Nintendo 3DS - General Discussion Thread

[quote name='007']I'd almost guarantee we'll get a new XL color by the holidays, but I'm torn on any kind of bundle. Ultimately, the two big Nintendo releases this fall are Paper Mario and Professor Layton, which don't seem like 'bundle' games, so I'd guess something older...

It wouldn't shock me, really, to a get a New Super Mario Bros. 2 bundle with a gold 3DSXL. I'd buy that in a heartbeat.[/QUOTE]

why not a POKEMON 2 3ds XL then again i can see why not since its a DS and not a 3ds game but never know
[quote name='foltzie']Yes,

You will presumably copy her SD card contents to a computer and then to your SD card, just dont copy the pictures folder and dont delete it when you delete the old content.[/QUOTE]

Thanks for the answer. I did the transfer last night, and everything worked out fine.
In the 3ds upgrade thread people kept saying to pick pilot wings over steeldiver is steeldiver that much worse than pilot wings? I got pilot wings yesterday its pretty bad.
[quote name='GUNNM']In the 3ds upgrade thread people kept saying to pick pilot wings over steeldiver is steeldiver that much worse than pilot wings? I got pilot wings yesterday its pretty bad.[/QUOTE]

Pilotwings is the reason I didn't buy the 3DS for so long, I played that demo and everything about it was bad. The 3D was gimmicky and unneeded and the game was really boring.

Probably shouldn't have judged the whole system based on that. But I did. :D
[quote name='soonersfan60']I'm pulling for a Green Luigi's Mansion bundle!![/QUOTE]

A fully Luigi-themed 3DS would be excellent. Something simple like his 'L' or a green system themed like Justin Russo's Mario poster seen here
I got Pilotwings for free with my XL. I didn't try out any of the challenges or anything, but I had some fun just flying the plane around the island for 10 minutes or so.
I'm a little disappointed that even with the XL playing a circuit in Mario Kart still hurts my hand. Though not as much as the regular 3DS did. The PSP seems to have the best buttons of any of my hand gelds.
[quote name='GUNNM']In the 3ds upgrade thread people kept saying to pick pilot wings over steeldiver is steeldiver that much worse than pilot wings? I got pilot wings yesterday its pretty bad.[/QUOTE]

They're both about equal[ly shitty], IMO. Wouldn't pay retail for either but now that they're running pretty cheap I'd say they're both worth a look.
I paid i think $5 for Steel Diver, that would be the high end of what its worth. Just not a lot of game there. I think I would like it better downloadable actually, then I could fire it up and do a mission every once in a while instead of having to put in the cart.
[quote name='GUNNM']In the 3ds upgrade thread people kept saying to pick pilot wings over steeldiver is steeldiver that much worse than pilot wings? I got pilot wings yesterday its pretty bad.[/QUOTE]

I had a decent amount of fun with both, but I actually like Steediver more. I found it surprisingly fun(I'm not even in to those types of games), and as long as you don't pay more that $10-15 for it I think you'd enjoy it as long as the game looks interesting to you.
I got the nyko battery+ for my 3DS, I found it on sale at my gamestop for 4$ It is awesome and it can last me almost 3 days,I leave it on sleep mode while I work so I can get as many street passes and count my steps.
[quote name='200STM']I got the nyko battery+ for my 3DS, I found it on sale at my gamestop for 4$ It is awesome and it can last me almost 3 days,I leave it on sleep mode while I work so I can get as many street passes and count my steps.[/QUOTE]
I hope thay make one of those for the XL.

Also, does anyone else think the 3DS XL isn't as loud as the original 3DS?
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Oh wait the 3DS XL Battery is similar to the 3DS Battery? Ive heard its longer now? Nyko might make one soon enough so dont sweat if the Battery is lame right now though I would have figured after the 90% bigger screen they would have made the battery 50% better
I seen one the other day a coworker has one its pretty cool and the bigger screens look nice. He was playing Ocarina Of Time on it.
I've got one too, and so far have been impressed...seems well built, and even comes with what seems like a good screwdriver to change out the battery!

