[OVER] Goomba's GIANT LOWBALL - Calculating Winners & Totals ^_^

VGC is not around these days? Does that mean I won't have to compete with him in your next lowball?

:whee: :whee: :whee: :whee: :whee: :whee: :whee: :whee: :whee:

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I fully expect VGC17 will return, I'm just wondering where he vanished to.  He was super super active in all the forums and now I can't reach him.  Hopefully he contacts me soon, otherwise I'll have to recycle his items into the next lowball (which I don't want to have to do).  I'll give him a couple more days to reach me.

I am giving everyone until the start of my next lowball (4 more days).  If I haven't received your payment or heard from you recently then I'll have choice to leave negative feedback and report to the Lowball Ban thread.  I don't like doing this, and it's against my character but a week and a half or two weeks is plenty of time to respond.  If you message me and need a few days to pay I understand, but no message back isn't fair to me or other sellers.  Hope to hear from you guys soon.

Good news, two more buyers have come forward and paid so I think that leaves only two non-payers now.  Oh and for the record VGC17 came through as we all knew he would =).

There's been quite a few people asking me to wait until current lowballs going on CAG are over to list a new one and I think there may be some sense in that.  I'm not really a fan of running against or competing with/overlapping with large lowball sales as I want everyone to get a chance to bid, so I may wait until MasaTFC's lowball ends to start my new one.  That would mean I could get a ton of items into my lowball and have a super huge one all at once.  Doing this means that those of you with Rollover Shipping would have to wait a little longer, but you'd potentially be able to get a bunch more items at once.  Love to know what you all think about it, thanks!

Good news, two more buyers have come forward and paid so I think that leaves only two non-payers now. Oh and for the record VGC17 came through as we all knew he would =).

There's been quite a few people asking me to wait until current lowballs going on CAG are over to list a new one and I think there may be some sense in that. I'm not really a fan of running against or competing with/overlapping with large lowball sales as I want everyone to get a chance to bid, so I may wait until MasaTFC's lowball ends to start my new one. That would mean I could get a ton of items into my lowball and have a super huge one all at once. Doing this means that those of you with Rollover Shipping would have to wait a little longer, but you'd potentially be able to get a bunch more items at once. Love to know what you all think about it, thanks!

I'm okay with a postpone, every CAG has a backlog anyways.
ya both some good eggs right there. :grouphug:

Thanks to everyone who paid yesterday or in the last couple of days.  Your items will be going out tomorrow once the post office re-opens after the President's Day closure.  Looks like we're getting more snow here in CT yet again (seems nonstop this year).  Thanks for all of your support!  I'm starting to get items ready for the next Lowball so keep an eye on the thread in the next week or two ^_^.

^I think Goomba said he will toss it in the next lowball. In situations like these, the seller usually throws the game in their next lowball.

I'm happy to report that all invoices have been paid (with the exception of Dormin ... I just resent your invoice, so please pay by tonight to avoid having your lowball item cancelled and put into the next one).  All items have shipped and I plan to start my next lowball within the next week or so.  More info on this to come =). Thanks again for all of your support!

Hey Goomba, it's been about a month since you said you'd start the next one. Just wanted to make sure everything was okay over there =)

Hi Taneerian, thanks for checking in :) I'm working on setting up a new Lowball as we speak but things have been pretty crazy around my house.  My wife has doctor visits and now my son has some sort of sickness (bringing him to the ER as we speak).  Next week we'll be having a large lowball that will be our last one before the baby, so keep an eye out for it. Thanks!

Thanks VideoGameCollector17,

You're just the person I was thinking of haha.  I have a TON of Rare games and I'm just debating right now if I should list them on Lowball or eBay/Amazon.  I'm also trying to figure out a new business model for a side project I'm doing and that's kept me busy as well :).

Our due date is now only a month away, so rather than have multiple lowballs I'm going to do just one large one and ask that people with rollover from past ones have their items shipped with this one.  After the baby I'm not sure how long it'll be before I can do another one so I don't want to hold onto items too, too long =).

See you next week ;) it's going to be a doozy of a Lowball!

Thanks VideoGameCollector17,

You're just the person I was thinking of haha. I have a TON of Rare games and I'm just debating right now if I should list them on Lowball or eBay/Amazon. I'm also trying to figure out a new business model for a side project I'm doing and that's kept me busy as well :).

Our due date is now only a month away, so rather than have multiple lowballs I'm going to do just one large one and ask that people with rollover from past ones have their items shipped with this one. After the baby I'm not sure how long it'll be before I can do another one so I don't want to hold onto items too, too long =).

