[PC] The Indie Gala Thread

If they're repeating stuff from their own Monday bundles and it's not even supposed to be a 'remix bundle' then maybe it's time to slow it down or get off their asses and try harder to get some new games.

I guess every bundle site now (including Humble) has their phoning it in we DGAF just whatever trash we can get at the moment bundles now in addition to their we actually made half an effort with this one bundles.
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I only don't have Folvos and Shad'O so this may be a rare Monday Bundle skip for me.

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Well, only 2 interest me.  (Novels and war sims.)  

oooo...  Just read a review of Duplicity.  Otome...  Romance for GIRLS.  Yuk...  :)  

War on Folvos gets crushed in reviews....

So I will pass.  

If anyone is thinking of getting Shad'O, don't. I usually like TD games but this was just terrible. Also it has terribly voiced and translated cut scenes, and they're unskippable, so there's that.

What if you already have it installed?  Do they reinstall over it?  I mean, is there anyone in 2014 who doesn't already have Quicktime installed on thier system?

Never played that game, so I can't say. Also Shad'O installs quicktime and needs it in order to run, because we all know gamers love having extra bloatware on our computers.
i was surprised by your negative feedback b/c the majority of all media outlet gave Shad'O favorable score, higher than most crap that Gala usually put in their flash-turn-Steam game bundle.

quicktime is something i have to consider but it's not a major dealbreaker for me to play a good game (if it is a good game)

btw, I tried to find review on War on Folvo but can't find any.. Can't figure out what type of game it is (look like a generic variant of Panzer General due to the hex based presentation)

As long as Idiotekque and Bobbytastic don't read these posts, they should be safe.
wtf happened to Bobby?

What if you already have it installed? Do they reinstall over it? I mean, is there anyone in 2014 who doesn't already have Quicktime installed on thier system?
Yeah, I keep it in the same folder with Norton Commander and Microsoft Encarta.

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wtf happened to Bobby?

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i was surprised by your negative feedback b/c the majority of all media outlet gave Shad'O favorable score, higher than most crap that Gala usually put in their flash-turn-Steam game bundle.

quicktime is something i have to consider but it's not a major dealbreaker for me to play a good game (if it is a good game)

btw, I tried to find review on War on Folvo but can't find any.. Can't figure out what type of game it is (look like a generic variant of Panzer General due to the hex based presentation)
Wait. That game installs Quicktime?! Bleeeeeeeeergh. Why do devs keep using that crap...

In case anyone else missed it as well, Bravada steam keys were added to the Greenlight Bundle #2.

While I was activating it, I got a chuckle out of the game description on the Steam product page:

Usually dwarves have beards, but for some mystical reasons beard of our hero is not grows. So he decide to make a journey with his friend the bat to solve this problem.
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Guess I'll have to get it now.  Might be the only one who cares about that bonus.

Pixel Puzzles: Undeadzzz was alright.  It's a pretty cool concept (take what some would call a boring activity and add in zombie waves), but they didn't really do enough with it.

The only change in the game that I noticed was the number of pieces increases as you move to the next tier of puzzles.  I think the zombie wave timer increases to compensate, but it isn't really noticeable.  Everything else in the game is going to be the same at the last level as it is at the first.
All of the zombies take three shots to down (unless you shoot them before they pick their straight line of advancement, which oddly doesn't count).  You have grenades, but there's not really any reason to use them other than a one-time achievement.  You can set a tripwire - same.  You can add extra barricades, and you might as well put one up since money (earned randomly with correct piece placement) doesn't carry over or go into a bank or anything.  If you're paying attention you won't need it though.  Mostly I bought ammo (gun only holds 30 shots and you probably face 30-40 zombies in a level).
The actual puzzle part was pretty solid I think.  Pieces snap into place in their correct position on a set frame.  There isn't any rotation (unless it was an extra option or something) and you can't connect pieces out of their set positions, which I didn't really care about.  The pieces float in kind of a lazy river along the screen border, and it can get tough to pick the intended piece in the stages with more pieces.  The pieces have unique connectors - in one of the earlier puzzles the pieces fit together with middle fingers, and I think maybe the word swag is used later on - which is kind of cool.  Well, maybe not so much those two examples.

The menu has a really basic shooter.  I would call it twin-stick, but it's mouse and keyboard.  Kind of like Asteroids without momentum and the splitting apart.  Whatever that's called.  You can literally stand in the center and use infinite grenades to kill everything in one hit, or I guess you can make it difficult and move around and use the gun.  The achievements for this mode have to be completed in one sitting and are a waste of time/total bitch (5000 zombies = an hour and a half since the spawn rate never increases).  No pause button.
Altogether the game cries out for a sense of progression.  Different zombies to necessitate using something besides the gun.  A better gun to unlock either in each stage or permanently in the menu.  An auto-turret to unlock when you're nearly finished to let you focus on the last few pieces.  Stronger waves of zombies as you get farther in the game.

Pretty much all of that sounds negative, but I did mostly enjoy playing and am looking forward to Japan (which I'm assuming is the same thing minus any zombies/combat/timers).

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Guess I'll have to get it now. Might be the only one who cares about that bonus.

Pixel Puzzles: Undeadzzz was alright. It's a pretty cool concept (take what some would call a boring activity and add in zombie waves), but they didn't really do enough with it.

The only change in the game that I noticed was the number of pieces increases as you move to the next tier of puzzles. I think the zombie wave timer increases to compensate, but it isn't really noticeable. Everything else in the game is going to be the same at the last level as it is at the first.

All of the zombies take three shots to down (unless you shoot them before they pick their straight line of advancement, which oddly doesn't count). You have grenades, but there's not really any reason to use them other than a one-time achievement. You can set a tripwire - same. You can add extra barricades, and you might as well put one up since money (earned randomly with correct piece placement) doesn't carry over or go into a bank or anything. If you're paying attention you won't need it though. Mostly I bought ammo (gun only holds 30 shots and you probably face 30-40 zombies in a level).

The actual puzzle part was pretty solid I think. Pieces snap into place in their correct position on a set frame. There isn't any rotation (unless it was an extra option or something) and you can't connect pieces out of their set positions, which I didn't really care about. The pieces float in kind of a lazy river along the screen border, and it can get tough to pick the intended piece in the stages with more pieces. The pieces have unique connectors - in one of the earlier puzzles the pieces fit together with middle fingers, and I think maybe the word swag is used later on - which is kind of cool. Well, maybe not so much those two examples.

The menu has a really basic shooter. I would call it twin-stick, but it's mouse and keyboard. Kind of like Asteroids without momentum and the splitting apart. Whatever that's called. You can literally stand in the center and use infinite grenades to kill everything in one hit, or I guess you can make it difficult and move around and use the gun. The achievements for this mode have to be completed in one sitting and are a waste of time/total bitch (5000 zombies = an hour and a half since the spawn rate never increases). No pause button.

Altogether the game cries out for a sense of progression. Different zombies to necessitate using something besides the gun. A better gun to unlock either in each stage or permanently in the menu. An auto-turret to unlock when you're nearly finished to let you focus on the last few pieces. Stronger waves of zombies as you get farther in the game.

Pretty much all of that sounds negative, but I did mostly enjoy playing and am looking forward to Japan (which I'm assuming is the same thing minus any zombies/combat/timers).
Wow.. how awesome would Pixel Puzzles Japan be if it was the exact same thing just with Japanese people instead of zombies? Too bad it isn't...

Has anyone played that Voyager game? It is the only game in this bundle that kinda interests me. I can't seem to find any reviews anywhere for it.

bread's done