Paris Hilton going to jail- weaseled out, then brought back!! Haha!!

[quote name='camoor']BTW - if Scooter ever goes to prison, that will be something to cheer about.

Let's see the government eat one of their own.[/QUOTE]So, in conclusion, cheering about a criminal going to jail who happens to be attractive: bad. Cheering about a criminal going to jail who happens to be affiliated with an opposing political party: good.
[quote name='jmcc']So, in conclusion, cheering about a criminal going to jail who happens to be attractive: bad. Cheering about a criminal going to jail who happens to be affiliated with an opposing political party: good.[/quote]
Pretty much.

I just cant understand the logic behind what some of you are saying.

A person breaks the law 3 times and you are saying that its unfair for them to go to jail?

With all this crap about how she is getting rail roaded, you seem to forget that this is the same girl who has been pictured snorting coke (which it seems that some of you forgot is illegal) then was late to her own court date twice after getting a DUI then driving on a suspend license.

She has like 8 offensives towards her......and she only got fucking 45 days in jail plus her own cell.


Alright for all you "Paris is getting rail roaded" people...what would you suggest they give her?

45 days in jail is a very soft sentence. I just dont get it.
Wow, there are dumbasses actually defending Paris? Don't come here crying when Paris or a celebrity under DUI runs your family/friend member over.
[quote name='gokou36']Wow, there are dumbasses actually defending Paris? Don't come here crying when Paris or a celebrity under DUI runs your family/friend member over.[/quote]

I had a family member get killed by a drunk driver about 5 years ago so Paris gets no sympathy from me.
[quote name='GuilewasNK']I had a family member get killed by a drunk driver about 5 years ago so Paris gets no sympathy from me.[/QUOTE]

Sorry to hear that man. It seems like people defending her don't even know what DUI is or can do to other people.
[quote name='gokou36']Sorry to hear that man. It seems like people defending her don't even know what DUI is or can do to other people.[/QUOTE]

I don't think that's true; I think DUI is a fascinating thing, where individuals believe that they are in control of it, but they still think it is a major social problem.

You find similar public attitudes in other arenas as well; ask a person what they think of their congressmen, they (mostly) think they're doing a good job. Ask them what they think of congress, and it's generally very negative. Ask a person about the quality of education at the schools they go to or their children attend, and they say it's phenomenal. Ask them about the state of education in general, and they say it's going to hell in a handbasket.

You can surely think of numerous other phenomena where people will, time and again, recognize that it is a major social problem, but fail to recognize the part they play in making it that. The same can be said of DUI.

I often point to DUI, speeding, and other infractions in my criminology class to explain why we can't look at official records, or prison populations, and assume that we have a thick line separating "criminals" and "non-criminals." While it's easy to say that being in prison means one is a criminal, not being in prison could mean that one is either a very, very good criminal (and thus avoids getting caught), or that they just haven't been caught yet. There are statistical estimates of how many people are actually arrested for DUI compared to how many people drive drunk, but I can't think of them at the moment.

Going back to the original point, many of us lamentably encounter friends and family members who drink a few and declare "aw, man, I'm totally fine, I only had a few," and they never get caught. They'll do this time and time again, insisting that they can control themselves, and they're capable drivers, etc. Then again, if you ask them about drunk driving as a larger problem, and they'll completely agree with you. They'll just dance around their involvement in creating that very problem.
[quote name='gokou36']Wow, there are dumbasses actually defending Paris? Don't come here crying when Paris or a celebrity under DUI runs your family/friend member over.[/QUOTE]

The MSNBC report had a guy screaming in the background "NOOOOO!!! NOOOOOOOOOO!!!" as soon as it was announced :rofl:
[quote name='gokou36']Wow, there are dumbasses actually defending Paris? Don't come here crying when Paris or a celebrity under DUI runs your family/friend member over.[/quote]

I'm a little more concerned about getting peppered by the VP after he's heaved back a few.

Funny - I don't remember you aholes around when the media was playing "Cheney's got a gun" - and if you look into the record of those in the exec office, it makes you wonder why if you jerk-offs care about drunk driving so much then how the heck did Our Leader take the oval office. Twice.

Like I said before, this is a bitch hunt, if Paris played the role of good little christian girl instead of snobby party girl then we wouldn't be having this convo.
[quote name='crazytalkx']The MSNBC report had a guy screaming in the background "NOOOOO!!! NOOOOOOOOOO!!!" as soon as it was announced :rofl:[/quote] :lol:

That's actually pretty funny
[quote name='camoor']I'm a little more concerned about getting peppered by the VP after he's heaved back a few.

