Official Playstation VR Deals and Discussion Thread


54 (100%)
Just starting a thread for deals for the Playstation VR. 

I picked up the Core bundle off Amazon and I'm looking for a cheap camera and move controllers.

I found that best buy has some cheap playstation 4 cameras on sale for 39.99 with free shipping.

If you all know any good deals for move controllers or launch games, let me know.

Until Dawn: Rush of Blood (PS VR) $15.99 via Amazon (Prime Price).
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I was playing GTA5 on my Xbox 360 when it first came out. One day I turned on Xbox on, started up GTA, and I had a popup from XBL notifications saying my sign in failed, and my account was banned until 2099. I contacted MS through forums, email, and by phone. Even emailed Balmer back then and had someone from his office personally call me.

At that time people were changing regions and downloading games from other countries. I never once did that. Somehow my account got swooped up in their banhammers. I spent two weeks back and forth with representatives from Microsoft and in the end their solution was a near quote of 'we want you as a customer, unfortunately we cannot restore the history or purchases from that gamertag. You're welcome to create a new account with another email address".

That was it. They've refused to provide any evidence citing confidentiality. Of MY personal information. Since then, I've never purchased another Microsoft product. I've vehemently boycotted the Xbone, XOX, and even PCs. Switched to macOS as well. I'll never purchase another Microsoft product again.
damn that sucks

i actually created other accounts to buy games cheaper from other regions, i remember people getting banned changing regions to get FREE games but never heard anybody get banned for buying any

20% coupon expired last week, unless there is a new one I don't know about.
The PS Pro bundle code expires at the end of this month. I managed to nab one from the trading thread earlier today.

EDIT: The code didn't work, so seeking out a new one.

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I can't believe how hard Thumper gets and I'm only on level 4.  That's one game I can only take in like 20 minute spurts.  It's just stressful as shit to play lol.  It also feels a lot faster in level 4 than early on but that could be in my head because there is just a lot more shit to do.

I can't believe how hard Thumper gets and I'm only on level 4. That's one game I can only take in like 20 minute spurts. It's just stressful as shit to play lol. It also feels a lot faster in level 4 than early on but that could be in my head because there is just a lot more shit to do.
No, it definitely gets faster. I tried playing it in the + mode after I beat it, and the first level was a cinch compared to the level 9 boss. :shock:

I felt it was better to play in 2-3 hour spurts because you get progressively better as you go on and I didn't want to have to start over. Still, on those last few levels, I was lucky to barely survive with a C rank. The demo for that game seems deceptively simple in retrospect.

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I was playing GTA5 on my Xbox 360 when it first came out. One day I turned on Xbox on, started up GTA, and I had a popup from XBL notifications saying my sign in failed, and my account was banned until 2099. I contacted MS through forums, email, and by phone. Even emailed Balmer back then and had someone from his office personally call me.

At that time people were changing regions and downloading games from other countries. I never once did that. Somehow my account got swooped up in their banhammers. I spent two weeks back and forth with representatives from Microsoft and in the end their solution was a near quote of 'we want you as a customer, unfortunately we cannot restore the history or purchases from that gamertag. You're welcome to create a new account with another email address".

That was it. They've refused to provide any evidence citing confidentiality. Of MY personal information. Since then, I've never purchased another Microsoft product. I've vehemently boycotted the Xbone, XOX, and even PCs. Switched to macOS as well. I'll never purchase another Microsoft product again.
I wasn't banned, but my account was "compromised" and had a ton of points and games purchased on it one night years and years ago.

MS blamed me for being phished... or using same email/password for live on other sites. Except I had separate email accounts *just* for xbox/psn with no duplicate passwords.. And had not even logged into the Xbox in 7 months...(still don't use duplicate passwords anywhere, and still use an email specifically for each service that is not used elsewhere)

Long story, but took forever to get MS to correct the issue. Only after I had my CC company look into it as fraud charges (which they said there were a ton at that time with Xbox Live) Did MS change their tune and remove the purchases, they racked up $100's in charges and bought 2-3 games I never heard of before.

That was a hassle and outside the "free" stuff from xbox live I rarely purchase anything on Xbox now. Pretty much all PSN, with Nintendo being 2nd... and only cause of the Switch, how horrible N was on purchases I had never purchased anything digital from them until I bought my Switch.



