Nintendo E3 2011 Press Conference - Wii U, Luigi's Mansion 2, Smash Bros. Wii U/3DS

All of the console announced just seem to have remakes of games that we already own, provided you own those consoles. I mean the 3DS just has remakes of DS games if you look at the release lists, and the Vita just has remakes of LBP and modnation racers both of which I got for free from the welcome back package on my PSP. Wasn't uncharted the game released for the launch of the PSP? I do like LBP a lot however I am not sure if I want to buy another console just to play the sequel.

Of course you have to consider my very narrow gaming tastes, I am not a fan of mario games and I like RPG's which none of these press conferences offered any information on whatsoever. Also no Pokemon RPG games, and no Pokemon games which are my favorite games ever mean no sale at least for me.

I am not paying $250 to look at pretty pictures of Pokemon in 3D.

There is very little in the way of actual NEW games announced here.

The Wii U is a console you can play without a TV, from my understanding. I really like the idea, but if the game are not there like with every other console, its a bust. They focused on the controller but what it is is the console will stream games to the controller over some kind of local wireless. They said this in the press conference. Of course you can also use a TV. I like this because I don't have to buy a new TV just to use the console, I hope it is able to be hooked up to a CRT TV so I don't have to buy a new TV even if it didn't you can still stream games to the controller.
[quote name='confoosious']Wow, i was really worried for a while there. But I'm on board now. The controller looks awesome.

I don't care if it isn't more powerful than the 360. I just wanted it on par.[/QUOTE]


No, you shouldn't want it on par. You should want it a good notch above in power, because when the next xbox/ps4 come out, the Wii U will be left behind, and you might get the same crap 3d party support again.

I'm interested to see the specs. Remember the first gen 360 games? Didn't look much better than last gen PS2 games.
[quote name='confoosious']it's time for all sane people to leave this thread.

it's just gonna be full of bitching and whining. As if Nintendo was gonna show us everything in a 1 hour presser.[/QUOTE]

I honestly do not think you know what E3 is....
Nintendo offered the following loose technical specifications to Kotaku in a pre-briefing on Nintendo's New Console.

  • High definition display, up to 1080p resolution via HDMI output
  • 6.2" touchscreen on New Controller, running in non-HD resolution
  • Internal flash-based media storage, upgradeable via USB and SD carts
  • Games ship on proprietary iDensity discs of unspecified, but "large capacity"
  • Games will also be available as downloadable content
  • Console compatible with Wii games and devices
  • Release date between April 1, 2012 to December 31, 2012; or after the end of Nintendo's fiscal year
So we got online gaming in battlefield 3 and ghost recon online.
We got graphics on par with PS3/360 which should be good for a whole year before the 720/PS4 is out in 2013 to outpace WiiU graphics - so multiplatform games will only essentially be equal for a year or so if that
They didn't talk about the console itself or the price. Between a upgraded consoles with full backwards compat and a tablet controller I'm thinking $400+

This was the best E3 conference but WAY too many questions unanswered.
If Nintendo wants me to buy a Wii U, they need to show me stuff I can't already get with what I currently have. "Gameplay Demos" aren't going to cut it for me.
[quote name='KingofOldSchool']Yeah it seems like it will be too bulky to handle for a long period of time if you are playing on a television.[/QUOTE]

exactly what i was thinking.

[quote name='FactionG']So remoteplay wii u. Why do I get the feeling PSV is gonna have this feature alongside PS3...[/QUOTE]

they showed it off with Ruin yesterday. play on the PS3, take it on the Vita, finish on PS3.
I like it...certainly has potential. If Nintendo/3rd party developers can come up with great games that exploit the hardware, could be an outstanding system. Could also turn into another Wii that people leave unplugged in a closet.

Would like to know if they'll be releasing a standard dualstick + dpad/no screen controller.
[quote name='ssjmichael']This is the most confusing thing about Nintendo's conference. They marketed it like it was just a controller, then they start mentioning the HD console without any revealing of it. Makes no sense and left a lot of people confused[/QUOTE]

