MMA (UFC, Strikeforce, Bellator, Invicta, etc.) Discussion Thread -- Version II

Very sad to see Machida on a banned substance. I hope he doesn't run out his career on a suspension since he is one of thew few older guys I think could challenge for the belt again.

If he pisses hot and then drinks it again. Is it super effective, or is it like piss Inception?


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Wow...that makes no sense. I realize Conor has gone through some stuff lately...but I didn't think anything could get in the way of the biggest payday of his career. Seriously, he probably could retire and be set for life after this fight. He'd never even have to defend the Featherweight belt.

I can't believe Dana would willingly pull him from the card either. Even if there were scheduling conflicts, with that much money on the line, it's incredible that it couldn't be worked out. Something just feels super off about this. Is it still April Fool's Day?

EDIT - Reading more of the story...I've got two theories: Either A) Joao Carvalho dying really messed with McGregor mentally and emotionally, and his mind is not right at all right now.

Or B) He caught wind of an impending drug test that he knew he wouldn't pass. There's no way this is about promotional tours and commercials. That's just too much money to leave on the table. And people are saying he's "scared", but that's stupid because I'd let Nate Diaz beat my ass for that kind of money. If losing bothered him that much, he would have handled the first loss much worse than he did. This just feels like crazy Yakuza type of shit, lol.

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It's the Illuminati. They're the ones who wouldn't let me post the image of Conor's tweet.
Haha, try removing everything at the end starting with the "?ref_src"

Granted, that will probably break blue's Diaz tweet since CAG has issues with putting more than one tweet on a page.

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The other rumor going around is that he wanted a 10 million dollar guaranteed purse plus PPV points, sponsors, etc. Probably was looking for a 15 - 20 million dollar payday and the UFC said no.

That is what makes sense to me because his coach is posting snarky messages.

Twitter he wrote something like "good while it lasted", posting Eminem's without me, and this on facebook.


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Who can save UFC 200 now. Will they pull other main events. Make Werdum move to it or even the Jon Jones fight from this weekend.

UFC has supposedly been talking to GSP but the Reebok deal is a sticking point.

Maybe they will get GSP vs Robbie Lawler and Fedor vs Werdum. I'd tune in for that..

All the biggest stars are booked, fallen or retired.

Jon Jones - scheduled

GSP - retired

Anderson Silva  - lost 2, no contest, lost to Bisping

Brock - retired

BJ Penn - supposedly coming out of retirement but definitely a shell of the glory days

Ronda - fallen and still out

Connor - "retired"

Plus all the earlier stars from before like Hughes, Tito, Chuck, Randy, etc.

Looks like throwing alot of money at GSP might be the answer. He went out on top so they can play up the champ coming back for his belt that he never lost.

That and throw it at Fedor. He says he wants to fight Werdum (if he actually wants to). Granted he doesn't deserve a title shot (but that never stops Dana) and he has the list of accomplishments to try and call for one right away. Play it up as the potential greatest of all time.

This McGregor thing is so weird. It generally does just appear to be a contract dispute. But Conor has talked about being sick of the promotional stuff in the past...just as Ronda Rousey has. And I totally get that part. Dana just rides a couple stars and counts on them to teach the entire world about the UFC.

I guess you could argue that that's what they get paid for. But it's probably one of those things where it sounds great and the money is great...until you have to do it. And then what stops the UFC from wanting more and more promotion and bigger and bigger numbers?

The craziest part about this is it at least appears that Conor is doing it for the right reasons. He's doing the opposite of Ronda Rousey. He actually pulled out of the new xXx movie because he recognized that he needs to take Diaz and these bigger fighters more seriously and focus on his training more.

I guess the irony is Conor didn't build his fame by being a gym rat. He built it by being a mouth. And now that he actually wants to do it the right way, he's catching hell for it. Kind of sucks, but I wish they could find a middle ground. Because ultimately, McGregor putting more focus into not losing fights is good for the UFC.

