Nintendo 3DS - General Discussion Thread

[quote name='laaj']Is it true about the sealed battery? I'm hearing that for the first time here.[/QUOTE]

They're talking about the NGP. whatever the DS has the 3DS probably has the same. I care so little about the difference that I don't even know what the DS has. Only time I had to replace a battery was in my NGPC. oh and my ipod touch, too.
Yeah, so far as we know the 3DS is user replaceable though proprietary. Biggest single point in its favor over the PSP2 IMO. Sony's making a huge mistake here.
[quote name='Wolfpup']Yeah, so far as we know the 3DS is user replaceable though proprietary. Biggest single point in its favor over the PSP2 IMO. Sony's making a huge mistake here.[/QUOTE]

There hasnt been a portable since the Gameboy Advanced that has had standard user replaceable AA or AAA batteries.

Each one since has used some sort of battery pack with various levels of accessibility. I havent seen a clear pic of the back of the 3DS but I assume it keeps the same battery compartment (single screw) as the rest of the DS line.

Nevertheless, the average user wont care so long as the charge lasts long enough to get in several hours of gaming without a recharge.
While this is the 3DS thread, current conversation is on the PSP2. I thought the most interesting thing coming out of sony is that they're going to have Android games:

That's a downright brilliant move on the part of Sony - giving themselves the ability to make money on hardware they didn't create is a smart move, IMO. They may do better this handheld generation than I had originally thought!

I now bring you back to your regularly scheduled 3DS thread. So, two screens? What's up with THAT?!
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[quote name='Rocko']I really don't think there's a huge portion of the market that even cares about the difference between a sealed and unsealed battery, much less people who would not buy the handheld for the purpose alone.[/QUOTE]

My thought exactly.
[quote name='doodofdoods']Certainly has the developers lined up ready to support it, we'll see if that manifests. I certainly anticipate the NGP to be significantly better handheld for gamers who want a western gaming experience. 2 analog sticks, bitches.[/QUOTE]

Maybe I should have clarified my comment to state that Sony doesn't seem able to keep developer support in the long run, at least for the PSP brand. The PSP is the only real competitor to the DS, and it really didn't turn out that great. The Go effectively murdered the brand.

[quote name='Rocko']I really don't think there's a huge portion of the market that even cares about the difference between a sealed and unsealed battery, much less people who would not buy the handheld for the purpose alone.[/QUOTE]

I like to think I'm fairly in the know regarding consoles, and this is the first I've ever heard of sealed or unsealed batteries.

Seriously, who's had a battery problem? I've owned the DS, Lite, and DSi, and I've never had a problem.

[quote name='BattleChicken']I know bring you back to your regularly scheduled 3DS thread. So, two screens? What's up with THAT?![/QUOTE]

[quote name='utopianmachine']Maybe I should have clarified my comment to state that Sony doesn't seem able to keep developer support in the long run, at least for the PSP brand. The PSP is the only real competitor to the DS, and it really didn't turn out that great. The Go effectively murdered the brand.[/quote]

The go was stupid, but it didn't do anything to it more than the stupid Gameboy Micro...the PSP's done phenomenally well, selling over 51 million as of two years ago.

Seriously, who's had a battery problem? I've owned the DS, Lite, and DSi, and I've never had a problem.

Who hasn't? If you've owned any recent piece of tech like that you've had batteries wear out. Typically they're said to have a two year life even if they're just sitting on the shelf. I don't think it's quite that bad, but they do lose a lot of potential even just sitting there.
[quote name='Wolfpup']Who hasn't? If you've owned any recent piece of tech like that you've had batteries wear out. Typically they're said to have a two year life even if they're just sitting on the shelf. I don't think it's quite that bad, but they do lose a lot of potential even just sitting there.[/QUOTE]

Well, we have had 3 DS Lites and one DSi and have never had to replace a battery. The charge lasts seemingly forever to this day. So I'd say that we haven't.
I agree with Wolfpup about sealed/non-standard batteries being a bad thing. Nintendo still sells all the portable, including the GBA SP, batteries but one day they won't. This isn't a bad thing for most gamers since they treat games a disposable. Trade it all in or throw them out. But some gamers like myself hoard games and enjoy them for decades.

