[quote name='Mookyjooky']I'm not "NarnianCrusader" please update me....I'm no longer "Harmakhet".[/quote]

Okay, so if you're not NarnianCrusader and you're no longer Harmakhet, what are you!?
[quote name='Scorch'][quote name='Mookyjooky']I'm not "NarnianCrusader" please update me....I'm no longer "Harmakhet".[/quote]

Okay, so if you're not NarnianCrusader and you're no longer Harmakhet, what are you!?[/quote]

One of two things is possible, since he is NC. He either meant to type "I'm now "NC," or he meant he was still "Harmakhet" on the CAG Clan List of names and not NC yet, and needed to be updated.
[quote name='SeeYa']One positive thing that happened to me when people leave the game occurred yesterday. There wasn't one member of the CAG clan online and I got tired of Rumble Pit, so I decided to try some Team Slayer with random people. A couple of minutes into the match all three other people on my team quit, so it was me against 4 on Ivory Tower. It wasn't really any fun since they had the sword, rocket, sniper, and shotty so even when I could take a couple down there was always someone there to finish me off. But I figured if I just played it out at least my ranking wouldn't be lowered from quitting.

Well looking at my games list on afterward, that game is not there! Only the team slayer before that one, and the rumble pits I played following it (since I was pissed and not going to play a random team game again) are there. So it seems that in some cases bungie is "protecting" the levels of those screwed over from quitters.[/quote]

It's possible that it was just not updated yet. Try checking again later.
[quote name='Trakan'][quote name='SeeYa']One positive thing that happened to me when people leave the game occurred yesterday. There wasn't one member of the CAG clan online and I got tired of Rumble Pit, so I decided to try some Team Slayer with random people. A couple of minutes into the match all three other people on my team quit, so it was me against 4 on Ivory Tower. It wasn't really any fun since they had the sword, rocket, sniper, and shotty so even when I could take a couple down there was always someone there to finish me off. But I figured if I just played it out at least my ranking wouldn't be lowered from quitting.

Well looking at my games list on afterward, that game is not there! Only the team slayer before that one, and the rumble pits I played following it (since I was pissed and not going to play a random team game again) are there. So it seems that in some cases bungie is "protecting" the levels of those screwed over from quitters.[/quote]

It's possible that it was just not updated yet. Try checking again later.[/quote]

No, it's not there, even more than 24 hours later. All the Rumble Pit games I played after it are there, so it's only that one game that's missing.
[quote name='SeeYa'][quote name='Trakan'][quote name='SeeYa']One positive thing that happened to me when people leave the game occurred yesterday. There wasn't one member of the CAG clan online and I got tired of Rumble Pit, so I decided to try some Team Slayer with random people. A couple of minutes into the match all three other people on my team quit, so it was me against 4 on Ivory Tower. It wasn't really any fun since they had the sword, rocket, sniper, and shotty so even when I could take a couple down there was always someone there to finish me off. But I figured if I just played it out at least my ranking wouldn't be lowered from quitting.

Well looking at my games list on afterward, that game is not there! Only the team slayer before that one, and the rumble pits I played following it (since I was pissed and not going to play a random team game again) are there. So it seems that in some cases bungie is "protecting" the levels of those screwed over from quitters.[/quote]

It's possible that it was just not updated yet. Try checking again later.[/quote]

No, it's not there, even more than 24 hours later. All the Rumble Pit games I played after it are there, so it's only that one game that's missing.[/quote]

Hmm, maybe you lucked out then! :D
[quote name='SeeYa']One positive thing that happened to me when people leave the game occurred yesterday. There wasn't one member of the CAG clan online and I got tired of Rumble Pit, so I decided to try some Team Slayer with random people. A couple of minutes into the match all three other people on my team quit, so it was me against 4 on Ivory Tower. It wasn't really any fun since they had the sword, rocket, sniper, and shotty so even when I could take a couple down there was always someone there to finish me off. But I figured if I just played it out at least my ranking wouldn't be lowered from quitting.