This is wrong though. If people had paid attention they said at the very beginning that it was just the controller they were showing. You had to listen to what they were saying verbatim but from the very start it was clear that they had revealed the controller just to show what it could do with the previous hardware.
[quote name='MSI Magus']Ermmm they are not the same games. The Vita games as far as I know are brand new no its not the same what so ever. The Vita is also a cutting edge piece of tech as far as handheld goes where from what we see of the new Nintendo console its already out of date.[/QUOTE]

lol. thank god for the ignore function.
I've got to wonder how large the flash memory is. But they're doing downloadable games of full retail releases? So they've got to be giving you a decent amount of space...
Unless you need to expand with SD cards. :/
[quote name='Salamando3000']If Nintendo wants me to buy a Wii U, they need to show me stuff I can't already get with what I currently have. "Gameplay Demos" aren't going to cut it for me.[/QUOTE]

It's not even the most innovative thing they showed but the golf game with the golf ball on the tablet and swinging with the wiimote was a "damn!" moment for me. I imagine they're gonna come up with a lot of extended screen uses for the wiitablet.
You know when reggie was hinting at the new name, i thought "Nintendo U", and was ready to facepalm, then he said "Nintendo Wii U" then i just epic facepalmed.
[quote name='MSI Magus']I honestly do not think you know what E3 is....[/QUOTE]
He likes to make up excuses and leave when his argument is idiotic.
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[quote name='confoosious']it's time for all sane people to leave this thread.

it's just gonna be full of bitching and whining. As if Nintendo was gonna show us everything in a 1 hour presser.

Now if they didn't show a new console and just the tablet/controller, then yeah, that would've been a huge fuckup.

But it looks like an HD console with 3rd party support is coming, with a very cool controller, and people are still bitching. FFS.[/QUOTE]

Stop drinking the kool-aid.

People are confused and disappointed. Not everyone has the same mindset as you.

I for one, wasn't excited about seeing Ninja Gaiden 3, Darksiders 2 (Zzzz), and two knock offs of franchises with better versions of their games on a console I already own (Tekken, Ghost Recon). Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that anything they showed is already coming to PS3/360. They showed nothing that screamed, "I NEED TO BUY THIS!". If you can't tell why this is disappointing to people....I don't know what to tell you, man.
[quote name='RAMSTORIA']they showed it off with Ruin yesterday. play on the PS3, take it on the Vita, finish on PS3.[/QUOTE]

Hell, the PSP already does remote play. It's not functional with all games, or even most games, but that could change with the Vita.
[quote name='confoosious']lol. thank god for the ignore function.[/QUOTE]

Say what you want, but you just sound like a fanboy. Nintendo is putting out a console that as far as we know as of this moment is only on par to ever so slightly better then the 360/PS3. You may not like it but those systems are about to hit the point where they are out of date....that means unless Nintendo shows something to prove otherwise...they too are out of date.

This is the Wii all over again and if you like it or not 90% of gamers were dissapointed with the wii and the damn thing became a joke. It had a handfull of great games hit now and then and then people forgot about it. So far the new console is the exact same thing, out of date and with no real reason to own other then Nintenod games.
[quote name='Zamnes']This is wrong though. If people had paid attention they said at the very beginning that it was just the controller they were showing. You had to listen to what they were saying verbatim but from the very start it was clear that they had revealed the controller just to show what it could do with the previous hardware.[/QUOTE]

But don't you think it's stupid not to show off the HD console even if it's merely a prototype? I mean, Kotaku and other media outlets have images of it, we'll all see it now, but Nintendo should have been the ones to show it off to at least reduce the confusion.

The conference was still confusing, and that's clear based on the various forums I'm reading who weren't sure whether it was just a controller, or a new console being announced
I think both Sony and Nintendo did great this year. I got the feeling they are both heading in similar direction while Microsoft pretty much is left alone with on rail kinect games.
[quote name='The 7th Number']You know when reggie was hinting at the new name, i thought "Nintendo U", and was ready to facepalm, then he said "Nintendo Wii U" then i just epic facepalmed.[/QUOTE]

Same. I thought they'd call it Nintendo Yuu when he first emphasized you, but the whole Wii U thing made me crack up
Well, I want a 3DS for sure, but not a WiiU.

Lots of games on the 3DS that I want, I was surprised to see Luigi's Mansion 2 was annoucned and that many system seller titles are coming out this year.
[quote name='confoosious']lol. thank god for the ignore function.[/QUOTE]

People disagree with me! THEY ARE WRONG AND I IGNORE THEM. :cry:


Anyway back to TRUE reality: It looks like this whole mess HAS potential.. but I am reluctant to be too excited about it. The Wii & motion controls were once a great idea too.. and yeah, not so much.