Funny - I don't remember you aholes around when the media was playing "Cheney's got a gun" - and if you look into the record of those in the exec office, it makes you wonder why if you jerk-offs care about drunk driving so much then how the heck did Our Leader take the oval office. Twice.

Like I said before, this is a bitch hunt, if Paris played the role of good little christian girl instead of snobby party girl then we wouldn't be having this convo.[/QUOTE]

Americans are stupid, thats why Bush won twice. There I said it, now i'm awaiting the flame!
[quote name='crazytalkx']The MSNBC report had a guy screaming in the background "NOOOOO!!! NOOOOOOOOOO!!!" as soon as it was announced :rofl:[/QUOTE]

I'd LOVE to see the video of that.
[quote name='norkusa']Haha, awesome! I knew you'd guys come thru. :)

The best part is that woman saying "Awww, shut up!" after the "NOOOOO!" guy.[/quote]
Some of the news people today were taking it seriously, too. They were talking about the reactions of the crowd and used that as their example of Paris supporters.
[quote name='norkusa']Haha, awesome! I knew you'd guys come thru. :)

The best part is that woman saying "Awww, shut up!" after the "NOOOOO!" guy.[/quote]

I laughed hard when I heard that. :lol:
To all the Paris Supporters: Why exactly would you support her anyway? What role or purpose does she serve in anyone's life? (Other than to be the butt of jokes in this thread) As far as I'm concerned, she's completely useless as a member of society and deserves anything that's coming to her.
[quote name='Strell']Hmmm.

Question: Could this all possibly be a publicity stunt at this point? I could see this see-sawing of her going in/out of prison and having lots of legal battles and screaming in the interim(s).

I mean it's entirely possible.

Still, happy she got tossed back in.

P.S. Ho ho, "in and out." I had to work that in somehow.[/QUOTE]

Leno totally ripped you off Strell!

as for her time in jail, I hope this story just goes away while she sits out the rest of her sentence. Considering she does *absolutely jack shit*, 45 days out of the media will help people forget about her...maybe
Wowzers. You wanna know something kind of interesting? The guy who took that Paris crying pic is the same guy who took that hella famous Vietnam picture of that naked crying girl refugee. How weird is that?
To all the Paris Supporters: Why exactly would you support her anyway? What role or purpose does she serve in anyone's life?

Well, speaking on 'their' behalves/guessing at 'their' motivations, there was that one videotape....
One man's Paris Hilton is another man's Jessica Alba. Both are, in essence, unattainable sexual conquests for the average joe.

Of course, that doesn't stop those fawning Alba twits from mocking others for adoring Paris.

On a more relevant note, the "NOOOOOOO!" was quite possibly the best thing I've heard all night. It reminds me of the torment in my soul: that is the great paradox.

The great paradox: when the national eugenics movement begins, shall we start by killing those people who have "Taz" tattoos, or those who subscribe to "People" magazine?
[quote name='DJSteel']my question is, what sentence would a normal person get?? 45 days in jail?? i dunno about that...[/quote]

yeah exactly, I had a buddy who violated probation on a DWI and got caught again DWI, and he's serving 6 months.... not really his buddy anymore though, I don't need dumb people like that in my life :D!
Let's not confuse this as passing grade for the justice system. If the media whores were not so involved in the self-loathing "we hate Paris fan club," this would have turned out lovely for her. It's only by the hands of media attention that this case was sentenced as it would have been for anyone else. I do not know Paris Hilton so I really could care less what the outcome is. The only point I would like to make is that if this were the judge or an officer guilty of multiple DUI offenses, the public would have never heard a thing. No ticket, no rehab, no public disgrace, no charges, no lawyers, and no fines. Just a friendly smack on the ass from the local enforcement agency.

Every branch of the government is in violation of civil laws and civil liberties. If you want me to get excited about a U.S. citizen being prosecuted, it might as well be a government official or employee...
[quote name='-Phantom-']Let's not confuse this as passing grade for the justice system. If the media whores were not so involved in the self-loathing "we hate Paris fan club," this would have turned out lovely for her. It's only by the hands of media attention that this case was sentenced as it would have been for anyone else. I do not know Paris Hilton so I really could care less what the outcome is. The only point I would like to make is that if this were the judge or an officer guilty of multiple DUI offenses, the public would have never heard a thing. No ticket, no rehab, no public disgrace, no charges, no lawyers, and no fines. Just a friendly smack on the ass from the local enforcement agency.

