MMA (Mixed Martial Arts) Thread: UFC/Strikeforce

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"[Filming of 'The A-Team'] was supposed to be done right around December," White said. "Now [Jackson] is saying that they have makeup dates and stuff like that, so he couldn't even fight in February."

While White has openly lobbied for a middleweight No. 1 contender contest between Dan Henderson and Nate Marquardt, the UFC exec appears willing to let Belfort skip to the front of the line.

Hell no to both. Rampage can't delay the fight even further away from the end of TUF 10. This is bs to the fans, Rashad, and the UFC. Way to thank the company by delaying the requisite TUF 10 coach vs coach bout. Vitor should fight the winner of Hendo vs. Marquardt to determine the #1 contender. They did awesome knock outs in their last respective bouts like Belfort. Now if Okami pulls off an impressive win at UFC 104... lol yeah right.
[quote name='darth007']Vitor should fight the winner of Hendo vs. Marquardt to determine the #1 contender. They did awesome knock outs in their last respective bouts like Belfort. Now if Okami pulls off an impressive win at UFC 104... lol yeah right.[/QUOTE]

I think the reasoning might be that both Henderson and Marquardt have had shots at Anderson already, and the Vitor fight might interest him more. Either way, the winner of a Henderson/Marquardt fight would get a title shot. But imagine if it was against Vitor. That would be amazing.

And whoever didn't get the title shot could have their rematch against Silva. I just get the feeling Anderson isn't interested in rematches right now...regardless of how much the fighters have improved since last time. He needs someone to knock him down a peg first.
I hate the MW situation right now. Hendo should get the shot, and I don't think anyone would really mind if a Vitor/Marquart fight were to take place. Everyone knew whoever won the match between the coaches would get the shot. If Bisping would have won, they would have done it at 105 and drew the most monsterous fucking numbers ever, and the whole UK would have tuned in for that fight, but Hendo would get the rematch if he won. Hendo gets 1st shot, then Marquart, then Vitor. Or Hendo then winner of Vitor/Marquart.
[quote name='JJSP']Yeah, it probably should have been called wayyyy earlier than it was. It was to the point where he wasn't defending himself properly and covered in his own blood - never should have gotten to that point, espescially in what was supposed to be an exhibition fight.

It makes for great TV during the season premiere (people will tune in to see more blood if that's just the first episode), but that hole in his head looked like something out of a horror movie.[/QUOTE]

Exactly, it make for great TV, and Dana White is smart to do it for the blood thirsty crowd out there, but it takes away from the true MMA crowd, from the UFC, and from the sport in general. It was a street fight, that isn't MMA. At that point they should have made Jon Madsen show some true skill and try to take the guy out with some Judo or make him submit when he has so easily on the ground. Tank Abbot showed more skill than Madsen did in that fight. It really is such a shame compared to the earlier fights in the UFC when it was more than a straigth stand up boxing (striking) match or "ground and pound" type of a fight. These fighters don't even show wrestling skills anywhere, that's why I thought the Lesnar fight was still ok, though again, the refs must be blind or not watching the same fight as the rest of us.

The same thing happens in regular UFC ## PPVs where a guy is knocked out, injured, out of the match, etc., and it is easily noticeable, but the refs allow for an extra number (I've counted 6+ sometimes) shot at the guys head. That is hardly MMA and the refs need to intervene if the fighter can't. It's really been awful lately, probably more so since the Lesnar fight, and has made me question getting some of the PPVs just for bullshit like that.

[quote name='fatmanforlife99']Thats what happens when you have Steve Mazzagatti as a ref.[/QUOTE]

Or when you have somebody behind the scenes allowing for something like that to happen. It's either somebody permitting such brutality for ratings or somebody doesn't know the rules he's trying to enforce.

[quote name='n8rockerasu']Wagner could have quit at any point (apparently his balls are bigger than Cro Cop's though). What you have to realize is that TUF is a very unique situation. These guys are fighting to have a career in the sport. To have it taken away because of a cut is horrible. If he had been in any serious danger, it would have been stopped. His opponent just wasn't hitting him that hard. Some guys just bleed a lot. Check out the Edwin Dewees vs Gideon Ray fight from TUF4 to see a great example of this (skip to about 7:40)[/QUOTE]

This post is bullshit. They're fighting for contracts and a livelihood, not for brain damage and head trauma of the kind that that guy clearly received in the fight. When you hear them saying that they can see his skull and are worried if it's chipped, then you know something was fucked up in the fight. It's not a simple cut, it was a fucking 1 inch gash across the top of his temple/forehead. You would call a fight with that anywhere.
Brain damage? Jeez, you're a bit of reactionary aren't you? It's just a cut man, there's nothing that messed up about the injury. He'll be right-as-rain in no time. It's stuff like when Corey Hill manages to wrap his friggin' leg around another man's leg that you KNOW something was f'ed up BAD.

