[PC] The Indie Gala Thread

I dunno. It kind of sucks that apparently Cold Contract & Legend of Candlewind suck because they look interesting. It's probably a pass, but this is the most interesting bundle I've seen in a while.
Maybe for you, for me all that looks interesting is Tomb of Tyrants. I'm missing 2, and Candlewind has too many negative reviews to make me consider buying the bundle.
New Monday bundle is up:

Labyrinthine Dreams
Tomb of Tyrants
Aveyond: Gates of Night
Deadly Sin 2
Quest of Dungeons
Legend of Candlewind
Cold Contract

Too many repeats for me.
Too many RPGs for me.


Edit: Plus, I guess I already have 5 of those. Show's how much crappy looking RPGs stick in the memory.

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I pick up a fair number of these IG Monday Bundles, but there are just too many repeats this time around. It's a shame because Tomb of Tyrants does look like it could be fun.

New Monday bundle is up:

Labyrinthine Dreams
Tomb of Tyrants
Aveyond: Gates of Night
Deadly Sin 2
Quest of Dungeons
Legend of Candlewind
Cold Contract

Too many repeats for me.
I tried watching the trailer for Labyrinthine Dreams and had to close the tab ten seconds later.
I have half the bundle already, so I'm on the fence. I wish I hadn't gotten Labyrinthine Dreams from Tremor because it would have been easier to pull the trigger. Decisions, decisions.

I'm only half and half on repeats, but of the ones I don't have, the only one that seems interesting to me is Deadly Sin 2. It's been bundled at least twice before, so I can wait.

Into the Gloom from IG Greenlight 4 got keys added today.  Or at least it did for some people.  Posting in hopes that I won't forget to check back whenever Gala gets around to it.

I can't be the only one who thinks IndiaGala is losing their minds in regards to Captchas, can I?  First enter your login name/password, then type the number in the picture, then copy and paste the huge code from one window to the next.  It wouldn't be so bad if they're remember who you are longer than just a few days.  :(

I do - I am super #1 fan of the Keys Added discussions!

But yea, just to echo the other observations I don't have a box or anything for the Steam key of Into the Gloom. I have a Desura key, though, and that counts for something, right? Right?
Yeah, I monitor the Keys Added thread obsessively. Were you guys in Fox's group buy?

Yeah, I monitor the Keys Added thread obsessively. Were you guys in Fox's group buy?
I can't quite remember, but I would assume so since I have a gift link. Fox, you got some 'splainin' to do!

But yea, the Keys Added threads are really helpful - motoki seems to run that joint. I just subscribe to the popular discussions and if there are new comments I can see them in the Steam notifications.

I'm thinking Indie Gala screwed up his bundles. I told him about it earlier, but I'll check if Fox can contact IG support tomorrow.
I didn't go through a group buy, but it kept giving me an error message when I tried to show the steam key. It worked later in the day so they were definitely screwing something up.

I didn't go through a group buy, but it kept giving me an error message when I tried to show the steam key. It worked later in the day so they were definitely screwing something up.
I've heard about that happening to others, but not seeing any box at all seems to be limited to Fox's group buy. Fox told me he emailed them so I guess he'll hear back from IG soon.

Greenlight Bundle 4 was one of the ones I didn't group buy, but it still took a while for the Steam key to appear. The first time I tried to get it, it said there weren't anymore keys left. Into The Gloom doesn't have cards, so there's no big rush to get it.

Greenlight Bundle 4 was one of the ones I didn't group buy, but it still took a while for the Steam key to appear. The first time I tried to get it, it said there weren't anymore keys left. Into The Gloom doesn't have cards, so there's no big rush to get it.
There's a big rush for me to get to 2,500 steamcount

So two 15+ year old games, two tower defense games, two "maze" games, a HOG, a RPGmaker game, an artsy platformer, a terrible city builder, and... Gun Monkeys. 

Seems legit.

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Hm, I thought Dragon Rock was far better in terms of quality, but this has quantity.

Of course of the 12 games, 5 are repeats for me, so I don't know whether or not I'll buy day 1 (and therefore host).

Anyone else interested in stepping up instead?

YES! Now I'm closer to beating Bobby. I must get to 2,500 steamcount before he reaches 2,000!
Harassing me all day yesterday to email IG about this and I don't even get a thanks. Asshole.


He only asked me once nicely otherwise I would have had no clue it was an issue. Emailed IG after so glad to see it got taken care of. In unrelated news:


Into the Gloom Steam Key


Cities Skylines.

Do people still do HH bundle splits? I don't see anything at all in the OP anymore and I'd like to snag the Dragon Bundle if anyone is doing one.
They do, but it's a bunch of us now instead of just Fox and Mr. Rainbow.

I was hosting for Dragon Rock, but sold out of all my bundles. I think Stupidproz and Mr. Rainbow still have some though.

Do people still do HH bundle splits? I don't see anything at all in the OP anymore and I'd like to snag the Dragon Bundle if anyone is doing one.

They do, but it's a bunch of us now instead of just Fox and Mr. Rainbow.

I was hosting for Dragon Rock, but sold out of all my bundles. I think Stupidproz and Mr. Rainbow still have some though.

When you say splits, do you mean dividing up games within the bundle, or buying full bundles from hosts? Cuz if it's the former, the Group Buys Steam group does a lot of that.

When you say splits, do you mean dividing up games within the bundle, or buying full bundles from hosts? Cuz if it's the former, the Group Buys Steam group does a lot of that.
The latter. By splits I meant you bought more than one bundle and you are splitting them up between buyers. Sorry that was poor wording on my part. I always buy entire bundles as I can't be bothered to target the individual pieces I might be after.

bread's done