Nintendo 3DS - General Discussion Thread

Finally getting to see all of this in-game footage in 3D is amazing! I can't wait to play these games!
are the titles above confirmed for Christmass 2011? Man, I love e3, but i hate the week after e3 when I have to explain to my wife the reason why we are going to be broke for the rest of the year. :cry:
So I wook advantage of the buy one get one half off at Amazon last week and picked up Sims 3 for my wife and Street Fighter 4 for my son and holy crap the 3D on Street Fighter is awesome! I heard that it was the best showcase of the 3D screen but wasn't really expecting what I saw.

As far as todays news I am psyched for Luigis Mansion, new Mario, Mario Kart and to a slightly lesser extent Kid Icarus and Starfox. Its going to be an expensive winter.

Went to bed early last night and missed the system update so I know what I am doing when I get home!
ok, can i buy a 3DS and never actually use the 3D? i tried a 3DS in store a couple of weeks ago and just couldnt focus on the screen. i like the line up of games coming out though and im torn between the 3DS and Vita.
Oh snap, just noticed the 3D videos too!

Anyone else pleased by the aesthetics and presentation of the eShop? I just wish I could at least browse the eShop while downloading.
[quote name='007']Yeah, Best Buy would probably be the best place to look after GameStop. If I'm right, didn't someone say that GameStop already had them last week?[/QUOTE]

I was told at my local GS that they had them in the back last week - so presumably they are out now or very shortly.


fucking SOLD[/QUOTE]

WHAT!? Must read! I just hope they finally deliver on more dynamic content with AC this time around. The Wii version was a big disappointment. I want online-only places to visit, regularly updated fish/visitors/etc - stuff to make the game change and evolve as time goes by. I would expect them to have a robust Streetpass feature and that's great, but I want more than that via regular online...

[quote name='RAMSTORIA']ok, can i buy a 3DS and never actually use the 3D? i tried a 3DS in store a couple of weeks ago and just couldnt focus on the screen. i like the line up of games coming out though and im torn between the 3DS and Vita.[/QUOTE]

Yes, of course. The biggest overlooked feature of the 3DS is that it is a big improvement graphically over the DS just running in 2D. Of course they hype the 3D since that is the shiny new tech - but the system is also a more powerful regular DS.
[quote name='io']WHAT!? Must read! I just hope they finally deliver on more dynamic content with AC this time around. The Wii version was a big disappointment. I want online-only places to visit, regularly updated fish/visitors/etc - stuff to make the game change and evolve as time goes by. I would expect them to have a robust Streetpass feature and that's great, but I want more than that via regular online...[/QUOTE]

My reaction too. I can't believe there is no press about it. If you have a 3DS, you can download the video from the eShop and watch in the 3D.

EDIT: No need to download.
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[quote name='utopianmachine']I can't recommend DQ Wars. With the lack of a single-player campaign, the game's value plummets.[/QUOTE]

Thanks. Yea I don't think I'll get it single player sounds like it sucks.


fucking SOLD[/QUOTE]

LOL! I gasped when I saw that too in the trailer! And I'm also surprised it wasn't mentioned this morning during the conference....Very excited now for this game.
It's cool they put the e3 videos are up.. some of them are pretty intense and some are too intense they way they transistion (OoT video).

As you can see clearly, after fucking with the 3DS, my head is too messed up to type comprehensible sentences.
really looking forward to getting to play mario kart and mario 3d this year....just when I was starting to regret the purchase, Nintendo shows off a bunch of classic IPs coming soon.
Mario Kart looks fantastic. The only thing that scares me about it is if the AI is like the DS and Wii versions where they grab a blue shell and hit you last fucking lap of the race meaning you lose. I spent many hours in rage over that, and I pray to god that's fixed here.

Kinda on the fence for Links Awakening. I mean I fucking love that game, but $6 for a game I have the GBC cart for... Decisions.
I'm blown away by the quantity of killer first-party games coming by year's end.