The refs aren't owned/operated by the UFC and are totally independent. The UFC can do nothing to tell them how to judge/rule in fights, which is an effect of their sanctioning by the NSAC and other such bodies.
[quote name='Kuroi Kaze']Brain damage? Jeez, you're a bit of reactionary aren't you? It's just a cut man, there's nothing that messed up about the injury. He'll be right-as-rain in no time. It's stuff like when Corey Hill manages to wrap his friggin' leg around another man's leg that you KNOW something was f'ed up BAD.


The guy was getting repeatedly pummeled to the head by unprotected shots. I doubt anyone just lying there as a dummy would leave without something wrong to themselves - trained or untrained.

The refs aren't owned/operated by the UFC and are totally independent. The UFC can do nothing to tell them how to judge/rule in fights, which is an effect of their sanctioning by the NSAC and other such bodies.
Supposedly/allegedly. This is the NSAC we are talking about. Anybody can get paid or something under the table here. This is the state where it took till the 80s for the mafia to be cleaned up. The refs understand it is there livelihood as any, and fuck, you have to be blind to allow some guy to keep going on like that. He was smearing/pouring blood everywhere and defending himself. It was at least a 1 inch gash where you could look inside somebody's head, if you've ever wanted to. Explain to me why it was necessary for it to get to that point?
[quote name='hiccupleftovers']It really is such a shame compared to the earlier fights in the UFC when it was more than a straigth stand up boxing (striking) match or "ground and pound" type of a fight. These fighters don't even show wrestling skills anywhere, that's why I thought the Lesnar fight was still ok, though again, the refs must be blind or not watching the same fight as the rest of us.[/QUOTE]

Dude, you don't have any clue what the fuck you're talking about. When did you start watching MMA? Last week? First of all...saying there's no wrestling in UFC. ARE YOU KIDDING ME??? More guys come in from amateur wrestling than any other discipline! And you complain about the lack of wrestling, but also bitch about GnP. What the hell do you expect wrestlers to do once they get their opponent down??? Wrestling and GnP go hand in hand. Ask Mark Coleman.

[quote name='hiccupleftovers']The same thing happens in regular UFC ## PPVs where a guy is knocked out, injured, out of the match, etc., and it is easily noticeable, but the refs allow for an extra number (I've counted 6+ sometimes) shot at the guys head. That is hardly MMA and the refs need to intervene if the fighter can't. It's really been awful lately, probably more so since the Lesnar fight, and has made me question getting some of the PPVs just for bullshit like that.

Or when you have somebody behind the scenes allowing for something like that to happen. It's either somebody permitting such brutality for ratings or somebody doesn't know the rules he's trying to enforce.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, because just 2 nights ago we saw soooo many fights that the refs allowed to go on way too long... :roll: You're an idiot. For the most part, the officiating in MMA has been better than officiating in any other sport. Nobody is going to be perfect, but they do the best they can. Sometimes fighters get KO'd from one punch. How quickly could you jump in and pull another man away? No one has suffered any serious injury because of it. Get over it!

[quote name='hiccupleftovers']This post is bullshit. They're fighting for contracts and a livelihood, not for brain damage and head trauma of the kind that that guy clearly received in the fight. When you hear them saying that they can see his skull and are worried if it's chipped, then you know something was fucked up in the fight. It's not a simple cut, it was a fucking 1 inch gash across the top of his temple/forehead. You would call a fight with that anywhere.[/QUOTE]

Wow. What a drama queen. Show me this brain damage you speak of. I'd like to see a documented case. If you're so certain that the fight was allowed to go on longer than it should have for the sake of ratings, what makes you think that the severity of the cut wasn't exagerrated for that same reason? Hmm? :whistle2:s Considering it happened in the first round, if Wagner was in any real danger, they wouldn't have let him come out for the 2nd round.

And I can promise you, if they would have stopped the fight then, he would have been PISSED OFF. It's happened dozens of times before. Any fighter who feels he can continue does not want to take a loss because of a cut. The fact that this fight could eventually lead to a 6 figure UFC contract only magnifies that. And if he was hurt so badly, why the fuck didn't he tap? Let me guess. He was traumatized so much, he could somehow stand and throw weak leg kicks, but couldn't remember how to tap. Yeah, you seem to be an expert on bullshit.
losing that much blood could cause damage and he lost alot maybe a pint or more from the looks of it. i think thats why in the second and 3rd round he wasnt putting up much of a fight due to dizziness from blood loss. yeah he could have quit and didnt because he wanted a chance hell they all do but whens enough enough ? that said i couldnt understand why the guy kept allowing his opponent to take him down. he knew when was going to go for a takedown and i dont think he tried to dodge once.