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They way Connor talks - I'm going to guess it is all about the money. From talking about his Rolexes, cars, thousand dollar shirts, pocket watches, etc. Get as much money as you can I guess, but I'm sure he is already one of the (if not the) highest paid UFC fighter. He is the first guy ever to just get a million dollars for walking in the door. Add that to his PPV cut and he is making huge money (by normal person standards - not Mayweather, NFL, etc. star money)

1 million purse

4.5 million to 7.5 million got PPV cut (1.5 million PPV buys, no official numbers but people estimate $3 to $5 per buy for someone like McGregor) 

So McGregor was somewhere between 5.5 to 8.5 million for the last fight + any bonuses, sponsors, etc.

Maybe it is just about the appearances (which I doubt no matter what  they say), then he still should be able to show up for some conferences. If he is getting about 10 million dollars he should be able to make it work somehow.

Either way it is a very crazy few days for the UFC. I think in a rematch Diaz has a very good chance of doing what he did last time again (I also think Frankie would beat him).

Either way it is a very crazy few days for the UFC. I think in a rematch Diaz has a very good chance of doing what he did last time again (I also think Frankie would beat him).
But isn't that the point? That's the reason Conor SHOULD be training his ass off and cutting out extraneous bullshit (ie. the opposite of what Ronda did). I'm not saying for certain that's the reason. But he's claiming it's about interfering with his training...and it's not a totally incredulous argument.

Like I said, I don't think Conor is afraid of losing, but that doesn't mean he wants to. There is something to be said for pride and being made to look like a fool. Everybody in the world has been saying "IF McGregor loses to Diaz again...IT'S OVER!" Isn't it reasonable for Conor to recognize that himself, let alone hear it every time he does an interview.

Money is all well and good...but ego factors into it too. And his ego might actually rank winning above getting paid this time. I realize this is Conor McGregor we're talking about. But it's not entirely crazy, haha.

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But isn't that the point? That's the reason Conor SHOULD be training his ass off and cutting out extraneous bullshit (ie. the opposite of what Ronda did). I'm not saying for certain that's the reason. But he's claiming it's about interfering with his training...and it's not a totally incredulous argument.
But the job also consists of promotions. Connor talked his way into the big money fights and his current spot in the UFC. He can cut out crappy action movie sequels and super shitty fremium cellphone games, but he has to show up do the big conferences for the event.

Every other star has done it except Nick Diaz who was also rightfully pulled from the card. Every star has done it without complaining as far as I know, and none of them are making Connor McGregor money. If Connor just wants to be a plain fighter without having to promote he could be some mid-tier fighter making 25K a fight. He got gifted the super fast track to the belt and then is allowed to pretty much do what he wants.

Connor demands to fight up a weight class and fight RDA - he gets to do it. RDA gets injured he gets to pick a replacement. All the while the belt he just won is already getting a interim title fight. Why the hell is there going to be an interim title when the champion is physically fine and can fight fringe top 10 opponents in another weight class?

All the Connor perks and big money come from promotion and his mouth so he's got to play his part.

Sounds like Conor is back already, trying to get back on UFC 200. His statement makes it sound like Dana wasn't spinning things at all. That the UFC yanked Conor from 200 for not showing up for promotional stuff and then Conor overreacted and flipped out on Twitter.

