Official CAG Destiny Thread - Rise of Iron

You could always use your swords to cancel taint-death and not worry about getting a 3rd in your fireteam... that is, if you don't want/care to experience the original fight mechanics.

I haven't played Destiny in a few weeks, but I'm kind of itching for a raid run. Anyone going to be on tonight for a Kings Fall or Crota's End? I'd kind of like to get that Golgoroth challenge on hard more done.
I'm itching to get the Golgy challenge done as well since I could really use a couple pairs of 320 boots like Broly got! My Raid team bailed last night after we had planned to run it. I'm trying to get them together tonight but not getting much response. My next 3 hours might be pretty busy but after 9pm Pacific or so now I will try to be on. I can probably hop on earlier than I said before since I didn't get on in the afternoon like I thought I would.

I wouldn't mind running Crota (or even VoG) at some point with 100xp since he's never done a Raid before. He could also probably just hop right into a Normal King's Fall. It just might be a bit too much this week with the Golgy challenge, Iron Banner, and Trials (which I might take a run at this weekend). Perhaps in two weeks when there's not much else going on (no SRL/IB and the challenge is War Priest) we could get a CAG raid together.

You could always use your swords to cancel taint-death and not worry about getting a 3rd in your fireteam... that is, if you don't want/care to experience the original fight mechanics.
I' not even sure how this would work. Does blocking with the sword make you survive the taint and pass it automatically to someone else? I always just thought it was insta-death no matter what you had equipped.

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I'm itching to get the Golgy challenge done as well since I could really use a couple pairs of 320 boots like Broly got! My Raid team bailed last night after we had planned to run it. I'm trying to get them together tonight but not getting much response. My next 3 hours might be pretty busy but after 9pm Pacific or so now I will try to be on. I can probably hop on earlier than I said before since I didn't get on in the afternoon like I thought I would.

I wouldn't mind running Crota (or even VoG) at some point with 100xp since he's never done a Raid before. He could also probably just hop right into a Normal King's Fall. It just might be a bit too much this week with the Golgy challenge, Iron Banner, and Trials (which I might take a run at this weekend). Perhaps in two weeks when there's not much else going on (no SRL/IB and the challenge is War Priest) we could get a CAG raid together.

I' not even sure how this would work. Does blocking with the sword make you survive the taint and pass it automatically to someone else? I always just thought it was insta-death no matter what you had equipped.
We should have room again tonight. Most of our Raid team has been playing fucking ARK all the time. Been a bit of a struggle trying to get people. I think we will run it about 9PM your time. We should all be on around then if not a little bit before. I'm trying to get to rank 3 in IB to spend some marks before Trials goes live on Friday since I have 2x 25 mark bounties on all 3 characters.


Also my nightfall drops weren't pure poop for once :shock:

MIDA, Red Death, and a really good rolled Havok Pigeon (Crucible SideArm)

So glad NF gives faction rep now because I got this:


IMO one of the best looking ships. :drool: :drool: :drool:

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I may take you up on the Raid tonight.  I'll save a Golgy checkpoint on a second character while we're at it so I can at least knock those out on all 3 at some point this week.  It doesn't matter to me if that's all I do for the Raid this week - don't feel compelled to finish it, really.  If you need another I can probably get Chammer to join.

I just heard of this ARK game for the first time last night (someone I didn't know in our fireteam was talking about it - saying all her Destiny friends played that now).  I have no idea what it even is - will have to check it out.

That's a nice ship - New Monarchy I assume.  I had just started that on my Hunter a few months ago but faction rep is so slow to gain now (especially since I rarely do patrol any more - most of mine is via Crucible now I guess) that I just hit rank 3 and got nothing of note from that.  I haven't even gotten an emblem yet.

The exotic faction rep boosting class items are cool and all, but it is utterly stupid that they lock them away until, what, rank 25?  By that time you'll probably have most of the stuff from the faction anyway so having the boost item is pretty useless.  I need that boost item now in the beginning of my faction crawl - not at the end.  I never use my Dead Orbit or FWC ones because I don't really need to (though I think I'm still missing one FWC ship).

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Ok, even though the IB ghost drop isn't guaranteed I decided to jump back in tonight.  First thing, clean out some engrams. I realized I have 31! exotic engrams sitting in storage and postmaster.  Gathered those from many oryx runs and 3oC uses.  Since I am always in inventory hell I usually end up having these amass in the postmaster.  This is just insane...

Did some IB and knocked out the easy daily stuff.  Guess I'll look for some raid runs since the Golgoroth challenge could actually be a place where I could bump up my light level.  Maybe will try the Oryx CM next week since I didn't have time a couple weeks back.  

If anyone is running IB or Raid and I'm on let me know.  All characters 315+ with plenty of clears.