Luigi's Mansion 2 looks incredible.

Am I the only one that found the volume of the E3 videos really low?

Also, I want a Wii U. It's like, my glorious lovely DS in more awesome form.
The Super Mario video looked really awesome in 3D. I haven't seen all the videos yet but the 3D effects are way better than any game I've played or seen in action. I hope the games look as they do here and are not toned down since some games have such weak 3D.
[quote name='nbballard']I wonder how compressed those videos were. A lot of the textures looked really muddy.[/QUOTE]
Well they were also blown up considering they had to fit on a big projector screen. I noticed they looked muddy myself, but then again they looked really good for being blown up to like 10-15 times their size.

Also anyone have any recommendations for DSi Ware?
[quote name='utopianmachine']

Am I the only one that found the volume of the E3 videos really low?

I thought it was just me :bouncy: I couldn't hear anything on the mgs3 trailer.
[quote name='utopianmachine']Luigi's Mansion 2 looks incredible.

Am I the only one that found the volume of the E3 videos really low?

Can't wait for Luigi's Mansion. Though it seems the Wii could have been a better fit with it's control scheme. And I thought the videos were quiet too. I used headphones so that I could hear.

[quote name='AndrewCP']The Super Mario video looked really awesome in 3D. I haven't seen all the videos yet but the 3D effects are way better than any game I've played or seen in action. I hope the games look as they do here and are not toned down since some games have such weak 3D.[/QUOTE]

Almost all of the Nintendo games had an incredible 3D effect. It's like there's people inside a box!

[quote name='nixmahn']3D for resident evil did not look good, anyone thought the same?[/QUOTE]

I know what you mean. It was alright some of the time though.
I downloaded Links Awakening tonight, and it actually looks pretty good on the 3DS Screen. Excitebike is what it is, I guess if you enjoy the original you might like this (I don't), but the idea of it having been converted to 3D is ludicrous, it's not in 3D in the least.
[quote name='spmahn']I downloaded Links Awakening tonight, and it actually looks pretty good on the 3DS Screen. Excitebike is what it is, I guess if you enjoy the original you might like this (I don't), but the idea of it having been converted to 3D is ludicrous, it's not in 3D in the least.[/QUOTE]

lol I just got on here to post nearly the exact opposite of you. I don't really care to have Game Boy games on my DS because I can just play them on my GBA. But I bought Zelda just to see how it would look. Its awful.

I'm not really sure if it is just too blurry or something with the 3DS screen. Almost hurts my eyes just to look at it, feels like it is out of focus or something. Looks MUCH better playing on my GBA. So no more Game Boy games for me. I wish there were options to change to native resolution or try switching screens but don't see any way to do anything.

I also want to test DSi Ware games as I've been worried they are going to look worse. I don't want to transfer them if they are going to look worse on 3DS.

I'm also less disappointed with Excitebike than I was before. After playing it a bit I think I've adjusted to it. The Wii version is a lot more fun but the original in 3D is alright. It is hard to go back after playing it on Wii though. 3D works well with the game though.
People are excited because Mario Kart has gliders? All this means is that every track is just going to have 1 or several large jumps just so you can see it and be stimulated.

Oh and driving underwater?
Knock knock
Who dat
Diddy Kong Racing
Diddy Kong Racing who?
Diddy Kong Racing did that like what 12 years go?
LOL right?
People are excited to play Mario Kart in 3D period. The gliding and underwater driving are just extra reasons to get excited.

Diddy Kong Racing was a blast, but I don't see how that takes anything away from the Mario Kart experience.
I would have liked more info on future 3DS virtual console releases. I missed a lot of older GB games and I'm hoping VC releases don't lose steam like the Wii VC.
I'm on the edge of getting Link's Awakening. I kind of just want to buy something just because.