Mcgregor posted this on his Facebook page earlier today:

I am just trying to do my job and fight here.
I am paid to fight. I am not yet paid to promote.
I have become lost in the game of promotion and forgot about the art of fighting.
There comes a time when you need to stop handing out flyers and get back to the damn shop.
50 world tours, 200 press conferences, 1 million interviews, 2 million photo shoots, and at the end of it all I'm left looking down the barrel of a lens, staring defeat in the face, thinking of nothing but my incorrect fight preparation. And the many distractions that led to this.
Nothing else was going through my mind.
It is time to go back and live the life that got me this life.
Sitting in a car on the way to some dump in Conneticut or somewhere, to speak to Tim and Suzie on the nobody gives a fuck morning show did not get me this life.
Talking to some lady that deep down doesn't give a fuck about what I'm doing, but just wants some sound bites so she can maybe get her little tight ass a nice raise, and I'm cool with that too, I've been giving you all raises. But I need to focus on me now.
I'm coming for my revenge here.
I flew an entire team to Portugal and to Iceland to make my adjustments in preparation and fix my errors I made with the weight and the cardio prep.
With the right adjustments and the right focus, I will finish what I started in that last fight.
I will not do this if I am back on the road handing out flyers again.
I will always play the game and play it better than anybody, but just for this one, where I am coming off a loss, I asked for some leeway where I can just train and focus. I did not shut down all media requests. I simply wanted a slight adjustment.
But it was denied.
There had been 10 million dollars allocated for the promotion of this event is what they told me.
So as a gesture of good will, I went and not only saved that 10 million dollars in promotion money, I then went and tripled it for them.
And all with one tweet.
Keep that 10 mill to promote the other bums that need it. My shows are good.
I must isolate myself now.
I am facing a taller, longer and heavier man. I need to prepare correctly this time.
I can not dance for you this time.
It is time for the other monkeys to dance. I've danced us all the way here.
Nate's little mush head looks good up on that stage these days. Stuff him in front of the camera for it.
He came in with no shit to do that last one. I'd already done press conferences, interviews and shot the ads before RDA pulled out.
Maybe I'll hit Cabo this time and skull some shots pre-fight with no obligation.
I'm doing what I need for me now.
It is time to be selfish with my training again. It is the only way.
I feel the $400million I have generated for the company in my last three events, all inside 8 months, is enough to get me this slight leeway.
I am still ready to go for UFC 200.
I will offer, like I already did, to fly to New York for the big press conference that was scheduled, and then I will go back into training. With no distractions.
If this is not enough or they feel I have not deserved to sit this promotion run out this one time, well then I don't know what to say.
For the record also -
For USADA and for the UFC and my contract stipulations -
Say what you want, but he's not wrong (at least in terms of what he's done). The biggest thing you could argue is the figures he gets paid DOES include all that promo stuff. So, in that case, yeah...scale back his pay. But they're using him like a shooting star (which is similar to how they used Ronda...they're just much more aware of it this time around). You ride the hot hand, make a ton of money, until the weight of the demands crushes him/her...then you move on to the next one.

I mean, seriously...just look at how many times Conor has fought in the past year. Sure, you could argue a lot of it was his own doing and his desire to make as much money as possible. But it's not exactly a shock that he'd get tired at some point. It's the same damn thing that happened to Ronda. You run until you break.

And I don't think he's trying to say he doesn't think he should have to promote at all...just that it's becoming more and more and more and more...and there has to be a damn line somewhere. Honestly, this starts to touch on the concept of having a fighter's union. You might be able to argue that McGregor's approach to this is wrong, but the guy is basically saying "If I keep going at this pace, I'm not going to be able to do the thing that got me here in the first place." And I'm sorry, but that's a really smart and personally aware thing to say. He's not wrong.

I just disagree with him. The other "bums" as he refers to them are making a fraction of what he does (and a very small fraction at that).

Velasquez got 400K fighting Werdum, Weidman got 500K fighting Vitor, Mighty Mouse gets about 300K, Robbie Lawler gets 500K to beat McDonald.

These guys are making less than 10% of Connor and they were all champions defending their belt (Connor doesn't even defend his). Granted they don't have the mouth Connor has or have had the UFC acting like he is  the greatest. The UFC isn't paying Connor 7 million dollars to just fight. The UFC gifted him the spot he is in. He's been protected. He doesn't even have to defend his belt. That is the dumbest thing out of all this. He is now going to have two fights outside his weight class that aren't even for a belt. Frankie Edgar is being screwed out of his title shot. (I think Frankie has a better shoot beating Connor than beating Aldo) Why the hell is there an interim title when the champion is fine and just picking and choosing whatever fights he want? 

