My (P)iece of (S)%^& 3


I got this system last year for christmas from my fiance because we wanted a bluray player and I figured eventually they would put out some games worth playing. Well it stopped working 2-3 weeks later and the people on the phone have been no help and tell me I must send it back in.

It just tried to load games and bluray discs but never does. It has the disc in the upper right hand corner. I either have to fix it or send it in soon. Does anyone know how to fix it? And if not I'm sure some of you had to send your PS3's in already. Roughly how much does it cost to ship? I hate spending a dime on something I already paid 400.00 plus extra controllers and 4 games 2 of which are still sealed. so I'd like to have an idea.

Since you're still within a year, just call up sony and they'll send you a box to send it in for free. It doesn't take that long to get it back and (took me 2 weeks from call to getting my new PS3 and I called on a Friday).
[quote name='thespamofpower']Since you're still within a year, just call up sony and they'll send you a box to send it in for free. It doesn't take that long to get it back and (took me 2 weeks from call to getting my new PS3 and I called on a Friday).[/quote]

Ok thanks. I guess that's what I'm going to do then. But when I talk to them on the phone the people are certainly not educated and they just say ok go ahead and send it in. Have I answered all your questions today? So I just hang up frustrated with them.

And yes I've had it for just shy of a year and it never worked past 3 weeks and I've just been to busy and cheap to send it in. Iwasn't aware they sent you a box to send it in for free.

My 360 has had some issues but still isn't unplayable like the PS3 is. This has got to be the biggest bust of a system I've ever bought.
[quote name='dsreptiles']Ok thanks. I guess that's what I'm going to do then. But when I talk to them on the phone the people are certainly not educated and they just say ok go ahead and send it in. Have I answered all your questions today? So I just hang up frustrated with them.

And yes I've had it for just shy of a year and it never worked past 3 weeks and I've just been to busy and cheap to send it in. Iwasn't aware they sent you a box to send it in for free.

My 360 has had some issues but still isn't unplayable like the PS3 is. This has got to be the biggest bust of a system I've ever bought.[/quote]

This seriously seems like a troll topic doesnt it?

They say to send it in, so it can get fixed, so you hang up???? Why would you ever do that? I bet if you keep doing that to them, they will just blacklist your number or name and hang up on you.

Of course, I dont believe this story.
my drive stopped working and I called them and they sent me a box to send it in frre of charge. I had it for maybe 6 months or so.
[quote name='dsreptiles']My 360 has had some issues but still isn't unplayable like the PS3 is. This has got to be the biggest bust of a system I've ever bought.[/quote]

Until your 360 RRoDs, that is.

Really, for some reason, this has troll post written all over it. If they told to send it in, they had to have given you info on how to send it in. If they didn't, call them again. Simple as that.
[quote name='neverletthem']Until your 360 RRoDs, that is.

Really, for some reason, this has troll post written all over it. If they told to send it in, they had to have given you info on how to send it in. If they didn't, call them again. Simple as that.[/QUOTE]Yeah, and if you are the type who has the receipt and all, all you have to do is an online service request, where you never even have to talk to someone:

I did it for my PSP (when my first patch of the PSP-2000 had some issues, and since it was still in warranty), they sent me an email back giving me a tracking number for the coffin and instructions on what to do. I never had to talk to a single person.

And calling the PS3 a POS just because yours died is a bit short sighted IMO, because 360 consoles die to (some by DRE, some by RRoD, and others) and I've heard of plenty of Wii consoles dying too (although not the highest percentage). It happens to some. If you are in warranty and have the receipt, no worries.

This post should still be in the the Dead PS3 thread:

or the PS3 FAQ thread:
[quote name='Cheapass24']Go to sonys website, go to support, and get a coffin mailed to you, ya troll.[/quote]

ditto on that!
This has to be a troll topic. Why would he wait a year to ask for help? Just send it in.... Everything should be covered under warranty if it stopped working after 2 weeks....Although since you waited a year..
Once a person says troll everyone jumps on the bandwagon and says it. Alright guys, honestly he's just frustrated with his PS3. He's not trying to prove that the 360 is better if he was he would've stated such a thing in the opening post.