I loved the Dino Frontier Demo... Want to buy it, found a review of it that says it's fun. but about 4 hours long with low replay-ability...


Shooty Fruity

Dick Wilde

Mortal Blitz

And thats just the PSVR games I can remember off the top of my head.

I have half that in my cart right now... going to wait and hope to open my email to a 20% code again ( yeah right) or some super deal on PSN credit somewhere before the sale ends.

So much VR I want... and it all had to go on sale at the same time. Thanks Sony..  :censored:

I really wish those email 20% codes lasted till this week. I gave away both of my codes because the last two weeks sales had nothing for me. Now there’s quite a few things I’d definitely get with 20% off and lots more that I’d consider. Makes sense I guess. The codes were probably intentionally given out on weak sales weeks to incentivize purchases and they don’t want them valid this week because they know that the sales are good enough that people will buy anyway.

That’s a long list of psvr games on sale and a lot of them I don’t know much/anything about. It’s going to take a while to get all my research done
I spent the past couple hours researching all the sales and viewing trailers, gameplay footage, etc.

Here's how my cart stands right now:

The Brookhaven Experiment


I Expect You to Die

Megaton Rainfall

Mortal Blitz

Rez Infinite

The Solus Project


Superhot VR


On the fence, but leaning towards 'no': 

Bloody Zombies (VR 2D side-scroller...meh)
Crystal Rift (trailer looks kinda crappy)
Dexed (generic gallery shooter)
Ghosts in the Toybox: Chapter 1 (yet another gallery shooter)
HeroCade (9 games in 1; one is bound to be good, right?)
RollerCoaster Legends (not much to this; it's just an 8-minute rollercoaster simulator)
Shooty Fruity (fun in a dumb way)
Sparc (without a demo, I can't really see the appeal)
Stifled (has great reviews, but looks like absolute shit)
Surgeon Simulator (seems far too sick even for my taste)
Time Machine VR (looks really interesting, but don't care for the emphasis on underwater exploration)
Ultrawings (looks cool, but still feels too expensive to pull the trigger on)
Wildlands (gameplay looks kinda bland and boring)
The ones I'm fluid on are Mortal Blitz, Theseus, Stifled and Time Machine VR. I could probably take or leave all of them.
It's such a huge sale, but I'm annoyed that Job Simulator and Robinson: The Journey aren't a part of it. Those two games still elude me.

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The PS Pro bundle code expires at the end of this month. I managed to nab one from the trading thread earlier today.
Does anyone know if the Star Wars Battlefront PS4 Pro Bundle came with a 20% off coupon? I might need to dig through some stuff to find the inserts. I'm talking about the "limited" bundle that has "Star Wars" branded all over it.


So is the consensus that The Brookhaven Experiment is definitely worth getting if you have an aim controller? I recall hearing that, but was reading a review from the original release that said you use one hand for shooting and one hand for melee when playing with moves. Sounds like it'd be clunky to pull off on the aim, but maybe not.

Also, don't overlook shoot fruity because of the silly name/concept. It's my favorite wave shooter I've played on VR so far. In between shooting you have some simple task to do (e.g. scan groceries) and the more you do that the better weapons you have access to and powerups come down your conveyor belt. It's hectic fun. You'll madly be going back and forth between scanning/shooting, see there are lots of enemies coming then dual wield and kill everything. There are a lot of different weapons and enemies, and something like 24 levels (that have star rankings to improve on). It is a small discount of only 20% though.
I’m about halfway through RE7 but I haven’t picked it up in over 6 months. I now own a PSVR and have been wanting to finish it or replay. I saw the season pass on sale for $21, is it worth it anyone? Is the extra content any good?
So is the consensus that The Brookhaven Experiment is definitely worth getting if you have an aim controller? I recall hearing that, but was reading a review from the original release that said you use one hand for shooting and one hand for melee when playing with moves. Sounds like it'd be clunky to pull off on the aim, but maybe not.

