Nintendo 3DS - General Discussion Thread

That's what I've been trying to convince my brother about as well. He wanted to get a 3DS shortly after the price drop , but decided to wait until the red one came out. Then I stepped in initially and tried to convince him to wait off till probably closer to the holidays since there would be more games out by then and most likely some better deals (he couldn't really argue with that since there really wasn't any games out now he wanted anyway). Now with a possible system remodel in the works he won't be convinced to wait it out till that (possible) revision releases cause he wants the system sooner then later and doesn't think the revision will be out till probably late next year at the earliest.

Can't really fault him for that , when you really want a game/system it's hard to wait , even (especially?) when you know a new and better version might be around the corner (which is a lot of the time).
What I hear from Nintendo next week regarding the 3DS will determine whether or not I decide to buy the 3DS this holiday season. If Nintendo is really planning on doing a hardware revision in the near future, then I might just hold off and get a Vita on day 1, which would be a first for me in terms of buying a new system right away. I've always waited for significant price drops before purchasing new game systems.
I also want to point out that I really do want to get a 3DS to be able to play OoT, DOA, MK7, SML, etc. Those game are worth buying the 3DS for, but I don't want to be stuck with an obsolete system.
I really doubt that we are in for a redesign, for all the reasons noted. Nintendo may or may not have made a mistake by not having a second analog stick on the device, but that's how it is and I think they're going to stick with it until the eventual sequel, not just a revision. That whacky add-on will be used only for Monster Hunter and probably only available in Japan and anywhere else MH is a phenomena (is it anywhere else?)
[quote name='crunchewy']I really doubt that we are in for a redesign, for all the reasons noted. Nintendo may or may not have made a mistake by not having a second analog stick on the device, but that's how it is and I think they're going to stick with it until the eventual sequel, not just a revision. That whacky add-on will be used only for Monster Hunter and probably only available in Japan and anywhere else MH is a phenomena (is it anywhere else?)[/QUOTE]

If that's the case, then I'll be looking for a good deals this coming Black Friday on a 3DS and games...
[quote name='crunchewy']I really doubt that we are in for a redesign, for all the reasons noted. Nintendo may or may not have made a mistake by not having a second analog stick on the device, but that's how it is and I think they're going to stick with it until the eventual sequel, not just a revision. That whacky add-on will be used only for Monster Hunter and probably only available in Japan and anywhere else MH is a phenomena (is it anywhere else?)[/QUOTE]

Only, at least one other studio has acknowledged having the add-on as well: Kojima Productions. (Link) They don't say for certain that they're going to use the thing, but at the very least this confirms that this isn't just a Monster Hunter one time deal.
[quote name='Salamando3000']Only, at least one other studio has acknowledged having the add-on as well: Kojima Productions. (Link) They don't say for certain that they're going to use the thing, but at the very least this confirms that this isn't just a Monster Hunter one time deal.[/QUOTE]

I'm sure a few others might support it. Also maybe it will be released outside Japan, but I doubt it will get any traction anywhere but places that are MH-gaga. Of course this is just my opinion/speculation. I may be proven wrong. :)
[quote name='crunchewy']I'm sure a few others might support it. Also maybe it will be released outside Japan, but I doubt it will get any traction anywhere but places that are MH-gaga. Of course this is just my opinion/speculation. I may be proven wrong. :)[/QUOTE]

If the Vita and 3DS end up getting a bunch of multiplatform releases between them, I could see support for this add-on ramping up as a result. Only needing one control scheme that'd work for both has its advantages. Even if developers don't require the stick, they could still throw in the two-stick control scheme (since hey, they already developed the scheme for the Vita version) in addition to whatever 3DS centric scheme they have.
They could have you select your control scheme at the main menu or have you select the type of system you had on a menu with a picture of the system. They had this in GBA games like Wario Ware twisted where you had to select if you had an original GBA or a GBA SP since the game played in both but worked differently because of the tilt sensor.
NoE already said the add-on is coming to Europe.
I expect to hear more details on the 13th when it's officially announced by Nintendo.
[quote name='D_Icon']I just sold my DSi and today the Red 3DS comes out. The plan was to pick it up asap but with this second analog stick issue coming up, do you guys think I should hold up and wait for the redesign 3DS? Any chance of it being released by the holiday season?[/QUOTE]

There's little harm in waiting to see what the big N has in store for the 3DS. An eventual redesign is definite - just look at all the DS iterations - but whether that'll include a second analog is a mystery.