But just thought I'd remind everyone that lithium batteries like to be 'topped off'. Plug it in when you can, play it plugged in when you can. You'll do less damage to the battery allowing it to discharge to 10% 5 times than you will discharging it to 50% once, if that makes sense.
So Reggie said in an IGN interview that NA got red and blue XLs because white and silver handhelds don't sell well here. This sounds like he might be hinting at what we might see in a holiday bundle this year:

You might see a limited-time offer with a white or silver 3DS XL, or we might colorize it slightly differently. But in terms of an ongoing SKU, the consumer has responded in our marketplace and said that, for a handheld gaming device from Nintendo, that kind of white or silver doesn't sell nearly as well as blue or red or even pink.
Since when?!? They've hardly ever even SOLD any! Only time Nintendo EVER did was the first lite...and of COURSE it sold better later, consoles always sell better as they go along.

The PSP and upcoming Vitas bundled with Assassin's Creed games are the only other ones I can think of, and how many people were asking for a white PSP? I remember TONS of people wanting one...heck, I hate that my spare PSPs have to be black.
If anyone's looking to make their 3DS more comfortable to hold I picked up the CTA Digital grip from Amazon for around $9 and it's totally worth it. Makes it feel similar to gripping a 360 controller and my hand isn't aching anymore after playing for 30 minutes.
[quote name='pitfallharry219']So Reggie said in an IGN interview that NA got red and blue XLs because white and silver handhelds don't sell well here. This sounds like he might be hinting at what we might see in a holiday bundle this year:[/QUOTE]

I predicted a white XL with Paper Mario back when the system revision was first announced, but I just couldn't wait and picked up a red unit on launch day. I don't regret my color choice at all, but I'm interested to see what the holiday bundle ends up being.
[quote name='JCally']If anyone's looking to make their 3DS more comfortable to hold I picked up the CTA Digital grip from Amazon for around $9 and it's totally worth it. Makes it feel similar to gripping a 360 controller and my hand isn't aching anymore after playing for 30 minutes.[/QUOTE]

Awesome! Will pick this up, thank you!

Can the circle pad pro be attached with this, or no?
[quote name='madcyantist']Awesome! Will pick this up, thank you!

Can the circle pad pro be attached with this, or no?[/QUOTE]

Unfortunately not, it envelops both sides, but pops off easily enough that it won't be a pain to change it out.
[quote name='pitfallharry219']So Reggie said in an IGN interview that NA got red and blue XLs because white and silver handhelds don't sell well here. This sounds like he might be hinting at what we might see in a holiday bundle this year:[/QUOTE]

My guess would be a Kid Icarus bundle. Don't know why but that is my guess. I hope so because I'm waiting for a holiday bundle to jump on.
I started playing Tales of the Abyss and I am having a great time with it.

I find myself using the 3D on full blast. If I turn it off, it just doesn't look right. With the 3D on the color seems better and the images much more vivid. It isn't obviously 3D, but I think it looks much better. Of course you still have to hold it in just the right way (and I even have an XL now - didn't seem to improve the viewing angle as I've seen others suggest).

I haven't really played any other games to this extent yet (nearly 30 hours in). I probably didn't play my original (launch day) 3DS that much the entire time I had it. So I kind of went with the conventional wisdom that I'd be turning the 3D off more often than not. But you know what, I really like it. It even helps in navigating vs. a "flat" image - and this is on a game where the 3D effect isn't nearly as pronounced as say, Mario 3D Land.

FWIW, I decided to do the Gamestop XL upgrade on the last day they did it last Sunday. So for $100 (in GS credit I already had on my PUR card) I upgraded to the XL. They let me use the WiFi from the Moe's Southwest Grill next door to transfer everything. It worked like a charm but just took a lot longer than I thought it would. I never had a DSi XL so I thought maybe it was time for me to try the bigger system out. I don't see carrying it around in my pocket as easily as I did my old 3DS at a place like PAX. But I can certainly bring it on plane trips and the like.
I finally had a hands on with an XL and I really like it, though I don't like the smooth shape of the corners.

Screen is nice and the changes to the buttons are great.

I really don't like the colors so that's holding me back. Since I already have a 3DS, I'll wait. See if White comes out.... I would jump then to match my DSLite that I've had for nearly half a decade.
I would get a 3ds xl if they had a pinkie pie pink color and it would have to be on sale but I'm going to hold on to my ornament red 3ds. Is the 3DS XL big enough to possibly fit in a tablet carrier?
If I find a deal on an XL or someone unloading one on Craigslist, I'll probably upgrade, but for now I can't justify the cash.

So I have some DS games I really want to play, namely Radiant Historia, and I'm wondering if anyone has had luck with Street Passes while running DS software? I've heard it's not programmed to work per say but does occasionally. Is it game-specific, or is it totally hit-or-miss?