Every branch of the government is in violation of civil laws and civil liberties. If you want me to get excited about a U.S. citizen being prosecuted, it might as well be a government official or employee...[/QUOTE]

Edit: Here is a humorous one since the above poster resides in Michigan.

Mysteriously I am no longer able to find the full article that mentioned his wifes admission of also removing cocaine from the squad car on more than one ocassion.
[quote name='Soodmeg']Pretty much.

I just cant understand the logic behind what some of you are saying.

A person breaks the law 3 times and you are saying that its unfair for them to go to jail?[/quote]
I don't think anyone here has said or even implied that it's at all unfair for Paris to go to jail.

She did the crime, she's got to do the time. I'm glad she's going to serve somewhere. As I said earlier, I don't care how justice was served...because any of the alternatives (jail, extended house arrest, etc) would have been a major inconvienence compared to her usual lifestyle. For such a relatively minor sentence, there were multiple methods by which they could have effectively served justice (and multiple methods by which they DO serve justice) whichever is fine by me, I couldn't care less.

The only reason I and the one or two other people who have strayed from the point-and-laugh consensus have done so we have is because we feel for someone getting jerked around (and because we seem to share the opinion that the piling-on and the Average-Joe-eagerness to take a notch off of someone's pedestal is pretty lame). Serve the original 45 day sentence? Fine. Serve the time via house arrest? Fine. But don't go back and forth (and from the outsider perspective, it seems harsh to rail into a person for being greatly upset about being jerked from one extreme to the other within an hour). She should have never been reassigned if it was not completely certain that she'd be able to stick to it.

Not a major deal in the grand scheme of things, but still unfortunate. Justice will be served, we'll forget all about this 'til the next time there's an opportunity for each person in America to pretend he or she is the first to opine that Paris totally deserves to be taken down a peg...but yesterday, I didn't take much pleasure in the reactions of a person being jerked around with regards to jailtime. That's all I'm saying. Nobody's minimizing the seriousness of DUI charges, we're merely talking about this particular situation as it has happened post-sentencing.

Alright for all you "Paris is getting rail roaded" people...what would you suggest they give her?
True, her sentence is not worth complaining about. I've seen some people argue that some people have gotten off lighter in LA County for the same violation, and I've seen some argue the opposite. Either way, a 45 day sentence seems acceptable - I don't think that's what anyone is complaining about; the issue is more a) the jerking around and b) the pile-on witch hunt mentality of the public at large.
Now wait a minute - being jerked around? Is that not the fault of Paris Hilton and/or her attorneys?

I could be way wrong on that assumption because the deepest I'm following this is like it's a boolean variable, and bitchBeInJail is either evaluating to true or false.

Also, I fail to see this as a witch hunt. Sure the sentence and punishment severity can go either way, but if you don't think she's getting preferential treatment given simply who she is, then I would like you prove that by performing the same actions she has and getting caught, and then reporting back to us in ___ to ___ weeks/months/years, whatever your state laws provide for.
[quote name='Strell']Now wait a minute - being jerked around? Is that not the fault of Paris Hilton and/or her attorneys?[/quote]
Perhaps, but I don't see how? Even assuming they're the ones who initiated the request, they were not the ultimate decision makers in a) allowing the reassignment to take place or b) the reversal.

My point is that she should have never been granted a reassignment in the first place if it was not the appropriate course of action. If there was a legitimate reason to reassign her that goes along with LA County precedent, the decision should have stuck, IMHO - but given the recent reversal, either a) it should have never happened in the first place or b) the reversal was based upon who she is. I'm not a big conspiracy theorist, so I'll err on the side of the basically, things should have remained as they were if there was a doubt about a reassignment sticking.

if you don't think she's getting preferential treatment given simply who she is, then I would like you prove that by performing the same actions she has and getting caught, and then reporting back to us in ___ to ___ weeks/months/years, whatever your state laws provide for.
If you're talking preferential treatment with regards to her sentence, hey, you may be right. The extent of my knowledge of LA County legal precedent lies on only the tiny tidbits I've heard referred to in the aftermath of this Paris Hilton saga...none of which I've seen necessarily conclude some gross manipulation of a typical sentencing, but I don't claim to be able to declare one way or the other conclusively. I just go on what has been decided in this case alone. What would happen to me in Alabama has nothing to do with my evaluation of this particular situation.