I like the charm and gameplay behind Zelda games. My issue is I always get stuck over and over again and need to refer to guide to figure out what to do. It's not the puzzles, it's just that certain actions don't seem obvious to me. In the end, I always quit playing mid-game. Miyamoto today said something about how this game is more simple. Does anyone know if this game is just like the others?
[quote name='lilboo']People are excited because Mario Kart has gliders? All this means is that every track is just going to have 1 or several large jumps just so you can see it and be stimulated.

Oh and driving underwater?
Knock knock
Who dat
Diddy Kong Racing
Diddy Kong Racing who?
Diddy Kong Racing did that like what 12 years go?
LOL right?[/QUOTE]

I'm with ya... after he built up Mario Kart to be this totally new innovative twist on the others; I was disappointed with what was shown. Same Mario Kart to me. Will I buy it first day? ....yeaah, I still will. ;)
[quote name='super_dawn']I'm with ya... after he built up Mario Kart to be this totally new innovative twist on the others; I was disappointed with what was shown. Same Mario Kart to me. Will I buy it first day? ....yeaah, I still will. ;)[/QUOTE]

Well, I do want to make myself clear: Mario Kart, for now, has always been win. Double Dash was the red headed stepchild, but we still enjoyed it at the end of the day.. lol

I just don't see how adding these things make it "INNOVATIVE". I mean, why bother? Just make Mario Kart. Give us new tracks, maybe throw in a new item or 2.. keep the online awesome.. and it's a win.
[quote name='lilboo']Well, I do want to make myself clear: Mario Kart, for now, has always been win. Double Dash was the red headed stepchild, but we still enjoyed it at the end of the day.. lol

I just don't see how adding these things make it "INNOVATIVE". I mean, why bother? Just make Mario Kart. Give us new tracks, maybe throw in a new item or 2.. keep the online awesome.. and it's a win.[/QUOTE]

well, what is he gonna say, that it's NOT innovative? Of course he's gonna hype it up. It's just marketing.
[quote name='lilboo']People are excited because Mario Kart has gliders? All this means is that every track is just going to have 1 or several large jumps just so you can see it and be stimulated.

Oh and driving underwater?
Knock knock
Who dat
Diddy Kong Racing
Diddy Kong Racing who?
Diddy Kong Racing did that like what 12 years go?
LOL right?[/QUOTE]
People actually played Diddy Kong Racing?

I loved Mario Kart DS, so gliders/underwater is whatever; I still want to take it behind a middle school and get it pregnant.
[quote name='confoosious']well, what is he gonna say, that it's NOT innovative? Of course he's gonna hype it up. It's just marketing.[/QUOTE]

This isn't directed specifically at this conversation, but this is such a great quote for 99% of E3 commentary. This is a trade show, not an intimate conversation with your company buddies. Plus, really, Nintendo has to use marketing words, since their basic press release could literally read "New Mario Kart. Fall. Who cares what it looks like, we know you'll buy it anyway." At least they try. :lol:

Anyway, about MK3DS, I'm okay with any change to the formula. Again, this is the 'Nintendo problem'... people bitch when they release the same games again and again, but occasionally there's a year where Nintendo *does* do something new with them (Double Dash, Wind Waker) and people freak the fuck out. They literally can't win. So, really, I'll take any small change as a victory.
[quote name='dallow']RE video was just weird.

Paper Mario looks best in 3D.
It's gorgeous.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, the RE video was more of a weird tech demo than an actual video. I'm honestly suprised they released that, but maybe they figured that the actual demo coming out in a few weeks will make it irrelevant. I'll thrilled by it, personally, since it seems to be a great combo of the RE4 style and old school Resident Evil. Very excited. It's also a gorgeous looking game, which helps.

+ 1 for Paper Mario. I get that showing the preview on the stage would've lost something, but in 3D that was easily the most exciting looking thing for the system. Can't wait.
[quote name='Sir_Fragalot']Well they were also blown up considering they had to fit on a big projector screen. I noticed they looked muddy myself, but then again they looked really good for being blown up to like 10-15 times their size.