Will all games be able to turn off the TV, and play on the controller? For some reason, I don't think it will .. and that's a shame because this is KINDA a neat feature.

This new controller has waggle. Did they say what kind of waggle? Same as the original Wii remotes? Or at LEAST wii motion +? Does this mean games will now focus on using the screen and waggle to show it's "innovation"?

I just don't see how anyone can be excited -- or totally against -- this considering we don't know ANYthing about it.
I Have no idea what the hell I just watched. I Enjoyed the Zelda orchestra preview concert and the barrel roll joke, but...I Feel like for a console announcement they really just gave me shit outside of pics of a new controller and don't really even tell me what the console itself can do or even what it looks like. And Smash Bros. tease? What the hell Nintendo, pics or GTFO.
"He's likes to make up excuses and leave when his argument is idiotic".

for some reason i cant quote but i agree with this.
The console is two years from being released, and they are only showing prototypes at E3. There was no way they were announcing any exclusive games for this two years in advance, without a completed console.
[quote name='ssjmichael']Same. I thought they'd call it Nintendo Yuu when he first emphasized you, but the whole Wii U thing made me crack up[/QUOTE]

Putting #s next to the name of the successor is outdated I guess.
you guys need to put the crack pipe down. Nintendo wanted to cater to the hardcore and casual gamer. Day 1 purchase for me and everyone else will warm up to it. They did with the Wii, they will with this console. Haters gonna hate. I will probably give up my other systems for this thing. It strikes the right balance for me.
I was waiting to hear people said it was out of date and sure enough it didn't take much time at all. I am a gaming fan and couldn't get more excited than now. I guess you just can't please the hardcore gamer enough i guess. I will be joining the ranks of the in between. At least I won't get to hear the bitching about this system and that one. Day 1 for me and preordered as soon as it hits. Thank you Nintendo for showing how a conference needs to be done.
Don't even say that the other 2 will copy this scheme. They will as history has proven. They are probably scratching their heads now and thinking "that is a really cool concept, we will try it in our next system", Mark my words and come back a couple years later and I will be proven right.
I'm beyond confused as shit.

This is like....rickrolling HD.

I like how EVERY "INSIDER" RUMOR was fucking false, outside of the general "it has a touchscreen" stuff.
I'm waiting for a Wii U golfer to slip their foot and kick the uber controller into the wall. Perhaps there will be a good market for nerf cases for the controller. Or at least for faked videos on YouTube.

I think it's just too early to tell with this thing. People declaring it out of date are being ridiculous. There's not enough info out there to judge that. This was like a sneak preview. Or a teaser.
I maintain my stance that Kinect is a holiday cash-in product. I have no interest in owning an Xbox 360 whatsoever. The kinect support has been horrible all year, so they release the thing and a bunch of games over the holidays then you have to wait all year until they release more games over the next holiday season in an attempt to drum up enough sales from Xmas buyers... real nice.
Thinking about it for a bit, it seems genius, actually.

It operates independently of the TV - the first console to do so. It streams video from the new system to the controller without really losing any of the quality. You market this to kids as an HD system while telling parents that it won't tie up your TV.. instant sell out.

For games that make use of the touchscreen, I would imagine that it has an option to use the screen on the controller as the main screen and you could just hit a button to switch over to the inventory screen or whatever.

There's no networking capabilities in the controller (yet) so you can't stream stuff on the go and, as such, would have to stay near the console, but I don't see why they wouldn't add stuff like what the PS3 has for the PSOne games on the PSP.. playing over wi-fi so you can play anywhere.
[quote name='zewone']Stop drinking the kool-aid.

People are confused and disappointed. Not everyone has the same mindset as you.

I for one, wasn't excited about seeing Ninja Gaiden 3, Darksiders 2 (Zzzz), and two knock offs of franchises with better versions of their games on a console I already own (Tekken, Ghost Recon). Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that anything they showed is already coming to PS3/360. They showed nothing that screamed, "I NEED TO BUY THIS!". If you can't tell why this is disappointing to people....I don't know what to tell you, man.[/QUOTE]

it's a year away. the "I NEED TO BUY THIS" advertising/press releases don't come out till next year.

I'm not a fanboy, I own every system. But anti-nintendo fanboys are the biggest nuisances on CAG. Wait till Chimpmoron gets here. He's the leader of the slack jawed pack.