Yeah I'm a freak for owning boxes and boxes of games but you can say about people who owns large music, movie, or book collection.
The way I'm going, I may not even finish all my portable games the FIRST time before the batteries are long gone :lol:
Small bit of news from investors meeting:

- classic games with a new 3D look called "3D Classics."

"Game Notes" Feature:
- Game Notes lets you write and draw notes on the lower screen while you are viewing a game on the upper screen
- upper screen display can be a resized screenshot of both screens
- switch between screenshots of the upper and lower screens
- notes can be saved to an SD card

The Game Notes thing is like the modern version of elementary school playground gossip, and/or those pages in manuals you never wrote anything on.
I thought the notes thing was known. Or at least I read about it the same day they had their show, including the small details.

I'm really glad "Classics in 3D" isn't forgotten though.
[quote name='Strell']The faux rage will be strong on that one.[/QUOTE]

Well... It certainly means that trading in a DSi towards a 3DS isnt an option until May.
[quote name='foltzie']Well... It certainly means that trading in a DSi towards a 3DS isnt an option until May.[/QUOTE]

Just because the eShop is down doesn't mean DSiWare to 3DS transfers aren't possible yet...does it?
[quote name='utopianmachine']Just because the eShop is down doesn't mean DSiWare to 3DS transfers aren't possible yet...does it?[/QUOTE]

With absolute certainty? No, but the System Transfer is heavily implied to be a function you download from the eShop and is outright mentioned to be a post launch function on Nintendo's site.
[quote name='dallow']Yeah, eShop has the transfer function as I've read.[/QUOTE]

Wait...what? What does this mean?

Are they FINALLY doing some method for us to move content between systems? Does this only apply once, between DS and 3DS? Or are they growing a brain and allowing unlimited DS to DS to 3DS to DS, Wii to Wii to Wii, etc., like it should have been from the begining?

I abhor activation, but I'm weak, and will throw money at them if I can finally use the Virtual Console again without losing my games when my Wii dies or I decide to get a new one or whatever.
[quote name='Wolfpup']Wait...what? What does this mean?

Are they FINALLY doing some method for us to move content between systems? Does this only apply once, between DS and 3DS? Or are they growing a brain and allowing unlimited DS to DS to 3DS to DS, Wii to Wii to Wii, etc., like it should have been from the begining?

I abhor activation, but I'm weak, and will throw money at them if I can finally use the Virtual Console again without losing my games when my Wii dies or I decide to get a new one or whatever.[/QUOTE]

License transfer:
Thanks! Well darn, says it's limited...why the hell is it limited? I guess they're SLOOOOOOOOOWLY moving in the right direction at least.
This is not going with the general flow of the conversation, so forgive me. It's a tangent, really.

Anywho, I don't know if I'll get the 3DS right away. It's more to do with money than the games which do look intriguing. That's all I got. :cool:
Launch line up does look very weak to me but I'm a sucker for new gadgets so I can't resist even if there's only 1 or 2 games I'm mildly interested in at launch.
[quote name='cochesecochese']Any place to pre-order the JPN model from besides NCSX? They are asking wayyyyyyyyyy too much.[/QUOTE]

The Bay of E, and Play Asia.
Well, after a lot of back and forth I have decided to definitely get a JPN 3DS even if I have to wait quite a bit longer. My taste in videogames runs overwhelmingly Eastern and I am quite sure that I will want to play games that won't be making it to US shores. I don't want to get as frustrated as I was with Wii and DSiware so it's worth it. But $450 is just too damn much for a handheld.
[quote name='cochesecochese']Well, after a lot of back and forth I have decided to definitely get a JPN 3DS even if I have to wait quite a bit longer. My taste in videogames runs overwhelmingly Eastern and I am quite sure that I will want to play games that won't be making it to US shores. I don't want to get as frustrated as I was with Wii and DSiware so it's worth it. But $450 is just too damn much for a handheld.[/QUOTE]