i cant wait to see kimbo fight though i know most people see him as a garbage street fighter but i think he wants it and with the right combo of training he could be a threat. so is the drama between rampage and rashad real or are they just putting on a show?
[quote name='lokizz']losing that much blood could cause damage and he lost alot maybe a pint or more from the looks of it. i think thats why in the second and 3rd round he wasnt putting up much of a fight due to dizziness from blood loss. yeah he could have quit and didnt because he wanted a chance hell they all do but whens enough enough ? that said i couldnt understand why the guy kept allowing his opponent to take him down. he knew when was going to go for a takedown and i dont think he tried to dodge once.

i cant wait to see kimbo fight though i know most people see him as a garbage street fighter but i think he wants it and with the right combo of training he could be a threat. so is the drama between rampage and rashad real or are they just putting on a show?[/QUOTE]

It was only a two round fight. I know the blood made it seem worse, but it really wasn't half as bad as people are making it sound (and I'd even wager that goes for the people on the show). As I've said, go look up the Edwin Dewees vs Gideon Ray fight. Dewees had a nasty cut that turned his hair from blonde to red, and for parts of the fight, he was on top, with blood pouring down into Ray's mouth. It even freaked him out a little bit. But did they stop the fight? No. I stand by my statement that in a case where you're fighting for your career, no one should be deciding whether you can continue except you.
Yep, the issue isn't the cut itself its the amount of blood loss sustained. That amount of blood loss in such a short time is dangerous. Plus the guy sucked ass anyways, he was barely defending himself for the entire 2nd round. At some point enough is enough and its time to stop the fight. It doesn't fucking matter if this fight was a make or break fight for him, the fighters safety has to come first and in this case I question it did.

And Nate you seriously need to shut the fuck up about Crocop. Is he the same fighter he was 3 years ago, no I don't think so. Should he retire, yeah I think he should. But questioning his heart after all he has done in his career, all the big fights he's won and the great fighters he's beat is bullshit. He is arguably the 2nd best heavyweight fighter in the sports history (him and Nog are close for 2nd behind Fedor). I always love it when people who have never fought question the heart of someone who does said thing professionally. Until you've fought in a ring or a cage you don't know shit. Don't be a keyboard warrior.
[quote name='cgarb84']And Nate you seriously need to shut the fuck up about Crocop. Is he the same fighter he was 3 years ago, no I don't think so. Should he retire, yeah I think he should. But questioning his heart after all he has done in his career, all the big fights he's won and the great fighters he's beat is bullshit. He is arguably the 2nd best heavyweight fighter in the sports history (him and Nog are close for 2nd behind Fedor). I always love it when people who have never fought question the heart of someone who does said thing professionally. Until you've fought in a ring or a cage you don't know shit. Don't be a keyboard warrior.[/QUOTE]

Dude, look around. Everybody on the net is saying Crocop quit in that fight. I know it disappointed a hell of a lot of people, but he's looked broken ever since his fight with Gonzaga. I didn't question anything he's done in the past. I just don't respect how he's come into his last 3-4 fights.

Everyone's saying that he's past his prime, but I don't see any real reason he can't show more than he has. His problem isn't lack of skill. It's lack of desire. As for whether I've ever fought professionally or not, what the hell does that have to do with anything? I can assess fighters just as much as you can, or Joe Rogan can, or Dana White can. Crocop just looks like he doesn't want it anymore.
some of those fights seemed kind of like passing on the torch fights i could be wrong but i know 3 of those felt like that to me. seems like you only have so many great years in the sport anyway your body can only take so much damage before enough is enough. what is the avg career length of a mma fighter?
[quote name='n8rockerasu'] I can assess fighters just as much as you can, or Joe Rogan can, or Dana White can. [/QUOTE]

Joe Rogan and Dana White know a hell of a lot more about where Crocop is right now than us fans do. We just speculate on what we think is going on, they have a much more intimate knowledge of the situation working so close with him for extended periods of time. He got beat up bad in that fight, it's not like he took one punch and then quit. He was getting his ass kicked bad, and that last punch he took was straight to the eye.
[quote name='n8rockerasu']Wow...Mirko Cheap-Shot strikes again. Eye poke in his last fight. Kick to the nuts in this one. Hope Dos Santos knocks him the fuck out.

EDIT - Haha, nice. Cheap-Shot quits. Stick a fork in him, Dana. He's done.[/QUOTE]

It has been very difficult for me to not reply to this post sooner but I feel the need to say a few things. N8 I really hope you feel like a badass for questioning Crocop and calling him Cheap-shot. Man I wish I could be a badass like you, questioning the heart and toughness of fighters from behind a keyboard. The basis of your thought about Crocop quiting in his fight seems to be apparently justified because other people on the internet are saying that. Did Crocop quit? Maybe he did but unless Crocop says those words then we will never know for sure.

Crocop has been my favorite fighter for years now. Personally I hope he retires because at this point I hate seeing him lose consistantly. It sucks that a lot of people are going to remember him for his time in the UFC, and not for his amazing run in Pride.

