OFFICIAL 2007 Yard Sale thread

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That's why I floored it back. No lunch box or bonus DVD.. just all five discs in unbelievable condition, especially for being at a yard sale. It was sitting on the ground with a "$3" pink sticker attached to the front. Some people just don't know what they have, I guess.
[quote name='Scorch']That's why I floored it back. No lunch box or bonus DVD.. just all five discs in unbelievable condition, especially for being at a yard sale. It was sitting on the ground with a "$3" pink sticker attached to the front. Some people just don't know what they have, I guess.[/QUOTE]

Great find man! Enjoy the $80+ profit I'm sure you will get on ebay for it.
[quote name='evilmax17']Nice finds! Don't see Jag stuff at YSes too often (or in our case, never).

I don't think they ever made an official VCS converter for the Jag. Could that be some fanmade homebrew thing? There's a TON of homebrew support for the Jag, both software and hardware.[/QUOTE]

That converter is actually for playing Atari 2600 games on an Atari 5200.
[quote name='Scorch']I think i'll give it a watch before I put it on ebay, though. It seems.. kinda interesting. Kinda.[/QUOTE]

Were the same age and you never saw MSCL? Man...great show is you like teen drama's. It ran on ABC for most of the year, canceled, and then MTV re-ran it for about 2 years. Right now it airs on Noggin.
Picked up at a sale today:

Dreamcast w/ controller and VMU
Jest Grind Radio
Sega Marine Fishing

It was missing the power cord, but luckily I have a spare :D

Allyourblood... how the hell do you get it for $2?!
[quote name='ddrisgood137']Picked up at a sale today:

Dreamcast w/ controller and VMU
Jest Grind Radio
Sega Marine Fishing

It was missing the power cord, but luckily I have a spare :D

Allyourblood... how the hell do you get it for $2?![/quote]
this came from a lady who said it was her son's. he received it from a cousin who had moved on to a "better" system (PS2 or XB, presumably). the cousin never gave him any games with it, nor a power cord, and he never bothered using it. it was basically trash to them, so the $2 price wasn't even a haggle.

my last 4 DC systems (including this one) have cost me a grand total of $11. of those, 3 were talked down to 3 bucks. you just gotta find nice ways to point out to people that their stuff isn't worth much (which, in reality, it isn't).
To answer an earlier question, yes the 360 works perfectly so far. Sonic, Madden and the BK games look new. Full Auto is missing the manual. Now I need to find a cheap remote.

Well I'm happy to say my yardsale season has finally begun. Yesterday was quite an outing. I started off hitting up 4 advertised sales with no luck. The fifth sale was posted on a telephone pole. I pulled up and noticed some stacked NES games and a zapper - 11 games in all. The names were all facing me except the bottom game. Super Mario 3, Roger Rabbit, Flinstones Dino and Hoppy. I think to myself would'nt it be nice if this were suprise at Dino Peak. Wiithin that thought I pull the bottom game from the stack - Holy fucking Shit - it's Dino peak with book and sleeve. Trying not to let anyone see the stain in my pants because I just pissed myself . I ask the lady how much for the games. "She says I do'nt know --- a quarter each" I give her $3 dollars and she says do you want the gun and we'll call it an even $3. So I took the gun. So you're probably thinking Snot you lucky bast*rd..... wait it gets better. I know this guy who frequently buys games from me and he's been looking for this game forever. So I call him up and tell him I found a beautiful copy with book in near mint condition and it's his for $200 and I could bring it right over. 20 minutes later I'm sitting with a quick $100 with another $100 coming on his next payday. - But wait the best is yet to come.

After such an invigorating start, I'm feeling lucky and hit the road with illusions of grandure in my head. I pull up to another sale. There's a kid with 6 ps1 games complete in decent shape marked $1 each. I CIF him $3 saying I'll take em all for $3. The bag is still in my car but I think there were 2 spyro games - 2 crash games - duke nuke em and south park.

Next stop had a bunch of game gear and genesis games all marked $5 Nothing even worth mentioning. out of the corner of my eye I a box of books and check it. Surprisingly I find the complete set (14) of Dark Horse Star Wars Manga paperbacks. I ask how much and the guy says $1 each. I tried to CIF him $7 but he was somewhat insulted and came back with $10. I boughtthem knowing it would be a good read and I could probably turn them for double that.

