Oblivion GOTY - Amazon - $9.99 ALL PLATFORMS

[quote name='Smashbro29']Does the PC version work with Steam?[/QUOTE]
Wondering this too. Not very familiar with retail PC games as of late. Do you have to use Steam or can you just install it? Or do you get the option of the two? I assume all DLC not in the GOTY edition is avaliable seperately on Steam correct?
[quote name='MulderYuffie']Wondering this too. Not very familiar with retail PC games as of late. Do you have to use Steam or can you just install it? Or do you get the option of the two? I assume all DLC not in the GOTY edition is avaliable seperately on Steam correct?[/QUOTE]

pc version is not steam, so you can just install it. The steam version will almost certainly be on sale for $9.99 or less for the christmas sale that starts at the end of December and includes all the dlc if you want the game on steam.
[quote name='georgebot84']pc>xbox>ps3[/QUOTE]

Digital Foundry on PS3 version (vs. 360):
"Yes, there are graphical enhancements. The most noticeable change is a slightly cleaner, more precise look to the textures- the 360 version definitely comes across a touch grainier in comparison. Additionally, this bonus detail becomes more apparent as it extends further out into the distance, something readily apparent in a couple of the comparison screenshots. It's far more noticeable in motion. There's also a small increase in the frame-rate, while certain lighting effects have been changed between the two versions (neither system really scoring anything over the other - they're just different in some places)."
My local Meijers has this for $7.99. Not clearance either. Regular price but could be a pre Black Friday holiday shipment as most of their $19.99 and under games have a white sticker with the price on the front and a white barcode sticker on the back. I didn't pick it up as I don't have a 360 but I have a PS3. I did pick up the first Dead Space for PS3 for $12.99.
I think I put over 300 hours into this game, only about 75 into Skyrim. Skyrim improves dramatically on the interface but the storyline is 100 times better in Oblivion. Have zero interest in replaying Skyrim. I held onto my 5-year anniversary steelbook PS3 version of this and I'll never sell it.
I've been wondering whether I should buy this. I platinumed Skyrim (300+ hours) and finished Fallout 3 and New Vegas, all on PS3. But I'm worried Oblivion will seem too old and clunky. How is it? Does it crash once an hour, like New Vegas? Or is it more like Skyrim, crashing once a week? Is the GUI terrible, like shooting without VATS, or is it OK? Is the story as good as New Vegas (the best of the 3)?
360 version appears to have gone up to $20.42. I keep missing things. What was the Last Story deal I've seen mentioned?
[quote name='Azuvidexus']Sort of bummed with Bethesda after Skyrim and their PS3 support.

Any feedback on this one? I've read most of their games are equally bugged?[/QUOTE]
the GOTY edition fixed the biggest bug, at least on xbox (perma vampire) but as with all good RPGs, you should be saving it about every 30 minutes to a NEW save, so worst case scenario you go back in time a few hours.
[quote name='Wanderinger']360 version appears to have gone up to $20.42. I keep missing things. What was the Last Story deal I've seen mentioned?[/QUOTE]$8 at about 2am EST. :bomb: :wall:

The $9.99 deal is still there--you just have to look for it. It also won't ship for 2-3 weeks.
360 is higher now because it's from a 3rd party and not straight from Amazon. Once it's back in stock it should be back to $10.
Dude, I cant believe I missed Last Story.....

Either way, I'd buy this, but I have owned the game like 3 times already and barely played it lol.
Hard to argue with the price. I have the Collecters edition for pc. But never got the expansions. To busy with other things and I had already played so much from the Mod community content that was made.

This will get me to go back.

Also finally bit on the Witcher 2 collecters edition. Finally got some free money and it looks like that will become gone soon enough.
[quote name='Vigilante']$8 at about 2am EST. :bomb: :wall:[/QUOTE]

Holy crap! do I have to start checking Amazon at all hours o the night now?

The $9.99 deal is still there--you just have to look for it. It also won't ship for 2-3 weeks.

OOH! Thank you, I don't know why I didn't check that....I've had to do that with other titles before. Thanks!
Yep, as I understand it Bethesda never fixed the vampire bug for PS3 (quest to turn from a vampire back into a human is bugged and cannot be completed). Which means every time I think about buying something of there's for PS3 after buying Oblivion: GOTY I hesitate because I know they have a history of not putting in the necessary work to fix their fuckups. Fallout 3: GOTY is bugged for PS3 and has never been fixed, Skyrim for PS3 will probably never be fixed to allow for installation of DLC. So...screw Bethesda.
[quote name='Kohath']I've been wondering whether I should buy this. I platinumed Skyrim (300+ hours) and finished Fallout 3 and New Vegas, all on PS3. But I'm worried Oblivion will seem too old and clunky. How is it? Does it crash once an hour, like New Vegas? Or is it more like Skyrim, crashing once a week? Is the GUI terrible, like shooting without VATS, or is it OK? Is the story as good as New Vegas (the best of the 3)?[/QUOTE]Personally think it's a really polished game. I've never had it crash on me The GUI is very good and so is the combat for that matter. Story is also really good and deep counting the expansions and side quests there is just so much to do in it.
I got Best Buy to price match the Oblivion game. Had to fight for it though because apparently they still don't understand their own price match policy, or it's purpose. They tried saying that they don't price match games. I had to call three times to get a supervisor so I could argue the point of the price match policy, which is to take customers from competitors, and retain customers. Too bad too many employees just mindlessly follow orders instead of using a bit of rational free thinking.

So why'd I bother? Reward Zone Silver member with the BB credit card, so...for the points.
[quote name='aaf']the shipping fee kill the deal :([/QUOTE]
What shipping fee? It's free shipping - or at least it was when I ordered it. Are you sure you selected Amazon.com as the seller?
[quote name='NuclearPorkchop']Are...people serious about The Last Story being $8 this morning? Did that really happen?![/QUOTE]

Yes, sir. :bouncy:
[quote name='NuclearPorkchop']Are...people serious about The Last Story being $8 this morning? Did that really happen?![/QUOTE]

Yep, it did. Was only $3 for me since I had $5 in Amazon credit plus prime. Should arrive Wednesday.
[quote name='NuclearPorkchop']Are...people serious about The Last Story being $8 this morning? Did that really happen?![/QUOTE]

I don't even have a wii and I'm pissed that I missed this deal.
[quote name='NuclearPorkchop']Are...people serious about The Last Story being $8 this morning? Did that really happen?![/QUOTE]
Yeah I got myself a copy too.
I....hate all of you lol. I also don't even own a Wii, but that game is on my VERY short list of titles I'd want to play on it.

On-topic, a disc copy of Oblivion GOTY for 9.99 is a steal.
bread's done