I also hate it that controversy has been prevalent in his fights for a while now. But calling him cheap for a groin kick or an eye poke? Yeah those never happen in fights that don't involve Crocop.....oh wait they happen all the time. Crocop has also been on the other end of controversy. I don't suppose you saw his fight with Overeem where he got kneed in the groin and it was bad enough that he couldn't continue.

You are certainly allowed to assess fighters like everyone else. But you come off looking like a jackass when you call him Mirko Cheap-shot and pronounce him as done and Dana should get rid of him. Apparently you just see a subpar Heavyweight at this point, you probably didn't see Crocop back when he was one of the best Heavyweights of all time.

I am not just ranting about all of this because I am a huge Crocop fan. Sometimes I get tired of seeing you constantly rip on fighters and make accusations and talk like every fighter owes you something. You also seem to be very trigger happy when it comes to telling people they are full of shit and telling people that their viewpoints suck. So as I said I don't have a problem with you discussing fighters in this thread, you just come off as being a complete asshole sometimes and I'm sure I'm not the only one who has noticed this.
[quote name='bg88']It has been very difficult for me to not reply to this post sooner but I feel the need to say a few things. N8 I really hope you feel like a badass for questioning Crocop and calling him Cheap-shot. Man I wish I could be a badass like you, questioning the heart and toughness of fighters from behind a keyboard. The basis of your thought about Crocop quiting in his fight seems to be apparently justified because other people on the internet are saying that. Did Crocop quit? Maybe he did but unless Crocop says those words then we will never know for sure.

Crocop has been my favorite fighter for years now. Personally I hope he retires because at this point I hate seeing him lose consistantly. It sucks that a lot of people are going to remember him for his time in the UFC, and not for his amazing run in Pride.

I also hate it that controversy has been prevalent in his fights for a while now. But calling him cheap for a groin kick or an eye poke? Yeah those never happen in fights that don't involve Crocop.....oh wait they happen all the time. Crocop has also been on the other end of controversy. I don't suppose you saw his fight with Overeem where he got kneed in the groin and it was bad enough that he couldn't continue.

You are certainly allowed to assess fighters like everyone else. But you come off looking like a jackass when you call him Mirko Cheap-shot and pronounce him as done and Dana should get rid of him. Apparently you just see a subpar Heavyweight at this point, you probably didn't see Crocop back when he was one of the best Heavyweights of all time.

I am not just ranting about all of this because I am a huge Crocop fan. Sometimes I get tired of seeing you constantly rip on fighters and make accusations and talk like every fighter owes you something. You also seem to be very trigger happy when it comes to telling people they are full of shit and telling people that their viewpoints suck. So as I said I don't have a problem with you discussing fighters in this thread, you just come off as being a complete asshole sometimes and I'm sure I'm not the only one who has noticed this.[/QUOTE]

Good God, you and your brother are freaking Pete and Repeat. Why is it that I'm trying to be a "badass" simply because I assess a fighter and have a genuine dislike for the way he's been fighting as of late? Nowhere in my post did I puff out my chest and say "Ha! I could beat that pussy!" I'm not fucking retarded. But I'm entitled to my opinion. Crocop has looked like complete shit lately. That doesn't discredit what he did in the past, but Chuck Liddell got strong-armed into retirement for far less.

There are plenty of fighters who are past their prime and are on the downside of their careers (Randy Couture anyone?), but even they've been able to put on a better showing than Crocop. He just looks lost, and it has to make you question whether he even wants to fight anymore. That's all I'm saying.

As for the illegal shots, I'll give you the groin kick. That shit happens all the time, and at least the ref caught it. I was mostly irritated from the last fight that Crocop won, which was basically thanks to the eye poke that went unpunished. That was a cheap win any way you slice it.

I don't know where you get that I think fighters owe me anything. That's crazy. Fighters owe it to themselves to be on top of their game. That's about it. If you guys are Crocop fans, of course you're going to be upset about it. But seriously, go look around Sherdog. There's lots of people saying that once he wasn't able to land the high kick, Crocop gave up. It's not just me, man. I fully expect the Garber brothers to go tag team those guys too.
I had no idea Chuck Liddell was going to be on Dancing With the Stars till someone just showed me. How crazy.

Also, where can I find some good torrents or streams of UFC 103?
Nate if you want to keep any credibility at all don't quote people on Sherdog, those forums are like the Gamefaqs of MMA forums. In regards to the eye poke in Crocop's last fight while illegal and accidental it wasn't his fault the fight wasn't stopped, that lies at the ref's feet. It's the exact same situation that happened in the second Trigg/Hughes fight when Trigg hit Hughes in the groin and the fight just continued. Those situations aren't the fighters fault.