Well looking at my games list on afterward, that game is not there! Only the team slayer before that one, and the rumble pits I played following it (since I was pissed and not going to play a random team game again) are there. So it seems that in some cases bungie is "protecting" the levels of those screwed over from quitters.[/quote]

I had a similar thing happen, but mine was logged on After about 3 minutes, I ended up alone on Coagulation against an entire team. It was actually sort of fun playing hide-and-seek. I only took one guy down in the ensuing 5 minutes or so and died about 3x, but I'm no quitter. In 232 games, I've never quit early.
I don't fully understand how the level thing works. When you quit a game early would you loose more stats then if you stayed and got whooped on to where the final score would be 5-50 or something?
[quote name='YellowJokeR']I don't fully understand how the level thing works. When you quit a game early would you loose more stats then if you stayed and got whooped on to where the final score would be 5-50 or something?[/quote]

I was wondering if there was any real good people that would like to play with me because im having some bad luck with teamates when the people i normaly play with arent on.
[quote name='murcielago77']tommorow is the 9th you know...

(sure there is no confirmation, but lets just hope)[/quote]

Trenches is coming out tomorrow....

*Loves starting stupid internet rumor*
[quote name='murcielago77']tommorow is the 9th you know...

(sure there is no confirmation, but lets just hope)[/quote]

Hope is for fools.

You shall have your Trench, but it shall not be this day.
well, right now is offline due to maintenance, so maybe thats a sign of a new map(s) that they're plugging into thr stat-tracking etc.

wishful thinking.
I finally got a first hand experience of cheating last night....some guy kept doing the standby was SO annoying. I don't even see why that would be fun for anyone. I know people have cheated before, but this was HORRIBLE...the worst experience yet.

I think his name was mike900 BTW.
Started playing online again

Not decided if ima be back or not cuz i have had nothing but bad games.Seems I cant find a team that either doesnt leave or doesnt lag or doesnt suck.Im not trying to blame my team but when no one has more kills then deaths and 3 out of 6 leave it isnt to easy to win.

on the bright side i just have fun and assasinate people when the game is obviously over
[quote name='-BigC-']on the bright side i just have fun and assasinate people when the game is obviously over[/quote]

You sound like a real team player.
[quote name='Ledhed'][quote name='-BigC-']on the bright side i just have fun and assasinate people when the game is obviously over[/quote]

You sound like a real team player.[/quote]

Especially when your wait until the game is over to assassinate them. Why not do it in-game, since they're not living up to your high standards? I'm sure someone of your skill could carry the whole team by yourself?
Whoa @ u both jumping on my case

Let me know when u can quote me where I said I was killing my team?

I was referring to a game where it was 6v1 with 4 minutes to go and i got a few kills assination style

Please take your hate for me back to your clan thread as Im already over the clan issue especially since the game has been going downhill completely since 2 months after its release
no because of how many people cheat :)

But i dont know if I wana get back into this thing again.Say something even remotely bad about one of you Halo 2 clan members and have the whole CAG xbox community come after u just because they wana stay on there good side

Noope not getting back into it staying the shaq fuu out the way :)
[quote name='Ugamer_X']
since the game has been going downhill completely since 2 months after its release
I think it's because no one wants to play with you.[/quote]

I'm quite sure that's what it is.

[quote name='-BigC-']no because of how many people cheat :)

But i dont know if I wana get back into this thing again.Say something even remotely bad about one of you Halo 2 clan members and have the whole CAG xbox community come after u just because they wana stay on there good side

Noope not getting back into it staying the shaq fuu out the way :)[/quote]

Feel free to say something bad about me. I don't need other people to defend myself, though it's nice to know that the people whose backs I have in-game and here have my back in-game and here.
Yes because no one wants to play with me means the game is going downhill?Its easy to get any type of game anywhere and I didnt play with to many CAGs when I did play so theres 0 diffrence

And I got nothing to say about u I dont even know who you are

But to have someones "back" is kind of stupid since u dont know them and each arguement people have a diffrent opinion but your gonna follow anyway.That is really stupid to do just because u play with them dont mean u 2 should agree all the time.
[quote name='-BigC-']Yes because no one wants to play with me means the game is going downhill?Its easy to get any type of game anywhere and I didnt play with to many CAGs when I did play so theres 0 diffrence

