[PC] The Indie Gala Thread

There used to be info explaining the whole Happy Hour thing but I can't find it now.

Anyway, it basically works that if you buy the bundle during the first week if they do a Happy Hour then that person can get 4 extra copies for the price of one and if they buy a 4 pack then they get 4 extra 4 packs. Or something like that. Anyway, for most normal Indie Gala bundles that averages out to $2 or less a bundle.

You do have to find a host. There's a few people here who do it or you can try looking elsewhere like the Steam Group Buys group. I don't know if people there would host a non-Steam bundle though.

The thing is that there's certain bundles we know almost certainly will have a happy hour and certain bundles (mostly just the weekly Monday ones) that we know almost certainly will not. But this Manga gamer bundle and at that pricing is new territory for them. We don't know if they will do a Happy Hour (Fappy Hour?) or not. It depends on how desperate they get for sales. If it sells as poorly as the Poopees Manga Gamer bundle has been then they almost certainly will do one. The pricing will likely be higher than the usual $2ish though, but still cheaper than buying day one IF they do a Happy Hour.

It's a bit of a gamble because the price goes up after the first day and we don't know for sure if they will do a Happy Hour. Still, Indie Gala are schiestery Italian flim flammers so I would guess they would do something to discount it in some way when it's winding down and the sales have dropped off.

TL;DR - No one knows if there will be a Happy Hour or not. If so look for a host here. It probably won't be for at least a week though.
Thanks for clarifying. Guess I won't feel bad unless they do happy hour.

I think I'll pass, already get free porn from bing and they give me free amazon moneys.
But it's probably that crude "real" porn. Nothing can beat the beauty of a drawn porn. It gets rid of all those ugly imperfections possessed by real humans and it exaggerates all the good parts.

No, but you'll have the opportunity to buy them.

You only have the chance to get the most keys on subsequent purchases if you buy in early.
But that only matters if you intend to host a happy hour group buy. Some people might not want to mess with that even if they can factor in the cost of their own bundle when they determine what the sell the happy hour bundles for.

And anyway there's not even any guarantee there will be one for this bundle.

If you intend to host then buying early is best. If you don't and are just looking for the best deal for yourself then in this case it's a gamble because it's unknown if there will be a happy hour. If there ends up being one then it would be best to wait but if you wait and they don't do one then you've also missed the first day discount. :whistle2:/

Given what Groupees said about MangaGamer wanting to price their bundles high, I don't think there will be a happy hour for this. Most bundles $10 or above don't get happy hours, anyway. Four copies of scat hentai VNs for the price of one? That's nothing more than wishful, deviant thinking.

You can host a 5-pack for $42.46, which equates to $8.49 per copy. I don't think I can buy anymore gifts this week unless I do it on my alt, but I will try and host if people are actually interested in group buying...

Happy hour would also be about $2.12 flat rate, or $2.50 adjusted for host purchase. I don't really think MangaGamer would let these games go for that cheap, considering their Groupees tiers of $10 and $20 for some less desirable masturbation helpers.

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Well I was going to skip this bundle, but now that I know I can play with the scat censored, I think I'm going to go ahead and buy twenty copies.

But it's probably that crude "real" porn. Nothing can beat the beauty of a drawn porn. It gets rid of all those ugly imperfections possessed by real humans and it exaggerates all the good parts.
(Never mind that you can probably get the CG sets for all these games free on sadpanda.)
So, remember that supposed price increase for the IG Sexy bundle that was to happen in about a day? Yeah, they removed it. It's now a static price of $9.99 and it shows a timer of 2 weeks.

Gala being sneaky as fuck.

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Given what Groupees said about MangaGamer wanting to price their bundles high, I don't think there will be a happy hour for this.
Poopees is full of poopee. They say a lot of things to their AOL 90s chat zombies who drink the Kool Aid. They also said Manga Gamer insisted on the bundle being limited which obviously isn't the case since they didn't make Gala limit theirs.

I don't think most developers and publishers with games in bundles even know what the hell Happy Hour or Dollar Days is. That one Space game done by Swedish guys or whatever a while back that was in an Indie Gala, well when Kickstarter backers got mad that their game was being given away super cheap those dudes didn't even know what a Happy Hour was.

It's not something Indie Gala tells people who sign on with them. They just get their share of the money and call it good. All this stuff about developers and publishers suddenly insisting on this, that and the other thing is coming only from Poopees lately. I highly suspect it's made up to cover their shit like raising prices and 'limited hurry and buy now!' nonsense.

Anyway, the fact the Indie Gala didn't raise the price after the 24 hour period like they initially said they would makes me think this bundle isn't selling as well as they had hoped and that gives some hope for a Happy Hour.

