Nintendo 3DS - General Discussion Thread

"This message is hidden because dallow is on your ignore list."

What? I thought you were done responding to me.

*clicks view post*

Oh. You just had to get the last word. Perhaps if you didn't have your head so far up your asshole, you'd see I was being bullied. If you can't, then tough shit.

I didn't "go nuts" until I was called a sociopath for simply stating my opinion, but please continue your pathetic e-grudge on me. Internet = serious business. And I thought we were just having fun. You guys trolling me, and I having to fight off all of you "level-headed" posters being condescending to me.
Face it, the 3DS is just another piece of gimmicky hardware released by Nintendo that has initial appeal (just like motion controls), but is ultimately underutilized. These are things that only appeal to casual and non-gamers (who get bored with it after a month) and fanboys. Which one are you, sXePhil?
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']That they'd release this says a lot and they're not intending to put it out so that only one or two games can use it.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='mykevermin']You're new to Nintendo products, aren't you?[/QUOTE]
Set . . . spiked.

In all fairness you usually can count on two dedicated titles per wacky peripheral.

Look at all this success:










I could go on . . .

[quote name='munch']Guys, I'm thinking of getting a 3ds. What are some good ghaimez?[/QUOTE]

I grabbed that fighting dinosaurs game for $9 and I don't even have a 3DS yet. It's gotta' be awesome.
CAG has been Microsoft biased for sure, but you are just as combatative as those folks, SuperPhillip. I'm not anti-Nintendo. They make some great games. I was also a fan of the Wii and DS as you'll find evidence for here on CAG, less so on both accounts now (which you can see evidence for right here), but I still think they make some awesome games, and ones the others don't excel at, but the 3DS *was* I'll-conceived. Even Nintendo realizes that. Thus the huge price drop so early - it was both priced and designed for some very unclear market, one that obviously didn't exist in anywhere near big enough numbers. I think they put too much faith in 3D for sure. And this add-on analog stick is really bizarre. Mind you, I think the Vita is in for the same outcome, even with a second stick, but probably without as much wiggle room to allow for a similar price drop.
[quote name='SuperPhillip']
I didn't "go nuts" until I was called a sociopath for simply stating my opinion, but please continue your pathetic e-grudge on me. Internet = serious business. And I thought we were just having fun. You guys trolling me, and I having to fight off all of you "level-headed" posters being condescending to me.[/QUOTE]
So you didn't start acting like a sociopath until someone called you a sociopath?

Makes sense bro.
[quote name='crunchewy']CAG has been Microsoft biased for sure, but you are just as combatative as those folks, SuperPhillip. I'm not anti-Nintendo. They make some great games. I was also a fan of the Wii and DS as you'll find evidence for here on CAG, less so on both accounts now (which you can see evidence for right here), but I still think they make some awesome games, and ones the others don't excel at, but the 3DS *was* I'll-conceived. Even Nintendo realizes that. Thus the huge price drop so early - it was both priced and designed for some very unclear market, one that obviously didn't exist in anywhere near big enough numbers. I think they put too much faith in 3D for sure. And this add-on analog stick is really bizarre. Mind you, I think the Vita is in for the same outcome, even with a second stick, but probably without as much wiggle room to allow for a similar price drop.[/QUOTE]

It's all in good fun. I love heated arguments. It didn't get bad until the opposition decided to poke fun at mentally ill people (whom some are a part of my family, so I took personally).

You're good. No worries.

But dallow, watch your back, man. Watch your back.
[quote name='crunchewy']CAG has been Microsoft biased for sure, but you are just as combatative as those folks, SuperPhillip. I'm not anti-Nintendo. They make some great games. I was also a fan of the Wii and DS as you'll find evidence for here on CAG, less so on both accounts now (which you can see evidence for right here), but I still think they make some awesome games, and ones the others don't excel at, but the 3DS *was* I'll-conceived. Even Nintendo realizes that. Thus the huge price drop so early - it was both priced and designed for some very unclear market, one that obviously didn't exist in anywhere near big enough numbers. I think they put too much faith in 3D for sure. And this add-on analog stick is really bizarre. Mind you, I think the Vita is in for the same outcome, even with a second stick, but probably without as much wiggle room to allow for a similar price drop.[/QUOTE]

Microsoft biased or just better console biased? Go back to last generation, did it still seem biased to you? PS2 was all anyone talked about.
[quote name='Ugamer_X']So you didn't start acting like a sociopath until someone called you a sociopath?

