Official CAG Destiny Thread - Rise of Iron

Oh man, if you guys are doing the checkpoint for Warpriest can I tag along?
I've done up to WP once, and got nothing for it. I'd love to just do the WP a couple of times, it would be great practice for me...and I'd get to skip those damn tomb ships. And I really need higher level items.
Now that I have a Black Spindle, I feel like I'd be more useful.

Pretty excited that Xur is selling the Telesto. Been wanting that since TTK came out.
Looks like Sim and I are pulling together a NM (maybe HM) raid for tomorrow night. Running with the CAG crew is still the best and we will likely have a spot or two open. Let us know if you want in.
Me and two buddies grabbed a few LFGs last night to do at least one quick run of the Warpriest. We got the checkpoint from one of them and went at it. We hadnt played Destiny in a few weeks and it definitely showed as my two buddies died right away when playing haha womp womp.

We had one LFG that was some foreign guy that was taking it WAYYYYY too seriously. Me and one of the other LFGs were talking about Fallout and other random stuff and the foreign guy was super serious and like hey hey hey can I just saw you all can have your coffee talk later? For right now you all need to be quiet and focus on getting this done. He said more and in a much snappier way and was super serious. We all laughed and joked at first but then realized the guy was dead serious. That next run he fucked up. He continued to be an ass and blamed everyone else. Then the time after that he fucked up and died while with the aura and continued to blame everyone else and just quit out. He honestly was one of the most toxic people I have encountered with LFG, such a horrible attitude and just they way he carried himself was just terrible.

Regardless as soon as he quit my buddy pulled another LFG and we blazed through it in two attack phases. I was bummed that I got a 320 Sniper with the lame 'get all precision kills to refund the magazine.' I already had a 319 raid sniper with Firefly. I would have hoped to have kept the 320 and infused the 319 into the Black Spindle since it wwas only 312 but I wanted to keep Firefly. I used the 320 then and boosted the 312 BS to 318. My buddy however got a 320 heavy which is what I REALLY would have wanted. I will try to get it done two more times so that I can hopefully score a heavy.

We kept playing and did Golgoroth real quick too at that point and that was it, I scored a decent light level chest but the perks on it are all useless for my character. I really hate giving up the Increased Armor with Void Subclass perk since I always run Nightstalker now.

Hey guys. Getting Destiny today, should be on my doorstep when I get home. Would appreciate any tips for starting out and getting some friends to play with once I get my feet on the ground.

How does the friend referral work? Browsed the last few pages and saw it mentioned.


Hey guys. Getting Destiny today, should be on my doorstep when I get home. Would appreciate any tips for starting out and getting some friends to play with once I get my feet on the ground.

How does the friend referral work? Browsed the last few pages and saw it mentioned.

The FAQ from Bungie.

I think you also get an EXP token in your mailbox that you can give to 1, character and power level them instantly to 25 so you can part in the Taken King DLC.

Yeah, the Spark of Light will boost you right up to 25 if you use it, however I'd still go through the main campaign anyway after using it. You'd want to get comfortable with the combat and controls first, and the main story, the Dark Below and the House of Wolves are all fairly short.
We kept playing and did Golgoroth real quick too at that point and that was it, I scored a decent light level chest but the perks on it are all useless for my character. I really hate giving up the Increased Armor with Void Subclass perk since I always run Nightstalker now.
I still need Golgogorth and beyond on one character. If you are running Warpriest and then continuing on with the rest I'll join in.

Hey guys. Getting Destiny today, should be on my doorstep when I get home. Would appreciate any tips for starting out and getting some friends to play with once I get my feet on the ground.

How does the friend referral work? Browsed the last few pages and saw it mentioned.

If you want to do the referral let me know. I'm looking for someone starting out to help out.

So after my friends bailed at Daughters the other night, it took me like 4 different LFG groups to get through that and Oryx.  I probably spent 3-4 hours total with all the waiting and the B.S. from different people.  One guy at Oryx was one of those "If I see people messing up, I'm outta here" guys and then he proceeded to mess up running the relic 3 times in a row.  Then, after someone else screwed up, he swore at everyone and left.  Hilarious if it wasn't for all my wasted time.

My rewards for all of that?  300 shotgun, 308 class item, 307 chest piece, 314 gloves.  :bomb:

100xp and I did the first parts of the Refer-A-Friend quest.  It is pretty simple to get the shader, emblem, and sword at least.