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Hey io, if you guys ever do VOG, please let me know. I've never done it, and I need to to complete the No Time to Explain quest.
Hopefully after Iron Banner though, I'm pretty into that right now.
Just got to Rank 3 tonight and got my class item and another artifact, and I've gotten a couple of helmets too. Don't really like the looks of the Titan helm though, but the Hunter and Warlock look awesome. I plan on ranking them up also this weekend.
I' not even sure how this would work. Does blocking with the sword make you survive the taint and pass it automatically to someone else? I always just thought it was insta-death no matter what you had equipped.
Yeah, use block to survive. People have been using that to solo Skolas.

Hey io, if you guys ever do VOG, please let me know. I've never done it, and I need to to complete the No Time to Explain quest.
Hopefully after Iron Banner though, I'm pretty into that right now.
Just got to Rank 3 tonight and got my class item and another artifact, and I've gotten a couple of helmets too. Don't really like the looks of the Titan helm though, but the Hunter and Warlock look awesome. I plan on ranking them up also this weekend.
We should definitely do a CAG run of both of the older Raids (or all 3). Like I said, maybe week after next when we're back to the Warpriest challenge, though possibly we could squeeze one in next week (maybe VoG). We should get the two new guys (you and 100xp) in for sure. We'd just need 3 more.

I got 2 King's Fall end-to-end clears done tonight with Vendetta's crew. It was the fastest I've ever gone though that raid, Golgy challenge included. It was like an hour for each, with minimal wipes (on the first one we got Oryx first try). I got boots and arms - both of which were needed for those particular characters. If I wanted to give all the stuff to my Warlock I could now make her 320. But the boots I got for my Hunter have nice perks so I'll want to keep them there. I still have my Warlock to run through so hopefully I'll pull some boots for her too. She has a really nice 314 Trials pair right now and a 320 Raid piece would make those 320.

Although... I've been trying to get boots with extra rocket launcher ammo for PvP. But I just ran an IB match with Baron's Ambition (machine gun from the Servitor boss strike I believe) and wrecked with it. Watch my latest video ;). So now I'm thinking the extra machine gun ammo is better...

I also gave Mida a shot (since the Oryx chest gave me a 310 one so I could ditch the 280 one I bought from Xur just last week) really late tonight and I wish I had been using it earlier. Now I see why everyone does. I had only ever used Mida for the increased agility when running lamps in the Crota raid.

Yeah, use block to survive. People have been using that to solo Skolas.
Well, damn, that would make it pretty easy then.

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Rank 5 on my Titan, thanks to bounties & buffs,
Got the hand cannon again, 314 but I'll infuse it into something. Really wanted either the shotgun or auto rifle, but I can just buy those I guess.

Now to work on my Hunter & Warlock.

Edit- ...and already Rank 3 on my Hunter. Starting early is the way to go I guess. Should be no problem getting to 5 with the added buff tomorrow.
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Rank 5 already?!?!  How much did you play?  I used to go crazy the first few days and finish up over the weekend, but the points for a win are so small these first few days I usually stop after the bounties are done (which usually only take a game or two per character).

I did get a couple of Golgoroth clears in.  One after an invite from Simo where I think we cleared it in one shot, then we went to run it again, but after a few wipes the group broke up.   Then I got reminded how much LFG can suck by going for another clear.  After jumping in and out of a few clueless groups where I was doing 2x the damage that others were i finally got another clear in.  Got a couple armor pieces that helped me push up a bit more.  This group wanted to do Oryx after that, but it was late and I wasn't sure the group could get it done after they flubbed the Sisters a number of times.  

My return to LFG made me pretty envious of those hour long raid clears though...  :beer: .  Would definitely like to find a solid group for the Oryx challenge next week to get that done.

After decoding like 20 exotics I had a pretty nice haul.  310 Mida, Bad Juju, Monte Carlo, Hereafter, and a bunch of armor pieces.  Not too bad.  

My return to LFG made me pretty envious of those hour long raid clears though... :beer: . Would definitely like to find a solid group for the Oryx challenge next week to get that done.
If you are around when we run it we might be able to get you in. We usually have a solid 4 but often need 2 others to fill in and we've been using LFG a lot the last several weeks to fill out 1 or 2 spots.

As for getting to Iron Banner Rank 5, I could probably do it pretty quickly if I wanted. I have 2 of the 3 weeklies saved up on each character (from last IB) and have only turned one in so far (to get my Warlock to rank 3). If I staggered them I could probably hit 5 tonight without playing too many matches. Since my Warlock hit 3, I got to 3 on my Hunter pretty quickly just with wins and the daily bounties. Then I could turn in her two weeklies and hit rank 4, then use the 2x boost and the weeklies to get my Titan to rank 5. But I'll probably hold off for a few days anyway just to make it even easier. If you are looking for 320 ghost shells, though, I think you need to get to rank 4, at least, ASAP, and then just keep playing. That's what I did last time when I got 3 of them.