Makes sense bro.[/QUOTE]

I think I'd look like a sociopath regardless of what I posted because you have a predetermined and negative outlook on anyone who defends Nintendo.

And I am not your bro. Far from it.
[quote name='Temporaryscars']Face it, the 3DS is just another piece of gimmicky hardware released by Nintendo that has initial appeal (just like motion controls), but is ultimately underutilized. These are things that only appeal to casual and non-gamers (who get bored with it after a month) and fanboys. Which one are you, sXePhil?[/QUOTE]

So you are a troll then. That sucks. We could have been lovers.
I feel awful for wasting time with you. Not really. This was fun tbqh imf.
See? You disagree with what I said, and you label me a troll. Internet cop-out #5839. Why not just...oh...I don't know...present a counter argument? Ah, that would require too much work and you're just too busy being such a level-headed guy.
[quote name='Temporaryscars']See? You disagree with what I said, and you label me a troll. Internet cop-out #5839. Why not just...oh...I don't know...present a counter argument? Ah, that would require too much work and you're just too busy being such a level-headed guy.[/QUOTE]
"Face it, the 3DS is just another piece of gimmicky hardware released by Nintendo that has initial appeal (just like motion controls), but is ultimately underutilized. These are things that only appeal to casual and non-gamers (who get bored with it after a month) and fanboys. Which one are you, sXePhil?"

I'll rewrite your post, pal.

"Anyone who likes the gimmick that is the 3DS is a casual, non-gamer or fanboy. No one else could like this handheld. Not at all. All of this is presented as fact."

No, that's not trolling, and no, you're not being purposefully obtuse. There's opinions and there's flat-out trolling. Don't try to insult my intelligence by confusing the two on purpose.
Are we finished now? Probably not as you need the last word. Your e-penis needs it. Thanks.

[quote name='h3llbring3r']Set . . . spiked.

In all fairness you usually can count on two dedicated titles per wacky peripheral.

Look at all this success:









Stuff like that is exactly why I don't understand most people's reactions. Nintendo has always had wacky peripherals that barely get used beyond a couple of games. People are saying it's proof that the 3DS was flawed from the start, which I think is nonsense. Never once when playing a DS or 3DS game have I thought that I absolutely needed a second stick. It might be nice for some games, sure, but most of us have been able to get by for a few years now without any issues. I don't expect a redesign simply because I don't think this add-on is important enough to warrant one. And if it does happen, then I'll be happy knowing that all I have to spend is $10 to upgrade. Adding another slider and more buttons would screw up the layout that I currently enjoy, so I'm glad that I'll be able to pop off the extra stuff whenever I don't need to use it.
[quote name='SuperPhillip']"Face it, the 3DS is just another piece of gimmicky hardware released by Nintendo that has initial appeal (just like motion controls), but is ultimately underutilized. These are things that only appeal to casual and non-gamers (who get bored with it after a month) and fanboys. Which one are you, sXePhil?"

I'll rewrite your post, pal.

"Anyone who likes the gimmick that is the 3DS is a casual, non-gamer or fanboy. No one else could like this handheld. Not at all. All of this is presented as fact."

No, that's not trolling, and no, you're not being purposefully obtuse.
Are we finished now? Thanks.

*puts another person who calls others fanboys but won't admit to being a troll because he respects his e-cred or some stupid shit like that*[/QUOTE]

I think you forgot to finish that last sentence. What exactly did you put me on?

My post only expressed how I view the situation of Nintendo's current hardware lineup. It should never be taken as fact since we're ultimately talking about opinions. That's what happens when you discuss such things. I'm sure there are people out there who LOVED the Virtuboy, but as I see it (in other words, my opinion), it was total fucking garbitch! Is that a fact? Of course not. Fact doesn't play into it.
I don't know why anyone here would be mad. Finally, a portable large enough to double as a TV tray. You'll be eatin' Hungry Man dinners while playing Wrecking Crew, living the dream.
Wanted to know what CAG was saying about the news today, but it looks like the past 20 posts are mostly people arguing who's a bigger troll.