Shame you already sold your DSi, though. You could pick up a cheap DS Lite on Amazon Warehouse (a few of us picked up Polar White models last week for $43.99) to tide you over, or just concentrate on other platforms. Right now, though, aside from remakes, there's only one or two decent games on the 3DS.
[quote name='Monsta Mack']Looks like Shin Megami Tensei DS Overclocked is out of print everywhere except[/QUOTE]
Online yeah.
Every B&M GS has new copies in stock around me though.
So... Is anyone playing Star Fox? I thought I might pick it up today but I wanted to see some CAG impressions of it. I don't see a thread for it, so I figured this was the best place to ask. It seems to have decent reviews at least.
Prolly pick up Star Fox at Target some time this week. Really wish Amazon would match their buy Star Fox get 1 50% off, or Kmart's 15.00 coupon.
[quote name='io']So... Is anyone playing Star Fox? I thought I might pick it up today but I wanted to see some CAG impressions of it. I don't see a thread for it, so I figured this was the best place to ask. It seems to have decent reviews at least.[/QUOTE]

For what it's worth, I played the original on launch day and hated it. IMO It's sub par gameplay to the original original (SNES Starfox 1) and WAY too difficult, and ugly to boot.

If they made it like 1/10th as difficult and MASSIVELY upgraded the graphics, I might actually be interested...
Star Fox 64...difficult? Damn...the only thing I would've considered slightly difficult about the game is getting some of the higher scores (to medal) on some courses.

Seeing gameplay footage really makes me want to pick it up. But then...I could just as easily get my N64 out and play the original. I think I'm going to hold off.
Gays, he said the SNES version was hard not the N64 version.

While on the subject of N64 version, I found it to be extremely easy. I was able to complete it 100% with all the medals :cool:.
[quote name='Ed_']Gays, he said the SNES version was hard not the N64 version.

While on the subject of N64 version, I found it to be extremely easy. I was able to complete it 100% with all the medals :cool:.[/QUOTE]

I think you need to re-read what he wrote.
Just got Ghost Recon, i don't know why i like it so much but it's a lot of fun for a turn based game. I only wish the 3DS was a tad larger to accomodate my manly hands. ironically the right thumbstick attachment might actually make it more comfortable to hold. heh.

Starfox was great on the N64, I don't know how much I would enjoy it in handheld form.
Finished up Mario's Picross and for $4, I took about 26 hours to complete all of the puzzles. The only issues I had were with the d-pad and face buttons not being as responsive as I'm used to with the DS Lite, so now I'm hoping for a new Picross 3D^2 so I can see that duck thing hopping around in 3D.

What is the DSiware version of PvZ missing?
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']Finished up Mario's Picross and for $4, I took about 26 hours to complete all of the puzzles. The only issues I had were with the d-pad and face buttons not being as responsive as I'm used to with the DS Lite, so now I'm hoping for a new Picross 3D^2 so I can see that duck thing hopping around in 3D.[/QUOTE]

Mmm, I love me some picross. I still have tons of puzzles in Picross and Picross 3D that I need to complete though...
Hopefully both of the announced Monster Hunter games will get released around the world and not just in Japan, one of my favorite series of all time and I'm always open to a new installment :D
I'm still on the fence about the 3DS after the pre-TGS conference. The good news is that Nintendo didn't announce a hardware revision. The bad news is that the slide pad attachment is real and possibly points to a future hardware revision. Still, I'm very interested in playing games like DOA: Dimensions, OoT (never played it), SML 3D, etc. In the end, I guess I'll have to wait and see if any bundles go on sale on Black Friday that are too good to pass up.
Why does Nintendo keep releasing hardware like this? The DS and now 3DS were both obviously rushed.

Oh well, I'm glad if they're adding a second stick regardless. Hopefully they'll also put in a 4" or larger screen on a new model, drop the "3D", and let you transfer games to the new one.
My thoughts on the 3DS will be whether or not we see Rocket Slime 3 and Culdecept in America. I know that Gundam game wont get translated, so I hope for those other two.

Those are two games that look really fun to play, and if I don't get them then I will have really no reason to own the 3DS besides for Super Mario 3D land and Kid Icarus :cry:
[quote name='pitfallharry219']I think you need to re-read what he wrote.[/QUOTE]

I was half asleep on the train ride home when I wrote that :lol::lol::lol:.