If it was just about how exciting a fighter is then I would have to say Robbie Lawler should be getting the most. His fights rank of as some of the most violent in recent history. Connor is a great fighter and a much better promoter. That is what got him where he is. If he was just a respectful fighter he wouldn't have had a title fight yet.

Connor specifically mention "mush head" Diaz. Sure let's do that. Diaz can take the point on the promotions. Diaz can make 7 million dollars and Connor can then get the 500K.

The whole situation is funny because the UFC made a monster. They protected him, let him do whatever he wants and built him into this star and now he is fighting back.

"Sitting in a car on the way to some dump in Conneticut or somewhere, to speak to Tim and Suzie on the nobody gives a fuck morning show did not get me this life. 

Talking to some lady that deep down doesn't give a fuck about what I'm doing, but just wants some sound bites so she can maybe get her little tight ass a nice raise, and I'm cool with that too, I've been giving you all raises"

He also sounds like a massive cock. I wonder a little if this is all just some stunt he worked out to make his ego and paychecks bigger.

The way he tweets out his "retirement" and then sits silent for 48 hours letting ESPN and everyone else run with the story.

Hasn't he also bragged so much about how he is such a great promoter. Telling everyone how he "will change their bum life" and how a fight with him is red panty night? Red panty night got him where he is, not beating Dennis Siver.

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I agree, his approach is all wrong. This whole situation makes Conor come off as a whiny, selfish prima donna who is willing to screw other people over if he doesn't get his way. I've lost a lot of respect for the guy.
I think you guys are just reading way more into it than what it is.

All I see is a guy saying "I've been taking point for the past 2 years with this company and I'm tired. Somebody else do it." Why doesn't he have a right to do that?

If the UFC wants to cut his pay and/or put him on the undercard as a result, that's their choice. But I'm not going to be a fucking hater because the guy is sick of doing interviews and wants to focus on getting better.

As for Dokstarr's argument about other fighters, that basically prove my point. Maybe if the UFC actually worked on building other stars then McGregor wouldn't be able to hold them hostage for tens of millions of dollars since nobody else brings in revenue like he does.

The irony in all this is the old idea that Mighty Mouse couldn't get the attention and hype that Conor did. Now, you have to wonder if it's intentional. The UFC runs Conor ragged on world tours. Meanwhile, Johnson gets to stay home and stream video games on Twitch, lol.

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Oh yeah - it's as I said earlier. The UFC has made it's own monster by building him up and up and up.

I wouldn't call myself a hater, but I think Connor's skills have been blown out of proportion hugely. He's not close to the fighter Jon Jones, Cormier, Werdum, GSP, Machida, Cain, etc. are.

I also don't believe Connor would give back 10 cents of his revenue to not have to promote. He wants both.

Either way - at least it is giving us something to talk about.

The most important news being overshadowed by all this Fedor is supposedly very close to signing with the UFC (lol). Even though this is pretty much 8 years too late, it would still be the biggest fight in the last 5 years to me if he fought Overeem, Werdum, or someone in the Top 10.

Oh, for sure. Conor's ground game is mostly non-existent. I saw it clear as day when he fought Mendes. Chad could have probably stayed in his guard and G&P'd him all day. The biggest thing they could compliment Conor on was "staying calm" and "avoiding damage". But Mendes let him up by being too aggressive. Any wrestler who doesn't make that mistake (ie. Edgar) probably beats him easily.

But again...Conor training as much as he possibly can is the only way to patch that hole. That's why I say this is actually what he SHOULD be doing. Did he get himself into this situation by being the biggest trash talker in the UFC. Sure, he did. But I still don't think that makes it fair to not let him change his mind if he's truly unhappy with the demands on him now. It's not like he was prepaid on unfulfilled obligations. Yeah, maybe it's a shocking about-face for him to take. But considering the mental states of GSP and Rousey before him, I can't say I'd blame him.