By the way the package from rank 3 still gives you a blue 310 artifact. That was nice the first time around but with the 320 artifacts from the Raid challenges it is kind of pointless now. Still, they can be good for someone who doesn't Raid. The blue one I got last IB actually had better stats than the 310 legendary artifact I had at the time.

I may hop on for a bit if anyone needs a Nightfall or wants to IB. Flacksguy, if you are on we can run that Oracle mission really quick. (Edit: Change of plans: watching a movie with the kids first - I'll be on later)

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Thanks io, I was out for New Years anyway.

I've been off of work for the holidays, so I've had much more time to play than usual.
Thats the only reason why I've made so much progress.

I don't typically like Crucible all that much, but I enjoy Iron Banner. Go figure.
Well, I played Iron Banner and got all 3 helmets before I even hit rank 2 on any character...  Pretty crazy RNG there.  Its like they are telling me to stop playing... lol

I can't get a helmet to drop on my Hunter, and thats the one I really want.

I reached Rank 5 on my Hunter this morning and got a 318 Ghost and a 320 Chest, so that was pretty awesome. But I was stupid and forgot to buy something with Legendary Marks before turning in the weekly bounties, so I lost 75 Marks.

Was just working on my Warlock, and have that to Rank 3, but I may grind my Hunter for a bit to try for that helmet.
Saw a couple of guys get exotic engrams after a match, so maybe I should start trying some 3 of Coins again too.
The IB RNG seems weird.  Like Drunkz, I got two helms early on; around rank 2 or something.  Since then...nothing.  Really,  I just seem to be getting blue gear and motes of light now.  I'm not seeing others getting much either.  95% of the time, the postgame screen shows a whole lot of blue.

Still having fun though.  The 310 MIDA I got from a 3oC made my week.   :D/

OK yeah, I've been playing too much the last couple of days.
Got to Rank 5 on my Warlock, so thats all three characters now. Got a helmet to drop, but it was barely higher than the one from Saladin. Also got the fusion rifle (311) which I'll have to decide what to infuse with it. Maybe the IB shotgun that I bought. That thing isn't bad.

I'll still play around a bit to try to get that Hunter helmet and the auto rifle, and if I don't I'll just buy them. Would also like to get a Hunter cloak, but I rarely see that drop.
Did IB last night and one round with Io. Had a hilarious opening start with a nice kill streak. Got a strange coin from my 3 o C, meh.

I did however get the assault rifle drop earlier and the hunter cloak later that night. I like the AR, the cloak just looks strange because it's like you're wearing a wolfs head hoodie vs a wolfs head...ill wear it for IB for the rep but after that it's going into the vault.

295 light for IB.
301 for PVE.
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All I need is a 320 Ghost to hit 320 Light on my hunter.  Got a ghost from level 5 IB packaage and what level is it?!?!?  310?!?!?  You have got to be fuck ing kidding me.  I still have 2 more packages to go for, lock and titan are literally like 1 game or bounty away from 5.   I raged so goddamn hard last night though.   :bomb:  :bomb:  :bomb:  :bomb:  :bomb:

At least my raids are done for the week minus helping io with a golgi kill.  Got one flawless and got a shitty 313 pulse.  Honestly if Trials wasn't so much fun, I would give zero fuck s about going flawless.  The rewards for it are honestly sub par beyond belief.   :whistle2:x

All I need is a 320 Ghost to hit 320 Light on my hunter. Got a ghost from level 5 IB packaage and what level is it?!?!? 310?!?!? You have got to be fuck ing kidding me. I still have 2 more packages to go for, lock and titan are literally like 1 game or bounty away from 5. I raged so goddamn hard last night though. :bomb: :bomb: :bomb: :bomb: :bomb:

At least my raids are done for the week minus helping io with a golgi kill. Got one flawless and got a shitty 313 pulse. Honestly if Trials wasn't so much fun, I would give zero fuck s about going flawless. The rewards for it are honestly sub par beyond belief. :whistle2:x
The 310 ghost from the rank 5 package is standard - everyone gets one. I got 2 of them last night in my two rank 5 packages. Your real drop won't come until you go to orbit or log back in. Unless you are saying you got 2 of them - the standard one and then another as your special item. That would be rage inducing! I got 314 gauntlets for my Titan which is OK I guess since for some reason I didn't have IB gauntlets yet for him. My Warlock got a 315 chest which was meh other than that it does have increased armor for void-based subclass which I realized I did not have for my Warlock outside of Voidfang Vestments. So now I can use that IB chest along with Ram for some Voidwalker fun.

