[PC] The Indie Gala Thread

indiegala bundle split:
December Kiss - $0.65
Hostile Reaction Bundle - $0.55
Friday Special 8 - $0.78
No more Friday Special 9 I think,and poor indiegala didn't give me enough Hostile Reaction Bundle copies.
New IG Monday, lots of repeats:


In my case, it passes my .50/per game test -- there are three I don't own -- but I'm not very interested in any of them. Yuk.

Huh, I don't own any of those.

I don't know if I WANT to own any of them either but I must not obsessively hump every bundle that shows up like some people here... :nottalking:

Some Indie Royale *Edit Debut 8. So some people may still have extras. :p

I did but I gave mine to Bobby.

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"Get this bundle before the price increases (and before we do a surprise happy hour so you pay double what you could have if you waited)!"

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Huh, I don't own any of those.

I don't know if I WANT to own any of them either but I must not obsessively hump every bundle that shows up like some people here... :nottalking:
I'm missing 3. I'd be missing 5 but I just spodered one (thanks Spoder) and the other one Motoki just mentioned (thanks again by the way).

Ah, definitely skipped that, so Detective Case is the only one I'm missing.
If I end up getting it, you can have my spare. I'm still on the fence though.

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Yeah, all I didn't have was Final Dusk, as I had passed on the Groupees Greenlight bundle it was in. Certainly not worth $1.49 on its own.

For some reason, ITAD hasn't listed the Groupees Fantasy bundle from a month ago that Whisper of a Rose was in, so I thought at least that one was fresh.

I'll be in for a group buy, but I don't think I'll be hosting one this time around.

Wow!  Usually I am missing a game or two each bundle but I have absolutely everything in this one.  Someone needs to get cracking on bundle fodder game development so we can get some new stuff to backlog.

If you don't own any of them, and are quick in idling, looks like 4 of them have cards and the prices are decent enough you could make back at least $1.00 (using Steam Card Exchange, so the price could have tanked by now and it just isn't up to date yet btw). 

Detective Case got an okay review from AG and Eleusis was bit worse, for anyone who cares =p.

Very bad this time?almost split 15 copies.

For some reason, ITAD hasn't listed the Groupees Fantasy bundle from a month ago that Whisper of a Rose was in, so I thought at least that one was fresh.

I'll be in for a group buy, but I don't think I'll be hosting one this time around.
still need one?

If you don't own any of them, and are quick in idling, looks like 4 of them have cards and the prices are decent enough you could make back at least $1.00 (using Steam Card Exchange, so the price could have tanked by now and it just isn't up to date yet btw).

Detective Case got an okay review from AG and Eleusis was bit worse, for anyone who cares =p.
Thanks RedBlabberMouth2 ;)

Yay, a Gala I can easily skip.  Of course they have a lower base price when they know they are chucking repeats like nobody's business. 

Betrayer is on my wish list and Skara looks pretty good. Still, I'm going to wait and see what the Humble Bundle has in store before dropping more money that I don't have. 

Gonna have to do better than this

$1 Tier

- Bundled

- lol

- lol

$2.99 Tier

- Bundled

- RPG Maker

- Mixed Review Match 3

- Screensaver Sim

- lol

For a slacker who doesn't own any of the games in the Blades of Janus bundle... I'm willing to pay $3 for Betrayer, DarkEnd, and Skara alone.

Hopefully the locked games don't turn out to be bunk.

EDIT: Is there any rhyme or reason to figuring out whenever HH comes up?

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For a slacker who doesn't own any of the games in the Blades of Janus bundle... I'm willing to pay $3 for Betrayer, DarkEnd, and Skara alone.

Hopefully the locked games don't turn out to be bunk.

EDIT: Is there any rhyme or reason to figuring out whenever HH comes up?
After the second week and more than 95% main bundles have happy hour (except that Halloween one).

bread's done