See you next week ;) it's going to be a doozy of a Lowball!
Put them here. We won't let them go cheap. I know myself and VGC will show them the love they deserve
Aw, so nice for you to think of me, Goomba :) I've been playing a little of Eternal Darkness & that game scares the crap out of me hahah.

Care to give us a little taste of some of these games? :p I'll definitely throw in some great bids for some games & help you out with everything! This last month will definitely be a crazy one for you!
Haha, okay guys I hear you.  I'll have a preview up (no promises but I'll try) by Tuesday or Wednesday.  My goal is to start it on Saturday and run it for a week or so.  Since this will likely be my last one for a while it'll only have Rollover from past auctions and not ongoing.  If there's enough interest then I'll load some of my rarer items and get this party started =).

I'm sure your lowball will be great success. If I have nothing of interest this time I will PM you so you can ship out my last game when you are free.

Still at least a full week away, but several of you have asked for a preview, so here you go.  Here's a good sampling of DS games that are likely to end up in this sale.  Keep in mind several are listed on eBay/Amazon or will be this week, so whatever doesn't sell before the Lowball will be going in.

I also have 3DS, PS3, Xbox 360, PSP and Gamecube games as well.  I just need to buy more clear containers before I can organize them for the sale =P.  Rare games will be announced later in the week before the Lowball ^_^.






I apologize for the somewhat shaky shots.  I took them quickly on a new camera I'm using and it was on HDR mode which mistakenly came out shaky.  I'll take clearer shots for the real lowball ^_^.  Look forward to hearing some feedback!

I'm in for the World Ends with you & Rodfather I'll let you keep the Partners in Time! M&L: Dream Team frustrated me beyond belief & don't think I'm ready for that all over again lol ;p

Definitely NOT an all DS auction.  I'm just trying to be somewhat organized this time around :) DS games first and then the others.  I do have more DS games than any other system but I have a ton of games for other systems too.  Organizing for a full week before the big reveal ^_^.

The Rodfather, I'll have to double check but I believe my Japanese games are:

Taiko DS

Jump Super Stars

Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan!

I'm not sure which ones I'll be including in the auction, I may want to keep Osu! ^_^

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Oh Rodfather, yes one of the games is Gyakuten Saiban 2.  It has English subtitles as well:

Original Name 逆転裁判2(廉価版)Release Date Oct 24, 2006Language English, JapaneseGenre AdventureVersion Japan CERO A (Free)PAX-CodePAX0001211267Catalog No. NTR-P-A2GJItem Code 4976219020541

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isn't it "saiban"?

that said, I totally want Osu! and Taiko.

Taiko would be an excellent present for a friend of mine.

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Good news everyone, after spending about 3-4 hours searching through my garage and tearing through storage boxes, I've found a TON of new games for this lowball sale.  We also just found out that our baby will be coming on 04/10/14 (a week earlier than originally planned) so time is ticking. What I'm planning to do is start this lowball officially on Sunday and I may add in items during the week as I've done in the past due to limited time at home.  I have a bunch of items and I just need to go through them to grade their conditions and take photos.  I'll probably just do groups of photos this time around rather than individual ones to save time.

More on this in the next few days!  Lots of great deals to be had so keep an eye out ;).

OK as promised I'll be starting the list of items today :) I had a crazy busy week with a big poker tournament going on at work and my wife's birthday yesterday, but I bought new plastic containers and I've been sorting games in my storage area like crazy.

I'll be adding new items throughout the week, but today I should have around 50 items or so listed and then we'll go from there :). Thanks again for all of your support guys.  With funds from my lowball so far I've been able to stock up on diapers, baby bottles and even a baby seat or two.  With this lowball I hope to make enough to cover some IKEA expenses to buy some new dressers and a bed since I have to re-arrange my entire living area to accommodate a crib once again ^_^.

The list of items should be listed by 6:30 PM tonight or so.  Best of luck everyone!

I spent about an hour today training my wife how to scan games into my database and she logged about 100 or so games.  I have one more day of work tomorrow and then I have two full days off, so forgive me for a somewhat small list to start off with.  When all is said and done I will have nearly 200 items if all goes as planned, so trust me there's plenty more goodies coming.

I'm starting off with one super special game too: Bravely Default Collector's Edition SEALED and not crushed!  This is worth big bucks and as a collector I'd love to keep it, but baby's going to need lots of things. I will have more RARE games coming soon too! Best of luck everyone ^_^.

I expect MOST games to be listed by Thursday/Friday, but if I find any other good ones I'll put them on here.  Many games are from when I used to buy to resell and I never played/sorted/graded any of them, so it's a lot more work than just simply listing the titles :).  I want to make sure my listings are as accurate as possible.  Thanks again!

bread's done