I don't tell my brother what to post on here, we both just think alike most of the time. I saw you posting out of your ass (again) so I decided to respond. But I do have his back, just like Matt Young and Vulcan have yours, right?
[quote name='n8rockerasu']Good God, you and your brother are freaking Pete and Repeat. Why is it that I'm trying to be a "badass" simply because I assess a fighter and have a genuine dislike for the way he's been fighting as of late? Nowhere in my post did I puff out my chest and say "Ha! I could beat that pussy!" I'm not fucking retarded. But I'm entitled to my opinion. Crocop has looked like complete shit lately. That doesn't discredit what he did in the past, but Chuck Liddell got strong-armed into retirement for far less.

There are plenty of fighters who are past their prime and are on the downside of their careers (Randy Couture anyone?), but even they've been able to put on a better showing than Crocop. He just looks lost, and it has to make you question whether he even wants to fight anymore. That's all I'm saying.

As for the illegal shots, I'll give you the groin kick. That shit happens all the time, and at least the ref caught it. I was mostly irritated from the last fight that Crocop won, which was basically thanks to the eye poke that went unpunished. That was a cheap win any way you slice it.

I don't know where you get that I think fighters owe me anything. That's crazy. Fighters owe it to themselves to be on top of their game. That's about it. If you guys are Crocop fans, of course you're going to be upset about it. But seriously, go look around Sherdog. There's lots of people saying that once he wasn't able to land the high kick, Crocop gave up. It's not just me, man. I fully expect the Garber brothers to go tag team those guys too.[/QUOTE]

N8 I'm not pissed at you for ripping on Crocop's performance. We can both agree he did not look good at all. But what did piss me off is the fact that you proclaimed that Crocop quit in that fight with absolutely no proof whatsoever, and your defense is again that other people online are saying this. Do you always willingly go along with the opinions of those on Sherdog?
[quote name='cgarb84']Nate if you want to keep any credibility at all don't quote people on Sherdog, those forums are like the Gamefaqs of MMA forums. In regards to the eye poke in Crocop's last fight while illegal and accidental it wasn't his fault the fight wasn't stopped, that lies at the ref's feet. It's the exact same situation that happened in the second Trigg/Hughes fight when Trigg hit Hughes in the groin and the fight just continued. Those situations aren't the fighters fault.

I don't tell my brother what to post on here, we both just think alike most of the time. I saw you posting out of your ass (again) so I decided to respond. But I do have his back, just like Matt Young and Vulcan have yours, right?[/QUOTE]

It's really not worth arguing over. If you guys are Crocop fans, it's not like I'm going to convince you of anything (not that I'm trying to...or that I should). I just feel that the guy has turned to shit rather quickly. And in my opinion, it can't be justified why he has become a worse fighter than a 46 year-old Randy Couture. Yes, I think Couture could beat him.

[quote name='bg88']N8 I'm not pissed at you for ripping on Crocop's performance. We can both agree he did not look good at all. But what did piss me off is the fact that you proclaimed that Crocop quit in that fight with absolutely no proof whatsoever, and your defense is again that other people online are saying this. Do you always willingly go along with the opinions of those on Sherdog?[/QUOTE]

Ah, calling that my defense is unfair. I didn't feel that way BECAUSE of them. I was just showing that I wasn't the only one who felt that way. I felt he quit because he looked completely dejected before that point. His attacks were unsuccessful and he looked frustrated. That's my reasoning. He might have been hurt by the punch. Who knows. He just didn't seem very confident he could win the fight anyway.
I do think his confidence is shot at this point. I think he knows his career is over and doesn't really know what to do next. I really hope he either goes back to Japan to fight a "retirement fight" or he just retires immediately. I like him a lot and hate to see him get his ass kicked time after time.
it really rubs me wrong when people trash fighters for things other than their personality.
they are people, they have rough spots in life like all of us, ive had bad days at work.
ive quit jobs because i just wasnt feeling it anymore.

mirko has been in what, 50+ matches in different organizations? from what hes said after and
seeing his performances, hes done at this point, hes just not in it mentally enough to do it anymore.

theres no need to talk shit about him or any other fighters because theyre not as good as they were.
I dont care that randy was a champ at 45 years old and mirko is only 35 . this shit gets old. its the
same shit with wanderlei. a guy loses and he sucks hes not the same, hes done, blah blah blah.
why dont you have an appreciation for the athlete, theyre people not animals.

ive seen some amazing shit from mirko and others and i appreciate the entertainment theyve given me.
i dont need anyone, especially mirko to "justify" their decline. shit happens, people change, were all human.
[quote name='paz9x']it really rubs me wrong when people trash fighters for things other than their personality.
they are people, they have rough spots in life like all of us, ive had bad days at work.
ive quit jobs because i just wasnt feeling it anymore.

mirko has been in what, 50+ matches in different organizations? from what hes said after and
seeing his performances, hes done at this point, hes just not in it mentally enough to do it anymore.

