OTT Down the Toilet: What Now?

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Yes, I bought myself a Xbone. Easier to find than a PS4 at the moment. The local Fighting Game Community is big here so I have local friends to play Killer Instinct with. And I am looking forward to playing Titanfall. I will eventually get a PS4 if I can ever find one.
And the salad . . . ?

Battlefield 4 was cool until my saved game got deleted. The game is pretty buggy. Multiplayer is pretty cool though.

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Wife finishes her finals today, and once she's home I'm off to work.

I gotta clear out this leftover Cajun Turkey. It was too spicy for most of us to eat. Won't be doing that again next year.

You gotta read this article on slate detailing all of R. Kelly's metaphores for sex.

Here's a sample.

Cookie Jar
“Your legs in the air, my hands all off up in your cookie jar” (“Cookie”)
Cookie/Cookie Monster
“Cookie, cookie, cookie, I’m a cookie monster” (“Cookie”)

man I hate stepping foot in Walmart.  Went tonight to return my BF copies of MLB 13 and The Last Of Us (I got in on Amazon's lightning deals for both and had credit there to use) and it took 1/2 hour to do.  Plus there was some town hick complaining about cigarettes she stole from the store.  

We got a dusting of snow, maybe a quarter inch. Now Ill have to listen to everyone's "How much snow I got at my house" and "How dangerous it was to drive to work" stories.

Followed by the asking every courier who shows up, what the weather outside is doing, and people wondering if they can leave early to put chains on their car.

NOOOooo!!!  I think my Elgato Game Capture doesn't work anymore. :bomb:

Loud Noises!!!!

I Don't Know What We're Yelling About!!!!

I heard somewhere that the bears can smell the menstration.........

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I guess the Elgato doesn't work with the PS3 if you're using HDMI. :bomb:

I need some type of other cable, or something.

Have a 10-15 page paper do on Monday that I haven't even started nor do I know the topic. But I have completed half of infamous so there is that.
Have my 3 finals next week too.
On the bright side, I haven't had access to my old desktop for so long to change my avatar back that it is now Christmas time again. :D

On IFC They are playing the whole 33 chapters of the R. Kelly Trapped in the closet. It's hilarious. Doesn't make me forget he raped a fifteen year old.

I have a strange desire to get a 3DS and that new Zelda game even though I know I'll play that and that alone and never touch the 3DS again.

Is BF4 that good?  I haven't tried it.

I thought BF3 was alright.  I really liked that subway map.  Above the subway, some random teammate and I held down this second story room of some building.  He'd guard the stairway up to it with claymores and I would spam my RPG out of the window and get quadruple kills as they would flood back toward to get revenge.  Love Lockdown by Kanye West started to play in the background.  Him and I didn't even have mics on.  It was synergy.

I went back to BF Bad Company 2 and was astonished by how hard it had aged.

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Trash has put 82 hours in it. Pretty much the only game most of us are playing. Trash and zoo have played through assassins creed and this and rock are playing a lot of NBA.
I llive just south in Delaware. they were calling for a coupel inches. It's like a blizzard out here. I just shoveled four nches from my driveway and its still coming down. And it's supposed to snow all day.

The game is like whiteout conditions.

Already 15+people waiting in line at Best Buy around 7:15am. I think I may be able to snag a quadruple today.
But but, what about that Killer Instinct on that X-Bone


Brak, if you do get one you gotta get BF4. Honestly I'd like it if we'd play more Conquest but the one we play the most is Domination and it's pretty fun with a full squad.

Chiefs/Redskins game (somebody's gotta be upset about those names) is pretty boring.

Temps are down in the teens and possibly single digits. Cue a half hour of news reporting on our "ARCTIC BLAST" weather conditions.

I'm glad I finally got a chance to play BF4 with you guys the other day.

I'm mostly playing with my clan on the PC. Already level 23. But it's hard to avoid playing 64 man conquest when you have 12 people form your clan playing at the same time. We also discovered that somehow you can have up to 8 man squads on PC. I thought 5 was the limit, but we played on a server and it put all 8 of us automatically in a single squad. That's only happened once though.

I will say this though, I liked the maps in BF3 better. These ones are okay, but only a  couple seem great to me. BF3 had some fantastic maps. And metro :(. But Lockdown is the new Metro :(.

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