Like the others have said just get them to send you a box so you can send it in and get it fixed. Once it's fixed you'll be happy with it again most likely.
$4-500 or however much you bought it for (assuming you bought it at a retailer) is an awful lot to just let sit for nearly a year, even if you were busy. Probably a 10 minute call while taking a shit would have put your mind at ease for the time being (I wouldn't know because I haven't had to call in for my nearly launch system).
So I just read the opening post again and understood what happened.

So the topic creator has tried recently to use his PS3 and it doesn't work? Well of course it probably won't work after you got the problem. I do hope you can get your PS3 fixed.
[quote name='snakelda']I'm pretty sure you need the receipt.[/quote]

THIS is about the only thing that really pissed me off this gen, is that I must keep every damn little receipt for every major piece of electronics I buy now, since I think many companies besides Sony are REQUIRING you send in a copy of the damn receipt.

They never asked for anything like that in the PS2/Xbox/GC gen from me and I called them numerous times for video problems and what not with my PS2.

I get a kick out of so many people calling the topic creator a 'troll', just because they called the PS3 a POS and said they shouldn't have to spend more money to get it fixed(which they won't if they can do the receipt routine/jumping through hoops that Sony has required this gen). The PS3 IS NOT a perfect machine. I've had numerous freezes and loading screen 'hangs' on mine since I got it in April. But, to some, Sony can do no wrong I suppose.

Their window(TC's) to get it fixed without paying $150,which seems to be the standard f'n rate for the system no matter what the problem is, is rapidly closing. So, they'd better hurry up if they want to get it fixed for FREE under warranty.
^ He sounds trollish because in a second post he says "the ps3 is the most busted system, my 360 never had a problem" or something to that effect.

This gets me thinking "where did I put my receipt?" though, I will admit.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']THIS is about the only thing that really pissed me off this gen, is that I must keep every damn little receipt for every major piece of electronics I buy now, since I think many companies besides Sony are REQUIRING you send in a copy of the damn receipt.[/QUOTE]

Wait, what? You spend $400-$500 on a video game system and you don't hold on to the recipt just in case? Is it like a huge hassle to keep track of a piece of paper or something?
[quote name='rainking187']Wait, what? You spend $400-$500 on a video game system and you don't hold on to the recipt just in case? Is it like a huge hassle to keep track of a piece of paper or something?[/quote]

After 30 to 90 days, I throw out a majority of my receipts, since the return periods have long since lapsed on them. But I DO keep them for THAT long at least.

I just think it's a crock of shit, since Sony NEVER required me to prove any damn thing with the PS2's I owned last gen. I guess they want to make sure that I'm not buying one from Ebay for $100, then registering it under my name and trying to get free warranty service on it.

Personally though, for such an expensive machine, the damn warranty SHOULD be like the RROD extended one for the 360 and be a FULL three years AT LEAST. Though I will admit that at least this gen Sony didn't bend us over with their meager 90 day bullshit like with the PS2.
[quote name='imascrub']maybe if the ps3 had high failure rates and sony admitted it they'd retroactively put in effect a three year warranty[/quote]

It shouldn't take a failure rate for a DECENT warranty period for such higher end electronics to come about. That's why I held off as long as I did on getting a PS3, since I figured Sony would pull the bullshit from last gen with a meager 3 month warranty on the PS3. That coupled with the $500-600 pricetag initially kept me from buying one.

If I pay anything over a small amount for something, I want to know that the company will stand behind their product and fix it for me without it costing me 1/3 of what I paid in the first f'n place.

The $150 'repair' cost I've heard bandied about by those unfortunate enough to have had to send in their out of warranty PS3's to be repaired(at probably a cost of 1/10th of that to Sony)is absolutely fuckin' ridiculous.

This is why you have so many people who are willing to commit return fraud to replace their junk systems, since the companies want an arm and a leg to fix ANYTHING.
[quote name='Ice2Dragon']This seriously seems like a troll topic doesnt it?

They say to send it in, so it can get fixed, so you hang up???? Why would you ever do that? I bet if you keep doing that to them, they will just blacklist your number or name and hang up on you.

Of course, I dont believe this story.[/quote]

umm for lack of a better set of words. Screw you. I'm sorry I'm mad my Sony worked for 1 month after I paid 400.00. And not to be racist but if I could get a phone operator that spoke a lick of english I'd be more likely to deal with them. I've owned every Sony system released and until the PS3 have loved them. So this is no troll post but I've definatly switched to a 360 fan.