Except for Strell. I'm suddenly laughing so hard I can't sit up straight.
[quote name='ZombieToast']Stuff like that is exactly why I don't understand most people's reactions. Nintendo has always had wacky peripherals that barely get used beyond a couple of games. People are saying it's proof that the 3DS was flawed from the start, which I think is nonsense. Never once when playing a DS or 3DS game have I thought that I absolutely needed a second stick. It might be nice for some games, sure, but most of us have been able to get by for a few years now without any issues. I don't expect a redesign simply because I don't think this add-on is important enough to warrant one. And if it does happen, then I'll be happy knowing that all I have to spend is $10 to upgrade. Adding another slider and more buttons would screw up the layout that I currently enjoy, so I'm glad that I'll be able to pop off the extra stuff whenever I don't need to use it.[/QUOTE]


Your dismissive attitude towards Nintendo peripherals has angered R.O.B.
[quote name='Strell']I don't know why anyone here would be mad. Finally, a portable large enough to double as a TV tray. You'll be eatin' Hungry Man dinners while playing Wrecking Crew, living the dream.[/QUOTE]

So the Wii U controller will be the King Sized tray?
[quote name='h3llbring3r']

Your dismissive attitude towards Nintendo peripherals has angered R.O.B.[/QUOTE]
Ha ha, I actually like the Nintendo peripherals. I even planned on getting the Vitality Sensor. These things are all underutilized and basically end up becoming a waste of money for most people, but there's a certain charm to wacky little devices. The Guitar Hero craze was delightful for me because of all of the ridiculous instruments. I would never admit it in person, but I was tempted to buy the fog machine for Xbox 360.
Ok trolls, stay the fuck out of this thread and let the adults talk about how much we like our 3DS and like to play.

It's still new unproven technology, the 3D isn't perfect, and launch games always suck. We get it. Move along now, children. Nothing to see here. :3ds:
[quote name='Strell']I don't know why anyone here would be mad. Finally, a portable large enough to double as a TV tray. You'll be eatin' Hungry Man dinners while playing Wrecking Crew, living the dream.[/QUOTE]

I love you sir.
[quote name='2DMention']Ok trolls, stay the fuck out of this thread and let the adults talk about how much we like our 3DS and like to play.

It's still new unproven technology, the 3D isn't perfect, and launch games always suck. We get it. Move along now, children. Nothing to see here. :3ds:[/QUOTE]


Really guys? I'm a bit late to the party but I'm more than surprised to see the amount of hate and people freaking the fuck out in the last 7 pages of this thread. I mean, come on. We don't even know all the details yet... This could have been pushed mostly by Capcom, and I'm willing to bet this will be used less than 3 times. And, I'm calling it now, it will be bundled with MH. No first party games will require this, and it won't be part of a re-design. I've said it before, and I'll say it again: Nintendo games don't need two analog sticks. They just don't. The DS was just fine without even having one, the Wii only has one(in case you all forgot, for better or worse it has been the top seller this gen). This won't be a requirement, it won't be used much(if any at all beyond MH) and it's certainly not as big of a deal as most of you have made it out to be. Wait until the 13th, and then we'll talk.


After perusing the thread a bit, I've been reminded about all the silly peripherals Nintendo has released. They do this all the time, why is it so surprising?
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that add on looks fucking ridiculous.

On another note its nice for 3ds owners to finally try out the mh series, on the flip side its a port of a game that has been out for awhile for both psp and soon the ps3 so idk. Capcom should make a all new exclusive mh for the 3ds that will be sure to move units id def get it, but then again that would require Capcom to actually do some work so that idea seems moot.
[quote name='renique46']its a port of a game that has been out for awhile for both psp and soon the ps3 so idk[/QUOTE]

No it isn't. 3G. It's an expansion to 3. This is the same kind of jump that was made from 2 to 2G which is rather large.

PS3/Vita are getting portable 3rd HD which is different monsters and weapons. Same overall feeling but very different games.

edit: Wow, just saw the screens. This looks really good.
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Sorry, didn't really know where to put this:

Star Fox 3D comes out Friday. Kmart has a $15 GC with purchase. What are the odds that Amazon matches? Have they matched Kmart in the past?

Saw some comparison vids on youtube. Didn't realize this had the same "remake" work as OoT 3D. Really pumped!
Hehe, I'll take that bet Mixer.

While I don't think Nintendo would allow any game to "require" it in the near future, I think it'll become the de facto standard for controls once a redesign incorporates the extra controls.