Also, if you wait you may see if anyone comes up with a way around the region coding.
UK pre-launch events.
Anyone been send an e-mail from nintendo about this?


i ordered a JP cosmo black from NCSX. I'm sure someone will eventually go around the region code issues, but I don't do those things as long as there's still a legal way around it (imports). There's certainly a bit of price gouging there, but considering the exchange rate it'd probably still be ~399 once the dust settles. I certainly don't find 60 extra for early ownership all that bad...
$60 + another $250+ for a NA system?

Seems to be a lot more than $60 though... 250 vs 399

I'll wait for the eventual region code defeat (which there's nothing illegal about) like the Wii, only 10% of my games are imports. Not worth the cash and space for two systems.
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Still undecided on color or whether I'm getting one at all because of the so-called "3D" :whistle2:/

Have both colors preordered, but I don't know whether to cancel one or both. (Plus there's the issue that there aren't actually games for it I'd want until late this year at the earliest.)
I LIKE this influx of people who weren't going to buy one dropping into the thread to remind us that they weren't going to since last week. It's refreshing!
[quote name='Strell']I LIKE this influx of people who weren't going to buy one dropping into the thread to remind us that they weren't going to since last week. It's refreshing![/QUOTE]

Hey Strell! Sorry to bug you but I sent you a pm about ZOE 2. (^ ^)

I'm totally buying a 3DS! I'm preordering tomorrow or Saturday!
Personally, I find the color of systems doesn't matter much, what with the availability of skins. Got a black DSi. Skinned it with pink plaid.

I'm sure Decalgirl will have something I want for the 3DS. Colors just don't matter.

Or course, I suppose not everyone dresses their DS up like a pretty paper doll. :D
[quote name='utopianmachine']Personally, I find the color of systems doesn't matter much, what with the availability of skins. Got a black DSi. Skinned it with pink plaid.

I'm sure Decalgirl will have something I want for the 3DS. Colors just don't matter.

Or course, I suppose not everyone dresses their DS up like a pretty paper doll. :D[/QUOTE]

Yea I'm going for the black myself too. And I'm with ya in dressing it up in pink! lol I'm currently with the dslite coral pink which I love! I'd do a trade in to bring down the price, but I love the pink color too much and its worth it to keep as back up.
I ordered one of each... Not really sure why, gives me the change to pick a color later. (or cancel if I dont find a launch game I like)
[quote name='foltzie']I ordered one of each... Not really sure why, gives me the change to pick a color later. (or cancel if I dont find a launch game I like)[/QUOTE]

Same. Really hope I can see them both in person at some point before launch. That'd help me pick a color (and if I even want to keep the preorder or just wait till the fall when there are worthwhile games)
:lol: so at least three of us preordered both colors? :lol: Glad it's not just me!

Uh oh...I guess I hope the NGP is only in black...

Nintendo> The games on the iPhone should stay on the iPhone.


Typical day on the internets.
Nintendo and Sony already look bad when you compare prices of games available on both platforms. You can get Plants Vs Zombies for $2.99 on the Iphone vs $20 on the DS. The only thing holding back the Iphone/Ipod Touch is that the system has no buttons.

Sony has an answer with their Playstation Suite platform, and they'll also likely lower the prices of PSP games down to a more affordable level once the NGP/PSP2 is out. We'll see how that works out for them.

We'll see what Nintendo's answer is. Probably charging $5 for black and white game boy games. 3dsware will also likely get more expensive ports of successful app store/android apps, which was also the case for ps mini's and dsiware.
bread's done