I played about 5-6 matches after hitting rank 5 and got 2 ghost shell drops (314 and 315). They are definitely dropping at rank 5 and not before (at least for me). I'm kind of pissed they are dropping instead of more useful stuff like a better helm, auto rifle, or shotgun. I bought the stock Auto rifle and it is pretty good, actually. I tried using my brand new Hard Light and I actually much prefer the IB one to it. At least I can kill dudes easier with it, anyway. But I wouldn't mind getting a roll with glass half full or something. And I'd prefer to "win" the shotgun rather than buy it. And I could use some helms with orb infusion. All the ones I got early on had melee/grenade energy on orb pickup. Yuck. I had to buy the Hunter one and may also have to buy the Titan one.

So I just have my Hunter to get to rank 5. But I was able to get my Warlock to rank 5 from being just over rank 4 simply by doing the 3 daily bounties and like 1 win today. So it should be just as easy on my Hunter. I'll continue to hold on to 2 of the weekly IB bounties on each character for next time. I only used one per char this time and I really didn't play all that much -and there's still huge buff bonuses to come in the next few days. They almost make it too easy now...

Vendetta - would definitely appreciate help with the Golgi kill. I'm tempted to LFG it today but I know that can be quite a mess. If we're doing it tomorrow for sure I'll hold off though. I never heard back from the guy whose info you sent me about Trials. I'd like to get the Trials helm if nothing else.

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Standard issues 310 ghost at rank 5? Sweet! Lol.

Should hit rank 4 tonight. Are you buying the IB armor for collection purposes? I mean it looks cool if you're going for the medieval look but the robotech look for some armor just look more appealing to me. Maybe I'll appreciate the IB armor when I finally do the exotic sword quest.
I hit rank 5 on my Hunter just by turning in one weekly bounty (had all 3 still) and getting one win.  I didn't even need the dailies for today.  I got the 310 ghost shell (so got it for all 3) and a 313 Bretomart's Stand (machine gun).  That kind of sucks because I have two of those from last time.  I would have preferred a primary since I have so many at 310 that need infusing.  Oh well...  On my Hunter I actually got the special item (the machine gun) immediately and didn't have to go to orbit to get it like with my other two.  This game sometimes.

Then in my first game at rank 5 I pulled another class item.   My Hunter one I already made 320 (as it had an awesome stat roll) so I didn't need that.

Like I said I'd like to get the shotgun.  The stock one has magazine refill on super use, which might be just about the most useless perk there is.  It also has full auto, which isn't super useful on shotguns either.  So I'm hoping I get one to drop with pretty much anything besides those.

Yeah, I'm kind of getting it the armor collection but also some of it might be better (stats and perk-wise) than what I currently have.  I had all the IB gear from before but finally had to break it down to make space.  The Warlock gear from previous IB was way better looking than the stuff they have now.  The only good one is the Titan IMO.

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Yeah so I infused my wolf cloak using my 319 racing cloak by mistake because I forgot to lock it. Oh well...also used 4, 3oC and got a note of light, a strange coin, and two matches of nothing.

On the other hand...I'm almost tank 5, just t bagged oryx on normal, and unlocked kings fall so I can start doing that with you guys.
Got to 7-0 in Trials with a guy Vendetta hooked me up with.  He was sort of doing a double carry though the other guy wasn't too bad.  I did great in the beginning but at 7 wins we got destroyed by a really good team and in particularly one really good player.  It would have taken 3 elite players to beat that team.  Up to that point I had saved a few rounds (and one entire match) with some well-placed Nova Bombs.  Then on the next match we had a closer game but still lost.  Wasn't too bad, though - I finally got the Warlock Trials helm (with decent stats and health regen on orb pickup so it will probably be my go-to non-exotic helm).  At seven wins I got the Inward Lamp scout rifle, though the one I got from a gold package a while back was better. 

Then I used LFG to get the 2 more matches I needed to complete my gold tier.  Man, Trials gold tier packages continue to troll me.  The only decent thing I've gotten from 9 of them was the scout rifle.   As I said before, 4 of the 8 I did before this week gave me artifacts.  One of the others was the rocket launcher.  Well, damn if it didn't give me that again today.  I have yet to get a piece of armor from the gold tier and if I'm going to get another weapon why couldn't it be the pulse, auto, or sniper?  Oh well.  I might try again on my Titan tomorrow.

Played some more IB and got another shell - this one at 317.  I also got a horribly-rolled auto rifle (with the magazine refill on super cast perk - d'oh!).  I'll keep playing till I get a good shotgun and maybe a better helm (though the ones he sells aren't bad).

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The IB AF I got rolled pretty well, spray & play, light weight, and glass half full seems to work out for me. I saw the one from the vendor and I said no thanks.