And I got nothing to say about u I dont even know who you are

But to have someones "back" is kind of stupid since u dont know them and each arguement people have a diffrent opinion but your gonna follow anyway.That is really stupid to do just because u play with them dont mean u 2 should agree all the time.[/quote]

Why not just give up and let go? It's obvious alot of people dont like you...why waste the time?
[quote name='Mookyjooky'][quote name='-BigC-']Yes because no one wants to play with me means the game is going downhill?Its easy to get any type of game anywhere and I didnt play with to many CAGs when I did play so theres 0 diffrence

And I got nothing to say about u I dont even know who you are

But to have someones "back" is kind of stupid since u dont know them and each arguement people have a diffrent opinion but your gonna follow anyway.That is really stupid to do just because u play with them dont mean u 2 should agree all the time.[/quote]

Why not just give up and let go? It's obvious alot of people dont like you...why waste the time?[/quote]

'Cause it's enjoyable to have a battle of wits against an unarmed individual, Mooky. :rofl:
What am I doing?I posted in here not the clan thread and people from the clan thought it would be funny to insult me because im a team killer but then I guess he relized he cant read and hasnt responded since

I got no feelings towards anyone on this board im just posting in here because I play the game every now and then still and wanted to see if anyone I used to play with would still be posting
just because we're in the clan doesnt mean we automatically "back" each other.

I do however back Shrike. never know when that walker is going to give out and I'll have to catch him.
[quote name='Ledhed called the fact that -BigC- is a team-killing shaq-futard, and that made -BigC- angry. -BigC- wanted to make a witty retort, but lacking basic grammar skills, he instead']What am I doing?I posted in here not the clan thread and people from the clan thought it would be funny to insult me because im a team killer but then I guess he relized he cant read and hasnt responded since[/quote]

I can only assume you mean me when you say "he hasn't responded since." I was simply saying that, for someone who held himself in such high esteem during the early days of Halo 2, it's pretty bad form to admit that you intentionally team-kill when things aren't going well for your team.

And what is your response? That I can't read. Classic.

Your prick, always,

Ledhed :wink:
Oooo insulting grammar now?

I admit I dont use perfect grammar but at least I can read buddy because you are talking about me team killing when I never mentioned anything envolving team killing.

Being able to read>perfect grammar :)
[quote name='rywateska'][quote name='doubledown']So, when are we getting new maps? ;)[/quote]

They're out haven't downloaded them yet? NOOB![/quote]

Speaking of which. I was playing last night and when I looked at rock's profile it said he was playing on map: Gravemind. If this happens to be the name of the new map, you heard it here first. :)
[quote name='-BigC-']Oooo insulting grammar now?

I admit I dont use perfect grammar but at least I can read buddy because you are talking about me team killing when I never mentioned anything envolving team killing.

Being able to read>perfect grammar :)[/quote]

You said, "I have fun and just assassinate people." Now, seeing that killing opponents is your objective to begin with, I was simply reading between the lines. Granted, I took something of a liberty with the meaning of your words, but not enough to warrant the idea that I can't read.

All the contextual signs of your statement point to team-killing, without openly expressing it. And even if I weren't referring to team-killing, you're still lying down on your team and under-performing simply because you think you're going to lose anyways.

I've been in plenty of games where my team was down and out, simply not feeling it. But then we pulled ahead and took the win, all because we kept trying and didn't accept defeat until it was certain.

I know that it's just a game, but it's pretty damn weak to take a dive on your team simply because you think a win won't happen.
[quote name='Ledhed'][quote name='-BigC-']Oooo insulting grammar now?

I admit I dont use perfect grammar but at least I can read buddy because you are talking about me team killing when I never mentioned anything envolving team killing.

Being able to read>perfect grammar :)[/quote]

You said, "I have fun and just assassinate people." Now, seeing that killing opponents is your objective to begin with, I was simply reading between the lines. Granted, I took something of a liberty with the meaning of your words, but not enough to warrant the idea that I can't read.

All the contextual signs of your statement point to team-killing, without openly expressing it. And even if I weren't referring to team-killing, you're still lying down on your team and under-performing simply because you think you're going to lose anyways.