The shader you get after just doing a single mission together.  The emblem comes from completing 6 patrol missions and a public event.  The sword came after we won a Crucible match (and being level 40).  We were in a tight game and were losing 18500 to 17000 and somehow came back to win it.  That was pretty nice.

After that, both of you need to hit level 40 (that's when you get the sword) for the next parts.  It shouldn't take too long for him to reach the cap so we can see what's next.

Anyways, like I said earlier I'll be out of town for much of this week.  If any CAGs want to run the expected Golgoroth challenge next weekend I'll be chomping at the bit to get it done as soon as I get back.

And apparently I'm going to miss the start of Sparrow racing as well.  This is my first extended work trip in like 4 years and it had to come when Destiny had some interesting stuff going on ;).

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Hey, io, I'll probably be up for the Golgi challenge this weekend. We can scrape together a raid crew. I'll spend my Destiny time during the week with sparrow racing.
Had a good run w/Io w/the first parts of Refer-a-friend promo.

Only hiccup we ran into was for some reason the quests for original storyline missions we ended up doing twice. 1st time at the start getting credit for it an a drop, then I'm guessing because I didn't speak to the appropriate quest giver it reappeared on my quest log, so we did part of them again until I had to split.

2nd time around I did notice there was no reward outside of whatever dropped...not that any of this is a big deal nor did it affect the refer thing.

That crucible match was shaky, basically we joined matchmaking and it was us vs. them, and them was all lvl 40 with skills and me...I was lvl 25 and I had just unlocked grenade after using the Spark of Light token from lvl 1. I'm not sure how we won in the end but I'm glad.

Should hit lvl 30 tonight or tomorrow.

Still haven't done Paradox, and thats todays Daily, so I'll work on that tonight.
Its also the 7th, so The First Firewall showed up on my Hunter, and I'd like to get that done tonight too.
So it doesn't look like you can share your Taken King and have the person be your beginner? I made my brother's Xbox my home console so he can play the Taken King and I had him run through the first mission. He accepted the referral link I sent him but it still says he has to purchase and play TTK on my end when checking the status for the refer a friend.

So are we sure the person has to have TTK directly purchased/redeemed on their account for it to work?


Damn just looked at the detailed FAQ on it and found this:

Refer-a-Friend does not support console sharing features. Players are required to own Destiny: The Taken King under their personal PlayStation Network or Xbox Live Account in order to qualify for Referee status.

Damn : /

I was hoping this would get my little brother finally excited to try out Destiny (or any shooter for that matter). He does not play the game enough however to justify getting it for his account though especially when he can just use mine. Lame. I really want that dance.

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So it doesn't look like you can share your Taken King and have the person be your beginner? I made my brother's Xbox my home console so he can play the Taken King and I had him run through the first mission. He accepted the referral link I sent him but it still says he has to purchase and play TTK on my end when checking the status for the refer a friend.

So are we sure the person has to have TTK directly purchased/redeemed on their account for it to work?


Damn just looked at the detailed FAQ on it and found this:

Refer-a-Friend does not support console sharing features. Players are required to own Destiny: The Taken King under their personal PlayStation Network or Xbox Live Account in order to qualify for Referee status.

Damn : /

I was hoping this would get my little brother finally excited to try out Destiny (or any shooter for that matter). He does not play the game enough however to justify getting it for his account though especially when he can just use mine. Lame. I really want that dance.
Yeah I was hoping that would be the case but Bungie clearly thought that one through :cry: I was hoping I wouldn't have to open my collectors edition but ended up doing so because I'm a sucker for emotes, sparrow, shader, and emblem. The emblem is amazing BTW.

Sad thing is, I'm going to get it all done PS4 before I get it done on Xbox. Playing with Laced Up Lauren will probably do that to you though ;)

So I expect you guys to post your impressions of the sparrow racing and Golgoroth challenge.  I'm particularly interested in what sort of 320 gear will be available and how you get it.  We don't really have any info other than a comment in the reveal video, right?

It's too bad there isn't some sort of mobile version of Destiny - I have a lot of spare time in my hotel room.  I have more time to play Destiny this week than I normally do and I have no access!

So I expect you guys to post your impressions of the sparrow racing and Golgoroth challenge. I'm particularly interested in what sort of 320 gear will be available and how you get it. We don't really have any info other than a comment in the reveal video, right?