Now my time is limited today cause I promised the wife a drive to the country in the afternoon so i head home and about a mile from my house I see a sign. I can't resist so I pull up see nothing and ask for games. The lady tells me her daughter has tons of stuff but she's sleeping yada yada yada. So I leave my number tell them have her call. Then the lady says wait I do have this. She goes in the house and comes out with a TG 16 w/CD and carrying case all wire 2 controllers in damn near new condition. It's marked $5. I quickly whip out the cash and pay, saying to please have her daughter call me when she gets up.

About an hour goes by and I get the call. Turns out this girl used to work at GS and moved down south with her boyfriend, needs cash and has a lot of stuff. She also adds she knows how much her stuff is worth and is not looking to make a killing but would like to get half of their e-bay value. I'm not thinking I'm gonna get a steal at this one but I could probably get some stuff I could turn easy for a few dollars profit. So I drive over and after about a half hour of going thru some boxes with her. I managed to come away with this stuff. She kept telling me to make an offer on the stuff and saying she know this goes for $50 on ebay and that goes for $20. Eventually I just CIF all the money I had on me $229. A little pricey yes but there are some decent items in this lot that I will easily turn to recoup my money.

This is the breakdown

SNES complete in box in like new condition with box having some wear
3DO - new in box - never used (hell yeah)
8 Dreamcast VMU's

Games - all sealed
Legend of Zelda - NES
Zelda OOT - N64
Mario is missing - SNES
Mega man x - SNES
Dragon Warrior - NES
Time Crisis w/ Guncon - PS1
Sword of Mana - GBA

GBC / GBA complete
zelda OOA (x2)
zelda OOS
Links Awakening (x2)
Pokemon Puzzle
Pokemon yellow
golden sun
super mario advance
kirby dreamland
phantasy star collection

SNES - complete
Mario RPG
Final Fantasy 3
Zelda LTTP
Zelda OOT

SNES - cart only
Lufia 1 - (x2)
Lufia 2
Contra 3
Kirby super Star
Mega man x
Mystic quest
Kirby's avalanche
Kirby's dreamcourse
actraiser 2
samurai showdown
kirby's dream course
super mario kart
super mario all stars

NES - complete
Dragon Warrior 3
Dragon Warrior 4

NES - cart only
about 40 cart only with some notables
snow brothers
mega man 1,2,3,5

Saturn games
Panzer Dragoon Zwei
Vampire savior
Primal rage
Blazing Dragons
Shining wisdom
tomb Raider
virtual fighter remix
Mansion of hidden souls
fighter Megaix
virtual Hydlide
virtual fighter 2

N64 - cart only
mario kart
mario golf
paper mario

Stradegy Guides 40 in total
Ogre Battle 64
Threads of Fate (x2) sealed
Parasite eve 2 sealed
Paper mario
Breath of Fire 4
6 different zeldas
FF Tactics

I also have another box of games, controllers, wires, instruction books that I have to go through yet but probably won't get to it till next week.

So all in all I think I did pretty good and hopefully next week will be good too .
Very nice find snotknocker. I wish I could come across sales like here. I'd like to find some of those saturn and snes games. I've seen saturn stuff at maybe 5 sales during the last two years.
[quote name='snotknocker']Games - all sealed
Legend of Zelda - NES
Zelda OOT - N64
Mario is missing - SNES
Mega man x - SNES
Dragon Warrior - NES
Time Crisis w/ Guncon - PS1
Sword of Mana - GBA [/quote]
The whole bundle is great, but this is the honeypot for me. I'd have a hard time deciding between selling a sealed Zelda NES and keeping it. On the one hand its a few hundred smackers, on the other, quite a nice showpiece.

