Nintendo eShop Deals and Discussions


48 (100%)
Thanks to Frisky for all of the hard work that he put in for the previous deals threads (and continues to on this thread!)

Feel free to post here about the newest Nintendo eShop deals, My Nintendo rewards and discussions about the previously mentioned items.

Nintendo Sales and Deals page
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I'd suggest not ordering through best buy ebay since they have been cancelling ebay orders.

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Just in case it’s not been mentioned yet, Dollar General is running a deal on both Eshop and GameStop gift cards this week. 15% off both/either type. Pic attached below. Deal’s good through Saturday (6/18).


Just in case it’s not been mentioned yet, Dollar General is running a deal on both Eshop and GameStop gift cards this week. 15% off both/either type. Pic attached below. Deal’s good through Saturday (6/18).

That's good to know. I might also pick up a Domino's card; I've been getting it more often since there's one within walking distance of my house.
Can GameStop gift cards be used to buy Nintendo eShop cards on the GameStop website?  My local Dollar General has never carried Nintendo cards.

And I'd ask on the GameStop thread, but if you ask a question over there, this will be your fate.  :hot:  :hot:  :hot:
This trial has caused an error on my niece's and nephew's Switches where Stardew shows as trial software expiring in a few days even though they each purchased it long ago. Hopefully it fixes itself when the trial period ends.

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3DS eShop has some Monster Hunter and Picross games on sale:

Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate - $4.99 - Ends 7/3

Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate - $4.99 - Ends 7/3

Monster Hunter Generations - $4.99 - Ends 7/3

Picross e - $4.19 - Ends 6/24

Picross e2 - $4.19 - Ends 6/24

Picross e3 - $4.19 - Ends 6/24

Picross e4 - $4.19 - Ends 6/24

Picross e5 - $4.19 - Ends 6/24

Picross e6 - $4.19 - Ends 6/24

Picross e7 - $4.19 - Ends 6/24

Picross e8 - $4.19 - Ends 6/24

Sanrio characters Picross - $5.59 - Ends 6/24

I just played FFVII for the first time a month ago, and I was hoping for a Crisis Core port since Zach was the most interesting part of the story. Crazy timing, fingers crossed for physical.

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They finally added Snap, it's a miracle.
Rumor mill says the next Direct is the 29th. I imagine we'll get the next batch of games (and possibly GB stuff) announced there. Still hoping for that Goldeneye announcement too.
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If anyone is playing Mario Strikers and wants to join a club online I've made the CAG FC for us cheapasses

The club code is 796N5RD

The online season starts Sunday so lets get some practice in!
That's good to know. I might also pick up a Domino's card; I've been getting it more often since there's one within walking distance of my house.
Brooklyn crust. Pepperoni + Jalapeno + italian sauage + robust sauce (extra sauce is free) Special: Well Done *call dominos as soon as you placed the order and ask if they can make that brooklyn crust garlic flavored :D

I hope we're still getting a general June Direct at the end of the month.
I know Nintendo does whatever the f they want, but I wish they would have done a general one already. Even though E3 didn't happen all the major stuff still went down. I will already get Xenoblade Chronicles 3, so I doubt I'll watch that. I am hoping for maybe a surprise for the end of the year or so, since it's Pokemon and I'm not sure what else.

I know Nintendo does whatever the f they want, but I wish they would have done a general one already. Even though E3 didn't happen all the major stuff still went down. I will already get Xenoblade Chronicles 3, so I doubt I'll watch that. I am hoping for maybe a surprise for the end of the year or so, since it's Pokemon and I'm not sure what else.
It's ridiculous. These insiders never once mentioned anything about a Xenoblade direct. Shows you how much they really know. June being almost over and no direct when both MS and Sony have given theirs make you wonder just what the holdup is. Is Nintendo waiting until July? August? Because there was no E3, do they think they can just give us a new direct whenever they feel like it? So frustrating.

I just want to know when Bayonetta 3 is releasing. That's my most wanted Nintendo release of the year. I don't understand why Nintendo is being extremely stubborn and not telling the public the one thing we all want to know at this point. Doesn't seems like Platinum is at fault here.
Technically Sony hasn't given their "real" presentation yet as I believe they promised a separate one specifically for their first-party stuff. The earlier State of Play was just third-party stuff + VR.
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A typical insider would have no reason to know about a Xenoblade Direct. Only Nintendo/Monolith Soft employees would know about that, and they're very insular

An insider would know about a general Direct if, say, they had a contact with a third party studio who put together a trailer, since their game will be featured in it. That's why I'm fairly optimistic about Alanah Pierce saying there would be one on the 29th. She actually works in the industry and might have a contact who told her
A typical insider would have no reason to know about a Xenoblade Direct. Only Nintendo/Monolith Soft employees would know about that, and they're very insular

An insider would know about a general Direct if, say, they had a contact with a third party studio who put together a trailer, since their game will be featured in it. That's why I'm fairly optimistic about Alanah Pierce saying there would be one on the 29th. She actually works in the industry and might have a contact who told her
It seems that Nintendo is adding news whenever they feel like it and it's good in a way, not just announcing of announcement of announcements only.

and about leaks and third parties gives more reasons for Nintendo not to like strangers in their business