Also, don't overlook shoot fruity because of the silly name/concept. It's my favorite wave shooter I've played on VR so far. In between shooting you have some simple task to do (e.g. scan groceries) and the more you do that the better weapons you have access to and powerups come down your conveyor belt. It's hectic fun. You'll madly be going back and forth between scanning/shooting, see there are lots of enemies coming then dual wield and kill everything. There are a lot of different weapons and enemies, and something like 24 levels (that have star rankings to improve on). It is a small discount of only 20% though.
I enjoyed Brookhaven a lot even before the aim controller was even released. I have been meaning to play it again with the aim but there are just too many games!

Has anyone here played Theseus? It looks pretty cool but I think the main gripe was that it’s really short. Maybe $10 is a good price for it?
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So is the consensus that The Brookhaven Experiment is definitely worth getting if you have an aim controller? I recall hearing that, but was reading a review from the original release that said you use one hand for shooting and one hand for melee when playing with moves. Sounds like it'd be clunky to pull off on the aim, but maybe not.

Also, don't overlook shoot fruity because of the silly name/concept. It's my favorite wave shooter I've played on VR so far. In between shooting you have some simple task to do (e.g. scan groceries) and the more you do that the better weapons you have access to and powerups come down your conveyor belt. It's hectic fun. You'll madly be going back and forth between scanning/shooting, see there are lots of enemies coming then dual wield and kill everything. There are a lot of different weapons and enemies, and something like 24 levels (that have star rankings to improve on). It is a small discount of only 20% though.
I really didn't like Brookhaven. Whether I used the Aim or the Move wands. Just wasn't my thing. The fact that you are stuck in a static position is annoying but it isn't a total deal breaker. But I think what really got to me was having to constantly use the button to turn around back and forth to watch your back. I hated that.

I’m about halfway through RE7 but I haven’t picked it up in over 6 months. I now own a PSVR and have been wanting to finish it or replay. I saw the season pass on sale for $21, is it worth it anyone? Is the extra content any good?
So you didn't play RE7 in VR to get halfway through?

IMO, RE7 (in VR) is one of the best games I've ever played. I'm not sure how much I would have liked it had it not been in VR though. It wouldn't have been scary at all most likely.

That Dell deal for the Skyrim bundle seems too good to pass up. I just hate I just got a Switch, X1X and SNES classic, feel like I don’t have time to play it all.
So is the consensus that The Brookhaven Experiment is definitely worth getting if you have an aim controller? I recall hearing that, but was reading a review from the original release that said you use one hand for shooting and one hand for melee when playing with moves. Sounds like it'd be clunky to pull off on the aim, but maybe not.

Also, don't overlook shoot fruity because of the silly name/concept. It's my favorite wave shooter I've played on VR so far. In between shooting you have some simple task to do (e.g. scan groceries) and the more you do that the better weapons you have access to and powerups come down your conveyor belt. It's hectic fun. You'll madly be going back and forth between scanning/shooting, see there are lots of enemies coming then dual wield and kill everything. There are a lot of different weapons and enemies, and something like 24 levels (that have star rankings to improve on). It is a small discount of only 20% though.
Thanks for the info. I'll go ahead and give it a shot as I've mostly avoided wave shooters and am not as tired.

I’m about halfway through RE7 but I haven’t picked it up in over 6 months. I now own a PSVR and have been wanting to finish it or replay. I saw the season pass on sale for $21, is it worth it anyone? Is the extra content any good?
I did some research and the consensus is that VR or not it's a lot of decent content at a decent price. VR implementation is also well regarded.

So you didn't play RE7 in VR to get halfway through?

IMO, RE7 (in VR) is one of the best games I've ever played. I'm not sure how much I would have liked it had it not been in VR though. It wouldn't have been scary at all most likely.
No, it was prior to owning PSVR. I played at night w all the lights off and headphones on so that helped but the immersion of PSVR is unrivaled. Farpoint is crazy, it’s so wild to look all around you and see the surroundings. I do plan on playing RE7 in VR just curious if the DLC is worth $20ish.
No, it was prior to owning PSVR. I played at night w all the lights off and headphones on so that helped but the immersion of PSVR is unrivaled. Farpoint is crazy, it’s so wild to look all around you and see the surroundings. I do plan on playing RE7 in VR just curious if the DLC is worth $20ish.
Imo yes, it’s worth $20. The dlc is great. Part of it shows the events that lead up to RE7 and what happened to the Baker family. It’s scary AF! The End if Cloe dlc isnt scary, and is very different than the main game, but it’s really fun. Not a Hero is really good too. I loved the way they use the visuals of the headset.
Did the Dell deal, but it's going to suck waiting for my order. I could've gotten it faster, but I'm going out of town this weekend anyway. I have a feeling this sale will be over before I get my package. That makes it really hard to decide what to buy.