I guess it's not a big deal I ate my racing cloak since I have others at lower light but it just means I need to level up a new one hopefully before the next racing event.

Finished the ace of spades quest line, so far I'm liking firefly with a hand cannon and I got so used to 3rd eye on MIDA its a smooth transition to the ace.

That exotic arms drop I got last month turned out to be young aka harms spine. Double trip mines woot. It however didn't decrypt at 300+ but 290 is much better than 280.
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The IB AF I got rolled pretty well, spray & play, light weight, and glass half full seems to work out for me. I saw the one from the vendor and I said no thanks.
That does sound pretty good. The best I've gotten by far out of about 4 was the one I bought from the Vendor.

Rank 5 IB, now what?

Do I just hold onto the IB bounties until next IB and cash them in for a jump start into rep or just cash them in for the XP because that 316 fusion rifle they gave me is hungry and could use the XP? I know I'm still going to keep playing IB because it's fun and hope to get higher light drops etc.

Was never a fan of fusion rifles but I'm doing much better with them in PVP than I am shotguns so I'm sticking with it. Ashraven's Flight was my rank 5 reward which I didn't need to login in/out to get. I think stat wise it's the better of the 4 FR I've gotten from missions and rep packs. The dead orbit one has max impact but the rest of the stats in comparison seem like garbage.

Popped a 3oC last night in a match, came in first, exotic! ATS/8 Tantella chest (that spider eye looking one that cuts cool down times for arc abilities)...and decrypted at 310! I was excite, of course geared out I'm still 299 for IB but now at 305 for PVE. The FR and the standard issue reward ghost shell helped with that.

Finally unlocked patrol on the dread naught and broken will quest...I need my Frosted Flakes.
Rank 5 IB, now what?

Do I just hold onto the IB bounties until next IB and cash them in for a jump start into rep or just cash them in for the XP because that 316 fusion rifle they gave me is hungry and could use the XP? I know I'm still going to keep playing IB because it's fun and hope to get higher light drops etc.
I save them for next time to get a jump start.

I got my son's Titan to Rank 5 for him today. He got the ship, and a couple of exotics. Then I just played a bit more to try for a higher Auto Rifle/Shotgun/Hunter Helm. Didn't get any of those, but did get a couple more exotics from 3oC and the Dead Orbit ship from ranking up with them.
One of the exotics I got was a 310 Monte Carlo, and I wasn't going to keep it, but I tried it out just for the hrll ofbit, and that thing shreds in PvP!! Had a couple of really strong games with it right away.
.....and I'm done with Nightstalker in PvP. The super does nothing for me, switched to Bladedancer and immediately saw positive results. Should have done that earlier in the week.
^ I just finished my Bladedancer emblem quest last night (where you need to get melee kills, followed by grenade kills, and then super multi-kills).  I am trying to do the Nightstalker one now, but I can't seem to get any smoke kills, though for some reason I already have 9 of the 15.  I swear I didn't get those myself - I think the game gave them to me when I was near someone else who did it or when I killed a person in someone else's smoke.  When I tried to get them last night I couldn't get one in 3-4 matches.  And I don't think I ran Nightstalker more than a couple matches ever before that.

Anyway, I'll be on for one last futile attempt at decent IB gear.  I think the drops were a little better last time.  I didn't play nearly as much last time and I got the 3 320 ghost shells (plus several others at 313-319).  This time I've gotten about 4 but they were 312-316.

We should do those CAG runs of all 3 Raids at some point though.  Without a weekly activity (3 weeks of SRL followed by IB) it will be easier to get that done this week and/or next.

I'm up for whenever, though the later in the day the better.  It would be nice if someone else organized it though.

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I might just start turning in the weekly IB bounties just so I can finish this up faster.  2 of them are so easy you will get them done each time without even trying.  Although I really don't have a need for the marks.  It would be nice if you could trade in marks for faction rep.   I would like to get the rank 25 exotic class items for all characters, but even after playing thousands of hours I am not even 1/3 of the way there.  

I have enjoyed returning for IB though.  Got the helmet drops early then nothing for a while and finally getting some more drops now as I finish everyone up to 5.  Got the shotgun to drop finally and a couple class items too.  My Rank 5 Ghost was 310 and the after logging out I got a 310 boots.  Are those items supposed to be min 310 and can go up to 320?  If so I got screwed big time there.  Haven't picked up my rank 5 stuff yet on my other 2 characters yet.  I have found that the lag this time has been very bad, much worse than I ever remember.  Got into a game vs a fireteam of 4 who were all red barring.  Probably trying to get easy wins or something.  We smoked them pretty badly and that was ultra satisfying.

They need to add back more of the old maps.  Feels like this rotation only has 4 or 5 maps in it.