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It's ridiculous. These insiders never once mentioned anything about a Xenoblade direct. Shows you how much they really know. June being almost over and no direct when both MS and Sony have given theirs make you wonder just what the holdup is. Is Nintendo waiting until July? August? Because there was no E3, do they think they can just give us a new direct whenever they feel like it? So frustrating.
A typical insider would have no reason to know about a Xenoblade Direct. Only Nintendo/Monolith Soft employees would know about that, and they're very insular

An insider would know about a general Direct if, say, they had a contact with a third party studio who put together a trailer, since their game will be featured in it. That's why I'm fairly optimistic about Alanah Pierce saying there would be one on the 29th. She actually works in the industry and might have a contact who told her
As much or as little this could mean, someone did actually leak the exact details of the Xenoblade direct before it was announced. That it was happening, and the exact day and length it would be. And this person also said that we'll still be getting the general direct next week as well. Also Geoff Keighley posted on Twiter about the Xenoblade direct and said that it seemed like Nintendo was splitting up their news for the month, maybe also hinting towards something else for next week

Brooklyn crust. Pepperoni + Jalapeno + italian sauage + robust sauce (extra sauce is free) Special: Well Done *call dominos as soon as you placed the order and ask if they can make that brooklyn crust garlic flavored :D
I already hate tossing Brooklyn crusts and well done orders are a colossal pain in the ass. Sure. Call the store. Go for the "i want to be the biggest pain in the ass i can possibly be" trifecta. The only way I'm going to hate your order MORE is if you're being a dick and ordering carside when it's 97 or -3 outside.
I already hate tossing Brooklyn crusts and well done orders are a colossal pain in the ass. Sure. Call the store. Go for the "i want to be the biggest pain in the ass i can possibly be" trifecta. The only way I'm going to hate your order MORE is if you're being a dick and ordering carside when it's 97 or -3 outside.
I agree that calling in for a special touch is a bother but online ordering offers brooklyn style crusts (at an upcharge, I believe) and well done customizations in very plain sight so blame Dominos, not the customer.
I've never had a well done pizza but brooklyn style is pretty good.
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I agree that calling in for a special touch is a bother but online ordering offers brooklyn style crusts (at an upcharge, I believe) and well done customizations in very plain sight so blame Dominos, not the customer.
I've never had a well done pizza but brooklyn style is pretty good.
It isn't the Brooklyn. It isn't the well done. It isn't the calling the store. It's the combination of the three. Especially in the current market, I don't know if you realize what am entitled pain in the ass someone who does that is being.

It's a good day if i have ONE person in the store with me at supper lately.

The Brooklyn is the most time-consuming crust we offer. It's a small stretched to the size of a large (or medium->XL in some markets), and there is a very small window in the life of a small patty where you can do that without the dough just ripping. So it might take two attempts to get it right.

Now you want it well done? If it's a busy night or even just rush on an otherwise slow night, I have to manage the oven just right to squeeze your pie in without just burning the shit out of it. But sure, we're still okay. Like you said, the website let you order it that way, that isn't a you problem.

You call the store on top of THAT because you want me to do something to your pie we don't normally do? You're pulling me away from making food - and, remember, lately it's a good night if I have ONE extra set of hands - and exposing me to angry calls from people behind you in line wondering why their food is taking so long.

The goodwill is gone at that point. Half the people who pick up the phone to call and ask for special treatment aren't even using the number they gave when they placed their order, so I'm actually spending EXTRA time trying to FIND it so I can, if I'm so inclined, give them that special treatment.

You're better off using the text box for delivery instructions to ask for the garlic crust, seriously. The insider will see that on the tag when they're cutting the pizza and can accommodate you, and is honestly more likely to say "sure okay" because you didn't make things harder on them than you absolutely had to.
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Yeah, but why would you expect the customer to know anything about the time and effort that goes into making a brooklyn crust or having it be well-done?
Sounds like half your complaint is a result of understaffing which again, is something you should be mad at Dominos about and not the customer (besides any lack of patience on their part).
Like I said, I agree with you that anyone who calls for special touches is pushing it, especially if they make your life difficult about finding their specific order.
You should know that the text box is YMMV though, my Papa John's never reads my request for red sauce dipping cups instead of the default garlic (because for SOME REASON you can't choose which cups you get in the online order process and extra cups cost money) so I end up having to call about it and most times they still don't bother doing it.
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Yeah, but why would you expect the customer to know anything about the time and effort that goes into making a brooklyn crust or having it be well-done?
Sounds like half your complaint is a result of understaffing which again, is something you should be mad at Dominos about and not the customer (besides any lack of patience on their part).
Like I said, I agree with you that anyone who calls for special touches is pushing it, especially if they make your life difficult about finding their specific order.
You should know that the text box is YMMV though, my Papa John's never reads my request for red sauce dipping cups instead of the default garlic (because for SOME REASON you can't choose which cups you get in the online order process and extra cups cost money) so I end up having to call about it and most times they still don't bother doing it.
Staffing is an issue that isn't the customer's fault, for sure, but that doesn't mean the customer can't take an issue that isn't their fault and make it worse!

As for the text box, I can tell you that my willingness to accommodate depends on the nature of the request. There are some things I'm just not permitted to do. There are some cases of people asking for me to give them things for free that they're supposed to pay for. Sometimes they're asking my drivers to do a beer run for them.

There was the stalker who tried to send his ex pizza and make her pay for it and wanted our driver to tell her he "still loved her." Yeah, no.

Asking me for extra sauce on their wings or garlic crust on their Brooklyn? Harmless enough.
bread's done