It's too bad there isn't some sort of mobile version of Destiny - I have a lot of spare time in my hotel room. I have more time to play Destiny this week than I normally do and I have no access!
I am guessing it will be something simple for Golgoroth just like the Warpriests. They said the thing about the single pool strategy not working and so I bet it will just be you cannot shoot the same puddle down twice.

Yea, take your console with you or just bring your external HD and grab one at GS as a loaner for the week.   :whistle2:

Sounds like the Golgoroth challenge still allows you to use the 1 bubble strategy, but the trick is that everyone on the fireteam has to take the gaze each damage phase.  So on reddit people are just having the 5 dps team members grab the gaze for a few seconds each afte the initial dps phase then just restarting back up top with 1 bubble.  More complicated than warpriest, but not that bad with a good team.  I'm sure LFG teams will be a nightmare though.

The patch with the racing and new/old exotics is supposed to hit sometime later today so you might want to hold off on running it until then.

Thanks for the initial info, Drunkz. 

What websites do you guys go to for Destiny scoop?  I was fond of Planet Destiny, but they don't update as much as they did.  I suppose I should just go to reddit, but I've never been a fan.

Yep it looks like we should try to CAG this weeks challenge. Is anybody going to be on tonight around 11:00pm est? I would love to get as many CAG in a group as possible before we resort to lfg.
lvl 32 and climbing, I hope to be 40 when Io returns...though we'll all likely want to just race until that event is over.

Since this is my first run through any Destiny content, I'll be down for anything given casual until I'm geared, then I should be up for anything that requires a geared guardian. :D

Yea, Reddit has the quickest turnaround on info since many of the people posting there are actively playing right at the reset.  They had the challenge mode info out by mid morning both this week and last week.  I still like the content on PlanetDestiny, but they aren't going to be able to update their info as soon as reddit does.  Their videos they post are usually pretty solid and they put some math behind their reviews and recommendations for xur and armsday choices.

I don't think I have used any of the other sites in a long time, except maybe DestinyTracker to check out some stats or grimoire status, but there are plenty of sites that do that now.  

Yep it looks like we should try to CAG this weeks challenge. Is anybody going to be on tonight around 11:00pm est? I would love to get as many CAG in a group as possible before we resort to lfg.
I'm pretty sure Simo is getting a group together tonight. We talked about doing some Sparrow racing and then a HM through Golgoroth for the challenge. I tend to be on later than he is, though, so I'd probably be up for something around 11. Even better if we get a checkpoint into the raid, at the totems, WP or Golgi. :D/

I finally have a 2nd character that's NM raid worthy, so I could do the raid a couple times this week. HM with my Titan, NM with my Hunter.

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Let me know if you guys are looking for people tonight for raid.  Here is a good thread I saw that explains the details of how setup and execution should run:

Also it looks like you have to buy the SRL record book for $10 to get the best rewards from this event?  Correct me if I'm wrong on that as I've just been skimming through everything.  The mechianic seem very similar to how the Halloween festival worked where you can spend a bunch of silver to keep stuff forever, but most of the non legendary stuff disappears at the end.  

If you haven't seen it yet, this is their business model going forward.  No more DLC expansions. just more frequent events until Destiny 2 comes out: 

I was able to play 3 races just now.....God bless working from home on occasion....WAY FUN! 

The tracks are unique and not just retread of current maps.  We've all spent plenty of time on the Sparrow and it's simple racing, may the best Guardian win.  Truth be told, we all should have spent more time with that stupid Red Bull mission, getting those markers, because that is good training for this.  From the 3 races, I got a legendary helmet to drop at 280 (racing specific helmet, mind you), rare racing boots that can't be infused and a mote of light.

So there are a million emotes now and still no word on some sort of emote wheel option? They really are shooting themselves in the foot by not giving us that as I am sure more people would buy even more emotes if we could easily access them without having to pause and fully switch each one.

Let me know if you guys are looking for people tonight for raid. Here is a good thread I saw that explains the details of how setup and execution should run:
Great link! I was thinking this didn't sound like it would be worth the trouble until I read this post. With solid communication and a solid team, this is definitely doable. I'll be on tonight around 10 PM EST.