My Rank 5 Ghost was 310 and the after logging out I got a 310 boots. Are those items supposed to be min 310 and can go up to 320? If so I got screwed big time there. Haven't picked up my rank 5 stuff yet on my other 2 characters yet.
The ghost you get at rank 5 is always 310. The other item could be 310-320 so you did get screwed there. All my stuff was pretty useless at like 313-314 though. I can't even remember what it was but I think I posted it earlier. Oh yeah, two of them were yet another machine gun (I already had 2) and an OK chest piece for one of my characters.

The ghosts definitely didn't drop as much but I noticed other stuff was dropping more. So I think what they did was they adjusted the loot table at rank 5 to drop all the items (helmet, class items, ghost, weapons) more evenly. Last time it was pretty much only ghosts that dropped after rank 5 which is how I was able to get so many without playing that much. I did about 8 more matches Monday night before it ended and didn't get a single ghost. I never did get the shotgun so I bought the vendor one. I'm not sure why as it has at least one bad perk and it cost 90 marks. Oh well.

I did all 3 of my Nightfalls with an LFG group after reset. It is Psion Flayers with Void burn and specialist. So get out those Telestos! Didn't we just have Psion Flayers two weeks ago? I got yet another Solar Flayer mantle and my Nightfall drops were crappy (useless boots, gloves) except for one where I got 21 strange coins.

There was like no one on at reset - I think people got a little burned out. I feel that way myself. I'll try to get the Oryx challenges done but I think it will be a struggle this week to find people to play. My regular Raid group pretty much bailed on last week and I don't see that changing. Vendetta - if you are running and need one I'll definitely not hold off for them this time. If they want me to run it, they need to speak up and schedule something.

So during my last few hours I was trying to get the smoke kills with my Hunter for the emblem bounty. That thing is broken or something. One time I hit a guy right in the face with the smoke bomb and then killed him right after - it didn't count. I didn't make any progress from the 9/15 that I somehow already have. I probably won't even bother until the next IB. I was giving up so many kills trying to do it.

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For whatever reasons achievements unlock when I hit orbit well after unlocking them I think Nightstalker class quest trackers are bugged too.

I clearly remember being horrible at night stalker in crucible because I was lvl 40 and handed unlocked anything shy of a few class perks but still got smoke grenade kills during a patrol...yeah. The class abilities kills with the super and void abilities outside of the actual grenade just seem to trigger on debuff and quite possibly also trigger on assist. Idk, it's done now I'm up to shadow shot multi kills which sound like a grind outside of anything not 6v6. On the other hand I am enjoying NS in Control.

In other news I can't get a friggin blink strike from behind for the life of me. I stacked agility, movement gear, the perk that does more dmg from behind and nada. I do have a handful of assists and frustration.

Last night of IB I got nothing to write home about in drops, a few good runs, one hilarious control match which I wish I had recorded that ended with an At any Cost medal after the other team stormed a control point and 3 v 1 me before hitting my tripmine.

I'll be down for anything tonight around the same time. 10 ESTish

Maybe we can get some fire team bounties out of the way cause that isn't burning a hole in my quest log. Haha.
The weekly nightfall is Dust Palace again? (Almost seems like it this was the 3rd since November/December)

Sure! Night stalker is fully leveled and I'm ready to get one of those funky cloaks finally.

Actually, I could use some help with The Taken War: Petra, Taken Assault: Venus. I can't seem to find where they load and I'm wondering if I actually need a fireteam for it to trigger.

Everyday solo PVE Light: 306 (299 - 301 PVP) getting there...

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Yea, I got a 314 ghost to drop for me, but that was it.  I saw one 320 drop in all the games I played and I don't think I saw more than 2 or 3 others the entire time.  I have 6 bounties stored on all 3 characters for next iron banner though. 

I am out of town all day Wednesday but hopefully I can catch up on an Oryx challenge mode kill or two when I get back early Thursday AM.

Yea, I got a 314 ghost to drop for me, but that was it. I saw one 320 drop in all the games I played and I don't think I saw more than 2 or 3 others the entire time. I have 6 bounties stored on all 3 characters for next iron banner though.

I am out of town all day Wednesday but hopefully I can catch up on an Oryx challenge mode kill or two when I get back early Thursday AM.
I only saw a couple drop the entire time too (one to like the 5th place guy in one of the last matches I ran) - definitely different than last IB. I'll probably be looking to get another (or maybe even my first) Oryx kill in at that time so contact me if you want to get something going.

Went 11 - 4 in a quick Skirmish match last night. Roughly 8 of them were Trip mine kills.

No sure what possessed the other team to continue to try and storm us staggered and not as a group or even a pair, they just kept rushing into CQC situations w/narrow corners. I felt one of them likely said "okay, I died to a trip mine again, no way it refreshed yet so I'll rush in and shotty his @#$%."