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Well I was going to skip this bundle, but now that I know I can play with the scat censored, I think I'm going to go ahead and buy twenty copies.

(Never mind that you can probably get the CG sets for all these games free on sadpanda.)
What is sadpanda?

Oh, wait, is this post another one of those that will put me on a list somewhere?

I'm cornfused now...so if I have this right Motoku is Motoki's Anime Evil Twin(tm)?

EDIT: Did the Hump bundle (the real hump not the pervvy anime hump) have a Happy Hour yet?  If so, can you hook a bro up?  

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What is sadpanda?

Oh, wait, is this post another one of those that will put me on a list somewhere?
Not unless looking for any drawn porn does.

(So probably.)

[customspoiler=Lists!]Sadpanda is a nickname for a website (exhentai.org) that maintains what's probably the largest tagged system of drawn porn galleries on the internet.[/customspoiler]
Not unless looking for any drawn porn does.

(So probably.)

[customspoiler=Lists!]Sadpanda is a nickname for a website (exhentai.org) that maintains what's probably the largest tagged system of drawn porn galleries on the internet.[/customspoiler]
Now it all makes sense as to why Sadpanda sadpandas.

Blade you hosting Hump or should I go to group buys?

It's got 4 days left so I imagine they'll do another HH but I know IG has been getting all eye-talian on your ass lately.

Friday Special Bundle

Pay $1

They Breathe (trading cards)

Lilly and Sasha: Guardian Angels (trading cards) (rpg maker)

Slinki (trading cards)

Pay $2,89 before price increases (first tier, plus)

Putrefaction (trading cards)

Nomad (trading cards)

Star Chronicles (trading cards)

Advent (rpg maker)

Hush (trading cards)

Nightfall Escape

Spybugs (multiplayer only)



Quantity over quality!

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Blade you hosting Hump or should I go to group buys?

It's got 4 days left so I imagine they'll do another HH but I know IG has been getting all eye-talian on your ass lately.
I don't have anymore gift purchases in my account. :(

Got the "suspicious activity" bit lifted a few days ago and sent out the bundles to my buyers, but they still have no idea what they're doing in regards to the 40 gifts per bundle/total debacle.

Okay Friday bundle...think I only have Lily & Sasha....will get in an HH bundle if someone is hosting (and likely someone is). RPGMaker game is enough for me to get it.

I don't have anymore gift purchases in my account. :(

Got the "suspicious activity" bit lifted a few days ago and sent out the bundles to my buyers, but they still have no idea what they're doing in regards to the 40 gifts per bundle/total debacle.
Dammit I lost my regular dealer due to suspicious activity.
I don't have anymore gift purchases in my account. :(

Got the "suspicious activity" bit lifted a few days ago and sent out the bundles to my buyers, but they still have no idea what they're doing in regards to the 40 gifts per bundle/total debacle.
Well fuck.
Bleh, is there anyone who hosts Indie Gala happy hours / group buys that is reliable and you can just private message and not have to add on Steam and sit around and wait for them to log on and add you and message you and all that BS.

Oh and isn't named Bobbytastic or Detriure.

Yeah, I said it.

Is Foxypie still doing some kind of sekrit handshake club thing or something?

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I think I still have IG Mondays for you from the past two/three weeks, if you are interested. They're semi-reserved for you, but I also order more than what's necessary to give a fair chance to latecomers (read: gilbies) at the original price.

As for the non-Monday bundles, yeah most of them are like 85 cents during HH, or 95 cents if you adjust for the initial purchase and divide by 21 so all of us pay the same amount. I just pick an arbitrary number in between; the few cents difference doesn't matter to me as much as helping someone else out does. What am I going to do, buy 40 bundles and undercut Detruire by three cents and use that profit to get a McDouble? I mean some of these bundles don't deserve $1, let alone $4 per person. It's not a competition to me.

And those damned IG points are completely useless.

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It's not something Indie Gala tells people who sign on with them. They just get their share of the money and call it good. All this stuff about developers and publishers suddenly insisting on this, that and the other thing is coming only from Poopees lately. I highly suspect it's made up to cover their shit like raising prices and 'limited hurry and buy now!' nonsense.
I agree with this for the most part, but certain publishers have caught on, seeing as there have been a few bundles (Paradox usually besides the most recent one, and the Trapped Souls bundle for example) that have specifically not allowed for a Happy Hour.

But I assume most developers/publishers not familiar with the indie bundle scene are still clueless.

I'm missing 5. Good bundle to tremorbro
Missing 6. Was missing 7 from the last Friday bundle (compared to 4 from the Friday before that). Is it me or has IG really been killing it lately?

Between IG having dirt-cheap Happy Hour bundles full of +1s and BundleStars having more expensive bundles full of premium games, they're going to put Poopees out of business at this rate. Looks like it's up to the Foxhacks of the bundle scene to save them.