I definitely feel more controls, especially a second analog stick make controls better for most games though.
[quote name='Strell']I don't know why anyone here would be mad. Finally, a portable large enough to double as a TV tray. You'll be eatin' Hungry Man dinners while playing Wrecking Crew, living the dream.[/QUOTE]

Don't forget the 64 once Big Gulp.

I'm so behind on both my DS and PSP backlogs I couldn't be any more indifferent for either of their successors for the next two years.
[quote name='cochesecochese']No it isn't. 3G. It's an expansion to 3. This is the same kind of jump that was made from 2 to 2G which is rather large.

PS3/Vita are getting portable 3rd HD which is different monsters and weapons. Same overall feeling but very different games.

edit: Wow, just saw the screens. This looks really good.[/QUOTE]

Honestly Whoop dee doo, they're just gonna put back the things they took out in 3rd on the psp from tri back in, with maybe the 3rd stuff added in as bonus. You really think Capcom of all companies is about to make anything substantially higher than maybe just 1-2 new monsters and thats it for a game that once vita launches will have been released 4 times? I mean i want a new Mh as well, but this is Capcom were talking about here.
[quote name='renique46']Honestly Whoop dee doo, they're just gonna put back the things they took out in 3rd on the psp from tri back in, with maybe the 3rd stuff added in as bonus. You really think Capcom of all companies is about to make anything substantially higher than maybe just 1-2 new monsters and thats it for a game that once vita launches will have been released 4 times? I mean i want a new Mh as well, but this is Capcom were talking about here.[/QUOTE]

Do you even play the series? Have you looked at the website or read the article in Famitsu yet?

edit: On second thought that came off rather harsh. Do not misunderstand me. I am not defending Capcom here. However there should be enough new content here to make it worth picking up.
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Yes, that's what's been announced so far. So technically so far he is correct and I will concede that.

However, I guarantee there will be more features added in and revealed later. The 'G' jumps have all included substantial new features and I see no reason why this would be different.
Can't say I really care about Monster Hunter, but renique46 has a very valid point. I've been saying it for the last couple of years: Capcom is fucking lazy. Most of what they put out is just a port or rehash of a previous game, sometimes with new features. When the Phoenix Wright games came to Wii, they just ported the GBA versions and then charged extra for the DS content. The only significant change they made was adding an annoying background and the ability to flail your arm. Street Fighter, Mega Man, Dead Rising, and other games basically prove that Capcom wants to do as little work as possible to make money.
"The title of the game is "Monster Hunter 3G," which would serve as an enhanced port of Monster Hunter Tri for Wii. Several years ago, Capcom revisited the first Monster Hunter title with a "G version" which served the same function. Monster Hunter G was also ported to Wii several years later.

Andriasang claims the game will "include a few changes to the world" as well as be "packed with content." The water-based combat and movement will still be in 3G, albeit with a slightly refined control. Touch controls will be added. Monster Hunter 3G will also feature local wireless multiplayer and, apparently, one new monster. The game is due out in Japan later this year, and will be playable at TGS 2011 next week."

"A new monster named Burakidiosu. It looks like a Brute Wyvern, and it seems that it lives in the Volcano."

LOL just like i fucking thought and said. I was wrong though i said 2 new monsters instead of 1. The monster theyre bringing back from the 2nd generation are having revamped moves which most likely will be theyre hardcore versions from Frontier.

Color me shocked if capcom throws in 5-10 new monsters and levels etc then again theyre lazy sigh so i doubt that.

[quote name='ZombieToast']Can't say I really care about Monster Hunter, but renique46 has a very valid point. I've been saying it for the last couple of years: Capcom is fucking lazy. Most of what they put out is just a port or rehash of a previous game, sometimes with new features. When the Phoenix Wright games came to Wii, they just ported the GBA versions and then charged extra for the DS content. The only significant change they made was adding an annoying background and the ability to flail your arm. Street Fighter, Mega Man, Dead Rising, and other games basically prove that Capcom wants to do as little work as possible to make money.[/QUOTE]

I always wondered why those phoenix wright games look dated, i thought they were originally wiiware exclusives but now i understand.
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I have, I believe, 5 or 6 bongo controllers. Please only hit the bongos, don't knock 'em. If only the Wii version had supported them, I could have played Jungle Beat in widescreen glory. For shame.
[quote name='KingBroly']The NES Ambassador Games are now up to Club Nintendo surveys.[/QUOTE]
Thanks for the heads up, completed them all. Over halfway to platinum now :)
[quote name='dallow']Hehe, I'll take that bet Mixer.

