Nintendo 3DS - General Discussion Thread

It's a 3DS Conference. Monster Hunter Tri-D is expected to be announced. People are also expecting either Pokemon Gray (3D version of B/W) or Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire 3DS remakes to be mentioned. There's also the suggestible DQX being moved to 3DS rumor that everyone is liking to throw out.

Wii U will become a focus starting at GDC, maybe E3.
[quote name='cochesecochese']What's Tri-D? [/QUOTE]

Short for "tri-doggin'," which is when you eat three hot dogs at once.

Dale Gribble is known to accomplish this.
[quote name='Strell']The most obvious choices for the game announcement are Dragon Quest X and Monster Hunter Whatever. MH kept the PSP viable against the DS almost entirely by itself for the last several years, at least in Japan. I'm pretty sure Nintendo recognizes that, so they want to get the game on the 3DS to even the score. Capcom, however, absolutely wants it to be multiplatform, and probably has doubts about the 3DS's future. So that's a tough sell as an exclusive. Squeenix though might have every reason to take DQX to the 3DS, depending on how well it succeeded on the DS (which I don't know offhand).[/QUOTE]
Not much reason to think DQX is coming to 3DS. DQ always goes to the system with the highest install base - right now 3DS has the lowest. IX did very well on DS though, 4 million copies I think? Not really fair to say that MH alone kept the PSP alive, it's many clones sold pretty well as well. I'd expect maybe a FFCC from S-E, but I don't think the last 2 sold all that well.
I picked up DEVIL SURVIVOR OVERCLOCKED 3DS last night. Got to say I am impressed with it. Loads of VO and decent combat system. Never played in on DS.
Nintendo Power gave it a great review-said it was worth buying even if you'd played through the original multiple times.

How hard is it though? 99.9% of strategy RPGs I get stuck within a few hours. I think the Gamecube FireEmblem was the last one I could play.
I am loving OoT: Master Quest and NES LoZ right now. I am very excited for Star Fox 64 3D... I just feel like it is not worth $40 like Ocarina in Time 3D was... That came with a whole ton of revisions- while Star Fox is mostly cosmetic. If it went online- I would feel better about the purchase though. I am prob going to get it on the 9th anyway... Nintendo games have a hold on me- lol
Personally I never liked Star Fox 64. I thought it was astonishingly fugly, and played horribly. I not only liked the gameplay better in the first one, I kind of liked the graphics better too :lol:

Adventures is of course far and away the best, but that probably doesn't count :lol:
[quote name='Wolfpup']Nintendo Power gave it a great review-said it was worth buying even if you'd played through the original multiple times.

How hard is it though? 99.9% of strategy RPGs I get stuck within a few hours. I think the Gamecube FireEmblem was the last one I could play.[/QUOTE]

So far its not to hard. There is an easy mode if you want to just enjoy the story. What really drove me to buy it is that I couldnt find it in any stores locally. I then drove into a few other bigger cities and couldnt find it so it drove me to get it. Glad I did. I got Starfox coming next week and am playing Cave Story a lot. So its nice to mix it up with this game since its so different.
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An easy mod? Normally if it were a PC game I'd assume you're talking about some third party mod, but...? I like the sound of an easy mod! :D
Downloaded my ambassador games last night and fired up SMB. Anyone else feel awkward playing that game on a non-nes? I mean I had a hard time coordinating the run and jump buttons because the placement of the buttons was alien to me :(

Also a bit disappointed that we didn't get any of the GBA games yet!
[quote name='BREVITY']When are the next batch of Ambassador games coming?[/QUOTE]
Sometime before the end of the year is all we know.

[quote name='Survivalism']I played with a 3DS for the first time today. Pretty sure I actually really want one now.[/QUOTE]
Despite what the haters say, it's so worth it. I thought I wouldn't like it because I loved my DSi so much, but that has officially become my wife's and the 3DS is my new baby.

[quote name='Droenixjpn']Another game has been delayed I guess... Tales of the Abyss.[/QUOTE]
Niiice, I didn't even know they were porting it to the 3DS. It'll be worth the wait.
[quote name='Strell']Short for "tri-doggin'," which is when you eat three hot dogs at once.

Dale Gribble is known to accomplish this.[/QUOTE]
[quote name='Droenixjpn']Another game has been delayed I guess... Tales of the Abyss.[/QUOTE]

Sucks I was really looking forward to that one.
[quote name='Droenixjpn']Another game has been delayed I guess... Tales of the Abyss.[/QUOTE]

Actually Namco hasn't said anything. Although I won't be surprise.!/filthierich

@smiller110893 The U.S hasn't shared the official release date yet- I hope this clears it up
Even if it's delayed, I'm just shocked/impressed Tales is coming to the US at all. Granted, it was already localized for the PS2, but still.
[quote name='Zmonkay']Even if it's delayed, I'm just shocked/impressed Tales is coming to the US at all. Granted, it was already localized for the PS2, but still.[/QUOTE]

I don't think there was ever an official release date, so technically it never was delayed. :hot:
[quote name='utopianmachine']This month's Nintendo Power stated, contradictorily in the same article, that Tales had been delayed both to first quarter 2012 and winter 2012.[/QUOTE]
Winter is Dec 21-Mar 21. That's pretty much the first quarter, no?
[quote name='pete5883']Winter is Dec 21-Mar 21. That's pretty much the first quarter, no?[/QUOTE]

While that's technically true the fact that winter is Dec 21-Mar 21 means that it would make more sense to say Winter 2011-First Quarter 2012. The current reading could imply a release date anywhere from January next year to March 2013 , am I right?