You and your bundles...this is like your 5th huge one! Always impressive, always a good story. Someday I hope to get one just like it!
Oh noooooo! I wish i'd remembered yard sales sooner. Just found a sale 2 miles away that was posted last Saturday that included a 360 with games for $200 and a PS3 for $400. DOHHHHH!
Bah, horrible yard sale weekend, very few finds, and when they had something, it was way over priced (psone with sports games for $40)

so to make up for it I headed to my local goodwill store, where they finally had a nice selection, but the prices were way over priced as well ($25 for ps1, $25 for dreamcast) - hopefully next weekend will bring better items...
Snotknocker, I'm lucky to find a haul like that once a year! Unlike everyone else, I don't hate you. I'm just very jealous. :)

On the 19th, I bought these games:

Aztec Adventure - SMS< Complete - $4
Missile Defense 3-D - SMS< Complete - $4
Penguin land - SMS, Complete - $4
Where's Waldo? - NES, Loose - $2

I also got some GBA boxes and manuals for free.

Yesterday, I bought these games:

FlatOut - :xbox:, Missing Manual - $3
Tony Hawk's American Wasteland - :360:, Complete, Very good condition - $10

I'm happy with THAW. :)
[quote name='evilmax17']The whole bundle is great, but this is the honeypot for me. I'd have a hard time deciding between selling a sealed Zelda NES and keeping it. On the one hand its a few hundred smackers, on the other, quite a nice showpiece.

You and your bundles...this is like your 5th huge one! Always impressive, always a good story. Someday I hope to get one just like it![/quote]
It is a tough decision and I think at this point I'll hold on to it at the very least until Christmas time, I'll probably advertise at some incredibly ridiculous price and hope some one bites.

Last year I made big money during the holidays and could of made much more had I not been so picky during the YS season. I passed on tons of stuff that was not dirt cheap and after all was said and done I was wishing I had bought that Tyson or that Mario Kart for $5 because while buying a game for .50 and selling it for $20 will make you feel really good, buying a game for $5 and selling it for $20 certainly would'nt be painful.

I'm totally focused now at not only building a decent collection but also maintaining a good supplemental income.

And for you new yard sailers I can not emphasize enough that if you do not see anything game related .. ask ....ask ....ask!!! and if you get the old "oh my son has lots of games but he's not here right now" or the "I got a box in the attic that I have to dig out"


At least 3 of my biggest hauls were acquired that way. I even leave my number when people say they dont' have games. I'm just like "well if you know anybody that might have any .... here's my number" In my experience when it comes to yard sales you never know what deals you're gonna find (or make) or when your gonna find them
Because of your inspiring stories im walking my neighborhood on yardsale weekend *not this weekend, the one after it* and going to bug every person I encounter with a sale going on about game stuff.
When I was 17 (1999) I was at a garage sale this lady had a mint condition brand new Coleco Vision that had sat in their attic since 1982ish. It still had the tape on the sides and she only wanted $20 but all I had was $5. Apparently their grandma also bought the system and they never got around to returning the extra. It stings me to this day....
[quote name='snotknocker']It is a tough decision and I think at this point I'll hold on to it at the very least until Christmas time, I'll probably advertise at some incredibly ridiculous price and hope some one bites.

Last year I made big money during the holidays and could of made much more had I not been so picky during the YS season. I passed on tons of stuff that was not dirt cheap and after all was said and done I was wishing I had bought that Tyson or that Mario Kart for $5 because while buying a game for .50 and selling it for $20 will make you feel really good, buying a game for $5 and selling it for $20 certainly would'nt be painful.

I'm totally focused now at not only building a decent collection but also maintaining a good supplemental income.

And for you new yard sailers I can not emphasize enough that if you do not see anything game related .. ask ....ask ....ask!!! and if you get the old "oh my son has lots of games but he's not here right now" or the "I got a box in the attic that I have to dig out"


At least 3 of my biggest hauls were acquired that way. I even leave my number when people say they dont' have games. I'm just like "well if you know anybody that might have any .... here's my number" In my experience when it comes to yard sales you never know what deals you're gonna find (or make) or when your gonna find them[/quote]

What hurts the most is that you found all those kirby games for SNES. I can't even tell you how long i've been on the hunt for those. Oh well, congratulations!
Man I have been Yard Sailing in NJ for two years and havent found anything close to that. Snotknocker I hope you arent close to my neighborhood.

I always leave phone numbers but never get a call back.