I've had GREAT luck with r/fireteams
I usually get multiple messages within minutes. I almost always get more responses than I need...and I've posted strange things from practice the Tomb Ships in the Raid, to extras for Nightfall, to asking for help with taken champions.
Could you get back to my message please I wanted to see if you would like my halo reach legendary flames code for your halo 4 fotus armor code that's all?
Destiny always reminded a bit of mass effect and Star we have pod racing. I'm in.

I should be on around 10pm EST ish.
Guys on Reddit are using 3 of couns on races and scoring exotic engrams, no matter where they finish.
Worth a shot for me since I can't get shit using them in strikes.

So what is the fireteam size limit for the Sparrow racing stuff?
You can have a team of 6. We should get a CAG racing team together.

Got an exotic with my first 3 of I already had.
...and from what I understand, racing also gives you credit towards the Chaperone quest.
I think you can bring a full team of 6 in, at least I think that is what they said in the videos leading up to the release?

I did a few races this afternoon.  It wasn't too bad.  Breaks the monotony of the game a bit.  Are there really only 2 tracks?  That's going to make me lose interest pretty quickly.

EDIT -  I was thinking about the Chaperone quest when I saw crucible rep show up at the end of my first race.  Guess I'm in for at least 34 races to get that done, lol

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Looks like people are getting emotes as their drop from the NF now too. That is an interesting addition.

I wish we could buy Silver with our main currency I feel like they could do it with the max wallet size for each so like 200 Legendary Marks or 25000 Glimmer could be converted to 100 Silver or something. Doesn't have to be a whole bunch of Silver, I barely have touched the game since mid October now but even still each time I play I always am in an abundance of Marks and Glimmer.

Sounds like the Golgoroth thing isn't too bad but you would need good communication.  I'll probably miss out then since no one will still be doing it by this weekend and using LFG groups, especially late in the week, is not pleasant for stuff like this.  Oh well.  Hopefully I can get at least one run in though.

I'm sorry I'm missing the racing too!  What a week to be gone!

Any benefit for not joining one of the 3 factions in Destiny?

I just happened to run by and meet the Dead Orbit guy on Mars, I didn't sign up because I have commitment issues when I have no idea who the other players I read up and see FWC might be better suited for my Hunter (along w/their ideals and goals).

Any benefit for not joining one of the 3 factions in Destiny?

I just happened to run by and meet the Dead Orbit guy on Mars, I didn't sign up because I have commitment issues when I have no idea who the other players I read up and see FWC might be better suited for my Hunter (along w/their ideals and goals).
You should definitely join a faction. You gain reputation for doing certain activities and that rep is applied automatically to your faction. For each time you level up in your faction rank with these rep points (if you are 3 and above, I believe), your faction will give you a rank up package that could contain a weapon, armor, faction emblem, faction shader, or faction ship, etc. In other words, there is no downside to joining a faction. Plus you can switch factions (for free) once a week if you change your mind later.

Which one you choose is up to you. If you want to match their ideals, go for it, though know that it plays no part in any mission (no one will acknowledge your choice or treat you differently whatever your faction is). Some people choose a faction based on the available faction items they might get. For example, I was Dead Orbit for most of year 1 to get all the black shaders they had. Now that black shaders can be got from other means, I've switched to New Monarchy because I want the exotic cloak for my hunter (at faction rank 25, you are eligible to complete a quest for an exotic faction class item). Others choose factions to be able to buy the guns and armor that the faction is selling.

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Thanks gogomo for the info. I guess I'll see what each faction rep has to offer and enlist.
Join Dead Orbit and rank up to level 3 and buy the Hung Jury scout rifle off of him. It's one of the best weapons in the game and has a great perk roll from the vendor.

I'd look at the weapons each faction vendor sells and base it on that.  Many people like the base roll on the Hung Jury Scout Rifle that Dead Orbit sells but it is really up to personal preference.   Now weapons come from so many sources that it might not matter that much.  yes you do get the exotic class item that you can wear with other exotics at faction rank 25, but that will take forever to get to now that there is no faction rep boost from nightfall and all the events just give you so much less faction rep.  Unless you played for hundreds of hours during Year 1 I can't imagine anyone is anywhere close to getting rank 25 in a faction if they only started playing in Year 2.

The golgoroth challenge ended up being really easy last night.  There are a few different ways to run it, but it really comes down to making sure you are not dying, which is pretty much the most important thing in general for hard mode.

So I guess the boot decoding glitch is back I lost an exotic pair of boots decoding them today at the cryptarch. I got the 250 rep for them but they just turned into nothing.

bread's done