If he's not willing to acknowledge that less pay goes along with less work, then that's a problem of his own and one the UFC could let him walk over. The only argument would be that the PPV buys would be the same even with less promotion. It's posturing, most definitely. But both sides have to be realistic.

For me, I equate this situation to anyone who's ever dated a girl who ended up being a psychotic bitch, lol. It was all fun and games when she was super hot and the sex was awesome. But once she starts making your life miserable, none of that matters and you just want out.

As for'll believe it when the ink is dry, haha. He's cock teased the UFC more than anybody. All of a sudden some Russian nonsense could come up and he might be lured back to Japan. You just never know with him.

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Man, it was so weird hearing Nate Diaz basically sticking up for McGregor at the press conference today. He said that he doesn't want a different opponent, and that if he's not fighting Conor, then he won't be on the card either. Now, that could just be posturing to make sure that he still gets paid similarly even against a new opponent...or it could be recognition that the fight needs to be against Conor to make the kind of money that he's wanting to make.

He also went on to say that it doesn't bother him that Conor wasn't there promoting and he wants the fight to happen anyway. He said that Conor needs all the training he can get. I feel like we're in Bizarro Role Reversal Land because it's usually a Diaz brother pulling this stuff and their opponent saying things like this. It's almost like McGregor is fighting for something that Nate believes in a twisted way, Nate supports him on this. Or...I'm giving him way too much credit and he's just high as fuck, lol.

But it was super strange to watch.

Joe Rogan and Brendan Schaub made some good points about it on JRE though.


Benson Henderson is going to take years off his career if he stays at 170. He got tooled tonight.

He was a subpar striker at 155. At 170, his punches basically bounced off that Russian dude he fought.

Benson Henderson is going to take years off his career if he stays at 170. He got tooled tonight.

He was a subpar striker at 155. At 170, his punches basically bounced off that Russian dude he fought.
The worst part about it is he made Dana White look right in not matching Bellator's offer. Dana said he thought Benson was on the downside of his career. Considering the last time he was at lightweight, he started questioning his own desire to continue fighting, he's got a lot of thinking to do.

Pettis looked like shit. After taking the title from Bendo, I thought he'd be around for a while. Got whooped in a very surprising fight with RDA, but now has back to back losses against Alvarez and Barboza. Super disappointing for a guy that used to be one of the most exciting fighters in the UFC.

Mighty Mouse looked great. If more of his fights were like that, he'd have a lot more fans.

No idea what to say on OSP vs Jones. Jones didn't look great at all, and I'm really at a loss for words as to why he wasn't more aggressive in the 4th when he had OSP on the ground. OSP's left arm was injured by at least the 3rd round, he wasn't using it at all.

Weird night of fights.

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A sober Jon Jones is a boring Jon Jones. Also when did the UFC start handing out #1 contender belts so frequently? Isn't Cormier only out 4-6 weeks?
Jones attributed his hesitation to the change in opponent moreso than ring rust. He tried saying that he was so worried about the power of OSP that it made him overly cautious and all he could keep thinking was "just win the fight and get to DC". I get what he's saying, but personally, I think Jones was trending in this direction even before his suspension.

He just thinks too damn much. I'm a Jones fan, and it frustrates me to see a guy out there who looks like a kid playing Mortal Kombat. It's like you can see him trying to think of which "move" to do next. He's not flowing at all. And he even had a little bit of the "leg sweep spam" with the constant oblique kick crap (I love Jackson's as a gym...but seriously, can we get rid of that shit?)

Conversely, Mighty Mouse is the baddest, smoothest motherfucker around. He's not in there consciously aware of how "creative" he is and trying to think of cool moves to do. He just sees openings and uses his skillset to exploit them. It's so much more organic and natural than how Jones has been fighting since he started "playing" with his opponents.

