[PC] The Indie Gala Thread

The bundle is such a repeat, that even comments are being repeated.

EDIT: Anyway, I'm placing my bet that 99 Spirits could be in the next Groupee's Clash Japan Bundle

EDIT2: Unless I cave (cuz, I'm WEAK)...Still resisting urge to throw $1 away to +1 Steam

EDIT3: That Eve Burst Error Trailer...So many panty shots. No way could the entire game be like that...LIES!

EDIT4: fuck, now I'm rationalizing that my $1 includes 2 Desura games (Eve Burst Error [Panty Shot- THE GAME] & Duplicity [ My Waifu - THE GAME]) that I don't have but will never play (b/c they are on fucking Desura, a client I don't even have installed).....HELP ME :grouphug:
Do you get non-buyers' remorse? When a Desura game gets a Steam key and you didn't get the bundle? I decided not to buy in on those early Greenlight type bundles and now every time I refresh this page (http://igbwiki.com/wiki/Keys_Added) I feel pain in my phantom bundle-buying limbs.

Jeez, ashes really needs to put on some weight.. That can't be healthy.
I know right? Life's too short to worry about being "healthy"!

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Do you get non-buyers' remorse? When a Desura game gets a Steam key and you didn't get the bundle? I decided not to buy in on those early Greenlight type bundles and now every time I refresh this page (http://igbwiki.com/wiki/Keys_Added) I feel pain in my phantom bundle-buying limbs.
As a fan of fighting games, Vanguard Princess was the only Greenlit game that I felt a bit non-buyer remorse for not dropping a dollar. That remorse went out quick when the game pretty much whored itself out to every doujin-like bundle (including this one) and I already own the game now.

The 2 Desura games I don't own (Eve and Duplicity) are games that I don't really play so whether they get greenlit or not is not really important for me other than a +2 in my Steam game counter.

99 Spirit is the only game here that I don't own and want from the bundle.

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Do you get non-buyers' remorse? When a Desura game gets a Steam key and you didn't get the bundle? I decided not to buy in on those early Greenlight type bundles and now every time I refresh this page (http://igbwiki.com/wiki/Keys_Added) I feel pain in my phantom bundle-buying limbs.
Right there with you brother. I'd actually never looked at that list before, but damn, the non-buyer's remorse is strong.

Thank you for posting it though, I had no idea I was entitled to a Steam key for Call of Cthulhu and a Desura key for Smooth Operators. +1 Steam count. :mrgreen:

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I used to have buyer's remorse but that's sort of going away lately.  Chances are if the game didn't appeal to me enough when it was off Steam, it won't appeal to me much when it is on Steam.  The plus one thing doesn't really bother me as much.  I think the only thing that gives me a little remorse is if they ever show up on Playfire rewards.  

Right there with you brother. I've actually never looked at that list, but damn, the non-buyer's remorse is strong.

Thank you for posting it though, I had no idea I was entitled to a Steam key for Call of Cthulhu and a Desura key for Smooth Operators. +1 Steam count. :mrgreen:
Yeah, didn't know that those 2 were Greenlit. Suck that I have to email people to get keys though.

The only games from the Monday that I don't have are Duplicity and Eve Burst Error.  Those look good, but still...buy a bundle for 2 out of 8?

Anyone picking this up that doesn't want those two games?

The only games from the Monday that I don't have are Duplicity and Eve Burst Error. Those look good, but still...buy a bundle for 2 out of 8?

Anyone picking this up that doesn't want those two games?
Google searched Eve Burst Error and noticed I had Strict Filtering off. There is no way this is an uncensored version.
...wait, did I just buy porn?
I think I unintentionally made a few people more interested in this bundle :whistle2:

Again, I'm almost 100% sure there is no way the game in the English version includes the scenes I saw on google image.

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I like how it shows the steam account that claimed it. Because privacy and stuff.
Gives me the opportunity to add him on steam and harass him for lurking.
Or see if that person has a Playfire account with the same handle and report them for SAM cheating even if you don't know if they actually did it or not, since apparently that's a thing now.

Another CAG PM'ed me today that it seems to have happened to him too. Funny thing is unlike myself and Brut this person is a nice non offensive person that I've never seen anyone have a problem with. :whistle2:k

Oh you guys, it's the censored version on Desura :cry: :bouncy: :bouncy: :bouncy: :bouncy: :bouncy: :bouncy: :bouncy: :bouncy: :bouncy: :bouncy: :bouncy: :bouncy: :bouncy: :bouncy: :bouncy: :bouncy: :bouncy: :bouncy:
About 8 hours left on my resolve to NOT buy the bundle.