If I can get a coupon, maybe I'll buy more stuff, but right now the only absolute buy for me looks like Thumper. There's a bunch of stuff on sale that I really want, but I could see most of it dropping in price more.

I think my next 2 most likely buys would be VR worlds and Rez. I played the previous version of Rez and wasn't completely blown away by it, but I've heard some pretty great praise for that new level they added. VR Worlds is so cheap I'll probably get it regardless.

I was playing GTA5 on my Xbox 360 when it first came out. One day I turned on Xbox on, started up GTA, and I had a popup from XBL notifications saying my sign in failed, and my account was banned until 2099. I contacted MS through forums, email, and by phone. Even emailed Balmer back then and had someone from his office personally call me.
You just gotta wait it out a little longer until 2099 and then they will restore all your digital games on your account. Stay strong. They won't be laughing anymore when their arbitrary ban length expires and your account is revived to seek revenge...

But seriously, maybe your grandkids can inherit your gamertag and get all your stuff back.

I'm going to make a few VR videos tonight, but are there any you'd like to see off of this list:

Apollo 11 VR

Arizona Sunshine


Dick Wilde

End Space



Moonshot Galaxy

Mortal Blitz

Moto Racer 4


PlayStation VR Worlds


Rollercoaster Dreams

The Solus Project


Tumble VR

Until Dawn


I’m curious about HeroCade since there’s not a lot out there about the 9 included games. Maybe Mortal Blitz, Dexed and Solus Project too.

The 20% off code I bought yesterday didn’t work out, so now I'm stressed out about what to get and paring down my list even further. My cart is in the ~$150 range.

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I'm trying really hard not to spend $150 or $200. Just recently during the last sale I bought Apollo 11, Arizona Sunshine, and Thumper. I haven't even had a chance to play them yet and they'e already cheaper. 

Can you guys tell me if this strategy makes sense? Should I lean towards buying the games I want to play that are 70% off vs the games I want that are just 25%, 40%, 50%, etc? I have such a backlog, I feel like I can hopefully wait for them to go cheaper.

But then again I could just say " fuck it" and blow my GS credit and PUR points on PSN cards.

I'm going to make a few VR videos tonight, but are there any you'd like to see off of this list:

Apollo 11 VR
Arizona Sunshine
Dick Wilde
End Space
Moonshot Galaxy
Mortal Blitz
Moto Racer 4
PlayStation VR Worlds
Rollercoaster Dreams
The Solus Project
Tumble VR
Until Dawn
Apollo 11!
I'm trying really hard not to spend $150 or $200. Just recently during the last sale I bought Apollo 11, Arizona Sunshine, and Thumper. I haven't even had a chance to play them yet and they'e already cheaper.

Can you guys tell me if this strategy makes sense? Should I lean towards buying the games I want to play that are 70% off vs the games I want that are just 25%, 40%, 50%, etc? I have such a backlog, I feel like I can hopefully wait for them to go cheaper.

But then again I could just say " fuck it" and blow my GS credit and PUR points on PSN cards.
Check and only buy games that are new lows
So my purchases yesterday

Apex  Construct


Bandit Six: Combined Arms 

Bloody Zombies 

Brookhaven Experiment 

Carnival Games  

Carnival Games: Alley Adventure 

Crystal Rift


Dick Wilde 

Drunken Bar Fight 

End Space

Gungrave VR (off of HK PS Store) 


I Expect You To Die

Knockout League 

Lunar Stone: Origin of Blood (off of HK PS Store)

Megaton Rainfall

Pinball FX2 Season Pass

Pupil Wandering (off of HK PS Store)

Smashbox Arena 

Sprint Vector


Superhot VR

The Assembly


Time Machine VR

Tumble VR



Xeta (off of HK PS Store)