While I don't think Nintendo would allow any game to "require" it in the near future, I think it'll become the de facto standard for controls once a redesign incorporates the extra controls.

I definitely feel more controls, especially a second analog stick make controls better for most games though.[/QUOTE]

Haha, I know I could end up being totally wrong but I do(and will continue to) stand by my statements. I can't help but think most of these freak outs are overreactions and I'll reserve judgement until the 13th. I really don't think this will be used any more than any other silly Ninty peripheral and I'd still be surprised if a second stick was included in the next iteration of the 3DS.
Wow, everyone thought the addon was a rumor that was too ridiculous to be true. The 3DS is a portable device and an addon of that size is stupid.

[quote name='chimpmeister']You really sound kind of fanatical [/QUOTE]

Says the guy who has been obsessed with regurgitating negative comments ever since the 3DS preorder thread and brags about owning 5+ PSPs with a few still new in box.
I just downloaded the 3DS ambassador games, and to tell the truth, I can't get used to the controls, I am just too used to an NES controller. It also sucks that I own almost all of the games on NES but portable versions aren't that bad. Also, the new control add-on won't be that big a deal as long as it is $10 or less and it is actually supported by some decent games.
It's a huge deal, actually. This effectively fractures the userbase of an already under-selling system. Unless they plan to somehow force into the hands of every user, it's a problem.

The last thing any 3DS developer wants to do is design a release that only a percentage of the userbase can play. So, you either take the time to program your game for play with either one OR two sticks (which, let's be fair, isn't always possible), or you choose the one that will be playable to the largest percentage of owners. The bottom line is that Nintendo simply can't make this an 'elective' accessory.

This fundamentally changes the system. Why people brush this off like it's nothing is just baffling me.
[quote name='007']It's a huge deal, actually. This effectively fractures the userbase of an already under-selling system. Unless they plan to somehow force into the hands of every user, it's a problem.

The last thing any 3DS developer wants to do is design a release that only a percentage of the userbase can play. So, you either take the time to program your game for play with either one OR two sticks (which, let's be fair, isn't always possible), or you choose the one that will be playable to the largest percentage of owners. The bottom line is that Nintendo simply can't make this an 'elective' accessory.

This fundamentally changes the system. Why people brush this off like it's nothing is just baffling me.[/QUOTE]

I meant for me personally, as whole I think it is a really terrible marketing decision. I simply meant I would not mind using it for playing games as long as it was used to good effect.
[quote name='007']It's a huge deal, actually. This effectively fractures the userbase of an already under-selling system. Unless they plan to somehow force into the hands of every user, it's a problem.

The last thing any 3DS developer wants to do is design a release that only a percentage of the userbase can play. So, you either take the time to program your game for play with either one OR two sticks (which, let's be fair, isn't always possible), or you choose the one that will be playable to the largest percentage of owners. The bottom line is that Nintendo simply can't make this an 'elective' accessory.

This fundamentally changes the system. Why people brush this off like it's nothing is just baffling me.[/QUOTE]

Yeah this is probably why Sony never released a second analog PSP although everyone was clamoring it for a very long time. It would fracture the market and confuse customers. Gamers that buy a 3DS would automatically be required to pick this add on up as soon as they pick up a system, unless they include it in the system's box I doubt consumers will go for that.

Most consumers during the holiday season just want to buy the system and a couple games and have it all work properly right out of the box.

The worst of it is the bunch of most loyal Nintendo fans are getting screwed here, the early adopters. If they don't want to go with the add on they will eventually have to spring for the next 3DS iteration which is most likely coming sooner than later. Even if they gave ambassadors the add on for free its still a blow to them.

When I buy a system I don't expect it to get a price drop 3-4 months into its life and then have the control scheme changed radically on me especially when its a hand held where the whole system is the controller.
Hey peoples.

I just sold my DSi and today the Red 3DS comes out. The plan was to pick it up asap but with this second analog stick issue coming up, do you guys think I should hold up and wait for the redesign 3DS? Any chance of it being released by the holiday season?
At the very least wait until Nintendo's conference on the 13th to see if we get more specific details about the device and it's future.
bread's done