Though not going to lie, would've totally dropped that dollar if it was the original version just out of sheer curiosity.

Or see if that person has a Playfire account with the same handle and report them for SAM cheating even if you don't know if they actually did it or not, since apparently that's a thing now.

Another CAG PM'ed me today that it seems to have happened to him too. Funny thing is unlike myself and Brut this person is a nice non offensive person that I've never seen anyone have a problem with. :whistle2:k
Some busybody reporting CAGers for SAM cheating...Geez, that person should really get a life. What proof would the person even have other than forum post?

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I don't think Eve Burst Error has ever been uncensored in an English version. I am knowledgeable about English visual novels, and have played them for  a very long time. It's an old game though, but it's not worth not buying just cause of the censored version you'll get.

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I don't think Eve Burst Error has ever been uncensored in an English version. I am knowledgeable about English visual novels, and have played them for a very long time. It's an old game though, but it's not worth not buying just cause of the censored version you'll get.
Anyway that makes sense that English AV novels are censored, we have puritan values that we MUST maintain here.

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So its not worth buying? Or is it worth buying? Sorry, that sentence is really hard to decipher.

Anyway that makes sense that English AV novels are censored, we have puritan values that we MUST maintain here.
It's not worth not worth not worth not worth not worth not buying. Jeez, it's not that hard to understand.
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I'm not one to point fingers, but I'll let a smiley point them for me.
I'd be the last person to rat anyone out. I don't get anything out of doing work GMG should be doing themselves, and it's not worth the bad karma. Any "principles" I have apply to me and me only. Everyone else is free to do what they like, it's not my place to judge.

Edit: Also Motoki can vouch for me. We had a good talk the other day.

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Some busybody reporting CAGers for SAM cheating...Geez, that person should really get a life. What proof would the person even have other than forum post?
They don't need proof. They don't even check, they just take reports from random people on the internet at face value, apparently.

Anyway, I've learned that a little Mooby style paranoia is probably a good thing going forward.

I'd be the last person to rat anyone out. I don't get anything out of doing work GMG should be doing themselves, and it's not worth the bad karma. Any "principles" I have apply to me and me only. Everyone else is free to do what they like, it's not my place to judge.
Can't we just blame lurkers?

Its not like they haven't been scapegoats for everything else on CAG.

Anyway that makes sense that English AV novels are censored, we have puritan values that we MUST maintain here.
Actually from my own Google search of the title, I'd say the English language version is probably the same as the PS2 version. Console versions of Japanese visual novels with H-scenes always lose the H-scenes.
I'd be the last person to rat anyone out. I don't get anything out of doing work GMG should be doing themselves, and it's not worth the bad karma. Any "principles" I have apply to me and me only. Everyone else is free to do what they like, it's not my place to judge.
You'd be the last person, eh? That's a lot of hyperbole. What about people who aren't alive, or infants who haven't developed the necessary motor skills yet? I bet you don't even count fetuses as people, you primate. Being so adamant about being "the last person" to do it makes us all even more skeptical.

The only games from the Monday that I don't have are Duplicity and Eve Burst Error. Those look good, but still...buy a bundle for 2 out of 8?

Anyone picking this up that doesn't want those two games?
You could easily make your money back selling cards, if that means anything to you.. or you could wait for Tremor games to carry those 2 games. I bought it in case those 2 get added to greenlight in the future. I'll end up making more money in cards than I spent on the bundle.
I'd be the last person to rat anyone out. I don't get anything out of doing work GMG should be doing themselves, and it's not worth the bad karma. Any "principles" I have apply to me and me only. Everyone else is free to do what they like, it's not my place to judge.

Edit: Also Motoki can vouch for me. We had a good talk the other day.
Why would you incriminate yourself? Seems kind of ....suspicious...

Eh, I don't think it was Bobby but who the hell knows anymore? I'm tired of second guessing. All I know is I didn't report myself, or anyone else. I'm more the tell you off in public type if I have a problem with someone anyway. ;)

Someone is probably sitting back having a good laugh at all the finger pointing going on publicly and privately about this.

Next time I sign up for a rewards site it won't be under the name Motoki and I'm not friending anyone from CAG.

It would be funny if I reported everyone, admitted it on here, and no one believed me ;)

But no, I didn't report anyone
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It would be funny if I reported everyone, admitted it on here, and no one believed me ;)

But no, I didn't report anyone
I think we all just know you're too nice for that Spoder. Like there are certain people here you just know aren't the type to do something so passive-aggressive.

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They don't need proof. They don't even check, they just take reports from random people on the internet at face value, apparently.