theres no need to talk shit about him or any other fighters because theyre not as good as they were.
I dont care that randy was a champ at 45 years old and mirko is only 35 . this shit gets old. its the
same shit with wanderlei. a guy loses and he sucks hes not the same, hes done, blah blah blah.
why dont you have an appreciation for the athlete, theyre people not animals.

ive seen some amazing shit from mirko and others and i appreciate the entertainment theyve given me.
i dont need anyone, especially mirko to "justify" their decline. shit happens, people change, were all human.[/QUOTE]

Well, calling it a bad day at work is a little generous when it extends over a period of time. The point is, if he wants to keep fighting, he's gotta do something to improve the situation. Otherwise, what are we going to do? Start a 35 and Over league for guys who can't compete with the top fighters anymore?

If he's done, then absolutely, throw the last couple fights in the garbage, look at his incredible body of work, and appreciate what he gave you. I guess the problem was there's been some strange overlap in the time that people were viewing him as a title contender AND a guy on the downside of his career. It's just a really weird situation (although it could happen to Randy too...he's just been more competitive in his losses than Crocop has).
[quote name='n8rockerasu']Well, calling it a bad day at work is a little generous when it extends over a period of time. The point is, if he wants to keep fighting, he's gotta do something to improve the situation. Otherwise, what are we going to do? Start a 35 and Over league for guys who can't compete with the top fighters anymore?

If he's done, then absolutely, throw the last couple fights in the garbage, look at his incredible body of work, and appreciate what he gave you. I guess the problem was there's been some strange overlap in the time that people were viewing him as a title contender AND a guy on the downside of his career. It's just a really weird situation (although it could happen to Randy too...he's just been more competitive in his losses than Crocop has).[/QUOTE]

well thats people on the internet saying cro cop is going to KO everybody. if youve got a problem with him being portrayed in that light then trash talk people on message boards.

as far as starting a league for those who cant compete, thats just silly in this context. hes not just a fighter, the guy was member of parliament and his countries terror task force. hes got other shit in life and fighting doesnt manifest the same hunger in him that it used to.
go look at what hes said recently, theres no specualtion, he puts it out there plainly.

from what i gather hes an extremely proud man and he hears people trash talking him and it gets to him, thats probably what got him back in the game this last time.

theres no need to talk trash a fighter for anything other than his/her personality.
Rampage is retiring:

The UFC has done a lot for me but I think I have done more for them. The UFC bought WFA to get my contract & they saved my life, so I felt loyal to them. They pushed me into a fight with Chuck Liddel even when I clearly stated I wasn’t ready to fight for the belt because the American fans didn’t know me but I took the fight and didn’t complain & after I won the American fans booed me for the first time which changed the way I saw them & it hurt me deeply.

Then before I can even get out of the cage they announced that I was fighting Dan Henderson without even asking me. After I beat Dan Henderson, I made history in becoming the first undisputed champion in MMA but was never even given the pride belt in the cage & I was never promoted as the undisputed champ. Later Anderson Silva was.

Then they had me coach TUF season 7 and fight Forrest and the fight was very controversial & normally when a fight is that close & controversial there is normally an instant replay. I can name a couple of instances. Instead they offered me the Vanderlei Silva fight which I gladly accepted even though I know it was a very risky fight for me to take because of all the drama that was happening to me at the time. I fought that fight with a jaw injury and then a couple weeks later Dana called me and asked me to fight Rashad. For the first time I said no, I didn’t want to fight because it was such short notice & I wouldn’t have had a long break between camp. Dana talked me into fighting Rashad anyway but Rashad refused the fight and so I had to fight Jardine as a favor to the UFC instead of getting my belt back (which wasn’t even worth it to me financially).

Then I reinjured my jaw in the fight with Vanderlei & Jardine. Frank Mir gets hurt so they wanted to switch my fight from UFC 100 to the fight Frank couldn’t make it to but I couldn’t fight cause I needed jaw surgury. So they give Machida the fight against Rashad & they told me they want me to coach TUF season 10 against Rashad. That’s why I wanted Rashad to win so bad but when Rashad got knocked out I told them I wanted to fight Machida for the belt but Dana told me if I coach TUF against Rashad that I could fight Machida afterwards cause this was a different type of ultimate fighter show they were doing. After I signed the contract Dana then changes his mind & says I have to fight Rashad & even told me what to say in the press & so my fans think I was scared to fight Machida. After all that I still never complained & I did it all.

