in the clan, is that a few (not just one) games with the group of four you're part is a really good idea. Playing as a group of four is different than as a larger group, since there's less of you back each other up, and communication is a must with a smaller group.

I lucked out earlier in the week and found a group of three clanmates that things just clicked with, we were covering each other's back, making sure that we knew where the others were, and working as a team. Due to this, we worked out well together. Check my post in the main thread here and you'll see the games I'm talking about.

Don't just think that if you're a member, you should rush out and do minor clan matches. They're different than having seven other clanmates with you. They're smaller, and with that, your teammates and your teamwork are even more important with less of you covering your six.

Work with some people, find more than just three people that you work well with, trade it in and out and see how it works. Getting synergies together with as many people in the clan is a huge part of what makes a clan work, causal or not. Theyr'e still ranked games, and still important to work as closely and tightly as you can together for it all to work and for us to win.
[quote name='Girion47']Murc that was already covered by Led[/quote]

Yeah, I'm glad he reiterated it though. It reminded me to add it to the OP as well.
I personally like playing the smaller team games anyway, but only if the group is tight knit. I was a level 14 in team skirmish which i got to playing with a great team, but way too many random games with people who dont know how to communicate and now im an 11. Point is...if anyone wants to practice some strategies on a smaller team level lemme know
[quote name='inosuk']I personally like playing the smaller team games anyway, but only if the group is tight knit. I was a level 14 in team skirmish which i got to playing with a great team, but way too many random games with people who dont know how to communicate and now im an 11. Point is...if anyone wants to practice some strategies on a smaller team level lemme know[/quote]

I'm there, and I'm sure greendj, Girion, myself and azn would be happy to do that as well, plus probably a few other random people, like Soulja and jlarlee.
[quote name='shrike4242'][quote name='inosuk']I personally like playing the smaller team games anyway, but only if the group is tight knit. I was a level 14 in team skirmish which i got to playing with a great team, but way too many random games with people who dont know how to communicate and now im an 11. Point is...if anyone wants to practice some strategies on a smaller team level lemme know[/quote]

I'm there, and I'm sure greendj, Girion, myself and azn would be happy to do that as well, plus probably a few other random people, like Soulja and jlarlee.[/quote]

count me in too
yeah I'm in. I'm tellin ya. we call ourselves the grunts. let the elites handle all the big team chaos. We could be like surgical strike teams.
[quote name='StealthySeal']..... can i be a member yet?

im still a peon lol[/quote]

You need to prove yourself at practice. You need to be on time, consistent, and communicate. Also you need to follow this forum.
[quote name='murcielago77'][quote name='StealthySeal']..... can i be a member yet?

im still a peon lol[/quote]

You need to prove yourself at practice. You need to be on time, consistent, and communicate. Also you need to follow this forum.[/quote]

i do look at the forum quite a bit, along with every other forum for that matter lol. i figured i would be a member by now tho considering i am on a decent amount of time and get some good playing in with all of the leaders or elite clan members quite often.

no big
i am stuck being a peon for a while, since there are no practice times that i can make. i wouldn't mind playing in a few minor clan matches, but i guess i'll just have to wait my turn and hope for a weekend practice or any early in the day practice.

keep up the good work though rock and led (and the other staff and members kicking ass in clan matches)
[quote name='ZeroSupporT']There have been talks of weekend matches, I would agree that something needs to be instigated for the weekends.[/quote]

yeah I like the idea of weekend practices and matches. I'm too clogged up with school work and stuff to really get on a lot during the week.
Thanx for makin me a member, will use it to the best of my ability, srry for suckin yesterday as well
bread's done