Oh, Young Ahamkara's Spine how I love thee...

They did finally flush us out once 2 of them got heavy ammo and rocket launchers. haha.

Also, holy crap Shadow Step. (finally unlocked)

Hey 100xp,
Lost to Light (the Black Spindle mission) is todays daily.
I can try to run you through it later, but there are usually plenty of guys who know what they're doing on reddit who help people out with it.
I've only completed it once myself, but I'd try it again.

Also, tomorrow is the 7th, so you'll have to keep your eye out to see if the Sleeper Simulant quest pops up for you.
You needed to have found four of those old Fusion Rifles that you have to turn in to the gunsmith for it to trigger. If you found them, the quest shows up only on the 7th of the month. If you have turned them in, you'll see on your map of earth, a mission named The First Firewall, and you will need to do it on the day it shows up (hopefully tomorrow) to trigger the next step.
Hey 100xp,
Lost to Light (the Black Spindle mission) is todays daily.
I can try to run you through it later, but there are usually plenty of guys who know what they're doing on reddit who help people out with it.
I've only completed it once myself, but I'd try it again.

Also, tomorrow is the 7th, so you'll have to keep your eye out to see if the Sleeper Simulant quest pops up for you.
You needed to have found four of those old Fusion Rifles that you have to turn in to the gunsmith for it to trigger. If you found them, the quest shows up only on the 7th of the month. If you have turned them in, you'll see on your map of earth, a mission named The First Firewall, and you will need to do it on the day it shows up (hopefully tomorrow) to trigger the next step.
Thanks for the heads up and the offer.

I've figured out a few ways to preventing disconnecting which seem to be working so far, so I've been sticking to that in game behavior. Also popping 3oC's when searching for guardians before we land seems to be much better than in the heat of battle.

I hope if/when I finally get the black spindle it's all that it's hyped to be, I've been enjoying the Eirene RR4 from last armsday a lot and I just got Stillpiercer and heard good things about it for pvp.

I know I've handed in at least 2 of the Dvalin's relics, possibly 3 or 4, I'll know tomorrow if the mission pops up if I did or not. Really wish there was an in game tracker for it.

In theory I should be on normal time and hopefully the little one sleeps through the night so I can get some much needed RNR. I'll be farming flakes in the meantime and doing dailies.

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Went 11 - 4 in a quick Skirmish match last night. Roughly 8 of them were Trip mine kills.
I was trying to get through the Gunslinger emblem quest. After picking up my last few throwing knife kills in Mayhem Clash I went back in to do the tripmine part. I had one match on Bannerfall where I got at least 10 of the 20 done just in there. I put them in the little hallways on either side of the heavy ammo near where the 'B' control point is. Invariably someone would run in there and set them off. And with double mines and the super-fast regen I had them going constantly.

I'm on the golden gun kills part and should be able to knock that out pretty quickly. If only I had Aclyophage Symbiote though - I think that is the only newly upgraded exotic I don't have. That extra shot would be really helpful for that quest, but I might just do it anyway with just the 3 shots. I'd never really used Gunslinger in PvP before but I seem to be able to get at least 2 guys each time I activate it.

I'd be up for helping you with the Black Spindle again, but I think I have a raid scheduled for the short time I plan to be on tonight. I got in with Vendetta and his friends last night and we knocked out a full raid including Oryx challenge pretty quickly. We're planning to run it again tonight. I got a 320 hand cannon with Firefly from the challenge and a bonus 320 cloak (which was just a lucky regular drop).

I still haven't infused any of my 320 primaries (4 so far) from the Oryx challenge into other things yet as I can't decide what to use them on. I kind of like the hand cannon with firefly but I'm tempted to infuse that into my 318 Raid pulse which also has Firefly. It seems generally more useful in PvE. Last time I got a 320 pulse with possible health regen on kills, which I've used occasionally in PvP but it doesn't fire fast enough for me so I should probably put that into something else. And I have a 320 auto rifle from before as well just sitting in my vault. I've always gotten rid of auto rifles in the past, but I am really liking the Haakon's Hatchet from Iron Banner so I may revisit the Raid one to see if it is any good. I must have another one somewhere too as I'm pretty sure I did the Oryx challenge 3 times the first time it was up.

I'm really close to just cannibalizing some equipment from my other characters and making my Warlock 320 right now just because. I can do it if I take the 320 boots from my Hunter. I already infused some 320 gauntlets into the 319's my Warlock normally uses (with fast pulse reload). My warlock's best boots are a pathetic 314 though right now. If I put one of the 320 primaries into that 318 pulse I like to use, I can actually run the Raid at 320 for most of the way (minus the last two parts when I have to go back to my still 310 Touch of Malice). I could sacrifice two of my 320 primaries to make my Touch 320, but I just can't see doing that until I get many more 320 primaries. I have a lot of other weapons I'd like to make 320 first (Grasp of Malok, Red Death, Mida, Haakon's Hatchet, etc).