Then this movie role came about that I have been trying to get for over a year & as soon as I found out I was close to getting it, I called Dana right away & asked to push the Memphis fight back just a month or so. I told him what this movie role meant to me. I told him that I used to bond with my father watching the tv show as a kid when my parents where still married & it represents the memories I had with my father when we lived together. My dad became an alcohalic & addicted to drugs & we grew apart. But after my dad got his life back together, I was so proud of my dad & I told him I would always take care of him in the future & make him proud of me. My dad & I are still very big fans of the show & I am basically doing this for the childhood memories I had spending time in front of the tv with my dad. Dana went on the internet & mocked me because of that & I still did nothing. Dana & I finally talked & we made up & then after that he went back on the internet & said some bullshit & he was talking bad about the movie when information is not even supposed to be released & talking about payments which is not even true could really hurt my future acting career, which could very well last longer than my fighting career. I’m not like Randy Couture. My body has been getting so many different injuries that I wont be able to fight until my forties & neither do I want to fight that long. So I feel like my second career could be in jeopardy.. so I’m done fighting. I’ve been getting negative reviews from the dumb ass fans that don’t pay my bills or put my kids though college. So I’m hanging it up. I’m gonna miss all my loyal fans but hopefully they’ll follow me to my new career & I will gain more loyal fans along the way. & all you hater fans out there can kiss my big black hairy ass! & anybody that don’t like what I just said can come try to kick my ass!

I still feel the UFC is a great organization and I felt like I was very loyal to them but they didn’t respect my loyalty but I wish the UFC the best. I did a lot of things for them. I wish no bad blood between us but I have kids & a family back in Memphis to provide for & thats all that matters to me!
i just came to link that blog post.
i wanna see a news site pick it up but its his blog its on his twitter too.
crazy shit.
[quote name='seen']Rampage to Strikeforce maybe?? That would be a riot.[/QUOTE]

no. hes contracted, much like randy. he either fights for the ufc or not at all until his contract is fulfilled.
Wow wtf this blows. Rampage is crazy I know but he is still one of my favorite fighters to watch, I root for him always. I don't think he has any idea what the hell he is doing right now to be honest. There has to be more behind the scenes stuff that we don't know about.
Too bad. I hate to see him go. Sounds like he's really pissed at Dana. And honestly, based on what Rampage is saying, Dana kinda sounds like Vince McMahon. Just a major asshole with no concern for his people.
[quote name='Maklershed'] Just a major asshole with no concern for his people.[/QUOTE]

Wait thats a surprise to you? It is something he really needs to tone down. See Bob Arum for example, yes he maybe a major asshole but he has a lot of care for his fighters in comparison to Dana.

Here is a good post from the Sherdog forums regarding salaries in the UFC.

[quote name='H.W(2) from the Sherdog forums'] The stories we constantly hear about Dana White and the way the UFC treats its fighters are pretty conistent.

UFC: Its Time to Pay Up - UFC Pay Scale - UFC Fighter Salaries
-I mean shit, that really says it all. Money is always one of the main factors.

Dana is honestly a much smarter version of Don King, he manipulates fans constantly, he makes you hate your favorite fighters and has so much control over what they say its ridiuclous. (Telling a fighter what to say is borderline illegal) One of the reasons i like Brock Lesnar so much is that his such a wildcard and we'll say whatever the fuck he wants, the same with Tito, though these guys are generally looked at as the assholes (thanks to the UFC propaganda) i view them as the heroes.

Rampage will def come back to the UFC, but i really hope other Orgs succeed like Strikeforce, their needs to be more money in the UFC. Please go in wikipedia and look at the paydays these guys are making, whenever Dana is asked upfront about fighters payrolls he NEVER gives a straight answer. Post conference "Is it true that _ only made _for his fight"
Dana: "Do you really think thats all he got?" (smug smile)

For more on paydays read any wikipedia page on a previous ufc event. Pathetic.

I admit i was sich of Rampages act, especially towards Rashad and think he is pretty arrogant at times. But he is one of the best LHW fighters in MMA history, he has a right to be.

Tito had the balls to leave. Tito is without question (forget Chuck and Randy) the biggest draw in MMA history. Brock follows that closley.

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Rampage probably thinks his acting career will take off with this role. When it doesn't, he will come back to the UFC. I would bet good money he will have had at least 1 fight in the UFC by this time next year.
They have been done filming for about 2 months. It won't be done airing until November I believe. The coaches were supposed to fight at UFC 107 in December, but Rampage delayed it to do his movie. Now it appears he is retiring so it won't happen at all, at least not anytime soon,

This really hurts this season of TUF imo. I was excited to see all the trash talking etc, but knowing it isn't going to lead anywhere is a big let down.
Rampage is an emotional guy and makes snap decisions. Honestly I don't think is "other career" is going to go anywhere substantial outside of type-cast black thug roles.
Isn't he just "retiring from UFC" is how the press release stated? So he'll be fighting somewhere else, where he'll get paid what he derserves.
[quote name='pimpster4183']Isn't he just "retiring from UFC" is how the press release stated? So he'll be fighting somewhere else, where he'll get paid what he derserves.[/QUOTE]

I’m not like Randy Couture. My body has been getting so many different injuries that I wont be able to fight until my forties & neither do I want to fight that long. So I feel like my second career could be in jeopardy.. so I’m done fighting.