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So my purchases yesterday

Apex Construct
Bandit Six: Combined Arms
Carnival Games
Carnival Games: Alley Adventure
Crystal Rift
Dick Wilde
Drunken Bar Fight
End Space
Gungrave VR (off of HK PS Store)
I Expect You To Die
Knockout League
Lunar Stone: Origin of Blood (off of HK PS Store)
Megaton Rainfall
Pinball FX2 Season Pass
Pupil Wandering (off of HK PS Store)
Sprint Vector
Superhot VR
The Assembly
Time Machine VR
Tumble VR
So much digital content, I think I'm gonna be sick.
Just bought another 5 games.. Added to the above list

Bloody Zombies 

Brookhaven Experiment

Smashbox Arena 


Xeta (off of HK PS Store)

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Alright, I'm about to pull the trigger on the BB Skyrim PSVR bundle. 

Then I'm looking at picking up:

Arizona Sunshine

Brookhaven Experiment

I Expect You To Die

Batman Arkham VR

Farpoint and Pinball FX VR also look like possibilities. 

I already have: Thumper, Rez, Until Dawn: RoB, RE7, and Superhot (on X1). 

Didn't realize Superhot VR was a different game, definitely getting now. 

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Alright, I'm about to pull the trigger on the BB Skyrim PSVR bundle.

Then I'm looking at picking up:

Arizona Sunshine

Brookhaven Experiment

I Expect You To Die

Batman Arkham VR

Farpoint and Pinball FX VR also look like possibilities.

I already have: Thumper, Rez, Until Dawn: RoB, RE7, and Superhot (on X1).

Didn't realize Superhot VR was a different game, definitely getting now.
If you get Farpoint, make sure you get it with the Aim controller. That is what makes the whole game.

I'm trying really hard not to spend $150 or $200. Just recently during the last sale I bought Apollo 11, Arizona Sunshine, and Thumper. I haven't even had a chance to play them yet and they'e already cheaper.

Can you guys tell me if this strategy makes sense? Should I lean towards buying the games I want to play that are 70% off vs the games I want that are just 25%, 40%, 50%, etc? I have such a backlog, I feel like I can hopefully wait for them to go cheaper.

But then again I could just say " fuck it" and blow my GS credit and PUR points on PSN cards.
If you already have a backlog, I'd recommend not buying any games. All it will accomplish is adding more games to your already existing backlog. Play the games you have. The other games will go on sale again.

Buying something just because it's on sale just to save money, then not using it, is counterproductive. I know you feel like you're saving money, but you're actually wasting money.

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If you get Farpoint, make sure you get it with the Aim controller. That is what makes the whole game.
Yep, especially if you’re buying Arizona Sunshine and Brookhaven which are also Aim-compatible. I did and I don’t regret it only regret it a little.

If you already have a backlog, I'd recommend not buying any games. All it will accomplish is adding more games to your already existing backlog. Play the games you have. The other games will go on sale again.

Buying something just because it's on sale just to save money, then not using it, is counterproductive. I know you feel like you're saving money, but you're actually wasting money.
The only flaw of this argument is when you actually want to play something in particular and then it never goes on sale. Some titles are so sporadic, so I try to keep an eye on what goes on sale most often and which are the rareties. If you see a game you want to play NOW, then by all means, buy it. And of course stock up on the $2-3 cheapies little by little because you’re less likely to regret those purchases.
Since everyone else is posting their hauls, mine is...

'Broken' -- Seether ft. Amy Lee.

Yeah...a cool $1.99.  *Sigh*  Wish there were VR titles I wanted in this sale that I don't already own. :(

Bought Statik and I Expect You to Die.  Only been able to play Statik but I am loving it. It really has a similar feel to Portal in terms of the way the institute employees interact and speak to you. It also gives you a great sense of accomplishment when the solutions finally click. Highly recommended.

Edit: The gameplay in Statik is nothing like portal, just the aesthetic.

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Isn't Statik the game where your hands are stuck in a box? What happens if you physically move one of your hands outside the area the box is supposed to be in?

You play with the DS4, so logistically while you’re holding the controller, you’re “locked” in the box.

The same concept also applies to the Kitchen demo where your hands are tied up, which works pretty convincingly.
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Check and only buy games that are new lows
Thank you. That helps. What's with the name of the website? Did they start by tracking PSP games?