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Black spindle is on the list but naturally it'll happen when it's most convenient for everyone involved. I'm not hurting for a sniper rifle by any means and there's still plenty of things I need and want to do before the next opportunity arises.

What I really need help with is the Petra Venus and Mars missions that require a fire team. My rep with her is crap and as a result no bounties or hope for Boolean anytime soon.

Mayhem clash is certainly not what I expected, I got more kills with picking off targets with MIDA than I did with special abilities or supers...i did hammer out the dailies quickly and now I know why to play to finish off the hunter super quests if I'm hurting for completion at the cost of getting spammed with other ppl supers. The extra shot exotic helmet works better in PVE imo, because of the significant cut in super duration it's hard to get all shots fired and actually hitting their marks let alone having that many targets in most 6v6 matches and 3v3 is just yeah. I end up using the young scales for the extra trip mine as my exotic in crucible.

Collected all my flakes, upgraded the arc edge to 290+, leveled up the sword fully with notes and telemetry and nothing. Sword reforged not triggering. I logged out twice too. I hope this gets sorted out when I log back on tonight. I honestly was tempted to go for the sol edge first but I see myself needing the arc damage and guard more often with my play schedule. I can always go for it next character if I ever find the time.

Dead orbit have me a shader, 2 emblems, and rocket launcher that has some funky perks. Velocity is crap but the cluster bomb perk and additional ammo reserve compared to my Suros one might be a reasonable trade off.

How'd the raid go?
Collected all my flakes, upgraded the arc edge to 290+, leveled up the sword fully with notes and telemetry and nothing. Sword reforged not triggering. I logged out twice too. I hope this gets sorted out when I log back on tonight. I honestly was tempted to go for the sol edge first but I see myself needing the arc damage and guard more often with my play schedule. I can always go for it next character if I ever find the time.
Re-check the nodes on your sword. Once it's "fully maxed," a new node appears. Nothing will pop up or tell you this, but you need to fill that in, too. Then go speak with Shaxx. I don't think anything will pop up on your map to tell you that you need to speak to him (I could be wrong; it's been a while). So once you have that last new node filled in, just pay him a visit. Then the fun part begins....

Re-check the nodes on your sword. Once it's "fully maxed," a new node appears. Nothing will pop up or tell you this, but you need to fill that in, too. Then go speak with Shaxx. I don't think anything will pop up on your map to tell you that you need to speak to him (I could be wrong; it's been a while). So once you have that last new node filled in, just pay him a visit. Then the fun part begins....
Likely what needs to be done. I was under the impression you just needed to infuse it up and get some exp. thanks for the insight.

Edit: checked through the app, Arc Edge has 3 scabbard nodes, Void Infinite has I definitely unlocked the extra node and it appears to be filled in green but not upgraded, I might have been short on helium or whatever it is you need to upgrade the final node. That'll be remedied when I log in later. Hope that does the trick...cause from what I've read, the fun part could be interpreted as the 'farm' part begins.

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For anyone who has not played in a while but still has interest, they are giving out a free emblem if you play and complete an activity from Jan 7th through the 10th.  They sent 15 motes and 15 strange coins to your postmaster as well.

If anyone can wait to do their hard mode Oryx challenges till Sunday or Monday night that would be great. I didn't have any luck on lfg on Tuesday getting a clear and won't be able to play again till than.

How'd the raid go?
I couldn't play till later than I anticipated and a lot of other people were not on. We ended up just trying the Oryx checkpoint at like midnight and we kept almost completing it but just not quite getting it done. Then around 1am a few people had to leave.

So, other than getting a bunch of blue engrams that netted me some much-needed armor materials, it did not go great ;).

Earlier I had done my weekly crucible on my Hunter and I got nothing as a reward other than a handful of motes and coins. I completed it on my Warlock later and got 20 strange coins at least. I might have gotten 4 or so on my Hunter - so maybe that was my reward? If so, that sucks.

In other news, though, I finally made my Warlock 320! I gave her my Hunter's 320 boots which I actually put into some normal Raid boots (that had awesome stats and perks). Then if I use my 320 racing helm, she's 320. I still haven't decided what helm to infuse with that racing helm, so this will have to do for now. I wanted to see if I got any helms from the Oryx challenge first.

Also, a funny thing happened in Mayhem Clash last night that is also perhaps an indication of the player base dropping or at least being temporarily burned out after all the SRL/IB. I got matched up against GlockGlock in a match! Considering we are across the country from each other (as otherwise Destiny tends to match people who are in close proximity) that probably meant there wasn't a huge pool of players available.

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bread's done