I've been in plenty of games where my team was down and out, simply not feeling it. But then we pulled ahead and took the win, all because we kept trying and didn't accept defeat until it was certain.

I know that it's just a game, but it's pretty damn weak to take a dive on your team simply because you think a win won't happen.[/quote]

:applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause:
[quote name='-BigC-']Whoa @ u both jumping on my case

Let me know when u can quote me where I said I was killing my team?

I was referring to a game where it was 6v1 with 4 minutes to go and i got a few kills assination style

Please take your hate for me back to your clan thread as Im already over the clan issue especially since the game has been going downhill completely since 2 months after its release[/quote]

Well my post has nothing to do with team killing and you had no clue about the situation did you?You mentioned team killing because you recognized my name and wanted to talk more crap as a few other clan mates would do as soon as seeing my name as well

Then I posted this and I guess you didnt read it either?But your halo 2 clan mates will continue to quote u and laugh so I dont know if its worth it but hey i aint gonna stop posting here :p
[quote name='-BigC-'][quote name='-BigC-']Whoa @ u both jumping on my case

Let me know when u can quote me where I said I was killing my team?

I was referring to a game where it was 6v1 with 4 minutes to go and i got a few kills assination style

Please take your hate for me back to your clan thread as Im already over the clan issue especially since the game has been going downhill completely since 2 months after its release[/quote]

Well my post has nothing to do with team killing and you had no clue about the situation did you?You mentioned team killing because you recognized my name and wanted to talk more crap as a few other clan mates would do as soon as seeing my name as well

Then I posted this and I guess you didnt read it either?But your halo 2 clan mates will continue to quote u and laugh so I dont know if its worth it but hey i aint gonna stop posting here :p[/quote]
If you would learn how to write a clear and logical paragraph, this whole situation could have been avoided...If you look at your first post, you would see, by the way it was written, that it insinuates that you teamkill your opponents.
[quote name='Ledhed'][quote name='-BigC-']Oooo insulting grammar now?

I admit I dont use perfect grammar but at least I can read buddy because you are talking about me team killing when I never mentioned anything envolving team killing.

Being able to read>perfect grammar :)[/quote]

You said, "I have fun and just assassinate people." Now, seeing that killing opponents is your objective to begin with, I was simply reading between the lines. Granted, I took something of a liberty with the meaning of your words, but not enough to warrant the idea that I can't read.

All the contextual signs of your statement point to team-killing, without openly expressing it. And even if I weren't referring to team-killing, you're still lying down on your team and under-performing simply because you think you're going to lose anyways.

I've been in plenty of games where my team was down and out, simply not feeling it. But then we pulled ahead and took the win, all because we kept trying and didn't accept defeat until it was certain.

I know that it's just a game, but it's pretty damn weak to take a dive on your team simply because you think a win won't happen.[/quote]
Well put Led :)
Its not that I didnt explain what I was talking about.Its that people assumed something just because they still hold some kind of grudge against me.Then the rest of u who dont even know me come in and just back up the Halo 2 clan members

Its honestly sad
[quote name='Ledhed']I've been in plenty of games where my team was down and out, simply not feeling it. But then we pulled ahead and took the win, all because we kept trying and didn't accept defeat until it was certain.[/quote] :lol: I'm just stating the obvious during such matches...I find more of an issue with how we pull a win out of our asses each time a said game occurs.
Things to do in H2 when you are bored:

My clan mates and I have found some fun things you can do during those moments when you are waiting for the rest of your clan to show up, or when you just want a break from the matchmaking loudmouths.

To be honest, I am not sure if these have shown up in the trick videos as we just came across these ourselves.

These things may be old news, but still fun IMO.


First - create a new game setting with the following specs:

"Messy Jugs"
Damage Resistance: On
Type of Shield: Overshield
Weapons: Rockets
Secondary: P-Sword (in case you want to fly)
Unlimited Ammo: On
Primary Vehicle: (any type of Warthog)
Heavy Vehicle: Scorpion Tank

(Warthog Flipping)

Works best on:
Coagulation, Waterworks, Zanzibar

(This usually only works for the person hosting when it is only you and another person)

If you have more than two people, you will know when it is not working and you may need to make someone else the driver or Juggernaut.(*)

The person hosting should drive the Warthog and the passenger should be the Juggernaut. (Because of the unlimited ammo)

If you have the correct setup, have the passenger fire a rocket down to the side/front and behold the amount of air you and your jeep will take.