Anyway, I've learned that a little Mooby style paranoia is probably a good thing going forward.
Ouch, that sucks, man. You, Wags. Bruticis, and (un-named nice-guy).

On one hand, it shouldn't be surprising given this is a busy forum that's open to the public, but it is disturbing to think it could be someone that frequents the thread. As far as I can tell, there doesn't seem to be a common factor other than forum membership. There's zero incentive for someone to do it, other than just being an asshole.

The problem is that even if you were to join Playfire under a different name, it's still linked to your Steam profile and that's all someone needs to cause trouble. The only way to avoid that is to refrain from sharing/publicizing Steam profiles on this forum, which would really suck.

Has anyone that has been banned downloaded the Playfire client? I'm wondering if that had any role in "detection"?

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I'm going to report you jerks for moving this conversation between threads. How the fuck am I supposed to keep up?
Imagine if we were having conversations b/t threads all while one of Steam's Crazy Sales (Summer Sale, Winter Sale, etc) were going on...

Ouch, that sucks, man. You, Wags. Bruticis, and (un-named nice-guy).

On one hand, it shouldn't be surprising given this is a busy forum that's open to the public, but it is disturbing to think it could be someone that frequents the thread. As far as I can tell, there doesn't seem to be a common factor other than forum membership. There's zero incentive for someone to do it, other than just being an asshole.

The problem is that even if you were to join Playfire under a different name, it's still linked to your Steam profile and that's all someone needs to cause trouble. The only way to avoid that is to refrain from sharing/publicizing Steam profiles on this forum, which would really suck.

Has anyone that has been banned downloaded the Playfire client? I'm wondering if that had any role in "detection"?
Playfire client doesn't work either.

*Edited to clarify: I downloaded it to check and see if I could still get into Playfire that way but I never really used it before that. And while it logs me in it doesn't let me actually see anything when the client loads pages. I just get superman or Justin Bieber 500 error pictures.

And I've been thinking to de-Steamfriend everyone here honestly.


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Ouch, that sucks, man. You, Wags. Bruticis, and (un-named nice-guy).

On one hand, it shouldn't be surprising given this is a busy forum that's open to the public, but it is disturbing to think it could be someone that frequents the thread. As far as I can tell, there doesn't seem to be a common factor other than forum membership. There's zero incentive for someone to do it, other than just being an asshole.

The problem is that even if you were to join Playfire under a different name, it's still linked to your Steam profile and that's all someone needs to cause trouble. The only way to avoid that is to refrain from sharing/publicizing Steam profiles on this forum, which would really suck.

Has anyone that has been banned downloaded the Playfire client? I'm wondering if that had any role in "detection"?
I never DLed that. What is it? I have raptr installed, but the website alone for playfire tracks most of my rewards fine. It does miss some, but I'm too lazy to figure out which ones it missed and email them about it.

I never DLed that. What is it? I have raptr installed, but the website alone for playfire tracks most of my rewards fine. It does miss some, but I'm too lazy to figure out which ones it missed and email them about it.
It's worth .50 in rewards. I figured someone had to have tried it out.

I'm looking at the new bundle... and NO. Maybe the cards will sell ok... but... NO. Already have Vanguard and Ether... 99 spirits seems to be awful, human tanks looks really boring, something I won't even play for rewards (like Millenium). And I don't really like visual novels (2 of them not on greenlight, so not even cards). 

It's like Raptr but shittier.
Plus, it seems to interfere with Playfire tracking your rewards. When I tried running the client, Playfire would not track anything with the client nor was it doing any sort of scraping to update otherwise. It wasn't until I turned off the client and waited that anything registered.

Plus, it seems to interfere with Playfire tracking your rewards. When I tried running the client, Playfire would not track anything with the client nor was it doing any sort of scraping to update otherwise. It wasn't until I turned off the client and waited that anything registered.
I just looked into it and it's an old reward anyway. It was replaced with the link your steam profile one so it won't even give you rewards now. Uninstalled it quickly.

I'm looking at the new bundle... and NO. Maybe the cards will sell ok... but... NO. Already have Vanguard and Ether... 99 spirits seems to be awful, human tanks looks really boring, something I won't even play for rewards (like Millenium). And I don't really like visual novels (2 of them not on greenlight, so not even cards).
The cards and rewards will bring you more than $1 even with just first plays.

I think I've made the $1 just from idling 99 Spirits.

I didn't have Ether on Steam though, and that looks decent.

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Broke down and bought the bundle with a TF2 key from a trade at the last minute. It not "real" money on a game I stopped playing years ago (so I don't really care about my TF2 items) so I don't now exactly how to feel.

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bread's done