Sorry guys :booty:
Only 3 newly announced games that I was interested in from the 3DS conference so that was disappointment (and only 1 has a slim chance of coming over). Just about everything was a sequel/remake/iteration.
So, looks like I was wrong about my thoughts on the slide pad(though I still think it'll be bundled with MH). I find it odd that they would announce the thing before the next revision of the system comes out unless they really don't plan on adding another stick. I'd say they really can't be that dumb, but the whole thing seems like a bad move to me, so idk. At this point, their current iteration of the system is going to be a tough sell to the informed crowd, as everyone is expecting a new system with a second stick already built in to cut down on that bulk and not have to worry about how awful-looking it is.

All that being said, I don't think they're going anywhere and the 3DS isn't really in trouble just yet. I don't think it'll wind up being a failure but we'll just have to see how this whole thing shakes out. It seems to me that this slide pad is a move to appease some 3rd party devs, which is all well and good to me, as long as it isn't ever a requirement. However, being the fan of the 3DS that I am, I'll probably pick this thing up once MGS3D launches. Also, I'd imagine it'd make the system a whole heck of a lot more comfortable... My hands fall asleep within 45 minutes of gaming on it just about every time. Heh.
Does anyone happen to have a full list of Nintendo's announcements? I've only been able to find partial lists and lame "best of" lists that obviously don't have my tastes in mind.
The placement of the second stick doesn't look like it'll be great for my hands. Plus, it seems to require a single AAA battery to work, so it'll probably be a battery hog like every other device Nintendo's released lately.
[quote name='mykevermin']Wait, they expect us to drop $20 on the nub? Lolllll.[/QUOTE]

3 more buttons, too!

And the DSiXL has pretty great battery life from my experience. The problem with the 3DS' battery is that it has PSP syndrome, wherein even though you have everything off the battery still drains.
[quote name='ZombieToast']Does anyone happen to have a full list of Nintendo's announcements? I've only been able to find partial lists and lame "best of" lists that obviously don't have my tastes in mind.[/QUOTE]
Some stuff is from the conference, some is from afterwards. Do note these are in reverse order since I'm just summing Andriasang's blog post. Ahem.

- Monster Hunter 3G is coming to 3DS. Monster Hunter 4 is coming as well.
- Kid Icarus bumped to 2012. Free animated shorts to make up for it.
- MGS 3D winter Japan
- New Love Plus winter Japan
- Level 5 developing multiple games, Girls' RPG shown off
- Rocket Slime 3 November 2 Japan
- Theatrerhythm winter Japan
- Hatsune Miku 3DS formally announced
- SD Gundam G Genration 3D Dec 12 Japan
- Suparobo G announced
- Bravely Default: Flying Fairy announced (spiritual successor to 4 Warriors of Light)
- Dynasty Warriors VS announced
- Fire Emblem 3DS announced for spring 2012
- Shinrei Camera (from Fatal Frame team) dated for 2012
- Culdcept 3DS announced
- Culchobit (soccer game) announced
- Girls' Mode announced
- Tomodachi Collection 2 announced
- Animal Crossing 3DS dated for 2012
- Mario & Sonic London Olympics 2012
- Luigi's Mansion dated for 2012
- Paper Mario dated for 2012
- Mario Kart 7 details (playable Lakitu and Metal Mario)
- Mario 3D Land footage
- 3DS system update that includes 3D video capture, improved e-shop and mii plaza
- Mystic Pink 3DS color announced

More about the slidepad here. It wasn't spoken about at the conference. The more I see it the more I can deal with it. It seems to be something like a 'CC Pro' for 3DS.

Personally there are enough games I want that are coming this year that I can't wait for a hardware revision. Ah well.

edit: even more complete list on GAF
isn't there supposed to be a yugioh game for 3DS? i mean...summoning monsters in 3D would be pretty awesome, I'd even buy another Yugioh Dice Game, that game was a lot of fun for GBA...again, in 3D it would be such a great experience.
My girlfriend's brother's 3DS is not recharging with these international outlet converters. I wonder if it is because the 3DS charger is lacking the little ridge on the socket insert that some of the power cords usually have because my DSLR charged fine. We were really interested in picking up an international Mii while traveling Asia.

I guess we'll find out if it is the 3DS charger itself when we come back to the States.
[quote name='Mad D']My girlfriend's brother's 3DS is not recharging with these international outlet converters. I wonder if it is because the 3DS charger is lacking the little ridge on the socket insert that some of the power cords usually have because my DSLR charged fine. We were really interested in picking up an international Mii while traveling Asia.

I guess we'll find out if it is the 3DS charger itself when we come back to the States.[/QUOTE]

The US AC adapter only accepts 110V/60Hz. I had to buy Gamestop's 3DS charger when I went overseas as it accepts the various voltages and frequencies. Ironically, DSlite charger was universal. Maybe because it was region free?
bread's done