Not much this weekend again


Mega Man 4
Super Mario Bros 3
Dr Mario
Bird vs Jordan
1$ each

Super Bubble Pop
Jimmy Neutron
All Star Baseball 2004
1$ eacg

GTA III Vice City
GTA San Andreas
Tru Crime NY

~20 inch plush Mario 3 doll (with raccoon tail)

Sonic Beanie Doll

Star Ocean PS2 Strat Guide
I've never found anything very exciting at yard sales. I'll be hitting the resale stores today, and will keep my eyes out for vidgames. Only stuff I've ever found is an NES with a few good games, but it gave me a blue screen :(
[quote name='snotknocker']And for you new yard sailers I can not emphasize enough that if you do not see anything game related .. ask ....ask ....ask!!! and if you get the old "oh my son has lots of games but he's not here right now" or the "I got a box in the attic that I have to dig out"


At least 3 of my biggest hauls were acquired that way. I even leave my number when people say they dont' have games. I'm just like "well if you know anybody that might have any .... here's my number" In my experience when it comes to yard sales you never know what deals you're gonna find (or make) or when your gonna find them[/quote]

I have thought of leaving a phone number to those who May have games, But not to people who Don't have games. Maybe I won't be as jealous of your finds now.
I'd say you did all right, smauug. Mega Man 4's a solid deal, and I'm personally envious of the Mario plush (I've never been able to find one I liked, and all the ones I do see are bootleg or crappy design)

This weekend might be interesting. More ads this week than I've seen at any point this year, and one mentions an Xbox bundle by name, with no early sales. With most ads that have done this, for recent systems at garage sales, the people usually want $100-150 firm, but maybe I can CIF lower (like, a lot lower) and see what happens.
[quote name='Pi573'] but maybe I can CIF lower (like, a lot lower) and see what happens.[/quote]


Yet another pebble snatched from the hand
[quote name='smaaug']I always leave phone numbers but never get a call back.[/QUOTE]

Don't feel bad I think that's what happens 95% of the time or more, I've left my phone number with a number of people who have mentioned old systems they had and the only person that ever got back to me was a lady who I have meet before as she used to have a fireworks stand here in town that I've bought from afew times.
I went to a couple thrifts yesterday. At the first place, I got:

Mario Teaches Typing (complete) - $1
Figured that'd make an interesting conversation piece.

My second stop was a Goodwill, where I got a DVD storage rack that holds about 25 DVDs for $2.99. I needed another DVD rack for PS2 games, so that was a good find.
I was wondering about what day is better to go out on: Friday or Saturday? Most of the sales in my area usually open on Friday, so that's when I go out.
Dropped by a thrift shop today on a lark. Poked around at some of the CDs, since I had noticed some silly kids computer games mixed in with them...and came out holding the install disc to Final Fantasy VII.

A little more rummaging on the surrounding shelves, and after a fun, ten minute scavenger hunt, I was holding all four discs to the original PC version of FFVII.

They were marked $4 each CD, but it was half-off day or something, so the final price was $8.
I scoped out the local thrift stores earlier in the week. All I really found was an NES Satellite IR multitap with box and instructions. It cost me $1.99, and the thing is in pretty nice condition.

There's a big yard sale day coming up this Saturday in my neighborhood. I almost always oversleep and miss out on most of it, but last year I picked up an Atari 7800 w/ 2 controllers, all the hookups, a bucket of 30 or so Atari 2600 and 7800 games, and an NES Zapper that someone had left at the curb after failing to sell it all day. I never managed to get the 7800 working but I can't complain much considering I didn't have to spend a dime on it.
[quote name='Slim Gatsby']Dropped by a thrift shop today on a lark. Poked around at some of the CDs, since I had noticed some silly kids computer games mixed in with them...and came out holding the install disc to Final Fantasy VII.

A little more rummaging on the surrounding shelves, and after a fun, ten minute scavenger hunt, I was holding all four discs to the original PC version of FFVII.

They were marked $4 each CD, but it was half-off day or something, so the final price was $8.[/quote]
I lol'ed at this. FF7 seems to be the most notorious game in existence for showing up fragmented. I can't tell you how many times I've seen places that only sell disc 1, or disc 3, or whatever (for both PSX and PC versions). You were lucky to find all of the discs.