On Coagulation, we have been able to jump the base completely when you time the rocket just right when going off the jump on the side of the base.

You can get HUGE air with this technique and as long as the person driving stays in the vehicle, the Warthog will never explode.

You will get thrown from the vehicle every now and then, but once you get the hang of it and find the good jumps, you can do 6-7 rotations, land and keep on driving.

Another trick if you have more people is to have one or two Scorpion Tanks position themselves behind the jump. When you get to the crest of the hill, they should fire just behind the Warthog.

We have been thrown clear across Coagulation a couple of times using this technique.

(*) You will know when it is not working - the armor of the Warthog will fly off and the vehicle will not leave the ground. If it is working, a single shot while in a stationary Warthog will send it flying one direction or the other!

On Zanzibar, we were able to get a Warthog up onto the outcrop where the left Turret is located. You can also get big air when you time it just right, when you jump off the rocks near the palm trees on the beach.

On WaterWorks, you can drive down the hall path under the middle and do a perfect back flip, right as you come out the other side.


Use the same game type ("Messy Jugs") for this one as well:

(Tank Flipping) - We just found this one last weekend

Works best on:
Zanzibar (only)

Grab the tank and drive it around to the other side of the windmill on Zanzibar. You can have a friend latch onto the side.

(It doesn't matter who is Juggernaut pertaining to ammo for this trick, but you are able to board the vehicle because you are technically on the opposing team)

This one is simple - Drive the tank into the windmill and continue to move forward once you hit the wall.

As the arm of the windmill comes around it will begin to push you and your friend up to the left. Once the front of the tank clears the wall, keep pushing forward.

Move forward enough so that a good 1/3 of the front of the Scorpion Tank is under the ceiling - you will know when it worked because you will be thrown all over the map!

We have been thrown back to where the tank was originally, up into the base and onto the base itself.

When we do it again, I will have to tape it and post a screen shot of us on top of the base with the tank or of the tank behind a closed gate inside the base.


As you can tell - we were very bored but ended up laughing and trying new things.

Let me know if this is widespread news in the H2 world, but even if we did not come up with these things ourselves, they are still fun to try just once.
If anyone is interested joining my clan let me know. I'm looking to get a group together so I can do battle with some of the CAGers and such.

You gotta have it together to join as far as communication and such goes, but I think it'll be fairly informal as far as things beyond that. The point is to enjoy the game, not make it complicated.

PM me if interested.
Anyone tried the Halo 2 tricks I posted?

We were able to get the Scorpion tank on top of the Zanzibar base again last night and it made me think about this thread again.
[quote name='Maizrim']Anyone tried the Halo 2 tricks I posted?

We were able to get the Scorpion tank on top of the Zanzibar base again last night and it made me think about this thread again.[/quote]

as a matter of fact we were able to do this the other night. here are some picture the rad took

[quote name='radjago']
My brother has a demo disc with what appears to be some custom games for Halo 2 (online). He saved them on his XBOX harddrive but we are not sure how to use them when we are online together.

Does anyone know how to use them and is there a website or a way to find other custom games?


[quote name='craven_fiend'][quote name='Maizrim']Anyone tried the Halo 2 tricks I posted?

We were able to get the Scorpion tank on top of the Zanzibar base again last night and it made me think about this thread again.[/quote]

as a matter of fact we were able to do this the other night. here are some picture the rad took

[quote name='radjago']

Very nice! We were only able to get two people on top of the base.

You guys rock! Some crazy stuff isn't it? The Warthog Jumping is a lot of fun as well.

Try parking two Scorpion Tanks and have a warthog drive between you up to a jump. If the Scorpion Tanks shoot just behind the warthog as they get to the crest of the hill, the warthog will be thrown all over the map!

Fun stuff.
bread's done