If you're talking preferential treatment with regards to the rest of the process (being granted house arrest, being isolated from genpop, etc), then perhaps, yeah. She's certainly not the first inmate to be reassigned to house arrest, though...and perhaps all of the other strings the jail has to pull for her HELPED her get that reassignment, an advantage normal folks would not receive. But those strings are a necessary benefit, IMHO. Of course she's going to receive a unique treatment with regards to much of this process - the isolation, the greater-than-usual protection from being exploited, etc...she SHOULD receive that, after evaluating potential extraordinary risks to her, that should all be taken into consideration for how she is dealt with as an inmate and a human being.

I am not, however, convinced that it's all as simple as "she's famous and rich, she'll give us stuff, PLEASE HER." The natural advantages she has because of her situation surely help in some aspects, but it seems pretty darn skeptical to relegate every decision here (the initial parole, the sentencing, the house arrest decision) squarely to her status and nothing more. I could be wrong, but to prove otherwise would be a huge stretch.

Also, I fail to see this as a witch hunt.
I'm not talking a witch hunt with regards to the court (the other like-minded poster in this thread may be, though). Personally, I'm talking the public reaction to each step in this process...the vilification, the tired jokes, the cries for comeuppance, etc. None of that has stemmed from any alleged preferential treatment as of late, it stems back to who Paris Hilton is. To some people, that's a perfectly acceptable reason to take the aforementioned others, myself included, it's pretty lame. Just a difference of opinion, I suppose.
[quote name='Oops! I did it again.']I'm not talking a witch hunt with regards to the court (the other like-minded poster in this thread may be, though). Personally, I'm talking the public reaction to each step in this process...the vilification, the tired jokes, the cries for comeuppance, etc. None of that has stemmed from any alleged preferential treatment as of late, it stems back to who Paris Hilton is. To some people, that's a perfectly acceptable reason to take the aforementioned others, myself included, it's pretty lame. Just a difference of opinion, I suppose.[/quote]

Well phrased.
I can UNDERSTAND the concept of it being wrong since she was in jail..released..THEN thrown back. I can understand that probably sucks big time--and it IS debatable on whether or not it's because she's Paris Hilton and they are trying to make an example out of her.

But at the same time, she has done so much fucked up stuff..that I think in a WAY she is only bringing this all on herself. See, if this was an average person who went through this.. (Jail-Released-Jail) that would be really tough, but to add the fact that everyone is having a field day with this has GOT to hurt too! I just hope when she's released she shuts the fuck up and stops acting like an ass.

But you KNOW there's gonna be a huge thing after she gets out of jail.. and you know theres gonna be something really big and stupid thats going to happen.. sigh
[quote name='Oops! I did it again.']My point is that she should have never been granted a reassignment in the first place if it was not the appropriate course of action.[/QUOTE]You're agreeing with the judge then, so why are you still blubbering so profusely about this?
[quote name='DJSteel']my question is, what sentence would a normal person get?? 45 days in jail?? i dunno about that...[/quote]

well thats cause us normal folk dount count in the grand scheme of things. were here only to serve at the whims of our betters. didnt you know theres 2 sets of laws in the country those for the haves and those for the have nots. how much you wanna bet when she gets out shes driving again and gets her liscense back.
She's gonna get a big fat book deal after this and it's not like she has to share a cell with some chick that's gonna wanna brand her for life. There are plenty of books Paris has never read. I think she should start with Green Eggs & Ham. My 5 year old loves it.
[quote name='depascal22']She's gonna get a big fat book deal after this and it's not like she has to share a cell with some chick that's gonna wanna brand her for life. There are plenty of books Paris has never read. I think she should start with Green Eggs & Ham. My 5 year old loves it.[/QUOTE]What makes you assume she's literate?
I never said she was going to write the book. They have ghost writers for that. Maybe she'll narrate the book on tape if she can read it.
[quote name='depascal22']I never said she was going to write the book. They have ghost writers for that. Maybe she'll narrate the book on tape if she can read it.[/QUOTE]No, I meant in response to your suggestion of Green Eggs and Ham. Maybe she should work up to that.
[quote name='jmcc']No, I meant in response to your suggestion of Green Eggs and Ham. Maybe she should work up to that.[/quote]

And it will be written in sperm.
bread's done