Also anyone have any recommendations for DSi Ware?[/QUOTE]
I was looking at them on my 3DS. the only ones that looked strange were Ikarus and MGS3.

Regarding DSi Ware - the game I had the most fun with was Photo Dojo. It's a really shallow game- but if you take it to a party and get all your friends in it saying stupid stuff it becomes amazingly more entertaining.

Oh- and I could not care less about the glider and the underwater stuff in Mario Kart. I just want them to start making expansion packs for those things so I can race all the courses EVER on one game. also- Double Dash was the best MK.
Paper Mario looks awesome, indeed. Adored the Wii one. I believe that's still my favorite Wii game.

I'm excited about Animal Crossing too. Wish I could hope for it this year, but Ninty has tons coming our way already.
[quote name='nbballard']I was looking at them on my 3DS. the only ones that looked strange were Ikarus and MGS3.[/QUOTE]

I thought Mario Kart looked kinda crappy in video. But knowing Nintendo, it will sparkle when it releases.
Enjoyed most of the E3 videos on my 3DS....can't wait for them to get released.

I got a question for y'all....I'm a bit confused about those 40 coins you get for linking your eShop account to your Club Nintendo account. I see it in my To-Do list. I already did the linking but those 40 coins didn't get added to my balance. I already did 10-coin surveys for Pokedex 3D and Excitebike 3D. Am I overlooking something here? Have any of you actually added 40 coins to the current balance...if so, how?
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[quote name='utopianmachine']I'm excited about Animal Crossing too. Wish I could hope for it this year, but Ninty has tons coming our way already.[/QUOTE]

I would kill for the new AC to come out in 2011 but I think you're right -- it doesn't really seem like it's in the cards with everything else that's on deck.
[quote name='dallow']Luigi'a Mansion 2 being made by Next Level who did Punchout and Strikers.

I'm so glad they've revived it.[/QUOTE]

Why did Miyamoto start development on Luigi's Mansion 2 before completing Pikmin?

Shigeru Miyamoto was asked this very question last night, and his answer was brutally honest. It's the kind of response we've come to expect from the man himself! Quite frankly, Miyamoto said that he had gotten the idea in his head that he wanted to start work on a sequel to Luigi's Mansion 2, and just like that the project started! I guess the desire to take on Luigi's Mansion 2 was stronger than that of wrapping Pikmin for Wii.

Ugh...wait, Luigi's mansion isn't being developed by Nintendo? That sucks. The new Punchout was terrible IMO.
After watching that MGS3 video, I really want the game now. The 3D effect here seems like a good use of it although kinda odd.

So I am going to rebuying a game I already spent $65 on when it launched with the strategy guide just so I can play it in 3D. God I am a whore for Nintendo.
[quote name='Sir_Fragalot']After watching that MGS3 video, I really want the game now. The 3D effect here seems like a good use of it although kinda odd.

So I am going to rebuying a game I already spent $65 on when it launched with the strategy guide just so I can play it in 3D. God I am a whore for Nintendo.[/QUOTE]

I was initially excited for it when it was announced for 3DS but now I think I'd rather pick it up in the MGS collection for PS3 that's coming out. Seems like it will control more naturally with a DS3 vs 3DS (hehe)
[quote name='Batcave Dweller']Guys & gals, never mind my 40-coins question. I just chedked my Club Nintendo account again...they're now added. Guess it takes 1-2 days to do so.[/QUOTE]
Good to know. Was wondering what the heck I was doing wrong. Hopefully mine will show up tomorrow then.

I'm really digging the 3ds. Can't wait for all these games to come out.
[quote name='Beccaree']I want Animal Crossing now.[/QUOTE]

I'm dying for it as well. seems like Nintendo's actually changing up the formula for once. I'd rather wait a while and have it come out perfect than get another plain old rehash.
I mean, other than the short swimming bit. It looks exactly the same so far in regards to gameplay.

Need A LOT more details.
bread's done