Doesn't really sound exclusive to the UFC. And like others have mentioned, he's under contract. I really doubt we've seen the last of Rampage in the octagon, but I don't doubt this is how he feels at this moment. But when Rashad starts talking massive amounts of shit (which I'm sure Dana will tell him to do), we'll see where things stand.

And for those ripping on Dana, get real. There's no doubt that he's manipulative and pulls strings when he can. But he made the UFC into what it is. He's a very shrewd business man, and he gets the job done. He also cares more about his customers than any company President I've ever seen. Whether or not fighters get paid enough is on them. They're the ones signing the contracts. If it's not enough money, don't take the deal.

But there's something to be said about fighting for the biggest and most prestigious MMA organization in the world too. More exposure might be worth having a lower salary. I mean, would Rampage have gotten this movie deal if he had stayed in Pride? Hard to say. It's not like Dana is running a prostitution ring. These guys have options. You can't blame him if they don't make the right choices for their career.
[quote name='n8rockerasu']

And for those ripping on Dana, get real. There's no doubt that he's manipulative and pulls strings when he can. But he made the UFC into what it is. He's a very shrewd business man, and he gets the job done. He also cares more about his customers than any company President I've ever seen. Whether or not fighters get paid enough is on them. They're the ones signing the contracts. If it's not enough money, don't take the deal. [/QUOTE]

I'm guessing this is referring to me but I never said anything about him, I was saying that's the way Rampage makes it sound. I know nothing about the guy. All I know is I love the UFC and he makes it happen so by extension I love Dana. :lol:
[quote name='Maklershed']I'm guessing this is referring to me but I never said anything about him, I was saying that's the way Rampage makes it sound. I know nothing about the guy. All I know is I love the UFC and he makes it happen so by extension I love Dana. :lol:[/QUOTE]

Uh...not just referring to you. Have you seen the last page of this thread? There's a few "all Dana's fault" statements. I think the only thing you can really blame Dana for is making fun of Rampage wanting to be an actor. But I'm sure he's not the only person who feels that way. Dana just always speaks his mind. For better or for worse.
Dana doesn't pay most of his fighters enough. The fighters don't have a lot of choices right now on where to fight, it's basically the UFC, Strikeforce, small shitty shows where the pay is awful, and Japan. The UFC is still making an ungodly amount of cash, they need to pay and take better care of their fighters. When you still to this day see fighters fighting on undercards making $2000 a fight that is an embarrassment.
[quote name='cgarb84']Dana doesn't pay most of his fighters enough. The fighters don't have a lot of choices right now on where to fight, it's basically the UFC, Strikeforce, small shitty shows where the pay is awful, and Japan. The UFC is still making an ungodly amount of cash, they need to pay and take better care of their fighters. When you still to this day see fighters fighting on undercards making $2000 a fight that is an embarrassment.[/QUOTE]

But if the UFC is the best option available, what can you do? Obviously, everybody wants to make as much money as possible, but there's more to it than that. I mean, I agree that the fighters probably deserve to be paid more. But so do teachers and many other "normal" professions. But if your enjoyment in your career is completely dependent on the amount of money you make, then you're doing it for the wrong reasons. Find another career.

It seems that's basically what Rampage is trying to do. And I give him credit for it. As much as anybody could love fighting, getting beaten in the face for a living has to be rough. I just hope he's as good as he thinks he is. This could backfire on him.
[quote name='cgarb84']Dana doesn't pay most of his fighters enough. The fighters don't have a lot of choices right now on where to fight, it's basically the UFC, Strikeforce, small shitty shows where the pay is awful, and Japan. The UFC is still making an ungodly amount of cash, they need to pay and take better care of their fighters. When you still to this day see fighters fighting on undercards making $2000 a fight that is an embarrassment.[/QUOTE]

there are many avenues of income for fighters.
fighting for the biggest organization opens a lot of doors.

that said its their choice.
Dana does not take care of his fighters well enough. What Dana SHOULD do is to cut away a large portion of the roster (mostly TUF fighters that suck). Then the fighters would be able to fight more than 2 times a year. Dana is making plenty of money that he could afford to pay the fighters a hell of a lot more than he is. With the wealth and growing popularity of the UFC today, all of its fighters should be earning enough money that they don't need to hope for endorsements or other avenues of earning money. Unfortunately at this current time, there aren't much options for fighters in terms of organizations. Dana really needs to take better care of the fighters.
rampage is an idiot... he always thinks size > better than everything else... hence he loses the first 2 fights....

anyway, i want to see Kimbo sooo badly next week... i'll be sad if he gets rocked though
Another boring slow fight where the heavyweights tire quickly. These two guys threw a total of like 10 strikes before they started breathing heavily and looking sluggish. I really hope the rest of the fights are not like this but I don't see it turning around.
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