And thanks to those who were helpful and understood my frustrations.
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Also I still have the original box and receipt. I keep every receipt to any electronic piece of equipment I buy. I didn't realize I could do it online. And just to shut you up I could take a picture with receipt if you'd like. I'm sorry you guys feel I'm trolling. And I know the 360 has a lot of problems. I have to pry the tray out to put a game on, and sometimes hit it with my hand to get it to put out and then I have to attempt to close the tray at least 10 times. I'm sorry I'm frustrated I've had a system that has really never worked and came here to ask you guys how much it would cost me to send it in because I could hardly under stand the Arab they had working for them. And I'm not being racist my girl friend is of Iran descent but if you are working on a phone trying to help people EVERYONE should be able to understand what you are saying. Sorry to offend you almighty PS3's when I've got 14 game systems and this is the only one that has ever died on me in 22 years and in one month at that.
Like I said dsreptiles I don't think you are trolling, but it's not wise to start getting angry.

I am sorry that this has happened to you and honestly shit happens. It's the truth and nothing but the truth. I'm not really a 360 fan anymore, I got the RROD and don't care for it that much. I may if I had a bigger game list but whatever. To each his own.

I do hope you get your PS3 fixed if you still want to and that's all I can say to you. The price to send it in has been said I think.
[quote name='Droenixjpn']Like I said dsreptiles I don't think you are trolling, but it's not wise to start getting angry.

I am sorry that this has happened to you and honestly shit happens. It's the truth and nothing but the truth. I'm not really a 360 fan anymore, I got the RROD and don't care for it that much. I may if I had a bigger game list but whatever. To each his own.

I do hope you get your PS3 fixed if you still want to and that's all I can say to you. The price to send it in has been said I think.[/quote]

Yeah I know I just hate asking for help and getting the responses I got. I mean I'm a gamer I don't discriminate Sony from Microsoft to Nintendo. I own every Nintendo/Sony/Microsoft system and almost all the Segas etc. I just got offended haha.
You know dsreptiles, when you write a sentence that contains, "I'm not racist" in it, you're only fooling yourself. You in fact are racist, which is evident in your very next post.

[quote name='dsreptiles']I'm sorry I'm frustrated I've had a system that has really never worked and came here to ask you guys how much it would cost me to send it in because I could hardly under stand the Arab they had working for them. And I'm not being racist my girl friend is of Iran descent but if you are working on a phone trying to help people EVERYONE should be able to understand what you are saying.[/quote]

I like how you justify you "not being racist" because your girlfriend is of Iranian descent. That's awesome.

It's apparent that you have absolutely no clue how a company runs a tech support line.

Go call Microsoft, Dell, or any other large company and see how many "Arab" people you get on the phone. I bet the results will shock you.
haha I know they are all Arab. And I'm not racist but I cant stand not understanding people. I'm a melting pot of different races haha so no racism here. I guess I am racist against peoples voices :whistle2:D r Because unfortunatly both my Dell computers broke down to. But the Dell tech support people can just get into your computer from their current location so they can acctually diagnose your system from wherever they're from.


Bet I don't get one "I'm sorry".
Honestly you'd be surprised how many people can be racist or feel prejudice in this world. When Barack Obama became president it just came out of people. The racism, honestly though. When we are at war with a certain area or nation, we tend to be racist towards them. It's just the way the world works.

If you're racist at least you aren't doing what Hitler did or what the Nazis did. Or even what the Whites did to the Blacks. Past mistakes that will not be forgotten or forgiven.

Edit: Just saw the receipt, dude Pepsi. xD Although on I saw the 40gb for 400 bucks as well. ??? That just seems strange for me.
What do you mean the 40 gig online for 400? You mean how did I get it for 319.00? And I'm a coca cola fan my fiance drinks pepsi.
Yeah I just saw it as quite funny for some reason, it's just... Nvm, lol.

Yeah was wondering how you got it for 319?

Anyway I'm quite new to the forums to, really became active today, but yeah I experienced a trouble or so in one of my threads, but it will happen. Once we lose these CAG Newbie titles maybe things will change.
My fiance is a Pharmacy Tech at Wal Mart so she gets a 10% discount and since we bought it at x-mas they get an additional 10% off so we got it for 20% of the time :whistle2:D. Makes my game habbit easier which by the way if anyone ever needs help picking up big ticket items I'll be more than happy to help w/ the wal mart discount. The 10% on a 300-1000.00 is worth paying the 10-20 shipping for sometimes or if you live local look me up because I got a 160" 1080P HD projection tv and am always look to game w/ ppl locally since I'm new to florida.
Dude.... A 160" Tv?! Dude that's nuts! Lol, it must be pretty sick. I used to have a 60" something inch tv, but it broke. :(
Yeah its amazing but it makes my fiance sick when I play certain games like gta4, gears of war 2, saints row etc.