If you already have a backlog, I'd recommend not buying any games. All it will accomplish is adding more games to your already existing backlog. Play the games you have. The other games will go on sale again.

Buying something just because it's on sale just to save money, then not using it, is counterproductive. I know you feel like you're saving money, but you're actually wasting money.
I appreciate the sentiment and I can't really argue it. The only reason I haven't booted up those recent downloads is because I had the flu and I've been playing the cod ww2 resistance event a lot this month. One of the things I really like about the psvr games is they are mostly short and I can get through them quickly.

Also, you're attempting to reason and give good advice to an insane backlog person. I just checked my xbox 360 spreadsheet and I have 1112 games and I'm missing about 61 that I'm keeping my eye on. I have several other console collections that are almost as ridiculous. Buying digital games is new to me thanks to PSVR so I appreciate all of the advice.

Yep, especially if you’re buying Arizona Sunshine and Brookhaven which are also Aim-compatible. I did and I don’t regret it only regret it a little.

The only flaw of this argument is when you actually want to play something in particular and then it never goes on sale. Some titles are so sporadic, so I try to keep an eye on what goes on sale most often and which are the rareties. If you see a game you want to play NOW, then by all means, buy it. And of course stock up on the $2-3 cheapies little by little because you’re less likely to regret those purchases.
That's true. I've been watching a lot of PSVR without Parole on youtube. Those videos make me realize I even want to play stuff like Catlateral damage for $2.99.

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Isn't Statik the game where your hands are stuck in a box? What happens if you physically move one of your hands outside the area the box is supposed to be in?
As budarc stated, you dont use the Move controllers. Each button on the dualshock corresponds to some type of function on the box your hands are locked inside. The fun is in figuring out wtf is going with each box and how the buttons on the controller correspond. Its also unnerving and claustrophobic, which adds to the atmosphere.

The 3d VR effect is also really well done.

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Finally jumped on the VR train today. I grabbed the skyrim bundle and the farpoint game and gun. Also got Batman, star wars, rush of blood, res evil 7, i expect you to die, ps vr worlds, and doom. Curious to hear some opinions on Brookhaven and Arizona.
Finally jumped on the VR train today. I grabbed the skyrim bundle and the farpoint game and gun. Also got Batman, star wars, rush of blood, res evil 7, i expect you to die, ps vr worlds, and doom. Curious to hear some opinions on Brookhaven and Arizona.
Damn, you got like the perfect starter bundle. I envy your upcoming voyage of discovery. I mentioned it before, but if you got the gun, you might as well jump on board with Arizona and Brookhaven and get the most mileage out of the Aim since there’s limited compatibility (as of now). I would recommend you play those before Farpoint and Doom though, because the latter will blow them out of the water. Otherwise, I’d say you’ve got plenty to keep you busy for a looong time. Enjoy!
Damn, you got like the perfect starter bundle. I envy your upcoming voyage of discovery. I mentioned it before, but if you got the gun, you might as well jump on board with Arizona and Brookhaven and get the most mileage out of the Aim since there’s limited compatibility (as of now). I would recommend you play those before Farpoint and Doom though, because the latter will blow them out of the water. Otherwise, I’d say you’ve got plenty to keep you busy for a looong time. Enjoy!
Thanks! I don't know what I've got myself into. I'll definitely check out those other 2 games.
Finally jumped on the VR train today. I grabbed the skyrim bundle and the farpoint game and gun. Also got Batman, star wars, rush of blood, res evil 7, i expect you to die, ps vr worlds, and doom. Curious to hear some opinions on Brookhaven and Arizona.

Damn, you got like the perfect starter bundle. I envy your upcoming voyage of discovery. I mentioned it before, but if you got the gun, you might as well jump on board with Arizona and Brookhaven and get the most mileage out of the Aim since there’s limited compatibility (as of now). I would recommend you play those before Farpoint and Doom though, because the latter will blow them out of the water. Otherwise, I’d say you’ve got plenty to keep you busy for a looong time. Enjoy!
2nd this.

And yeah, save Farpoint till last. :twoguns: (And enjoy every last minute of the near perfection)

VR Worlds London Heist, another near perfect game for VR.

bread's done