Edit: Maybe not , but that's the way I would read it.
When talking about general release periods, Quarters are usually based on the fiscal year, not calendar year. Namco's fiscal year starts in April and ends in March; their first quarter is from April 1 to June 30. Now, the article might not have been referring to the fiscal year, but it's something to keep in mind.
I figured with the recent introduction of new 3DS owners I would get a lot more hits but it's still around the same. I usually get a bunch when I go to Disneyland but I only got one. ='(

I'm at 52 plaza population and 53 tags at the moment, I think I'm better off going to some kind of con.
[quote name='skiizim']I figured with the recent introduction of new 3DS owners I would get a lot more hits but it's still around the same. I usually get a bunch when I go to Disneyland but I only got one. ='(

I'm at 52 plaza population and 53 tags at the moment, I think I'm better off going to some kind of con.[/QUOTE]

Well, I take mine with me just about everywhere I go, and have only gotten 5 tags since the release way back in March.
[quote name='Mixer236']Well, I take mine with me just about everywhere I go, and have only gotten 5 tags since the release way back in March.[/QUOTE]

Damn, that's one thing I like about when I go to Disneyland, I'm not limited to the people around here. I have a bunch of tags from people through out the country.

Another thing they do around here and I'm not sure if they do in your area but there is a Facebook streetpass page for my local area. Ever so often they have events, I haven't been to any but I've been meaning to go for so long.
[quote name='skiizim']Damn, that's one thing I like about when I go to Disneyland, I'm not limited to the people around here. I have a bunch of tags from people through out the country.

Another thing they do around here and I'm not sure if they do in your area but there is a Facebook streetpass page for my local area. Ever so often they have events, I haven't been to any but I've been meaning to go for so long.[/QUOTE]

I might try to look that up.

I am going to a con soon, so we'll see how that goes. Also, I'll be headed to Disney World next year but I'm not sure if I'll care as much by then unless Nintendo adds in some new features/puzzles/quests.
[quote name='62t']Definitely go to con. I got 130 tags from 2 days at con[/QUOTE]

I got enough tags during ComicCon to finish all of the puzzles and get about 90% through my second pass of Find Mi (starting at 0% before ComicCon). Pretty much done now and just waiting for some new puzzles to collect or a new type of Find Mii game.
I wish I would've had my 3DS for SDCC. I have only managed to get 1 tag so far... School is about to start so I am sure I am going to get plenty of tags when that happens.

That's one of the most ridiculous looking gaming devices I think I've ever seen. It has the aesthetics of a portable video game system that requires a table to use...
Did Nintendo forget how to make hardware or something? I've been holding out on the 3DS, but now I'm just bailing out completely. Are they this afraid of the Vita in Japan, that they would release this aesthetic nightmare? I mean, why would anybody buy Monster Hunter on the 3DS over the PSP/Vita? Makes no damn sense. Nintendo, I am dissapoint :(
That does not look like something Nintendo would put out. It almost makes the 3DS look like a Gamegear...Could this just be a third-party accessory?
Seriously, my mind is full of fuck. It's like 2 inches thick and long as hell. Essentially, non-portable monster hunter. Yeah, that's what made the Monster Hunter series so successful in Japan. Everyone is just going to stick with PSP and the upcoming PSP HD release of Monster Hunter 3rd.


There is no extra button. The R2 button is just the R1 button because you can't reach the original R1.
I, uh... wow.

This is a rather marked departure from the 'stay the course' Nintendo is known for. This makes the fact that I already bought a 3DS kind of a kick in the balls because it's Nintendo basically admitting that they fucked up. I mean, for fuck's sake, look at that thing. You don't design something like that for any reason but necessity. Jesus.

What Nintendo *needs* to do with this is fully admit to the fuck up. Already bought a 3DS? The expansion is yours for free. Didn't already buy it? The redesign with the stick incorporated will be in stores as soon as possible. Already bought it and don't want the boat? Send us your old 3DS and we'll sell you a discounted redesign.

This is the only way it'll work. They need the goodwill, and they CAN NOT fracture the market. Look at the Wii Motion Plus... it went over like a fart in church because the entire Wii userbase didn't have it, so it left developers with the option of just not using it or agreeing to a bundle that makes their game cost more. Nintendo's one goal here is to get this in the hands of the entire userbase, no matter the cost. Period.

I hate to be overly dramatic here, but this is fucked. Totally fucked. I also don't understand why they let this be known before the BIGGEST SHOPPING SEASON OF THE YEAR when they're releasing ALL OF THEIR BIGGEST GAMES. Honestly, what educated consumer is buying a 3DS once they get wind of this? Whether 6 months or a year, a redesign is fucking inevitable. What incentive does anyone have to buy a 3DS in the next 3 months, unless they honestly don't know about this?

Sorry for the rant, but this is just... rumors are one thing, but seeing it as a real thing? fuck.
Even if they did announce a new 3DS design on the 13th, doesn't Japan usually get overly pissed off at poor quality/incomplete hardware being sold to them? This is a marketing disaster. You can in no way make the 3DS look appealing with that monstrosity anywhere near it. However, a redesigned system will just piss off the "ambassadors" even more. My faith in the future of Nintendo, the 3DS and the Wii U is officially at rock bottom. Tokyo Game Show's 3rd party software lineup for the Vita could end up being the nail in the coffin for Nintendo's portable dominance in Japan. Not sure I could say the same for the rest of the world just yet.
[quote name='eliter1']That does not look like something Nintendo would put out. It almost makes the 3DS look like a Gamegear...Could this just be a third-party accessory?[/QUOTE]

Definitely made by Nintendo and called the "Expansion Slide Pad".
I guess we'll here more on the 13th.

No doubt other games will use it, and I bet it'll be built in to the next revision.

Edit: and it actually does have L2 and R2 buttons.
Also an R1 to replace/cover the regular one.
bread's done