I've had decent luck throughout my work day getting passes, and with NSMB2 Coin Rush I've been kind of obsessed lately. I wish there was a way to swap high scores online, if there was I'd never put it down.
[quote name='200STM']I would get a 3ds xl if they had a pinkie pie pink color and it would have to be on sale but I'm going to hold on to my ornament red 3ds. Is the 3DS XL big enough to possibly fit in a tablet carrier?[/QUOTE]

I doubt it. It is 3.5 x 6 inches.

I grabbed a couple of different DSi XL cases at Best Buy when they had that big game and accessory blowout sale a few weeks back. I'm hoping to use one of those for the 3DS XL but I have to find where I put them first.

I like the blue one that I got. But I liked the sparkly blue of the original 3DS better - wish it was the same color, but I can live with it. Better dead than red though ;). (And not for the reasons most people think - it is associated with a certain rival University from way back when)
Just wanted to chime in and say I have since downgraded from XL to the original 3ds purple and have not regretted the decision at all!
[quote name='MrSneis']Just wanted to chime in and say I have since downgraded from XL to the original 3ds purple and have not regretted the decision at all![/QUOTE]

Any reason behind this decision?

I'm currently holding on to both a purple 3DS and a recently picked up red XL and I really like the bigger screen and overall build quality.

The only thing I see as a benefit for the smaller 3DS is the portability factor (smaller) and the screen looking less pixelated.

Will most likely end up selling the purple 3DS, but I am curious to why someone would prefer the smaller 3DS.
[quote name='antlp89']Any reason behind this decision?

I'm currently holding on to both a purple 3DS and a recently picked up red XL and I really like the bigger screen and overall build quality.

The only thing I see as a benefit for the smaller 3DS is the portability factor (smaller) and the screen looking less pixelated.

Will most likely end up selling the purple 3DS, but I am curious to why someone would prefer the smaller 3DS.[/QUOTE]
There is no point he just wanted to be different
[quote name='soonersfan60']I'm pulling for a Green Luigi's Mansion bundle!![/QUOTE]

Luigi needs more love. I enjoyed the first game a lot and I'm sure this game will be even better. With updated visuals, 3D, more mansions and better gameplay this is a no brainer for me.:whistle2:#
[quote name='MrSneis']Just wanted to chime in and say I have since downgraded from XL to the original 3ds purple and have not regretted the decision at all![/QUOTE]

Me too! I bought a blue 3ds xl day 1. However, a week later I bought a brand new, out of box purple 3ds on Craigslist for $100. Personally, I think the original 3ds looks more sexy with the gloss & glitter, while the xl looks cheap and the color schemes suck. Also, the $100 dollar difference did not justify the upgrade to the xl, so I sold the xl on Craigslist for $195 (I paid $197 for it, but I kept the 160 Club Nintendo Coins & used up my BestBuy gift cards).
Great Price on the cl purple 3ds! Lame color choices aside, I don't like how cheap the xl feels in my hands. The back cover flex was quite evident on my unit and the finish while decent felt sweaty to me. I could easily see the paint wearing down fast for some gamers. Not only volume but the speakers were notably crappy Imo as well, they sounded like they clipped or something, not that the og speakers were anything special to begin. Cramping may have been reduced but not by any significant amount Imo. The big screens and battery were nice though I admit.
Was at the Nintendo World Store today and checked out the XL. The blue looked better than in pictures. So that's good. However I was disappointed that, to my eyes at least, the sweet spot seemed absolutely no better. I wasn't expecting that. Shifting even slightly left or right gave a bothersome shimmering effect, for lack of a better word. With the 3D off the display was noticeably more pixely. I was left unsure if I'd want an XL for myself. It's probably more comfortable, though.
[quote name='MrSneis']I really wish they would make a new 2-d Castlevania game for 3ds. I think that would be pretty badass.[/QUOTE]

They are. Its in 3d but its still a side scroller. Castlevania: Lords of Shadow - Mirror of Fate.

Recently pushed to Q1 2013 though. Was supposed to be out by Christmas I think.

Castlevania is very very close to the only reason I buy Nintendo Handhelds.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']That's still the dumbest name for a Castlevania game yet, which is really saying something.[/QUOTE]

If you look at the box art it makes a bit more sense. The first part signifies its in the vein of lords of shadow. The second part is specifically for this game. As if Castkevania Lords of Shadow were the franchise name and not just castlrvania.

But yeah silly.
bread's done