The only thing I will say for the fight going the distance is it did give Jones some much needed time in the cage. But if he comes out as anything less than an assassin against Cormier, I'm going to be super disappointed. I miss the guy who just went all out and mauled the likes of Shogun, Machida, Sonnen, Belfort, etc. Just be in the fight and beat your opponent. Stop trying to immitate them, embarrass them, test yourself, etc. Just fight the damn fight.

Happy to see Jones but like everyone else said he seemed a bit hesitant. 

Ring rust, change in opponent and size all played a part in it. Both of Jones "worst" fights were against guys almost the same length as him Gustfaf and now OSP. Granted it wasn't close against OSP, but he looked probably the most gun shy we've ever seen him. I'm guessing part of it was that he was caught by a few flush punches in the first round.

Every fighter uses their natural gifts and Jones relies very heavily on his height and reach. Glover, Shogun, Bader, etc. would never be able to reach him like OSP did. It's the same reason he Gustaf hurt him so much.

That is the biggest reason I think Jones will have problems if he moved up to HW. He talks about it, but I think jumping up against guys like Overeem, Stipe, JDS, Arlovski, etc. who all have the same height and reach could be a problem for someone who has spent his career fighting guys that he normally has 8 to 10 inches on.

At least Mighty Mouse was exciting. I was worried it would be a boring fight since Cejudo had been boring in I think all his UFC fights.

That is the biggest reason I think Jones will have problems if he moved up to HW. He talks about it, but I think jumping up against guys like Overeem, Stipe, JDS, Arlovski, etc. who all have the same height and reach could be a problem for someone who has spent his career fighting guys that he normally has 8 to 10 inches on.
I agree with you about that. But I think that's the argument for him needing to rely on his supreme skillset, speed, and dexterity. The way he's been fighting, it's like he's in a lab experimenting. "Let me see if this will work against this guy. Oh, nope. That's not working. Let me try this. Hmm...maybe this one." I feel like he does this because he doesn't seem to feel threatened by many of his opponents. And that definitely won't work at HW.

I mean, just look at his recent fights. His last four fights have gone to decision because he stopped trying to finish people. His last finish was against a fight where he tried to beat him at his own game. And he's been trying to do that with mostly every opponent since then. Stood and kickboxed with Gustafsson, clinched/dirty boxed with Glover, took Cormier down. He's just been playing with people and seeing if he can outfight them in their area of expertise. He hasn't had his Ronda Rousey headkick moment yet. But if he did that crap at HW, I'm sure it would happen.

We'll see if Jones and Cormier can both make it to July unscathed and on the right side of the law. No surprise on Conor not being there, Dana isn't fucking around. Seems to be willing to forgo a decent chunk of money to remind everyone that the UFC calls the shots, not the fighters.

Happy to see Jones vs Cormier. It is a much more relevant and important fight. I don't think enough has changed for Cormier to be able to win though. I'd really like to see Johnson vs Jones. Jones hasn't fought a very fast starting knock out monster. The way he flat lined Gustaf was great and he almost finished Cormier in the first 45 seconds. 

It would interesting to see how Jones deals with the forward pressure. He was fine with Glover, but Glover kind of just wades/plods in. Johnson explodes and pounces. 

The division is cleaned out if Jones beats Cormier again and Johnson. There's nobody else high enough ranked who deserves to fight him.

The UFC has tried building some young talent, but they mostly get all smacked down. Manuwa got beat in his two top 10 fights, Cummins lost all three of his (I guess we give him a pass on Cormier since that was short notice, save the event, first fight at UFC), TeHuna was supposed to be something until he's been steamrolled like 3 times in a row now.

They got Corey Anderson fighting Shogun in like 2 weeks. I think Shogun is shot so if he gets by Shogun and then another top 10 fighter they may throw him against Jones to keep things moving.