I also lol'ed because one of my garage sale scores about three years back was a gaming bundle that had, among many other things, the box to FF7 for PC (and maybe the booklet-no discs though). If I can find it (assuming I wasn't an idiot and threw it away) I'll send it your way.
[quote name='Pi573']I lol'ed at this. FF7 seems to be the most notorious game in existence for showing up fragmented. I can't tell you how many times I've seen places that only sell disc 1, or disc 3, or whatever (for both PSX and PC versions). You were lucky to find all of the discs.

I also lol'ed because one of my garage sale scores about three years back was a gaming bundle that had, among many other things, the box to FF7 for PC (and maybe the booklet-no discs though). If I can find it (assuming I wasn't an idiot and threw it away) I'll send it your way.[/quote]

I to have also been a victim of the FF7 fragmentation. I actually picked up FF7:GH at a pawn shop for $5 but the first dist was missing. I hope that one day I'll run across it. Then I would have both complete versions.
More finds. They were not stellar finds, but they arent bad...

No exciting story for this one. I was walking through goodwill and saw a set of component cables for .50 and picked them up since we are getting a new TV. I then looked and found light crusader for Genesis for $2. I picked them both up for the grand total of $2.50.

I went to a local thrift store just as they were closing. I immediatly noticed a stack of N64 games (all sports) and a couple playstation games. In particular, The Next Tetris. I had not had a chance to play it but I had always wanted to. I get it out of the case and look at it, set it back down, come back and look again. I also noticed that other games were marked different prices. So I asked her, "Why are some games marked different prices?" She replied, "I think that she looks them up to see their value." Well she then asks which one and looks at is and asked is $7 would work instead. I hesitate but said yes. She then looked at it again and said, "Well is has a few scratches. How about $5?" So I said of course. So I finally ended up with this game for $5. Not to terribly bad I thought since my price guide books it at $23

I wandered into a local thrift store and noticed these items on a higher shelf. I thought that these would look cool in my basement. So with one tucked under my arm I started walking some more. I then saw the Mortal Kombat pinball machine. I turned it on and it even worked. So I picked it up. I then saw the other pokemon wall plaque. I picked it up as well. Finally it came to the grand total time. It wasn't to bad as I ended up paying $13 for all 3 items.
Went out to few sales this morning despite the crappy weather. The only thing I found was a disc only copy of Final Fantasy Tactics for $0.30.
[quote name='Slim Gatsby']There are yard sales in the middle of the week in Indiana?[/QUOTE]
There are usually a few sales on thursday. Not many. You just have to check the paper in the morning.
Okay, I've been checking out craigslist pretty aggressively, and found a seller selling some good stuff (but pricing it 'according to or').

But he has some good stuff listed, so I meet up at his place to give it a shot with some serious CIF action.

I don't know how great a deal this is, not that great IMO compared to the insane ones on here that get posted (or hearing about these EB/SG 75% off or GC Classic Plastic sales/clearances, which in LA are non-existant or have only pure crap ALWAYS), but here is what I got yesterday after work:


Castlevania 3 (cart and sleeve only)


Mario All Stars (cart only)


Castlevania Chronicles (complete, non-GH...if there was a GH)
Thousand Arms (complete, non-GH...if there was a GH)
Xenogears 1 (complete, non-GH, chipped back clear plastic door to case...easy enough to replace)


Paper Mario (SEALED)
Blast Corps (complete)
Hybrid Heaven (complete)
F-Zero (complete)

$75 total. Seems like a lot, especially when I see on here people getting crazy rare and in demand games for $.50 or a buck or two. Same with the EB/GS clearance. I will try to get some pics of everything in a couple of days.

BTW He had a bunch of Dreamcast games too, and a bunch of Street Fighter collections on PS1, DC, etc., but was asking a LOT for these. He also told me he was keeping some of the most prized pieces of his collection, including a Saturn Panzer Dragon Saga :whistle2:( but I left him my card so hopefully he will sell me more stuff, and for a decent price.
Thats a great deal for 75$. You can always ebay the Sealed Paper Mario for I would think at least 75 and the rest to keep for free
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bread's done