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Asking for an, uh...friend....

If your 'friend' hasn't bought yet I'd hold off. There's 11 1/2 days left on that bundle and even though they typically don't do happy hours on the higher priced bundles, if this one doesn't sell let hotcakes (the Poopees one sure hasn't) then they may still do a Happy Hour.

Basically treat it like a Steam sale and wait until the last day and if it still doesn't go lower then buy.

Although in one or two cases they let the clock run out and then restarted a bundle with a happy hour, so even if you wait sometimes Gala gonna Gala.

Still, it's better to hold off at this point.

New weekend Simulator mini bundle that's kind of bleh, especially if you got in on that 99 cent deal for Car Sim 2014 during the Steam sale.

Also the Divergent Kingdoms Bundle in on Happy Hour.

If nobody steps forward check here: https://steamcommunity.com/groups/groupbuys/discussions

It's a little more of a pain because you have to post in the thread and add the person and actually be around to instant message them to make the transaction but I've had good luck there recently.

I think it's just better to look elsewhere since those wo...,err, Italians at Indie Gala hosed Blade and CheapLikeaFoxyPie has long since retired.

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If nobody steps forward check here: https://steamcommunity.com/groups/groupbuys/discussions

It's a little more of a pain because you have to post in the thread and add the person and actually be around to instant message them to make the transaction but I've had good luck there recently.

I think it's just better to look elsewhere since those wo...,err, Italians at Indie Gala hosed Blade and CheapLikeaFoxyPie has long since retired.
Thanks for the heads up! I got one in under 5 minutes over there!

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I think I still have IG Mondays for you from the past two/three weeks, if you are interested. They're semi-reserved for you, but I also order more than what's necessary to give a fair chance to latecomers (read: gilbies) at the original price.

As for the non-Monday bundles, yeah most of them are like 85 cents during HH, or 95 cents if you adjust for the initial purchase and divide by 21 so all of us pay the same amount. I just pick an arbitrary number in between; the few cents difference doesn't matter to me as much as helping someone else out does. What am I going to do, buy 40 bundles and undercut Detruire by three cents and use that profit to get a McDouble? I mean some of these bundles don't deserve $1, let alone $4 per person. It's not a competition to me.

And those damned IG points are completely useless.
Shoot me a PM, I will probably take any old bundles you still have.

New IG Monday is live.

$1.99 for:

Kill the Bad Guy

Uncanny Valley

Fitz the Fox

Go Home - Rage Inducing


The chronicles of emerland. Solitaire

3 haven't been bundled before, Go Home was in a Groupees greenlight bundle but Groupees hasn't received keys yet

Anyone hosting? Otherwise I may just bite the bullet and pay the extra 29 cents. Got it from Group Buys.

Also this is exactly why Poopees greenlight bundles aren't worth it.

Edited to add: I already have Emerland Solitaire on Big Fish. Decent game but I want it on Steam now.

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Anyone hosting? Otherwise I may just bite the bullet and pay the extra 29 cents.

Also this is exactly why Poopees greenlight bundles aren't worth it.
I think it's been on steam for about a month and the dev said they sent keys to groupees a while ago. Not sure wtf is happening. I bought the bundle mostly for Uncanny Valley, but Fitz the Fox is a pretty good game (yeah, I played it) if you didn't get it from the IR bundle.

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Edited to add: I already have Emerland Solitaire on Big Fish. Decent game but I want it on Steam now.
Damnit. That one week the Steam thread went crazy and BigFish'd all over the place still haunts me and my stupid impulse control problems.

Yeah, my supa secretion bro fisting hosting club ended quite a long time ago.  I'd be inclined to do small hosting for the community again with these new account limits, but the huge amount of IG bundles going on at once and the fact I rarely buy them for myself puts and end to that bro dream.  Best of luck bundle bros, may the fist of determination inside you guide you to a proper host.  

I checked the "Is it a gift" box, then paid $8.46, but didn't get any gifts. They instead charged me the money for 1 damned bundle. Guess my main account was banned from gifting, so I'm disputing that transaction with Paypal and making a new account. I don't know if I'll be able to gift from a new account, but with the way Shitty Gala has been to me this past week, not hosting this week will be a bit of a relief.

I don't get what their deal is. They are so arbitrary. There's plenty of people on Group buys and the Tremor admin and elsewhere who buy a ton from them. Multiple times even.

Do they just spin a wheel and pick a random person to fuck with for shits and grins?

I think it might be a common problem with them, although my account was grandfathered over from one that existed way back when IG first started. I'm just going to make 3-4 new accounts and use them to buy different bundles from now on. :(

bread's done