Outside the UFC is Liam McGeary. He's been impressive over in Bellator and I really like his hyper aggressive jiu-jitsu. He is all about throwing up submissions, but I think if he came to the UFC all of the top guys have more than enough wrestling and jiu-jitsu to nullify it.

If something big doesn't happen I think Jones will have to move up by the end of the year (barring injuries slowing things down)

Yeah, I actually think Dana outmaneuvered McGregor on this one. I mean, he's a bit fortunate that the Jones/Cormier match just materialized like this. But it gift wrapped him a more relevant fight, like you said...but it also gives him one that will have trash talk and hype on the same level that McGregor/Diaz did.

So, now, Conor is going to miss out on a massive payday, and I'm really not sure if the UFC's numbers will be very different. UFC 200 is going to be a huge event. There are three title fights on that card now. And seriously...Conor is going to complain about doing press. He could have been standing next to this on Good Morning America yesterday.



Wow...this makes me sad, man...

I heard Miesha talk about it on JRE, and while I thought it would be childish and stupid for her to make something like this up, I just hoped that Ronda couldn't still be this batshit crazy and immature. If this experience hasn't been humbling for her and she's literally learned nothing from it, then she's just going to get her ass stomped again.

So disappointing, man. Being a fan of Ronda was easy when you thought that she was just playing the heel role and getting under her opponent's skin as a strategy. But if she's just going full on psycho bitch to everybody, it's not cute anymore. To start shit with Paige just because she congratulated another dumb.

So, Conor McGregor posted this on Facebook today.


Floyd Mayweather Sr. actually confirmed that it is being negotiated. This is insane. I saw rumor articles floating around...even throwing out purse numbers. Crazy stuff saying Floyd would get like $140 million and Conor would get $10 million. And that they're targeting the same weekend as UFC 200. I can't even imagine this happening. I hate to say it, but I really kind of hope it does, lol. Just what a circus this would turn into.

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Mayweather loves that money. He loves being in interviews and then pulling out 50,000 saying it is just walk around money for him. If Mayweather and crew are for it, then they thing it is a 100% chance he will destroy Connor (which pretty much I agree with).

I thought it was bullshit myself when it was just Conor's team talking about it...considering all the posturing he's doing against the UFC. But why would Mayweather Sr. even acknowledge it if there was no truth to it? The money that could be made from that fight is truly ungodly.

The biggest obstacle I would see is whatever Conor has in his UFC contract (not to mention Reebok) that would prevent him from engaging in something like this. But if I were Floyd, I'd do this fight in a heartbeat if it were feasible. It would easily destroy even Pacquiao numbers. The money, man. The money...

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Speaking of Floyd and his absurd amounts of money, not many people do the math when he says stuff like that about $50,000 being "walk around money" for him. But it's fun (see also: depressing) to look at.

Forbes most recent numbers showed Mayweather making $300,000,000 a year. Now, granted, that's his most recent figures, when his paydays have been super high. But let's just play with those numbers. $50,000 would be 0.0167% of his annual income. The average American 25 and older makes $32,000 a year. $32,000 x 0.000167 = $5.35. So, by those numbers, Floyd is actually being generous. HIm carrying $50,000 is the equivalent of the average American walking around with $5 in their pocket.

But, like i said, that's just his most recent work. They also estimated that he earned a total of $700,000,000 over the span of his 19 year career. So, if you're talking total net worth, that's probably a better figure to start from (though it doesn't take inflation into account). But even still...playing with those numbers, $700,000,000 / 19 comes out to an annual income of $36,843,000. $50,000 is 0.135% of that figure. Again, taking today's average American income of $32,000 x 0.00135 = $43.20. So, even if you take his average earnings over the past two decades, Mayweather flashing $50K is like the average person going out to dinner at a decent restaurant.

That's how rich he is...

bread's done