I think it's pretty well established now that it's a new console and controller. But they really did a shitty job of making that clear in the presser.
At least Nintendo has finally sold me on a 3DS with all those AAA titles.
I probably won't buy one till next year though so I'm gonna miss out on free four swords and excite bike
I love how everyone acts like this is coming out tomorrow and we don't have any specs, or announced games, or a price. They've got plenty of time for details. Doesn't mean we should all hop on board without question, but the vitriol seems misplaced. They focused on the controller because that's what makes the biggest splash and the best news bite. It was a "press conference" not a "message board conference."

Nintendo has two evening events this week. I expect to hear more details, and maybe some game stuff there.
[quote name='confoosious']It's not even the most innovative thing they showed but the golf game with the golf ball on the tablet and swinging with the wiimote was a "damn!" moment for me. I imagine they're gonna come up with a lot of extended screen uses for the wiitablet.[/QUOTE]

not to be a dick, but please explain why this was such a big moment? maybe i am missing something here.
I don't care that there's a few more details out after the presentation (including pics of the new console itself). I still have no clue what's going on. Those specs that Kotaku ran with look like something an idiot 7 year old would write in the margins of his drawing of the awesomest console ever. "HAZ BIG DISKS THAT PLAY GMAEZ" "KAN PLAY ONLINES" "MAKES PRETTY PICTUREZ ON TV SKREEN"

At least there's new Luigi's Mansion in the pipeline.
I mean the only thing I'm really thinking right now is "Can I use this as an alternative to a Cintiq? Because Cintiqs are stupid expensive."
[quote name='confoosious']it's a year away. the "I NEED TO BUY THIS" advertising/press releases don't come out till next year.

I'm not a fanboy, I own every system. But anti-nintendo fanboys are the biggest nuisances on CAG. Wait till Chimpmoron gets here. He's the leader of the slack jawed pack.


I think it's pretty well established now that it's a new console and controller. But they really did a shitty job of making that clear in the presser.[/QUOTE]

Agreed on the not saying it was a console, but the Super Smash Brothers namedrop garnished alot of pop. Big time.
[quote name='xmbri']you guys need to put the crack pipe down. Nintendo wanted to cater to the hardcore and casual gamer. Day 1 purchase for me and everyone else will warm up to it. They did with the Wii, they will with this console. Haters gonna hate. I will probably give up my other systems for this thing. It strikes the right balance for me.
I was waiting to hear people said it was out of date and sure enough it didn't take much time at all. I am a gaming fan and couldn't get more excited than now. I guess you just can't please the hardcore gamer enough i guess. I will be joining the ranks of the in between. At least I won't get to hear the bitching about this system and that one. Day 1 for me and preordered as soon as it hits. Thank you Nintendo for showing how a conference needs to be done.
Don't even say that the other 2 will copy this scheme. They will as history has proven. They are probably scratching their heads now and thinking "that is a really cool concept, we will try it in our next system", Mark my words and come back a couple years later and I will be proven right.[/QUOTE]

I did the same thing with sony's psp and ps3. Nintendo just took it further that's all. I bet Vita will do the same thing since it does cloud stuff already.

[quote name='SaraAB']I maintain my stance that Kinect is a holiday cash-in product. I have no interest in owning an Xbox 360 whatsoever. The kinect support has been horrible all year, so they release the thing and a bunch of games over the holidays then you have to wait all year until they release more games over the next holiday season in an attempt to drum up enough sales from Xmas buyers... real nice.[/QUOTE]

You are in the wrong thread man.
[quote name='xmbri']Agreed on the not saying it was a console, but the Super Smash Brothers namedrop garnished alot of pop. Big time.[/QUOTE]

Yeah oh he said a name of a title!
Now let's see how Smash Bros gets ruined because we'll have forced gimmicks on us. TAP SCREEN TO ATTACK! TURN BACK TO TV TO DO SPECIAL.
[quote name='Strell']I mean the only thing I'm really thinking right now is "Can I use this as an alternative to a Cintiq? Because Cintiqs are stupid expensive."[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I actually thought -- there for a sec, before I knew if there was a console, if the tablet/controller itself was a console -- can you hack it and install Android? Can I use it as a phone? Will it blend?
I love the way I am being called Anti Nintendo even though I went in to today saying Nintendo would most likely win E3. Also little newsflash...owning all 3 consoles does not excuse you from being a fanboy. This is like people saying some racist ass cracka shit then saying "I have plenty of black friends I am not racist!".

Sorry dude..your a fanboy.
bread's done