Here's me next to it. Not the best pic due to the camera I had back then but I'm a tad over 6 ft to give you an idea. And no I'm not a nascar fan it just happened to be on haha should get a pic w/ a game on there n take a pic.
dsreptiles, I do not understand why you're still even bothering with this topic, you got your answer already, didn't you?

I don't get why you feel you have to take all these pictures and "prove" yourself
Well because other than the PS3 area I've enjoyed this forum so far and don't want to be called a troll. I am also a member of the Dallas Cowboys forum and trolls on there are redskins eagles n giants fans haha so to be considered as such here.... forget that. But I have no problem giving others some crow to eat.
haha i figured if i posted pics of what people were claiming i probably didn't have I'd be dogged the same as if I didn't post them I'd have another 20 replies calling me a troll. it's a lose lose situation I guess. And I figured this was a decent forum for real gamers too. Guess there's more stuck up people living in their moms basement than I thought :)
I'm slightly confused, you bought the system almost a year ago, it worked for a couple of weeks then broke, and you waited till now to ask for help? I don't want to accuse you of trolling, but it seems like you've had very odd judgement regarding this. If I spent $300 on something and it broke within a couple of weeks you better believe I'd be on the phone to them immediately, and wouldn't hang up till I had a satisfactory answer.
Sony is really good with warranties this gen.
When your sixaxis dies completely (nonchargeable, should take a couple years for this to happen) they will replace it free.
If you screw up replacing your hdd and strip the screws on the bay they send you a new bay free.
[quote name='HowStern']Sony is really good with warranties this gen.
When your sixaxis dies completely (nonchargeable, should take a couple years for this to happen) they will replace it free.
If you screw up replacing your hdd and strip the screws on the bay they send you a new bay free.[/quote]

Really? So what you're saying is that at one year and one day, I won't have to pay $150 PLUS the cost of friggin' shipping if my PS3 goes all wonky on me?

I'm betting the answer to that is a resounding NO. I STILL say that major electronics, such as the PS3 and HDtv's, should come with at least a two year warranty since many don't start messing up until AFTER that first year and the warranty is gone.
I don't know if someone mentioned this or not, but if it happened 2-3 weeks after you bought it, why didn't you just take it back to the store and exchange it for a new one?
[quote name='dsreptiles']and sometimes hit it with my hand to get it to put out[/quote]

lol had to point that out

and yes I know I'm immature...durhurhur
[quote name='imascrub']lol had to point that out

and yes I know I'm immature...durhurhur[/quote]

Actually, I was going to point that out too, but I opted not to. Maybe I'm becoming mature in my old age? :lol:
[quote name='lmz00']I don't know if someone mentioned this or not, but if it happened 2-3 weeks after you bought it, why didn't you just take it back to the store and exchange it for a new one?[/QUOTE]

He's had it for 11 months (according to the receipt) and it only started breaking down in the last 2-3 weeks. His original post was confusing.
[quote name='dsreptiles']I'm a tad over 6 ft to give you an idea.[/quote]

I didn't know they stacked shit that high.

ha! sorry.... need to invest in some interior decorating. It looks like you're a squatter. The 2 random bottles confuse me also.
This happened to my PS3 that I barely ever used. I ended up reformatting the HDD ( Which took 6 hours ) but once I did that everything worked fine again.
To IATCG, Just put the receipt in with the manual and you won't have a problem...

To the OP, I don't understand why you've had a busted PS3 for this long and you finally decided to do something about it. I think that's why people are claiming that you're trolling around. No sane person would just throw a $400 console in a closet for months before deciding to investigate how to repair it.

EDIT -- I think this thread and your other one that you ended up linking to another site that you "like more than ebay" points towards a paid poster. Or you could be mildly retarded. I'm not sure which one it is.

EDIT #2 -- Most of the people on the service lines are INDIAN and not Arab. Also, Iranians aren't Arab either. They're ethnically Persian and they speak Farsi. Arabs only make up 3% of Iranians.
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